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Former Member

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Image may contain: 2 people, people standing


I'm a young Guyanese and I've heard tales of the past whereby rigging an election was norm and copious persons at that time, seemed to be comfortable with that satanic behavior.

I was born in the 90's and I've develop my political awareness in the mid 2000's, majority of my family members are strong PNC supporters but based on my own analysis of the PNC background I refused to venture down that path.

I'm the type of individual that believe instead of voting along racial lines, I rather vote base on policies and vision, blind eyes could look and see the developments that occurred during the PPP/C rule. In that regard and based on my political analysis I choose to support the PPP/C whereby I'm constitutionally permitted to do so.

I've come under tremendous criticism from family and friends for choosing to support the PPP/C, but at the end of the day it's my constitutional rights to support a political party of my choice.

I was employed at two government agencies and because of my political affiliation I was dismissed from both entities during PNC/AFC rule. I wrote incumbent President Granger and the Ministers responsible for the said government entities, but my matter was never looked into due to my political affiliation.

Putting politics aside and looking at the present situation that's happening in Guyana all Guyanese should reject this autocratic behavior by PNC/AFC; look at the shenanigans that unfolded with the March 2020 elections, the entire world and every right thinking Guyanese knows that the PPP/C won the elections. But because of a few power hungry devils within the PNC/AFC, the entire country is being held hostage with an obvious attempt to denied the will of the people.


Quincy Anderson

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