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Bai, you are talking about the national election which is based on an electoral college system. We talking Apple and Oranges here. 

The dems need to fix their rigged and corrupt candidate selection process. 

Berine is the dems  best Chance to beat Trump. I listened to him and while I disagree with some of what he says, the man has some sound social justice and economic policies including free health care for all. 

Butt Boy is no Obama who is in a league of his own.Obama is Well liked till this day. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Bai, you are talking about the national election which is based on an electoral college system. We talking Apple and Oranges here. 

The dems need to fix their rigged and corrupt candidate selection process. 

Berine is the dems  best Chance to beat Trump. I listened to him and while I disagree with some of what he says, the man has some sound social justice and economic policies including free health care for all. 

Butt Boy is no Obama who is in a league of his own.Obama is Well liked till this day. 

you brought up this thing called people's choice...if it's good for the national election, then it's good for the primaries...same concept

Hillary won the people's vote, but electors chose the Dotard...well Bernie will come close, so the SUper Delegates will choose whomever they feel will beat Trump


Fair enough. I understand your point. That’s their process. 

Giving Berine a raw deal will hand Trump an easy victory because his supporters will stay home like they did last time. 
I don’t understand why dems are allowing the media to shape their opinion of Bernie in favour of an “establishment” candidate.

Bai Ray, you started a very nice thread here 

Last edited by Former Member

O rass, how is this possible when the man had openly racist policies towards blacks and immigrants ? 
Let’s see how all of this plays out because Bloomberg has yet to face the people at the campaign. His $ 350,000,000 and ads are talking right now.

Did he pay off those people for an endorsement ? 
He might split up the Democrat party. 

Last edited by Former Member

I am not in agreement with everything that Bernie says but it struck me very hard when he stated that Health care is a human right.

Yes, he is correct and how does he dare say that to the Heath Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical company ? Their angry lobbyists and political allies suddenly show up with reasons why Americans who already spend more per capita than we do here in Canada on health care will bankrupt America if such a system is implemented. 

Every single industrialized developed nation except the USA has some form of free or at least affordable health care. I shake my head when I listen to US relatives speak about insurance plans and co pays for treatment. 

Bernie is shaking up the status quo and the powerful lobbyists and pharmaceuticals are taking him on by using Unions etc to “expose” Bernie and his call for social justice equality and a basic human right. 

I remembered when he visited Canada and revealed that The same insulin that he purchased in Canada costs ten times more in the USA ! I know of many over the counter medications in Canada which requires a prescription in the USA and it costs five times more there ! What madness is this ?

I do support Bernie’s call for universal health care for all as a human right. You don’t have to be left, right, centre or conservative on this issue. He is correct. We are not falling down and dying here in Canada as a result of our Universal Health Care for All. We have among the best hospitals and specialty hospitals in the world. The best doctors and nurses and other health cars provider.  Our health care works. 

Go Bernie on Universal Health Care as a Human Right !!!! 

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

Bernie or Buttigieg hands Trump a landslide victory. Bernie will give away too much, more than Trump is doing now.
Mayor Pete and HIS husband will not fly well with evangelicals and some blacks.
Mayor Pete's husband

Image result for mayor pete buttigieg husband

Bai Skelly. The fake news media and Lobbyists have you right where they want you. 

Sean posted:

I am not in agreement with everything that Bernie says but it struck me very hard when he stated that Health care is a human right.

Yes, he is correct and how does he dare say that to the Heath Insurance companies and the pharmaceutical company ? Their angry lobbyists and political allies suddenly show up with reasons why Americans who already spend more per capita than we do here in Canada on health care will become bankrupt if such a system is implemented. 

Every single industrial developed nation except the USA has some form of free or at least affordable health care. I shake my head when I listen to US relatives speak about insurance plans and co pays for treatment. 

Bernie is shaking the status quo and the powerful lobbyists and pharmaceuticals are taking him on by using Unions etc to “expose” Bernie and his call for social justice equality and a basic human right. 

I remembered when he visited Canada and revealed that The same insulin that he purchased in Canada costs ten times more in the USA ! I know of many over the counter medications in Canada which requires a prescription in the USA and it costs five times more there ! What madness is this ?

I do support Bernie’s call for universal health care for all as a human right. You don’t have to be left, right, centre or conservative on this issue. He is correct. We are not falling down and dying here in Canada as a result of our Universal Health Care for All. We have among the best hospitals and specialty hospitals in the world. The best doctors and nurses and other health cars provider.  Our health care works. 

Go Bernie on Universal Health Care as a Human Right !!!! 

Do you think you are talking to stupid people on this board?
You want Bernie so Trump can preach Bernie's socialism. Obama care did well. Anything that Obama accomplished, white supremacist Trump wants to dismantle. He did not want Obama's name on anything because Obama is black.
I wish not too long from now NY decides to rename the avenue that the Trump Tower is on. I would like it to be renamed Obama Avenue. See how fast he sells and runs.


I disagree with the Republicans on health care. You are allowing the same lobbyists that have the Republicans chained down to do the same to you. 
Bernie is right on the issue of health care and there is no denying the fact the Heath Care is a Human Right. We are testimony to that fact right here in Canada. 

Are you willing to support the racist Bloomberg ? He is buying his way to the leadership. As a Democrat, are you will willing to sit down and allow this ? 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

I disagree with the Republicans on health care. You are allowing the same lobbyists that have the Republicans chained down to do the same to you. 
Bernie is right on the issue of health care and there is no denying the fact the Heath Care is a Human Right. We are testimony to that fact right here in Canada. 

Are you willing to support the racist Bloomberg ? He is buying his way to the leadership. As a Democrat, are you will willing to sit down and allow this ? 

I am going with Biden. I will always vote BLUE. Never voted for the crooked hypocrites dressed in commie red suits...Republicans.

Sean posted:

No one is asking you change or switch your vote. We are discussing health care and to a lesser extent, the racist Bloomberg who is buying his way to the leadership and being given a free pass by the fake news media. 

How about if we said the same about Trump and FOX news. How about if we add: Russia, Fox News, and Fake Billionaire Trump as contestants to the 2016 election?


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