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Sean posted:

We can start a separate thread and have that discussion. Ray’s thread is to discuss the Democrat nomination process, candidates and issues. 

You brought up 'racist billionaire". I just added my observations to your spineless Republican mantra. Keep it coming. You live in Canada, originally from down the coast. I see and experience more of American politics than you do.

Sean posted:

O rass, how is this possible when the man had openly racist policies towards blacks and immigrants ? 
Let’s see how all of this plays out because Bloomberg has yet to face the people at the campaign. His $ 350,000,000 and ads are talking right now.

Did he pay off those people for an endorsement ? 
He might split up the Democrat party. 

Dude, shut t he hell up. Trump is a racist,was taken to court on account of his racism and the reality is he enforced this stop and frisk as national policy at the presidential debates with Hillary. Bloomberg is as any white person little informed on minority issues and piled on a policy that Giuliani had set up. Every RH person here can tell you the police were squatting on Queen blvd and Hillside arresting brown and black people for no reason except they were brown and black every weekend. 

And why are you suggesting these people were paid off for their endorsement? Could it be they like many are unsure of who can beat trump at his odious name  calling game and stand up to his other nasty tactics so are hedging their bets particularly on this account?

You are completely ignorant of democratic and US politics in general so chimes the crap you grab from fox news and think it is reality. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Democrat establishment is making a huge mistake for working to topple Bernie:

Bernie is just another of a long line of people vying for a chance to play in the presidential elections. Trump tried many times and flitted from democrat to republican to libertarian. Bernie will lose since he needs more black and brown votes than he gave and muck of progressive america is not keen on him. Mrs Warren, the better candidate and the more erudite and knowledgeable one is not gaining reaction so who in the democratic chancery is taking her out dummy? Whomever emerges will have won the confidence of the most people in the democratic community and they will have to do their best to heal the various factions. That has always been the case. 

D2 posted:
Sean posted:

O rass, how is this possible when the man had openly racist policies towards blacks and immigrants ? 
Let’s see how all of this plays out because Bloomberg has yet to face the people at the campaign. His $ 350,000,000 and ads are talking right now.

Did he pay off those people for an endorsement ? 
He might split up the Democrat party. 

Dude, shut t he hell up. Trump is a racist,was taken to court on account of his racism and the reality is he enforced this stop and frisk as national policy at the presidential debates with Hillary. Bloomberg is as any white person little informed on minority issues and piled on a policy that Giuliani had set up. Every RH person here can tell you the police were squatting on Queen blvd and Hillside arresting brown and black people for no reason except they were brown and black every weekend. 

And why are you suggesting these people were paid off for their endorsement? Could it be they like many are unsure of who can beat trump at his odious name  calling game and stand up to his other nasty tactics so are hedging their bets particularly on this account?

You are completely ignorant of democratic and US politics in general so chimes the crap you grab from fox news and think it is reality. 


D2: Dude, shut t he hell up. Trump is a racist,was taken to court on account of his racism and the reality is he enforced this stop and frisk as national policy at the presidential debates with Hillary.

Sean: Calling Trump a racist is for the usual clowns who hang on a race crutch with zero evidence. Black unemployment are at it's lowest level in American History. Trump never implemented or enforced a stop and frisk policy, you are a bullshytter. Please post proof of those government policies and stop your usual BS.  Bloomberg in his own words implemented such a policy, it's funny that you try to pin it on Rudy. He is responsible for his actions and policies. Stop posting BS.  Rudy is NOT running for president.

D2: And why are you suggesting these people were paid off for their endorsement? Could it be they like many are unsure of who can beat trump at his odious name  calling game and stand up to his other nasty tactics so are hedging their bets particularly on this account?

Sean: It may appear that you rush to defend the black Democrats who endorse an admitted racist. Stop posting BS.  Endorsing an admitted racist who harassed blacks and immigrants is no excuse for attempting to defeat Trump. It is such a disgrace that you clutch to such a feeble outrageous defence. Stop posting BS.

D2: You are completely ignorant of democratic and US politics in general so chimes the crap you grab from fox news and think it is reality. 

Sean: Who the hell are you again ? What is your political status ? What are your major political achievements ? What position do you currently serve in any political party ? Did you ever serve in the US government and in what capacity ? Please post them so that they can be verified. You are of ZERO significance to any political party and hence have no authority to lecture anyone on politics. Stop posting BS. Please.

Last edited by Former Member
Abu Jihad posted:

While you people argue, just remember that Bernie has the highest support among black and brown people, so more main street media nonsense.

Abu, I don’t support the Democrats but what they are doing to And saying about Bernie are shooting themselves in the foot. Bernie is the front runner for now and That’s the reality. Can it change ?  Probably.

I see the Hillary leftovers still sharpening their knives for Bernie. What they fail to realize is that it may come back to haunt them twice.

Those black caucus members who are endorsing a Racist Bloomberg’s is mind boggling and using the excuse that they are willing to show a blind eye to his racist policies are ridiculous. It reeks of desperation and stupidity. 

Bloomberg also blamed the housing crisis on blacks. Yes, this fella is disgraceful. It was just disclosed. 

Why are democrats not running on Obama’s legacy ? 


Last edited by Former Member
Abu Jihad posted:

Bloomberg blames black and brown people for the financial crisis

Yet another reason for blacks and other people to reject Bloomberg. Yes the white folks at the DNC will shove Bloomberg down their throats. 

I said this once and will say this again, the Democratic Party is using blacks and people of colour as house servants. This is an opportunity to push back but they are spineless and will tow the line and accept a known racist as their Presidential candidate. 

Last edited by Former Member

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