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A history of the AFC: Part 1

Two of the funniest moments in Guyanese political history are the ontological shape of the WPA and AFC. The WPA’s whole name is the Working Peoples’ Alliance. Up to this day, I don’t know which types of working class formations made up the alliance.
The WPA was essentially a middle class party with serious elitist personalities. I say without fear of contradiction, I don’t think any party purporting to organise on behalf of the masses ever had among its leadership such conspicuous elitists.
The name of the AFC is Alliance For Change. Which of the different strata in Guyana’s class structure were aligned with each other in the AFC? The only difference in the middle class ontology of the WPA and the AFC was that the AFC attempted to establish itself as a mass based party.
The WPA was not interested in that direction. Having failed to become a mass party, the AFC was content to remain as a small middle class outfit.
The AFC celebrated 14 years of existence two Fridays ago. It has been 14 years of essential middle class opportunism. The AFC has electorally collapsed. If the PNC has even an ounce of intellectual fiber, it would kick the AFC into the deep muddy waters of the Atlantic. The AFC cannot bring electoral value to the PNC. Its era has passed.
What follows are the first set of notes on this party’s history. I am planning a five-part series for both PNC and PPP. Only three parts for the AFC will be composed. The AFC was born out of a plea by Raphael Trotman to his mulatto middle class Georgetown friends to help him form a political party because he, Trotman, could no longer stay in the PNC under Desmond Hoyte’s leadership.
The history of Trotman’s politics in the PNC is a dimension of this essay that will have to be omitted. Any reference to what his activism was like in the PNC would immediately bring a libel writ from Trotman.
I have contacted my legal friends who have advised me on how to word the following lines. They told me they are not libelous. So here are the lines. Raphael Trotman is someone whose career incorporates many of the features of Hamilton Green’s approach, style and methodology during the Burnham epoch. I will leave it at that.
The idea of the AFC was Trotman’s. He toyed with the thought after his constant battles with Desmond Hoyte resulted in failure. David Granger was one of the persons who he contacted.
During the 2016 local government election, at a public meeting in Bartica, he alluded to what he and Granger talked about at the Nassau airport in the Bahamas in relation to a new political party.
The idea came true with the 2015 victory. To date, no journalist has asked Trotman or Granger about the Nassau discussion.
It was Sheila Holder who moved in the same Georgetown mulatto circle with Trotman, suggested that Khemraj Ramjattan be brought on board. There was resistance to this idea from the clique of Georgetown elites because they didn’t consider Ramjattan culturally appropriate to join the AFC. He was dark-skinned, a practising Hindu, and lacked that obvious middle class motifs.
The disagreement about forming the AFC with Ramjattan as co-leader was tempestuous. The Georgetown socialites opposed Ramjattan’s inclusion because they wanted a party that approximated to what the League of Coloured People was like.
The Georgetown elites weren’t interested in Indian membership and Indian votes. It was this mentality at work when after the 2015 victory, two AFC leaders called a certain lady and offered her the ‘Ministry of the Environment’.
When Trotman reneged on the presidential candidacy going to Ramjattan for the 2011 election, a huge fight broke out between the two men from which the ashes are still emitting flames.
To defeat Trotman for the presidential slot for 2011, Ramjattan enlisted his Indian business friends in and out of Guyana who in turn enlisted ROAR supporters who were disenchanted with the PPP.
The only ROAR bigwig that didn’t gravitate to the AFC under Ramjattan’s leadership in 2010 was the ROAR leader himself, Ravi Dev.
The attack on Trotman, led by Dr. Somar in the diaspora was volcanic. There is a rich stockpile of emails in 2010 from the ROAR outfit that is in the possession of Ramjattan and which this columnist has seen.
It explains the perennial strained relation between the two men. The emails are indispensible to the writing of a history of the AFC. Ramjattan became presidential candidate in 2011, Indian money funded the campaign, the mulatto clique pulled out, and Trotman hibernated.
Sheila Holder died and things took a different shape. Part 2 takes up from 2011.
(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bai, you addressing people like Mitwah, D2, Tola, Cain etc etc. Is  the whole AFC groupie gang which gave us a constitutional rapist and a pack of crooks and liars. 

Dem now afraid of Moses and Ramjattan on speaking out. GrNger giving them laar now. 

Last edited by Former Member

I was with the AFC when that big fight broke out!  But in the end, everyone got kicked for family and friends.  Then was helter-skelter!  

Being someone from the outside, I just sat back and watched!  Is like WTF!!

Baseman posted:

I was with the AFC when that big fight broke out!  But in the end, everyone got kicked for family and friends.  Then was helter-skelter!  

Being someone from the outside, I just sat back and watched!  Is like WTF!!

Alliance for Clowns?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Can anyone explain this? I have my interpretation.

I have contacted my legal friends who have advised me on how to word the following lines. They told me they are not libelous. So here are the lines. Raphael Trotman is someone whose career incorporates many of the features of Hamilton Green’s approach, style and methodology during the Burnham epoch. I will leave it at that.

Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 

Well, that’s a good one!!

Izz Dr Irfaan pon-tap!!  And he gat a long memory dem seh.  Yuh know the Elephant thingy!

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Can anyone explain this? I have my interpretation.

I have contacted my legal friends who have advised me on how to word the following lines. They told me they are not libelous. So here are the lines. Raphael Trotman is someone whose career incorporates many of the features of Hamilton Green’s approach, style and methodology during the Burnham epoch. I will leave it at that.

Hey hey hey...Freddie doan know one pice daag councie...hey hey hey. 

Nehru posted:

Can anyone explain this? I have my interpretation.

I have contacted my legal friends who have advised me on how to word the following lines. They told me they are not libelous. So here are the lines. Raphael Trotman is someone whose career incorporates many of the features of Hamilton Green’s approach, style and methodology during the Burnham epoch. I will leave it at that.

Trotman is not a bad guy. I actually liked him!


This is becoming stale to look into what other people are doing than talking about PPP plans to win elections. I believe PPPites should be looking after their own house. This is pusser-pusser at best. Rass man.   Is this what interests coolie people?

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

This is becoming stale to look into what other people are doing than talking about PPP plans to win elections. I believe PPPites should be looking after their own house. This is pusser-pusser at best. Rass man.  

I agree, it is pusser-pusser!


Walking around with money and a genuine advanced degree from an elite university do not make you politically savvy.  AFC comics proved this the hard way.  You all tek the change and hope for a few more jills to drop in your begging bowls. A bunch of East Indians asses..

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Walking around with money and a genuine advanced degree from an elite university do make you politically savvy.  AFC comics proved this the hard way.  You all tek the change and hope for a few more jills to drop in your begging bowls. A bunch of East Indians asses..

Yuh rass crazy or wuh?  Nagamootoo get wan good pensioner!  Not Ramjattan want same.  

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Walking around with money and a genuine advanced degree from an elite university do make you politically savvy.  AFC comics proved this the hard way.  You all tek the change and hope for a few more jills to drop in your begging bowls. A bunch of East Indians asses..

Yuh rass crazy or wuh?  Nagamootoo get wan good pensioner!  Not Ramjattan want same.  

The lost of his political stature cannot be compensated with that pension. He is a nobody now.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:

I was with the AFC when that big fight broke out!  But in the end, everyone got kicked for family and friends.  Then was helter-skelter!  

Being someone from the outside, I just sat back and watched!  Is like WTF!!

I can relate to this. Because of Trotman...  

Nuff said.

Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Nehru posted:

Base, getting compared to Green is the same as comparing Mother Theresa to Hiltler.

Burger Man Trotmann was the one who plotted to use dem Kulie and them dump them to merge the AFC wid PNC. Now Granger giving dem AFC Indos lolo. 

Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Why cant people change their mind on issues, or should they follow a leader into the never never land. 


Indians in the AFC underestimated what the PNC can do because they've gotten accustomed to free elections for over two decades and believed that this trend would continue.   They believed they could experiment with the PNC without risking the democratic gains achieved over the last few decades. They were having grandiose delusions thinking about a more vibrant economy  with less corruption. They lamented about a dozen house lots sold to PPP leaders in Pradoville as glaring examples of corruption.  Now they are getting heart attacks watching a single individual acquiring over three thousand acres of lands. 

This is a classic example of people being blind to and naive'. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Nehru posted:

Base, getting compared to Green is the same as comparing F FMother Theresa to Hiltler.

Freddy is an oldtimer Rodney WPA. Them fellas don't see things according to race. The man may have heard something that we don't know. 

Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Hey hey, izz weh you living!  One house is clam chowder, next  house is split peas (dal)!  Think, thats good for the Cold lake breeze!

Cuzz Bayney give up split peas and now enjoying cookup bai!!  Dah bettuh dann soup!

But AFC dozz gi way Labba soup!  Ask Labba!

Prashad posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, getting compared to Green is the same as comparing F FMother Theresa to Hiltler.

Freddy is an oldtimer Rodney WPA. Them fellas don't see things according to race. The man may have heard something that we don't know. 

Banna, there were so many on those emails, no doubt someone could forward him a string or two. 


Hey hey hey...Ramjatt get he wish back in 2011...Trotty staan down and didnt campaign nuff. Ramjatt come out looking good. He problem is he life prado over principle...hey hey hey. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Indians in the AFC underestimated what the PNC can do because they've gotten accustomed to free elections for over two decades and believed that this trend would continue.   They believed they could experiment with the PNC without risking the democratic gains achieved over the last few decades. They were having grandiose delusions thinking about a more vibrant economy  with less corruption. They lamented about a dozen house lots sold to PPP leaders in Pradoville as glaring examples of corruption.  Now they are getting heart attacks watching a single individual acquiring over three thousand acres of lands. 

This is a classic example of people being blind to and naive'. 

Was the 3000 acres not corrected to 3000 FEET ?  How do you people expect to win elections with so much hate ?   

Tola posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Indians in the AFC underestimated what the PNC can do because they've gotten accustomed to free elections for over two decades and believed that this trend would continue.   They believed they could experiment with the PNC without risking the democratic gains achieved over the last few decades. They were having grandiose delusions thinking about a more vibrant economy  with less corruption. They lamented about a dozen house lots sold to PPP leaders in Pradoville as glaring examples of corruption.  Now they are getting heart attacks watching a single individual acquiring over three thousand acres of lands. 

This is a classic example of people being blind to and naive'. 

Was the 3000 acres not corrected to 3000 FEET ?  How do you people expect to win elections with so much hate ?   

Officially 3000 acres, word-of-mouth 3000 sq ft!  Chinese whispers!

The poor man still looking with binoculars for the acreage!  He e’self dint know he eye 👁 suh big!

Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Hey hey, izz weh you living!  One house is clam chowder, next  house is split peas (dal)!  Think, thats good for the Cold lake breeze!

Cuzz Bayney give up split peas and now enjoying cookup bai!!  Dah bettuh dann soup!

But AFC dozz gi way Labba soup!  Ask Labba!

Bayney is an attorney and lifelong diplomat whose father is one of the founders of the PPP party.  No soup drinking there.

Bibi Haniffa
Sean posted:

Like how you fight to get Moses and Ramjattan and now all you tekking GrNger lolo ? 

Are you people not ashamed to post this shit on GNI, but go home to set a good example to your kids and possible grandchildren ? Is this what your religion teach ? 


Religion and politics are two different things. How about Moses admitting publicly that he cusses up his grandchildren ? You need to get your facts straight banna. You were willing to sacrifice you life for Moses. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 


Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Hey hey, izz weh you living!  One house is clam chowder, next  house is split peas (dal)!  Think, thats good for the Cold lake breeze!

Cuzz Bayney give up split peas and now enjoying cookup bai!!  Dah bettuh dann soup!

But AFC dozz gi way Labba soup!  Ask Labba!

Bayney is an attorney and lifelong diplomat whose father is one of the founders of the PPP party.  No soup drinking there.

Who gives a shyte!  

A soupy is a soupy!  He drank PPP soup, brother Ralphie soup tek way and get kicked to the curb by Dr Bharat.  Now buddy Bayney lapping up PNC soup!

A soupy is a soupy!!

Sean posted:

Religion and politics are two different things. How about Moses admitting publicly that he cusses up his grandchildren ? You need to get your facts straight banna. You were willing to sacrifice you life for Moses. 

This is about YOU. not Burnham, Jagan, Jagdeo, Moses, or anyone else.

You are ONE person dealing with religion and politics. How do YOU as ONE person deal with religion and politics  ?

You rass want to tell me  you go to a temple to pray,  but come outside and beat  up an African, because you hate blacks ? Bhai, go get some help.     

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 

Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Sean posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Many people showed up at the AFC soup kitchen and were left with their mouths hanging.  Only to realize that politics in The AFC is a friends and family thing. 

Hey hey hey...Miss bout PPP politics? Yuh gat to be cyarpetbagger? 

Full disclosure. I have me PPP cup in hand. I will also get me two barrels of oil when they send Labba’s.

One minute Miss Bibi is for PPP and next minute she supporting the Anus party. Talk bout soup. 

Hey Hey Hey

Look at this low life bottom feeder making up shit when he run out of ideas.

Haaa, haaa, haaaaa

Words from the Esteemed Lady Bibi Haniffa.   

Man I’m so sick of him running me down. Amral needs to get some more women on GNI to quench the appetites.  One panty at a time.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

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