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what the hell is this world coming to??? 


Sex robots should be BANNED: Expert calls for crackdown on 'unnecessary and undesirable' technology

  • Robophilia, the word for a sexual attraction to robots, to become common 
  • Lack of human contact could lead to feelings of isolation and depression
  • Experts say current machines reinforce traditional stereotypes of women  



A leading robot ethicist has warned that 'sexbots' could seriously damage human relationships. 

Experts hope to use artificial intelligence to create lifelike machines that can talk and have sex like a human.

However, Dr Kathleen Richardson told the BBC the technology is 'unnecessary and undesirable'. 

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A robot ethicist has warned that AI sex dolls could 'contribute to detrimental relationships between men and women, adults and children, men and men and women and women.'

A robot ethicist has warned that AI sex dolls could 'contribute to detrimental relationships between men and women, adults and children, men and men and women and women.'

'Sex robots seem to be a growing focus in the robotics industry and the models that they draw on - how they will look, what roles they would play - are very disturbing indeed,' she told the BBC.

She believes that they reinforce traditional stereotypes of women and the view that a relationship need be nothing more than physical.

'We think that the creation of such robots will contribute to detrimental relationships between men and women, adults and children, men and men and women and women,' she said.

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Originally Posted by Marcy.:
Originally Posted by cain:

You flash 'em wire...or that thick thick cord.

lol..aka the "magic wand"

and the female robot replies " That looks like a penis, unfortunately, the size is not not optimal for my vagina. I require at least 3" when erect to feel the full effect and respond accordingly. I do have a much younger sister who handles this, but due to age restrictions, she cannot entertain you either. I am sorry. have a nice day"

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