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Nice looking kids Marcy.  I recently visited Guyanese relatives in another city and all three families have two children each, a boy and a girl from mid to late teens like you.  How do you plan it that way ? 

I also see a very close bond between them, as close friends.  I would think it has to do with good parenting skills.


Thanks Riff, Tola ☚  that's my jackpot right there. And trust me, they do fight and get on each other nerves but at the end of the day, they care a lot. He doesn't show it much, whereas she expresses quiet openly. 

Tola, simple...for the  boy, i go on top and for de girl, he go on top. But now I Lil puzzle...them kids want a puppy.

Cher, please take note

Marcy. posted:

Thanks Riff, Tola ☚  that's my jackpot right there. And trust me, they do fight and get on each other nerves but at the end of the day, they care a lot. He doesn't show it much, whereas she expresses quiet openly. 

Tola, simple...for the  boy, i go on top and for de girl, he go on top. But now I Lil puzzle...them kids want a puppy.

Cher, please take note

You alright alright. I like your personality.

We adopted two  large dogs without my first approval.  We had family meetings that each child chaired. They also feed the animals at the SPCA. One day our youngest daughter[9] came home from the SPCA and said its a matter of life and death that we have a family meeting.

I did not have dogs as pets and in my work I did not like dogs  kissing my face  in customer homes.

Our meeting was called and it was the same daughter turn to chair  it. Six people were present, mom, dad and four kids. Five people knew the reason for the meeting and I was not included.

Like a speeding train she called the meeting with one agenda item and a vote was called to adopt a dog at the SPCA name Duke, that they will put to sleep if not adopted. Before I could say anything, five hands went up voting yes, while I was still in shock.

Duke was adopted and they used their allowances to feed him, that eventually fell by the way side and my wife bought the dog food. Three months later they did the same with another dog name CoCo.

But it was a blessing for me, because I learned to relax around the dogs and was more comfortable in customer homes, with their pets. Duke was trained to remove the gloves from my hands and get me to chase him to get it back.  Both dogs have passed on from old age.   



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