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The IMF warned in its statement, continued modernization of the sugar sector and diversification of Guyana’s productive base are critical to sustaining growth.


IMF Directors, in its Executive Board Assessment, stressed the importance for the public sugar company to implement its recovery measures and ensure that the new plant at Skeldon becomes fully operational in the near term.


They can say what they want to say with TILAPIA and all that madness but Guyana’s ECONOMIC FUTURE IS intertwined with the sugar belt.


IF SUGAR dies, Guyana will cripple.


The IMF said that "Growth is expected to benefit from the modernization of the sugar sector and the start up of investment projects, which could spur average growth to 4-5 percent in the medium term."











It is scary to see some of these new sugar growing and processing facilities.  There are only a handfull of people working there.  Most of the work is done by high tech machines controlled by computers. Who is going to feed the sugar workers families when they get unemployed.  The IMF?  I don't think so.  That being said, Guysuco needs to diversify.

Originally Posted by Wally:

It is scary to see some of these new sugar growing and processing facilities.  There are only a handfull of people working there.  Most of the work is done by high tech machines controlled by computers. Who is going to feed the sugar workers families when they get unemployed.  The IMF?  I don't think so.  That being said, Guysuco needs to diversify.

Yes, diversify into ethanol, bio-energy, packaged sugar and other sugar related valued added products.



Guysuco tried diversifying into milk, goat, tilapia all in the past under Burnham and it failed.


Not their core competence.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Wally:

It is scary to see some of these new sugar growing and processing facilities.  There are only a handfull of people working there.  Most of the work is done by high tech machines controlled by computers. Who is going to feed the sugar workers families when they get unemployed.  The IMF?  I don't think so.  That being said, Guysuco needs to diversify.

Yes, diversify into ethanol, bio-energy, packaged sugar and other sugar related valued added products.



Guysuco tried diversifying into milk, goat, tilapia all in the past under Burnham and it failed.


Not their core competence.

Anything will fail under Burnham when people feel excluded. Tilipia dont have money. Guysuco can do ethanol and dairy. 

Originally Posted by KishanB:

IMF: Slow sugar modernization could expose Guyana to world-price volatility

Jug - de- hoe did not have a clue what he was doing, he was too busy cleaning up the Treasury and doing the deals that Rohee today want to wash away.


Look you all you PPP tiefs jump in the Demerara River and wash away your sins.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

IMF: Slow sugar modernization could expose Guyana to world-price volatility

Jug - de- hoe did not have a clue what he was doing, he was too busy cleaning up the Treasury and doing the deals that Rohee today want to wash away.


Look you all you PPP tiefs jump in the Demerara River and wash away your sins.

banna, u lost me when u 'endorsed' Roger Khan fuh president

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

IMF: Slow sugar modernization could expose Guyana to world-price volatility

Jug - de- hoe did not have a clue what he was doing, he was too busy cleaning up the Treasury and doing the deals that Rohee today want to wash away.


Look you all you PPP tiefs jump in the Demerara River and wash away your sins.

banna, u lost me when u 'endorsed' Roger Khan fuh president





WHAT A LIAR you are.


PROOF! Or shadup you jack.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Wally:

It is scary to see some of these new sugar growing and processing facilities.  There are only a handfull of people working there.  Most of the work is done by high tech machines controlled by computers. Who is going to feed the sugar workers families when they get unemployed.  The IMF?  I don't think so.  That being said, Guysuco needs to diversify.

Yes, diversify into ethanol, bio-energy, packaged sugar and other sugar related valued added products.



Guysuco tried diversifying into milk, goat, tilapia all in the past under Burnham and it failed.


Not their core competence.

Anything will fail under Burnham when people feel excluded. Tilipia dont have money. Guysuco can do ethanol and dairy. 

Tilapia sales big in Europe now. A lot of it comes from tilapia farms in Africa. Even shrimp farms in Thailand etc. are doing good business in Europe. We missing out big time.

Originally Posted by KishanB:



IF SUGAR dies, Guyana will cripple.












Its costs us 40 cents to earn 22 cents.  Does that seem as if the end of sugar will cripple us?


I think not.  The Caribbean has a huge import bill and the world has an emerging food crisis.  Unlike most other places, Guyana has adequate water supplies.  So there are other things that we can do.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Guysuco tried diversifying into milk, goat, tilapia all in the past under Burnham and it failed.


Not their core competence.

Guysuco also tried producing sugar, but did so at huge losses.


Next excuse.


The moral of the story is that Bookers was very successful in Guyana.  Guysuco under the PNC and the PPP a dismal failure.


SELL GUYSUCO, just like you all PPP types sold off Guymine!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

IMF: Slow sugar modernization could expose Guyana to world-price volatility

Jug - de- hoe did not have a clue what he was doing, he was too busy cleaning up the Treasury and doing the deals that Rohee today want to wash away.


Look you all you PPP tiefs jump in the Demerara River and wash away your sins.

banna, u lost me when u 'endorsed' Roger Khan fuh president





WHAT A LIAR you are.


PROOF! Or shadup you jack.

u like screaming like antiman @ street carna nah?


ok, here . . .

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

IMF: Slow sugar modernization could expose Guyana to world-price volatility

Jug - de- hoe did not have a clue what he was doing, he was too busy cleaning up the Treasury and doing the deals that Rohee today want to wash away.


Look you all you PPP tiefs jump in the Demerara River and wash away your sins.

banna, u lost me when u 'endorsed' Roger Khan fuh president





WHAT A LIAR you are.


PROOF! Or shadup you jack.

u like screaming like antiman @ street carna nah?


ok, here . . .

What a desperate homophobic and bigoted statement.


Let the APNU try with you all, you all carry the APNU into the political drain.




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