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Former Member

1)      Majority of the times basic food items were not available and when they were available you had to line up for them for hours and if you were lucky you would get some

2)      If you were caught with some basic food items which were banned like split pea (dhal), wheat flour or potatoes you could end up in jail.

3)      All elections were massively rigged – validated as such by many overseas monitoring organizations

4)      Almost all imported items, building materials etc. were in short supply

5)      The production of local produce were greatly reduced probably due to a lack of incentives

6)      People were being robbed and killed

7)      Majority, if not all, new multilateral schools were built in predominantly PNC supported areas (e.g. Bladen Hall)

8)      Majority, if not all, new medical  clinics were built in predominantly PNC supported areas (e.g. Bladen Hall)

9)      Majority if not all police stations were in predominantly PNC supported areas (e.g Plasiance, Betterverwagting)

10)   Majority if not all Post Offices were in predominantly PNC supported areas (e.g Plasiance, Betterverwagting)

11)   Majority if not all new shopping centers were built in predominantly PNC supported areas

12)   Linden, a predominantly PNC supported area, got Electricity for basically free, 24/7

13)   Most of Gy were lucky to receive power for a total of a total of 72 hrs per week

14)   Some areas would suffer power outage for a week or more at a time

15)   I personally walked for miles for water to drink, cook and bathe

16)   Used Trench/Canal water to flush toilet

17)   The treasury was empty when the PNC left office

18)   Guyana was in massive debt when the PNC left office

19)   All new housing areas were occupied predominantly by PNC supporters (e.g. Atlanticville, Malane Damashana)

20)   People were beaten, put in jail, killed for protesting PNC rigged elections

21)   PNC were accused of stealing from the public treasury, but there has never been any solid proof of such so I see this as an unfounded accusation .


I cannot say that this happened for all of the PNC rule because I would have been too young to know; but I can say that it happened for a long time before my family left Gy.


The PPP may also be guilty of the same things, and with the mansions that I have seen them building it may be true but people need to present solid proof not just what they suspect and present those as facts; that is not how it works in a court of law.


The problem many Indos have is fear of the PNC and that is the only reason they may vote for PPP. The PNC can do themselves a big favor by sincerely apologizing and showing Indos, and the rest of Gy, that they are sorry for their mistakes and back it up with actions and a solid economic plan for Guyana.


I hate politics and do not trust any β€œpolitician” but I believe that any honest and sincere group of people with a solid economic plan can win the elections and get the PPP out of office; the opportunity is so much there

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The PNC and the PPP have been practising one-upmanship politics for too long.

Both have traded heavily on racial insecurities.

The ideal would be the appearance or emergence of a Rodney-type leader capable of attracting multiracial support.

Short of that, Guyanese have to live with the PPP on one hand and the combined AFC and PNC on the other.

The PPP has been in power too long, feathering their nests too long.

Time for change.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
[Burnham's] PNC can do themselves a big favor by sincerely apologizing and showing Indos, and the rest of Gy, that they are sorry for their mistakes and back it up with actions and a solid economic plan for Guyana.

try dis waan on fuh size also, and we gon let yuh wear long pants going forward:


[Jagdeo/Ramotar's] PPP can do themselves a big favor by sincerely apologizing and showing Black people, and the rest of Gy, that they are sorry for their mistakes and back it up with actions and a solid economic plan for Guyana.


arite . . .?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:
I will not respond in the juvenile fashion that you do...however, you should seriously read, grasp and understand context before your respond.. I am not into the filth that passes on here for discussion that is all I will say to you until you respond in a matured way 

So here we have a liar and history denier calling challenges to his fabrications below his contempt. Bai they should feather and tar you and then look for a big enough baton to sort you out. Your family got rich out of the suffering of others under Burnham. How come? Based on all those things you just wrote it should have been impossible to make a living.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
you also should learn to respond in a matured way and stop resorting to dirt

OK so you admit that you are dirt, but telling lies is really scraping the bottom. Is how many people had a toilet during Burnham days? Most had a latrine and they used newspaper to wipe their backside. So talking about using trench water for the toilet is pure fabrication. Those that could afford an indoor toilet that could be flushed had a watertank outside at about the hight of the roof. That tank was used to store rain water.


You already got beaten down on this lie before under your other handle on GNI. Coming back with it is just a dumb failure on your part to acknowledge your short memory span. If you can't remember your lies from just a few days ago, how you gonna remember the ones from decades ago?



Originally Posted by politikalamity:
I will not respond in the juvenile fashion that you do...however, you should seriously read, grasp and understand context before your respond.. I am not into the filth that passes on here for discussion that is all I will say to you until you respond in a matured way 

the only "filth" on this thread is the cheap, poorly conceived string of provocative lies and quarter-truths masquerading as 'lament' dat u squat and crap hay to get INDO blood boiling and distract from the mountain of evidence documenting UNPRECEDENTED crimes against the Guyanese people by the gangster PPP crew 'governing' these past 14 years


now, as to stink-mouth LIE #15:  "I personally walked for miles for water to drink, cook and bathe" . . .


where did u live (under these conditions) king LIAR . . . and in what decade(s) of the 20th Century ??


another low-rent spear carrier . . . banna, u not ready fuh prime time

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
you also should learn to respond in a matured way and stop resorting to dirt

OK so you admit that you are dirt, but telling lies is really scraping the bottom. Is how many people had a toilet during Burnham days? Most had a latrine and they used newspaper to wipe their backside. So talking about using trench water for the toilet is pure fabrication. Those that could afford an indoor toilet that could be flushed had a watertank outside at about the hight of the roof. That tank was used to store rain water.


You already got beaten down on this lie before under your other handle on GNI. Coming back with it is just a dumb failure on your part to acknowledge your short memory span. If you can't remember your lies from just a few days ago, how you gonna remember the ones from decades ago?

Mr T, you nailed it! . . . LOL

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
you also should learn to respond in a matured way and stop resorting to dirt

You already got beaten down on this lie before under your other handle on GNI. Coming back with it is just a dumb failure on your part to acknowledge your short memory span. If you can't remember your lies from just a few days ago, how you gonna remember the ones from decades ago?

Mr T, you nailed it! . . . LOL

Iman scratchin I head hey

Lemme guess....clues....trench wata.....toilet.....hmmm......vrrmmmmm!


All the money and education in the world will buy not an ounce of class....

the MO is baseless character assignation instead of addressing the issues...say whether the person is wrong and why, instead of involving in juvenile name calling and gutter behavior. This kind of behavior is on both ends of the political spectrum and is beneath the norm of behavior for any mature adult


If the behavior on this forum is a microcosm of the behavior of the politicians in Guyana then there is very little hope for Guyana anytime soon. As is evidenced on here most play a game of gutter politics and the politicians in Gy behave the same way with the name calling and made up facts. There is very little room for moderates.

Originally Posted by JB:

We young people dont care dhal and flour was ban. 

You have every right to feel the way you do and I applaud and support you 100%. There was a purpose to my post and sadly it is eliciting the response I expected. If only the politicians in Gy would be mature enough to act in a more responsible way, then, there would be hope, but as of now I feel that no matter who is in power in Gy the behavior will not change and it will be business as usual. Gy needs a hero from amongst the young because at this time it seems as though there is very little hope from anyone over 40.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

What wan load a crap!!! De PNC mek bad and dem try foh mek good under Desmond Persaud. Yu gat to put things in de prappa contex. Today is drugs and killin. Nuff corruptshun.

You may be right, and I was out of Gy by that time but I was just speaking of my own and experience while living in Gy

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We young people dont care dhal and flour was ban. 

You have every right to feel the way you do and I applaud and support you 100%. There was a purpose to my post and sadly it is eliciting the response I expected. If only the politicians in Gy would be mature enough to act in a more responsible way, then, there would be hope, but as of now I feel that no matter who is in power in Gy the behavior will not change and it will be business as usual. Gy needs a hero from amongst the young because at this time it seems as though there is very little hope from anyone over 40.

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We young people dont care dhal and flour was ban. 

You have every right to feel the way you do and I applaud and support you 100%. There was a purpose to my post and sadly it is eliciting the response I expected. If only the politicians in Gy would be mature enough to act in a more responsible way, then, there would be hope, but as of now I feel that no matter who is in power in Gy the behavior will not change and it will be business as usual. Gy needs a hero from amongst the young because at this time it seems as though there is very little hope from anyone over 40.

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

What rubber shyte is this.  APNU will win.  Like you learn maths at Patrice Lumumba in Russia.


The PPP winning the next elections hands down all because the APNU and AFC cannot get their act together.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



What he must apologise for? We young people more interested in Roger Khan and Who kill the minister Sawh. 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



1000% agree with POLITKALAMITY.  Granger will never win an elections in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



1000% agree with POLITKALAMITY.  Granger will never win an elections in Guyana.

Mr. Granger is a decent human being but he is carrying a heavy baggage - the PNC and its years of abuses.

Originally Posted by JB:

What he must apologise for? We young people more interested in Roger Khan and Who kill the minister Sawh. 

Look whether he is was involved or not in the past transgressions of the PNC is inconsequential, he is currently the leader of the PNC and part of leadership is taking ownership. You and I both know that he cannot win an elections without the the Indo votes. We also know just as the Blacks have insecurities regarding the PPP the Indo's have the same regarding the PNC and unfortunately the PPP can remain in government without the Black votes, so where does that leave the PNC? 


It is about being prudent and taking ownership. If you believe that in Indo's opinion the PNC has nothing to apologize for then I think you are very mistaken. As a matter of fact they need to apologize to all of Gy for their mistakes while they were in government and the state they left Gy in when they were voted out. However, I am just pointing out Indo's specifically because because the PNC needs the Indo votes.


If you are as rigid in your positions as the old guards then I hope that the other young people are not the same or else Gy is doomed for the next 50 yrs, confrontation is like crack; it may give you an instant high but it will sink you to the abyss in the long run...

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



1000% agree with POLITKALAMITY.  Granger will never win an elections in Guyana.

Why? You like drug pushing and corruption? 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

What he must apologise for? We young people more interested in Roger Khan and Who kill the minister Sawh. 

Look whether he is was involved or not in the past transgressions of the PNC is inconsequential, he is currently the leader of the PNC and part of leadership is taking ownership. You and I both know that he cannot win an elections without the the Indo votes. We also know just as the Blacks have insecurities regarding the PPP the Indo's have the same regarding the PNC and unfortunately the PPP can remain in government without the Black votes, so where does that leave the PNC? 


It is about being prudent and taking ownership. If you believe that in Indo's opinion the PNC has nothing to apologize for then I think you are very mistaken. As a matter of fact they need to apologize to all of Gy for their mistakes while they were in government and the state they left Gy in when they were voted out. However, I am just pointing out Indo's specifically because because the PNC needs the Indo votes.


If you are as rigid in your positions as the old guards then I hope that the other young people are not the same or else Gy is doomed for the next 50 yrs, confrontation is like crack; it may give you an instant high but it will sink you to the abyss in the long run...

POLS - he is carrying Hamie Green, that bandit.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

What he must apologise for? We young people more interested in Roger Khan and Who kill the minister Sawh. 

Look whether he is was involved or not in the past transgressions of the PNC is inconsequential, he is currently the leader of the PNC and part of leadership is taking ownership. You and I both know that he cannot win an elections without the the Indo votes. We also know just as the Blacks have insecurities regarding the PPP the Indo's have the same regarding the PNC and unfortunately the PPP can remain in government without the Black votes, so where does that leave the PNC? 


It is about being prudent and taking ownership. If you believe that in Indo's opinion the PNC has nothing to apologize for then I think you are very mistaken. As a matter of fact they need to apologize to all of Gy for their mistakes while they were in government and the state they left Gy in when they were voted out. However, I am just pointing out Indo's specifically because because the PNC needs the Indo votes.


If you are as rigid in your positions as the old guards then I hope that the other young people are not the same or else Gy is doomed for the next 50 yrs, confrontation is like crack; it may give you an instant high but it will sink you to the abyss in the long run...

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

What he must apologise for? We young people more interested in Roger Khan and Who kill the minister Sawh. 

Look whether he is was involved or not in the past transgressions of the PNC is inconsequential, he is currently the leader of the PNC and part of leadership is taking ownership. You and I both know that he cannot win an elections without the the Indo votes. We also know just as the Blacks have insecurities regarding the PPP the Indo's have the same regarding the PNC and unfortunately the PPP can remain in government without the Black votes, so where does that leave the PNC? 


It is about being prudent and taking ownership. If you believe that in Indo's opinion the PNC has nothing to apologize for then I think you are very mistaken. As a matter of fact they need to apologize to all of Gy for their mistakes while they were in government and the state they left Gy in when they were voted out. However, I am just pointing out Indo's specifically because because the PNC needs the Indo votes.


If you are as rigid in your positions as the old guards then I hope that the other young people are not the same or else Gy is doomed for the next 50 yrs, confrontation is like crack; it may give you an instant high but it will sink you to the abyss in the long run...

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

I care about bandits like CArbin and Hammie in the EXECUTIVE leadership of the PNC who controls APNU.


Many people are worried about the influence of these bandits on the decisions of the PNC.

Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
you also should learn to respond in a matured way and stop resorting to dirt

OK so you admit that you are dirt, but telling lies is really scraping the bottom. Is how many people had a toilet during Burnham days? Most had a latrine and they used newspaper to wipe their backside. So talking about using trench water for the toilet is pure fabrication. Those that could afford an indoor toilet that could be flushed had a watertank outside at about the hight of the roof. That tank was used to store rain water.


You already got beaten down on this lie before under your other handle on GNI. Coming back with it is just a dumb failure on your part to acknowledge your short memory span. If you can't remember your lies from just a few days ago, how you gonna remember the ones from decades ago?



just to save this post by Mr.T

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Agreed the PPP is more close to the DRUG dealers but it is better to have a Roga Khan in power than a Hammie Green?


You do not understand the psychological stress associated with the PNC and rigged elections.


Granja refuses to apologize so to hell with him.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Agreed the PPP is more close to the DRUG dealers but it is better to have a Roga Khan in power than a Hammie Green?


You do not understand the psychological stress associated with the PNC and rigged elections.


Granja refuses to apologize so to hell with him.

Nah bring up de red herrin race bait about Hammie. Hammie dey pun he dead bed. De man gat one foot out de door. Yu kery yu behind suh about rig election. Wow bai you reveal yu mentality dey. Yu pick de murderous drugs man over de half dead man.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Agreed the PPP is more close to the DRUG dealers but it is better to have a Roga Khan in power than a Hammie Green?


You do not understand the psychological stress associated with the PNC and rigged elections.


Granja refuses to apologize so to hell with him.

Nah bring up de red herrin race bait about Hammie. Hammie dey pun he dead bed. De man gat one foot out de door. Yu kery yu behind suh about rig election. Wow bai you reveal yu mentality dey. Yu pick de murderous drugs man over de half dead man.

De man Hammie sits on the EXECUTIVE COMMITTTEE of the PNC as well as CARBIN.


Them control Granja.


Until Granja is his own man, he is a toothless POODLE.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Agreed the PPP is more close to the DRUG dealers but it is better to have a Roga Khan in power than a Hammie Green?


You do not understand the psychological stress associated with the PNC and rigged elections.


Granja refuses to apologize so to hell with him.

Nah bring up de red herrin race bait about Hammie. Hammie dey pun he dead bed. De man gat one foot out de door. Yu kery yu behind suh about rig election. Wow bai you reveal yu mentality dey. Yu pick de murderous drugs man over de half dead man.

De man Hammie sits on the EXECUTIVE COMMITTTEE of the PNC as well as CARBIN.


Them control Granja.


Until Granja is his own man, he is a toothless POODLE.

Hehe. Like how de conflict of interest Huge man and woman sit pun de AFC committee? LOL

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

We don't care about that. We care about good helthcare, low crime, no garbage, no blakout, no rude mini bus, less road accident, working traffic light, no floods. You go that side with your silly red herring. 

those are all good..but I pray that the majority of young people in Gy do not share your opinion regarding reconciliation or else, like I said, the future will be same ole same ole 

We will do the right thing. We dont want drug dealers.

Agreed the PPP is more close to the DRUG dealers but it is better to have a Roga Khan in power than a Hammie Green?


You do not understand the psychological stress associated with the PNC and rigged elections.


Granja refuses to apologize so to hell with him.

Nah bring up de red herrin race bait about Hammie. Hammie dey pun he dead bed. De man gat one foot out de door. Yu kery yu behind suh about rig election. Wow bai you reveal yu mentality dey. Yu pick de murderous drugs man over de half dead man.

De man Hammie sits on the EXECUTIVE COMMITTTEE of the PNC as well as CARBIN.


Them control Granja.


Until Granja is his own man, he is a toothless POODLE.

Hehe. Like how de conflict of interest Huge man and woman sit pun de AFC committee? LOL

Still does not erase the fact that Granbja is toothless poodle.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



1000% agree with POLITKALAMITY.  Granger will never win an elections in Guyana.

Mr. Granger is a decent human being but he is carrying a heavy baggage - the PNC and its years of abuses.

Indian blood on his hands too. Don't forget that. I will be voting in the next election. I will vote early and often carrying lots of marked ballots with me stuffing the boxes. Just like dem PNC days!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by JB:

Yes the politicians are hopeless. My mamoo and father believe that imperfect as he be Mr Granger is the best person. They like Mr Nagamootoo more but we all know AFC cannot win. We are backing and financing Mr Granger. 

He may be better than what currently exists in Gy, however, reality is he will be hard pressed to win an elections in Gy without the Indo votes. He needs to reach out to them. There needs to be some sort of reconciliation from the PNC and that will help them because it is certainly not coming from the PPP.


I do not understand the reluctance to reach out in terms of an apology to the nation, maybe they have, but I have never seen any statement from the PNC apologizing for the mistakes they made while in government. Until such time that he shows a real reaching out and distancing himself from organizations Indo’s see as unfriendly I do not see them winning a general elections and Gy will be stuck with the same ole. Any reaching out has to be backed by actions.


In any case with the current older generation of politicians I do have my doubts, they seem to thrive on the politics of confrontation and lies. Gy needs new blood, why is it so hard forthcoming? You live there maybe you can shed some light on that.



1000% agree with POLITKALAMITY.  Granger will never win an elections in Guyana.

Mr. Granger is a decent human being but he is carrying a heavy baggage - the PNC and its years of abuses.

Indian blood on his hands too. Don't forget that. I will be voting in the next election. I will vote early and often carrying lots of marked ballots with me stuffing the boxes. Just like dem PNC days!


Jackass de only blood is de blood de PPP drug pusha spill.


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