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On Thursday night, William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, held a news conference outside an art gallery in Midtown Manhattan to denounce one of the works of art on display there: a 1987 photograph of a crucifix immersed in a jar of urine. But, when Mr. Donohue tried to enter the exhibition, the gallery would not allow him in, he said in a blog post on Friday.


“No one else was barred from entering the gallery,” he wrote. “Just me.”

The amber-hued photograph, “Immersion (Piss Christ),” has inflamed passions since the New York artist Andres Serrano first displayed it in 1989. Last year, four Christian protesters attacked the photograph with a hammer when it was on display in Avignon, France. It was also vandalized in 1997 while on display in Victoria, Australia.

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This is on the thread, "Us made film angers Muslims" and I quote,


"A protester, who identified himself as Mohammed, said that hate speech against Islam or any other religion should not be tolerated.

“Free speech does not give you a right to go and attack someone’s faith,” he said.

The man added, “If anybody is attacking the Jewish faith or the Christian faith, Muslims would be hand in hand with them to denounce it. The same thing applies to the Islamic faith.”





I won't hold my breath waiting for this denouncing.


I guess this is because Christians let their god fight religious wars for them. After all, if god feels insulted, is up to him/her to react.

On the Other hand Allah send his/her followers to defend his/her name.Allah appears unable to defend itself.


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