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Impotent Kuwaiti wins divorce case – Wife gives birth 3 months after wedding


KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti man, whose wife delivered a baby just three months after their marriage, won a divorce through a court order. The plaintiff’s attorney explained during the recent hearing at the Court of Personal Status that his client never consummated his marriage with the woman since he was impotent, and provided documents indicating that the man was undergoing psychological treatment for his condition.


He also explained that his client was not aware of his wife’s pregnancy since she was obese. A birth certificate of the newborn that the lawyer presented during the hearing showed that the child was born only three months after the marriage. The lawyer also argued that the woman plotted to claim paternity for her child after luring the man into marrying her by promising that she will support him during his psychotherapy. The man refused an offer of money made by her to drop the legal suit.

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