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"People like Henry Ford will never understand. Take the ease of the Black people of America, who have suffered from nearly three centuries of abuse, humiliation, discrimination and segregation. They are in open revolt. The ghettos and slums are exploding and going up in flames. Blacks are in revolt because they are the most oppressed of the US working class, with about half their numbers living in poverty, in overcrowded, rat infested slums and ghettos. Although they are only 10 percent of total US population, their children constitute 44 percent of those in receipt of welfare relief".

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

"People like Henry Ford will never understand. Take the ease of the Black people of America, who have suffered from nearly three centuries of abuse, humiliation, discrimination and segregation. They are in open revolt. The ghettos and slums are exploding and going up in flames. Blacks are in revolt because they are the most oppressed of the US working class, with about half their numbers living in poverty, in overcrowded, rat infested slums and ghettos. Although they are only 10 percent of total US population, their children constitute 44 percent of those in receipt of welfare relief".

The BLM movement destroyed everything the Obama Administration worked so hard to achieve. Primary and secondary education is free. So how many of them are attending school.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Actually Balram Singh Rai told me that he cannot remain in Guyana and condoned what was happening to the Indian girls.  That's why he left.  

What stupidity!  Aren't you ashamed of writing such nonsense?  Balram Singh Rai told you he couldn't condone what was happening to Indian girls?  What was happening to them that offended him so badly that he left for Southall never to return?  


This is another statement by this "Strategic" thinker on Argentina's invasion of the Falklands. 


"In Latin America, Yankee imperialism continues to dominate the economies of the countries concerned. It gives aid and comfort to dictatorships in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Haiti and elsewhere. It supports oppression, torture, murder and disappearances in these countries. Recently, however, the real face of Yankee imperialism was bared for all Latin America to see when the United States supported Great Britain against the historically justified Argentine claim to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands".

Last edited by Prashad
@Prashad posted:

"In Latin America, Yankee imperialism continues to dominate the economies of the countries concerned. It gives aid and comfort to dictatorships in Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Haiti and elsewhere. It supports oppression, torture, murder and disappearances in these countries. Recently, however, the real face of Yankee imperialism was bared for all Latin America to see when the United States supported Great Britain against the historically justified Argentine claim to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands".

Cheddi at his best!  What part of that statement is false?


Jorgon granddaughter in New York issued a statement condemning the rigging of the election by the PNC cabal. This will not sit well with her friends in Brooklyn who she cheered for in 2015. In the meantime her daaady Joey refuses to come out from under his bed. Suddenly he has found himself on the wrong side of history. His mother in law died two weeks ago and he was mystic.

Bibi Haniffa
@Totaram posted:

Cheddi at his best!  What part of that statement is false?

Are you a "strategic" thinker like him?.  Venezuela claims most of your country and you, the opposition leader of the country claimed by Venezuela, make this statement.


"United States supported Great Britain against the historically justified Argentine claim to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands".

Last edited by Prashad

The present PPP does not subscribe to Jagan ideas. This is a new world with new challenges.  Bharat is not preaching socialism and anti Americanism.  He has the party focused on recapturing government by way of the ballot. 

As I said, and as Cheddi would have said, what would be the point of power if the objective is to steal from the poor and build Pradovilles?  The Coalition is ideologically a better choice.

@Django posted:

 By committing  Electoral Fraud ,that's how crooks operates.

Only you and PNC blind followers see PPP fraud. The whole world, including the country you live in, sees PNC fraud. Are all these people wrong to call out PNCs Lolofeel and Mingo as frauds? Is Lolofeel empowered by the UN to select the next president of Guyana? Some kind of PPP fraud. If you can show me one verified dead voter picture, I will believe you.

@Former Member posted:

Only you and PNC blind followers see PPP fraud. The whole world, including the country you live in, sees PNC fraud. Are all these people wrong to call out PNCs Lolofeel and Mingo as frauds? Is Lolofeel empowered by the UN to select the next president of Guyana? Some kind of PPP fraud. If you can show me one verified dead voter picture, I will believe you.

Nothing can hide the facts of Electoral Fraud committed by the PPP/C under Bharat Jagdeo.

You won't believe any wrong doings by the PPP ,when presented ,it's just a waste of time to convince ,some folks live in their own world of ethnocentrism.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Nothing can hide the facts of Electoral Fraud committed by the PPP/C under Bharat Jagdeo.

You won't believe any wrong doings by the PPP ,when presented ,it's just a waste of time to convince ,some folks live in their own world of ethnocentrism.

Let's make this deal. You show me independently verified evidence of the fraud and I will shut up. By the same token, if you cannot, you cease from parroting "PPP fraud". Fair?

@Former Member posted:

Bai, DJ is not the sharpest tool in the shed. An allegation and proof are two different things but some people love to buy cartloads of BS. 

Imagine that the Judge had to remind Basil Jackass Williams that she doesn't understand what nonsense he was prattling. 

Yeah !!! you are the sharpest .You may want to read your post a few times before hitting the enter button.

Last edited by Django

Jorgon granddaughter in New York issued a statement condemning the rigging of the election by the PNC cabal. This will not sit well with her friends in Brooklyn who she cheered for in 2015. In the meantime her daaady Joey refuses to come out from under his bed. Suddenly he has found himself on the wrong side of history. His mother in law died two weeks ago and he was mystic.

Girl, you're so diabolical. You gave a speech at the Jorgons' Memorial and now you are attacking them. Those Brooklyn people are your friends too; you're in all the political parties to collect soup. You and Lakeman are a match made in heaven. Not.

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