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Former Member

In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


With a no confidence motion to be debated at the next parliamentary meeting and a snap national elections looming, can the old APNU manifesto hold up to scrutiny?


Carl Greenidge

Carl Greenidge


When asked to comment on the standing relevance of their manifesto, Carl Greenidge, the coalition’s Shadow Minster of Finance said that the party still holds firm to its agenda.

He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.

The politician said that their manifesto goes into detail to describe the facets of society that APNU would set out to improve. He said that their 11-step plan would focus on ensuring the right; to a livable retirement plan, to youth development, to enjoy independent public services, to appropriately represent the rights of workers, to community development and to sustainable natural resource development, among other things.

In relation to youth development, Greenidge remarked that without properly reviewing youth programmes and ensuring a representative National Youth Parliament, the country can slip into a “great disaster”, “one that we have already seen the likes of, from a former youth president.”

He said too that APNU would ensure youth transition from the classroom to the workplace without difficulty, rewarding innovative thinking and creating resource centres that assist youths in their personal development.

Under Social Empowerment in the APNU manifesto, it states that through initiatives that tackle social concerns at the core, it can restore equitable development within all facets of Guyanese society.

Greenidge reiterated that the coalition’s manifesto and the principles engrained in it, remains relevant and can certainly hold up to the scrutiny.

The recent release of the Caribbean Secondary Certificate Examination (CSCE) results show that in recent years, the pass rate in the country has been marginally increasing. The pass rate for students receiving Grades One to Three increased from 59.31 percent in 2013 to 60.21 percent this year. Some critics say that the increase in performance is not enough evidence of a general improvement of education. Rather it supports the claim that educational success is becoming an elitist pandemic. Furthermore, this marginal increase in education distracts from the disparity between successful students and school dropouts.

Within the APNU manifesto it sights that there are 7,200 school dropouts in Guyana.

The manifesto further goes on to address the state of the Arts in Guyana. It proposes that the creative industry has declined and that it have not been treated as a national good. The manifesto disclosed plans for the “Development of Creative Industries”.

When looking at the sector of creative industries, it is apparent that Guyana is lacking in the area of Intellectual Property laws. More recently, local award winning writer Ruel Johnson started the Janus Cultural Policy Initiative (JCPI). The purpose of this initiative is to effectively codify and implement policies that specifically protect Guyana’s cultural integrity and innovations.

This movement indicates that the current policies are not working to the public’s liking. APNU’s manifesto cites creative industries to include film and television production, broadcasting, electronic gaming, architecture, design, media and advertising.

Also falling under Human Development would be sports, in which the manifesto proposes to improve opportunities to various marginalized groups like women, Amerindian youths, the elderly and those with disabilities. While Guyana’s passion for sport is hard to ignore, Guyana’s presence outside the region is strong yet small.


Source -- http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ming-snap-elections/

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%


Gilly Baka:


This is a positive commitment from the APNU, to change the constitution.  Welll done.  It will help them in the polls in which the PPP will be getting less than 42 %

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%





why don't you shut your ROTTEN HOLE

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


 why don't you shut your ROTTEN HOLE

* Stay  angry and FRUSTRATED Kishan bai.



Just playing your DIRTY ROTTEN game REV.  It take two to tango.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Gilly, Baseman is pulling figure out of his new pal, Visnu Bisram azz.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Gilly, Baseman is pulling figure out of his new pal, Visnu Bisram azz.

Hmm, like you and the AFC 35%?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Does Baseman and Visnu Bisram play toggle to toggle with their willies?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Gilly, Baseman is pulling figure out of his new pal, Visnu Bisram azz.

Hmm, like you and the AFC 35%?

AFC cannot get 35% today, 19% - 21%, that is where they stand today.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Does Baseman and Visnu Bisram play toggle to toggle with their willies?



That's closer to your heart, know what I mean?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Does Baseman and Visnu Bisram play toggle to toggle with their willies?



That's closer to your heart, know what I mean?

Big difference between one heart and reality like you and your new friend Visnu Bisrum playing one fuh one.


I do not want anythign with that willy business.


You all try there with Visnu Bisrum.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Gilly, Baseman is pulling figure out of his new pal, Visnu Bisram azz.

Hmm, like you and the AFC 35%?

AFC cannot get 35% today, 19% - 21%, that is where they stand today.



19% to 21%, how about 3% - 4%

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Gilly, Baseman is pulling figure out of his new pal, Visnu Bisram azz.

Hmm, like you and the AFC 35%?

AFC cannot get 35% today, 19% - 21%, that is where they stand today.



19% to 21%, how about 3% - 4%

That is closer to your dream Baseman, if you know what I mean. 



AFC is on the move - onward and upward.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Does Baseman and Visnu Bisram play toggle to toggle with their willies?



That's closer to your heart, know what I mean?


I do not want anythign with that willy business.


You seem to try hard to compensate.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
He outlined that the Guyanese people are entitled to certain rights that the current Administration is not justly fulfilling. The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness.


In light of looming snap elections

…APNU holds firm to principles in manifesto


August 16, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Many changes to the constitution created during Forbes Burnham's administration need the approval of, at least, two thirds of the MPs.


Is the PNC indicating that it will win more than two thirds of the MPs at the next election, or possible secure about seventy five percent of the MPs that Forbes Burnham "obtained" during his administration?

QUOTE: "The Parliamentarian asserted that within the first 100 days of an APNU government, the party would implement Constitutional Reform to end the abuse of power and executive lawlessness."


APNU doesn't have to win two-thirds. If APNU gets in power the PPP will be in the opposition. In that scenario, it will be in the Opposition PPP's interest to want constitutional change.

So that, if APNU keeps Greenidge's word and initiates constitutional amendments, the PPP will most likely vote in support, as will the AFC.

PPP will come in at 55%

Base, this is what you said 8 days ago: ""PPP ain't going nowhere, get used to it.  PPP 56%. "

What accounts for the 1% drop in 8 days, base? Bai Shan Lin? The blue submarine?

Ok Gilly, I toggle between 53% and 59%

Spoken like a true Uncle of Anil. Just like the nephew who never fails to offer a wide interpretation of Article X and Article Y of the Guyana constitution.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%



Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%.  Yes they will win, but will continue to be a minority government.


The good thing is that there will have to be a discussion on this.  The PPP will not be able to threaten snap elections after this, nor will the AFC be able to have another no confidence motion.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%



  The PPP won 49%.  Since then PPP supporters in Essequibo are rioting against them.  PPP supporters in Berbice register their frustration by fleeing that region.


And you cannot prove that black and mixed voters don't remain almost unanimously against the PPP.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%



  The PPP won 49%.  Since then PPP supporters in Essequibo are rioting against them.  PPP supporters in Berbice register their frustration by fleeing that region.


And you cannot prove that black and mixed voters don't remain almost unanimously against the PPP.


Not to forget, the PPP Indo voting bloc is dwindling head by head as indicated by the latest census.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%. 

* Your past performance---correctly calling the PPP 49%---does not guarantee your next prediction(42-45%) will be correct.




The last PNC gov't. under the leadership of Hoyte had more than sufficient votes needed to amend the constitution. They refused. If Hoyte was such a good man why did he not do so when he had the opportunity?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The last PNC gov't. under the leadership of Hoyte had more than sufficient votes needed to amend the constitution. They refused. If Hoyte was such a good man why did he not do so when he had the opportunity?

ask Jagan the same question, Hoyte was not complaining about the constitution Jagan was. Who de hypocrite?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will come in at 55%

* The PPP will be satisfied with anything in the 50s.---50.1% - 59.9%



  The PPP won 49%.  Since then PPP supporters in Essequibo are rioting against them.  PPP supporters in Berbice register their frustration by fleeing that region.


And you cannot prove that black and mixed voters don't remain almost unanimously against the PPP.


Not to forget, the PPP Indo voting bloc is dwindling head by head as indicated by the latest census.

Bhai Gilly,

My last trip from Guyana to the US, CAL was loaded with mostly Afro Guyanese. Going to Guyana was the same also. Looks like both sides are losing supporters.


After 92 Jagan was specifically asked by Yesu Persaud and civil society to change the Burnham constitution what was his answer, tell me what was his answer and stop being disingenuous.


Jagan BTW did change the constitution to demand pre election coalitions so enough with your bullshit. Come better next time.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The last PNC gov't. under the leadership of Hoyte had more than sufficient votes needed to amend the constitution. They refused. If Hoyte was such a good man why did he not do so when he had the opportunity?

So because the PNC didn't change THEIR constitution that means that the PPP ought to be happy about it?


You do know that if the PNC did things and were criticized opens the PPP to criticism when they do the SAME thing!


Regardless of what you say the Jagan gov't. could not amend the constitution without the support of the PNC.  The PNC was never interested in changing that constitution just they were never receptive to power-sharing or a national gov't. of unity. Stop being foolish.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Jagan never had enough votes to amend the constitution. Stop being ignorant


Jagan could have had a referendum to change the constitution.  He did NOT!  The PPP could have had in its manifesto a promise to change the constitution they did not except for the part that suited them, and that was preventing post election alliances.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Regardless of what you say the Jagan gov't. could not amend the constitution without the support of the PNC.

Itemize what attempts did the PPP take to change the constitution.


1.  Referendum/  NO.


2.  Using this as a pivotal part of the elections manifesto.  NO!


So don't tell me that the PPP wants to change the constitution.  They no more want to change it than to reduce Jagdeo's pension benefits to one that more suits Guyana's impoverished state. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PPP got them to agree to term limits. However, on other issues the PNC remains unwilling.

Did the PPP ask the PNC for support in changing the constitution, which, now they are in the opposition , they might have been disposed to do. NO!!!!!

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%. 

* Your past performance---correctly calling the PPP 49%---does not guarantee your next prediction(42-45%) will be correct.



Put it this way my predictions, backed by facts led to a conclusion that was way more accurate than your predictions of a 60% victory, and Region 10 going to the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev last time I forecasted the PPP at 49% and you know what they got.


This time my forecast is 42-45%. 

* Your past performance---correctly calling the PPP 49%---does not guarantee your next prediction(42-45%) will be correct.



Put it this way my predictions, backed by facts led to a conclusion that was way more accurate than your predictions of a 60% victory, and Region 10 going to the PPP.

Region 6 going to PNC heh?


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