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Ramotar claims gov’t ignored promised India loans for sugar industry

-Harmon unaware, calls for details.



Former President Donald Ramotar has accused the current government of accepting loans from India that he initiated except those pertaining to the rehabilitation of the sugar industry but State Minister Joseph Harmon says he is unaware of the claim and has urged that the former head of state prove it.

“I say with strong conviction that this government has taken a discriminatory policy regarding the sugar industry because India was there, willing to offer us assistance to help and had the loans. [They were] just waiting on us to do the calculations to say how much we needed,” Ramotar told Stabroek News in an interview.

Ramotar said a meeting was held with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi and other officials in January, 2015 and they discussed financial assistance for projects. “For sugar, we had a general agreement in principle to recapitalise the industry and they promised whatever help was needed they would assist,” he added.

“An entire day was spent in Mumbai meeting and having discussions with Indian businessmen involved in sugar there. We discussed and looked at the possibilities of them coming here to provide technical assistance. I also met companies who wanted to buy into the industry here. These were persons who have sugar businesses in Brazil and other parts of the world and wanted to come here. But we let them know that our interest then was fundamentally [getting] technical assistance and to get persons who had mechanical parts and so on,” he explained.

“Documents were compiled, we took information on companies. From the meetings with government [of India], we also prepared [documents] so that when I came home I had the (then GuySuCo) CEO, Raj Singh, preparing what was needed so that we could start a formal proposal. We did all of that… and this government knows and should have the documents but never acted on that,” he added.

Ramotar lost the general elections of May, 2015, resulting in the end of almost 23 years of PPP/C rule.

Ramotar said that he was peeved at the approach taken towards the sector, since he strongly believes that the loans would have helped turn around the industry and that by now, three years later, benefits would have been evident.

“It was our plan to save the sugar industry and I still believe that if those monies are taken it is not too late to save it,” he posited.

He said he is bewildered as to why government would refuse the loans but accept others that were discussed and committed to at the same January, 2015 meeting.

“They took the loan to build the new ferry to go to Mabaruma, to establish the IT Park at UG [University of Guyana] and most of all to connect that East Bank road with the East Coast road. Imagine they took all of those, but none to recapitalise the sugar industry. Tell me why nah?” he questioned.

“I can tell you why but I know you might not report it. The only credible answer, I believe, is because the majority of persons directly connected to sugar are from the Indo Guyana [community]. You look at it and tell me what else it could be,” he added.

But when this newspaper contacted Harmon, he said that he is not aware that any loans from India were sidelined.

“He should identify what these loans are. Mr Ramotar should provide info and not just these blanket statements. He would have had access to this information and if he is saying there are loans he needs to specifically say. I am not aware that any loans were sidelined during our administration,” he said.

“If he has information which the government is required to answer to, he should say so. He is a former president, he is not in the league of any ordinary writer.  I think he should understand that he bears an additional responsibility to provide accurate information. When he writes that as a former president, a certain level of respect is given to him. If he provides information that cannot be verified then, the public will have a right to treat with him as any ordinary writer and not a former president. …I believe it is incumbent on him to provide the details of which he speaks because I not aware of it,” he added.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge was also contacted and said that while he knows that the government of India has provided $100 million in loans to this country for various projects, he has to check and verify records before he can comment on the claim.

Ramotar says that since the loans were initiated though the Foreign Affairs Ministry, there would have to be records.

“If they check, all the information is right there. Carolyn [Rodrigues-Birkett], former Minister of Foreign Affairs] could not be there at the time but a representative was. All the documents are there and they must say why only some soft loans were taken and not a single [one] for sugar, which could have saved what is happening now with the over 4,000 sugar workers unemployed and with only promises of a half now, half later severance,” he stressed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

THe TRUTH will kill the FILTH HEADs!!!!!

“They took the loan to build the new ferry to go to Mabaruma, to establish the IT Park at UG [University of Guyana] and most of all to connect that East Bank road with the East Coast road. Imagine they took all of those, but none to recapitalise the sugar industry. Tell me why nah?” he questioned.

“I can tell you why but I know you might not report it. The only credible answer, I believe, is because the majority of persons directly connected to sugar are from the Indo Guyana [community]. You look at it and tell me what else it could be,” he added.


What you talking about..the above.


Point taken Mr Ramotar ... but where is the US $130 M the EU gives Guyana Government in 2009 over a four year period in the form of grants .

All these Politicians are thieves. 


It probably is a good thing that jackass Granger did not take the loan. If the premise is that the industry is unprofitable and a failure, especially with govt running it, then the taxpayers should be glad that they are not stuck with another bad loan. 

Nehru posted:


Nehru, Socu will not prosecute PPP members cause they will have to do the same to PNC . Unfortunately, what the Coalition thief in 3 years equal the PPP in 23 years . 

The poor class is suffering . 

Dave posted:
Nehru posted:


Nehru, Socu will not prosecute PPP members cause they will have to do the same to PNC . Unfortunately, what the Coalition thief in 3 years equal the PPP in 23 years . 

The poor class is suffering . 

Where all that money come from bhai ?


Indian businesses have invested heavily in the Brazilian sugar industry. Yet not a penny in the Guyana Sugar Industry which employs thousands of East Indian people. That is how koolie think of their fellow koolie. Such a bunch of crab dog people.


Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Anybody remember when sugar was selling for 2 lbs. for 13 cents? 

BRB, you talking in the 60s. I remember a teacher giving us a mental arithmetic problem with this sugar selling 2 lbs. for 13 cents.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Anybody remember when sugar was selling for 2 lbs. for 13 cents? 

I do. I used to make paper bags from the brown paper, weigh and parcel out the sugar, flour .... for our groceries store. 

Prashad posted:

Indian businesses have invested heavily in the Brazilian sugar industry. Yet not a penny in the Guyana Sugar Industry which employs thousands of East Indian people. That is how koolie think of their fellow koolie. Such a bunch of crab dog people.


Is that why you want to establish a coolie-only state, to put all the crab-dogs together?

Prashad posted:

Indian businesses have invested heavily in the Brazilian sugar industry. Yet not a penny in the Guyana Sugar Industry which employs thousands of East Indian people. That is how koolie think of their fellow koolie. Such a bunch of crab dog people.


you think they stupid they know the ppp would have thief every penny 


Brown Sugar Market (Type - Dark, Light; Application - Bakery, Confectionery, Beverages, Dairy, Pharmaceuticals; Form - Granules, Powder, Syrup) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2022

Table of Contents

Global Brown Sugar Market: Snapshot

Brown sugar is a variant of sugar in which some molasses is still present. In conventional white sugar, molasses is removed completely. However, leaving some molasses in the sugar makes the sugar cheaper as well as more nutritious, as molasses is better for the body than plain sugar. The global brown sugar market has been driven by the steady growth of the food and beverage industry in recent years and is likely to exhibit rapid growth over the coming years. Brown sugar is also known as soft sugar due to the natural hygroscopic property imparted by the presence of molasses. The brown sugar industry has flourished due to the increasing demand from various parts of the food and beverage industry and is thus likely to exhibit steady growth in the coming years. 

According to Transparency Market Research, the global brown sugar market was valued at US$18.3 bn in 2017 and is likely to exhibit a robust 7.7% CAGR over the 2017-2022 forecast period. Thus, the brown sugar market is expected to rise to a valuation of US$26.5 bn by 2022. 


brown sugar market

Rising Urban Food and Beverage Industry Vital for Brown Sugar Market

One of the major drivers for the global brown sugar market is the growth of the food and beverage industry in urban areas in recent years. The demand for beverages in particular has received a shot in the arm due to the rising demand from urban areas, where sweetened beverages are becoming increasingly popular, and is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market in the coming years. The rising demand for energy drinks and fruit-based or fruit-flavored beverages is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market, as the molasses content of brown sugar and its brown color often make it unpopular for regular use in households as table sugar. 

Rising Bakery Industry to Boost Demand from Brown Sugar Market

The growing bakery industry is likely to remain a vital consumer for the global brown sugar market in the coming years. Bakery products have become increasingly relevant to the economic dynamics of the food and beverage industry following the rise in the disposable incomes of urban consumers, which has led to a rise in the demand for luxury products such as bakery items. The hygroscopic nature and molasses content of brown sugar also makes it desirable over conventional sugar in the bakery industry, as the unrefined molasses mixes better with bakery ingredients, which is likely to drive demand from the brown sugar market in the coming years. 

Growing Consumption in APEJ Drives Global Brown Sugar Market

Asia Pacific except Japan is a vital regional segment of the global brown sugar market. In several countries in this region, brown sugar and molasses have traditionally been part of the local dietary patterns. This has led to easy incorporation of the brown sugar market into the local food and beverage industry. Growing sugar production in countries such as India, China, Thailand, and several other countries in Southeast Asia is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market in the coming years. Asia Pacific except Japan accounted for close to a third of the global brown sugar market in 2017 and is likely to remain a dominant contributor in the coming years. 

Global Brown Sugar Market: Competitive Dynamics

The global brown sugar market is dominated by companies such as AkzoNobel NV, Masco Corporation, Hempel A/S, Jotun A/S, The Valspar Corporation, Axalta Coating Systems Ltd., Nippon Paint Holding Co. Ltd., BASF SE, and PPG Industries Inc. The global brown sugar market is likely to be marked by intense competition in the coming years, as local as well as international players are likely to benefit from the sustained demand from the food and beverage sector. 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:
Nehru posted:


SOCU should hire Dave. he know where the is hiding.

KP both Indians and Blacks are corrupt . The difference is Blacks steal  and spend every cent wastefully . 

Indians will invest $.

we need to admit the truth. 

Jagdeo and his top brass help themselves and great grand kids . 

Jagdeo gives large acres of land to Buddy Shivraj .. where were these people when sugar workers were struggling .

Winston Brassington need to say how he acquire the vast land up the Essequibo river built a beautiful mansion to celebrity status. 

This is how it works in Guyana . All businessmen / contractors are in bed with the government of the day. The businessmen get richer and the working class get poorer . 

The PPP should answer why 4 contractors could not finished the East Coast Highway. 

This current government cannot account for US 5M from the Chinese but the Chinese give a few vehicle to the police and get the airport and east coast highway contract.

A close family went back home 1998  with his American HVAC certification and 15 years of skill .. got the contract for all government building but was instructed to put AC units in 9 private building which was not part of his contract . He refused, the penalty ... a  individual from office of the president was holding back his cheque.. he quit in frustration  , closed his businesss and left a 3 story house and a ware house in Guyana and came back to North America  . The office of the president then gives the  contract to BM Soat Auto Sales ... this was the biggest joke . BM soat then sub contract the workers of my family to service and install AC . 


yuji22 posted:

Brown Sugar Market (Type - Dark, Light; Application - Bakery, Confectionery, Beverages, Dairy, Pharmaceuticals; Form - Granules, Powder, Syrup) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast 2017 - 2022

Table of Contents

Global Brown Sugar Market: Snapshot

Brown sugar is a variant of sugar in which some molasses is still present. In conventional white sugar, molasses is removed completely. However, leaving some molasses in the sugar makes the sugar cheaper as well as more nutritious, as molasses is better for the body than plain sugar. The global brown sugar market has been driven by the steady growth of the food and beverage industry in recent years and is likely to exhibit rapid growth over the coming years. Brown sugar is also known as soft sugar due to the natural hygroscopic property imparted by the presence of molasses. The brown sugar industry has flourished due to the increasing demand from various parts of the food and beverage industry and is thus likely to exhibit steady growth in the coming years. 

According to Transparency Market Research, the global brown sugar market was valued at US$18.3 bn in 2017 and is likely to exhibit a robust 7.7% CAGR over the 2017-2022 forecast period. Thus, the brown sugar market is expected to rise to a valuation of US$26.5 bn by 2022. 


brown sugar market

Rising Urban Food and Beverage Industry Vital for Brown Sugar Market

One of the major drivers for the global brown sugar market is the growth of the food and beverage industry in urban areas in recent years. The demand for beverages in particular has received a shot in the arm due to the rising demand from urban areas, where sweetened beverages are becoming increasingly popular, and is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market in the coming years. The rising demand for energy drinks and fruit-based or fruit-flavored beverages is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market, as the molasses content of brown sugar and its brown color often make it unpopular for regular use in households as table sugar. 

Rising Bakery Industry to Boost Demand from Brown Sugar Market

The growing bakery industry is likely to remain a vital consumer for the global brown sugar market in the coming years. Bakery products have become increasingly relevant to the economic dynamics of the food and beverage industry following the rise in the disposable incomes of urban consumers, which has led to a rise in the demand for luxury products such as bakery items. The hygroscopic nature and molasses content of brown sugar also makes it desirable over conventional sugar in the bakery industry, as the unrefined molasses mixes better with bakery ingredients, which is likely to drive demand from the brown sugar market in the coming years. 

Growing Consumption in APEJ Drives Global Brown Sugar Market

Asia Pacific except Japan is a vital regional segment of the global brown sugar market. In several countries in this region, brown sugar and molasses have traditionally been part of the local dietary patterns. This has led to easy incorporation of the brown sugar market into the local food and beverage industry. Growing sugar production in countries such as India, China, Thailand, and several other countries in Southeast Asia is likely to remain a key driver for the brown sugar market in the coming years. Asia Pacific except Japan accounted for close to a third of the global brown sugar market in 2017 and is likely to remain a dominant contributor in the coming years. 

Global Brown Sugar Market: Competitive Dynamics

The global brown sugar market is dominated by companies such as AkzoNobel NV, Masco Corporation, Hempel A/S, Jotun A/S, The Valspar Corporation, Axalta Coating Systems Ltd., Nippon Paint Holding Co. Ltd., BASF SE, and PPG Industries Inc. The global brown sugar market is likely to be marked by intense competition in the coming years, as local as well as international players are likely to benefit from the sustained demand from the food and beverage sector. 


You need to use 1 TS of brown sugar in Guyana for your tea .

the same brown sugar in Canada by Bedesse .. you need 2 TS for your tea. 😀

Dave posted:
kp posted:
Nehru posted:


SOCU should hire Dave. he know where the is hiding.

KP both Indians and Blacks are corrupt . The difference is Blacks steal  and spend every cent wastefully . 

Indians will invest $.

we need to admit the truth. 

Jagdeo and his top brass help themselves and great grand kids . 

Jagdeo gives large acres of land to Buddy Shivraj .. where were these people when sugar workers were struggling .

Winston Brassington need to say how he acquire the vast land up the Essequibo river built a beautiful mansion to celebrity status. 

This is how it works in Guyana . All businessmen / contractors are in bed with the government of the day. The businessmen get richer and the working class get poorer . 

The PPP should answer why 4 contractors could not finished the East Coast Highway. 

This current government cannot account for US 5M from the Chinese but the Chinese give a few vehicle to the police and get the airport and east coast highway contract.

A close family went back home 1998  with his American HVAC certification and 15 years of skill .. got the contract for all government building but was instructed to put AC units in 9 private building which was not part of his contract . He refused, the penalty ... a  individual from office of the president was holding back his cheque.. he quit in frustration  , closed his businesss and left a 3 story house and a ware house in Guyana and came back to North America  . The office of the president then gives the  contract to BM Soat Auto Sales ... this was the biggest joke . BM soat then sub contract the workers of my family to service and install AC . 


I wrote this shit so many times, PPP/PNC are all about their privileges class and cronies.  the people are just their collateral to gaining power.  Guyanese are stuck between a rock and a hard place.  So they all vote PPP/PNC and then high-tail up north asap.  But not to worry, Guyana has the bestest two party system in the world.   Abject stupidity!

yuji22 posted:
Global Brown Sugar Market: Competitive Dynamics

The global brown sugar market is dominated by companies such as AkzoNobel NV, Masco Corporation, Hempel A/S, Jotun A/S, The Valspar Corporation, Axalta Coating Systems Ltd., Nippon Paint Holding Co. Ltd., BASF SE, and PPG Industries Inc. The global brown sugar market is likely to be marked by intense competition in the coming years, as local as well as international players are likely to benefit from the sustained demand from the food and beverage sector. 


Please explain, if the market is so good, why Guyana's sugar had to be subsidized by EU and why Guyana's sugar industry has been operating at a massive loss for decades.


It cost Guyana .16 cents per lb to produce sugar .

Brazil and Cuba .6 cents .

Sugar has lots of by products .. did either government tap into these by product to compensate the cost ... NO .

Dave posted:

You need to use 1 TS of brown sugar in Guyana for your tea .

the same brown sugar in Canada by Bedesse .. you need 2 TS for your tea. 😀

Bedessee Sugar is not brown sugar but Demerara Sugar which is not from Guyana; it is 100% natural Gold Brown. Guyana sugar is loaded with molasses to make it dark brown.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nestlé, Cadbury, Coca Cola, Nabisco, Hershey and other companies purchase tons of sugar for their products.

So why did the PPP fail to secure the market?

Because I wasn't President.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nestlé, Cadbury, Coca Cola, Nabisco, Hershey and other companies purchase tons of sugar for their products.

These companies should take over the sugar industry  .. beneficial to them and job opportunities for the locals .

Tim Horton did the same with the coffee grower in Colombia .

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nestlé, Cadbury, Coca Cola, Nabisco, Hershey and other companies purchase tons of sugar for their products.

These companies should take over the sugar industry  .. beneficial to them and job opportunities for the locals .

Tim Horton did the same with the coffee grower in Colombia .

And Tim Horton's buy their sugar from ASR Group, the world's largest refiner of cane sugar.

Bibi Haniffa
Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Nestlé, Cadbury, Coca Cola, Nabisco, Hershey and other companies purchase tons of sugar for their products.

These companies should take over the sugar industry  .. beneficial to them and job opportunities for the locals .

Tim Horton did the same with the coffee grower in Colombia .

What %'age of Cane Sugar versus Beet Sugar do they use in their products? Demand for cane sugar has been on the decline for decades now.


I own stock in Rogers Sugar. Every three months they send me my dividend cheque.  If they can make money from sugar then I don't see why Guysuco cannot make a profit.

Last edited by Prashad

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