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In a big leap towards creating an artificial human liver, a scientist of Indian origin from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has for the first time managed to keep live liver cells functional outside the body. Dr Sangeeta Bhatia, a professor of health sciences and technology has identified a dozen chemical compounds that can help liver cells not only maintain their normal function while grown in a lab dish but also multiply to produce new tissue.


After screening thousands of liver cells from eight different tissue donors, the researchers identified 12 compounds that helped the cells maintain those functions, promoted liver cell division, or both. Two of those compounds seemed to work especially well in cells from younger donors. Publishing the breakthrough in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, cells grown this way could help researchers develop engineered tissue to treat many of the 500 million people suffering from chronic liver diseases such as Hepatitis C.


Source: Gopio News Bulletin

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The liver has always been the human organ that regrows. Recently they have begun to use stem cells to do great things. THey can regrow ears, fingers noses etc and I even saw an article in a journal where they are thinking it is possible to regrow a heart. We are very close to phenomenal life extending discovery.


Truly this research would be proof highly beneficial for the suffering from chronic liver disease. Today most of the people suffering from the liver problem for so long and not getting perfect rid of it. According to the liver transplant center like Justsavelives – the percentage of liver patient goes on increasing day by day because of unhealthy environment and unhygienic foods.


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