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ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

and, even further, stop your foolishness about my "own community" . . . you don't know me

I certainly don't know you but I can make a assessment from your preferred participation on GNI where you pitch your tent.

assessment of what . . . that i support the coalition, am against the PPP and DESPISE racism in any form?

thanks Captain Obvious

fyi, there are NO posters on GNI from "my community" posting the vile racist stuff we see from the usual (Indo) suspects here

what you want me to do . . . invent what is not there?

What gets addressed on GNI is mostly about what goes on in Guyana. But you don't seem to want to deal with the racial tendencies that exist in both communities in Guyana. GNI's membership is primarily of Indian descent so one would reasonably expect comment from an Indian viewpoint. Perhaps you are not well placed on GNI as you may be of better value dealing with similar tendencies on the other side. Unless you are suggesting they don't exist.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

sir, your premise is this:

". . . ordinary Indians would cross the isle and vote PNC, ordinary blacks tribally vote PNC against their own welfare?"

that is NONSENSE!

there is nothing to "admonish" or dignify with further comment

Why do you say it is nonsense? Show evidence to support your refutation. When Trotman was the Presidential candidate for the AFC in 2006, many blacks voted for the AFC. When Ramjattan became the Presidential candidate in 2011, many of those same blacks did not vote for the AFC. I gave the AFC example because it clearly demonstrates the tribalism in black voting tendencies. Now extrapolate that tendency to the whole country and you see how blacks vote tribally for the PNC even though doing so does not improve their welfare.

The original argument was about racism and as much as there is racial tendencies in both Indian and black Guyanese communities, you are an apparent defender of blacks is showing gross bias by leaving your own base and criticizing the other camp.

Indeed, a small percentage of the Afro-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC when Rafael Trotman was the Presidential candidate, most Indians stayed home with the PPP

when Khemraj Ramjattan was the Presidential candidate, a small percentage of the Indo-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC, most Afro-Guyanese stayed home with the PNC

what's your stupid point again?

oh wait . . . you did say dem tribal Blacks always vote PNC "against their own welfare"

not like all dem non-tribal Indians who "cross the [a]isle and vote PNC", eh?

hmmmm? . . . uh huh

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

and, even further, stop your foolishness about my "own community" . . . you don't know me

I certainly don't know you but I can make a assessment from your preferred participation on GNI where you pitch your tent.

assessment of what . . . that i support the coalition, am against the PPP and DESPISE racism in any form?

thanks Captain Obvious

fyi, there are NO posters on GNI from "my community" posting the vile racist stuff we see from the usual (Indo) suspects here

what you want me to do . . . invent what is not there?

What gets addressed on GNI is mostly about what goes on in Guyana. But you don't seem to want to deal with the racial tendencies that exist in both communities in Guyana. GNI's membership is primarily of Indian descent so one would reasonably expect comment from an Indian viewpoint. Perhaps you are not well placed on GNI as you may be of better value dealing with similar tendencies on the other side. Unless you are suggesting they don't exist.

why would I suggest such a thing?

and, there is plenty "Indian viewpoint" on GNI that is not racist

not sure what your point is . . . unless it's that i stop posting here because it makes you uncomfortable

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

sir, your premise is this:

". . . ordinary Indians would cross the isle and vote PNC, ordinary blacks tribally vote PNC against their own welfare?"

that is NONSENSE!

there is nothing to "admonish" or dignify with further comment

Why do you say it is nonsense? Show evidence to support your refutation. When Trotman was the Presidential candidate for the AFC in 2006, many blacks voted for the AFC. When Ramjattan became the Presidential candidate in 2011, many of those same blacks did not vote for the AFC. I gave the AFC example because it clearly demonstrates the tribalism in black voting tendencies. Now extrapolate that tendency to the whole country and you see how blacks vote tribally for the PNC even though doing so does not improve their welfare.

The original argument was about racism and as much as there is racial tendencies in both Indian and black Guyanese communities, you are an apparent defender of blacks is showing gross bias by leaving your own base and criticizing the other camp.

Indeed, a small percentage of the Afro-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC when Rafael Trotman was the Presidential candidate, most Indians stayed home with the PPP

when Khemraj Ramjattan was the Presidential candidate, a small percentage of the Indo-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC, most Afro-Guyanese stayed home with the PNC

what's your stupid point again?

oh wait . . . you did say dem tribal Blacks always vote "against their own welfare"

not like dem non-tribal Indians, eh?

uh huh

AFC had their core Indian support in 2006 which increased with the addition of Nagamootoo to the party. The clear contrast was about the black approach to the AFC when Trotman was the Presidential candidate and when Ramjattan was. AFC's objective was the same in 2006 as it was in 2011. The major difference was the Presidential candidate and the black community response to that difference. But you don't seen to see any racial tendencies there.

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Unless you are suggesting they don't exist.

why would I suggest such a thing?

and, there is plenty "Indian viewpoint" on GNI that is not racist

not sure what your point is . . . unless it's that i stop posting here because it makes you uncomfortable

And instead of expanding on your first comment as to where you think they exist, you chose to pivot back to Indian tendencies.

And don't stay or leave GNI on my account. Firstly I don't own GNI and secondly, it is your time that you spend here, not mine.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

sir, your premise is this:

". . . ordinary Indians would cross the isle and vote PNC, ordinary blacks tribally vote PNC against their own welfare?"

that is NONSENSE!

there is nothing to "admonish" or dignify with further comment

Why do you say it is nonsense? Show evidence to support your refutation. When Trotman was the Presidential candidate for the AFC in 2006, many blacks voted for the AFC. When Ramjattan became the Presidential candidate in 2011, many of those same blacks did not vote for the AFC. I gave the AFC example because it clearly demonstrates the tribalism in black voting tendencies. Now extrapolate that tendency to the whole country and you see how blacks vote tribally for the PNC even though doing so does not improve their welfare.

The original argument was about racism and as much as there is racial tendencies in both Indian and black Guyanese communities, you are an apparent defender of blacks is showing gross bias by leaving your own base and criticizing the other camp.

Indeed, a small percentage of the Afro-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC when Rafael Trotman was the Presidential candidate, most Indians stayed home with the PPP

when Khemraj Ramjattan was the Presidential candidate, a small percentage of the Indo-Guyanese vote crossed over to the AFC, most Afro-Guyanese stayed home with the PNC

what's your stupid point again?

oh wait . . . you did say dem tribal Blacks always vote "against their own welfare"

not like dem non-tribal Indians, eh?

uh huh

AFC had their core Indian support in 2006 which increased with the addition of Nagamootoo to the party. The clear contrast was about the black approach to the AFC when Trotman was the Presidential candidate and when Ramjattan was. AFC's objective was the same in 2006 as it was in 2011. The major difference was the Presidential candidate and the black community response to that difference. But you don't seen to see any racial tendencies there.

show me your numbers and we can analyze and talk

it is universally acknowledged that Blacks and Indians vote race in Guyana

you are the one who seems vested in measuring relative virtue in this matter . . . posting much much nonsense about "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC!!?

but this is all digression

wtf does it have to do with me calling out anti-Black racists posting on GNI?

ronan posted:

show me your numbers and we can analyze and talk

it is universally acknowledged that Blacks and Indians vote race in Guyana

you are the one who seems vested in measuring relative virtue in this matter . . . posting much much nonsense about "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC!!?

but this is all digression

wtf does it have to do with me calling out anti-Black racists posting on GNI?

Exactly my point. Unfortunately you haven't commented on black voting tendencies in Guyana which are more tribal than Indian ones are.

What is with the anger in your last line?

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

show me your numbers and we can analyze and talk

it is universally acknowledged that Blacks and Indians vote race in Guyana

you are the one who seems vested in measuring relative virtue in this matter . . . posting much much nonsense about "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC!!?

but this is all digression

wtf does it have to do with me calling out anti-Black racists posting on GNI?

Exactly my point. Unfortunately you haven't commented on black voting tendencies in Guyana which are more tribal than Indian ones are.

What is with the anger in your last line?

sir, pay attention

NO ONE is debating that "point"!

if you want a conversation about which major ethnic community is more racist, be my guest and invite whomever you want . . . i may even participate

but ONLY after you explain "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" . . . which is a serious piece of nonsense


now back on Earth, somehow, you seem bothered at my "anger" in calling out posters who engage in gratuitous anti-black racism on GNI and pull this weird 'equivalence' out of your whatever to derail a discourse that you find damning and uncomfortable

hear this . . . is scampman 'logic' to link these disparate (look it up) things

it's like saying that outright condemnation of an American KKK parade is out of bounds if you do not make a countervailing condemnation of tribal genocide occurring someplace in Africa

hope what i am pointing to penetrates . . .

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

show me your numbers and we can analyze and talk

it is universally acknowledged that Blacks and Indians vote race in Guyana

you are the one who seems vested in measuring relative virtue in this matter . . . posting much much nonsense about "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC!!?

but this is all digression

wtf does it have to do with me calling out anti-Black racists posting on GNI?

Exactly my point. Unfortunately you haven't commented on black voting tendencies in Guyana which are more tribal than Indian ones are.

What is with the anger in your last line?

sir, pay attention

NO ONE is debating that "point"!

if you want a conversation about which major ethnic community is more racist, be my guest and invite whomever you want . . . i may even participate

but ONLY after you explain "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" . . . which is a serious piece of nonsense


now back on Earth, somehow, you seem bothered at my "anger" in calling out posters who engage in gratuitous anti-black racism on GNI and pull this weird 'equivalence' out of your whatever to derail a discourse that you find damning and uncomfortable

hear this . . . is scampman 'logic' to link these disparate (look it up) things

it's like saying that outright condemnation of an American KKK parade is out of bounds if you do not make a countervailing condemnation of tribal genocide occurring someplace in Africa

hope what i am pointing to penetrates . . .

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.

ksazma posted:

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.
your silly comment is responsive to NOTHING

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.
just as i "haven't commented'' on Indian "racist tendencies" in Guyana

your 3 paragraphs of eliding, scattershot BS are beyond pathetic

tell us about all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" nah?

the fragile self-esteem of people like you is better served by thinking thrice before clicking the "post reply" button

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Dave posted:


Today is a very important day in the history of Guyana.  I see the faces of four of my cousins from the Bihar side of my family on this list.  My great grandparents must be proud.

Powerful stuff. It brings tears to Prashad's eyes to see the East Indian people of Guyana who contributed to uplifting their people. Only problem is Mr Prashad, Mr  Nehru and Mr. Mitwah was not on the list.


Last edited by Prashad
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.
your silly comment is responsive to NOTHING

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.
just as i "haven't commented'' on Indian "racist tendencies" in Guyana

your 3 paragraphs of eliding, scattershot BS are beyond pathetic

tell us about all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" nah?

the fragile self-esteem of people like you is better served by thinking thrice before clicking the "post reply" button

So now you pretending that you have the responsibility to grade what I post instead of responding to it if you wish? Unless you didn't realize, this isn't a classroom.

My initial comment pertained to the racial realities in Guyana.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.
your silly comment is responsive to NOTHING

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.
just as i "haven't commented'' on Indian "racist tendencies" in Guyana

your 3 paragraphs of eliding, scattershot BS are beyond pathetic

tell us about all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" nah?

the fragile self-esteem of people like you is better served by thinking thrice before clicking the "post reply" button

So now you pretending that you have the responsibility to grade what I post instead of responding to it if you wish? Unless you didn't realize, this isn't a classroom.

My initial comment pertained to the racial realities in Guyana.

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.
your silly comment is responsive to NOTHING

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.
just as i "haven't commented'' on Indian "racist tendencies" in Guyana

your 3 paragraphs of eliding, scattershot BS are beyond pathetic

tell us about all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" nah?

the fragile self-esteem of people like you is better served by thinking thrice before clicking the "post reply" button

So now you pretending that you have the responsibility to grade what I post instead of responding to it if you wish? Unless you didn't realize, this isn't a classroom.

My initial comment pertained to the racial realities in Guyana.

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Then you would have been better served to move past my first comment as it was made specifically to that point.

Secondly, don't delude yourself into thinking that I am bothered by your words or actions. One has to first matter to me in order for me to expend that kind of emotion.
your silly comment is responsive to NOTHING

And you still haven't commented on black racist tendencies in Guyana.
just as i "haven't commented'' on Indian "racist tendencies" in Guyana

your 3 paragraphs of eliding, scattershot BS are beyond pathetic

tell us about all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC" nah?

the fragile self-esteem of people like you is better served by thinking thrice before clicking the "post reply" button

So now you pretending that you have the responsibility to grade what I post instead of responding to it if you wish? Unless you didn't realize, this isn't a classroom.

My initial comment pertained to the racial realities in Guyana.

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 


i am simply having a good time pointing to your emptiness

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 


i am simply having a good time pointing to your emptiness

So I guess you don't care if your time is wasted.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 


i am simply having a good time pointing to your emptiness

So I guess you don't care if your time is wasted.

nope . . .

still waiting for your info on all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC"

now, look up the word "sarcasm" if, perchance, you don't know the meaning already


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 


i am simply having a good time pointing to your emptiness

So I guess you don't care if your time is wasted.

nope . . .


aarite then.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

yaaawwn . . . look up the word "elide" and stop wasting my time

I don't remember putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to any of my comments on this topic. 


i am simply having a good time pointing to your emptiness

So I guess you don't care if your time is wasted.


nope. . .

still waiting for your info on all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC"

now, look up the word "sarcasm" if, perchance, you don't know the meaning already


aarite then.

still waiting for your info on all dem "ordinary Indians" crossing over and voting PNC"

yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

I thank my liberal minded Bramhana foreparents who came from what is now Haryana, India. Like them, we are also charting a new course for future generations in North America.

Most likely your parents came from UP or Bihar, loke most Indians.

Vish you are dead wrong. There is this misinformation that ALL Indos came from UP/Bihar. I followed records and went all the way back to India, DNA test and all.

Yes, my foreparents are from Haryana, India.

Reminds me of the misinformed D2 who labels ALL Indos as dalits.

Dumdum...presently on this site there is possibly a post where I detailed the breakdown of the origins of indians. As with the above post where you misquote Vish, you cannot help being wrong. He said "most likely" your parents are from UP etc...not "all indos" are from UP/Behar. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

Last edited by Former Member

Hey D2/Storm/whatever/ watch your mouth !

I clearly stated that my foreparents came from what is now Haryana, India. In spite of my clearly stating the fact, he still wanted to "correct" me. I need to get the facts straight. 

Yes, you have constituently labelled ALL Indos at GNI as Dalits while you remain a toothless/clueless Buckman.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

I thank my liberal minded Bramhana foreparents who came from what is now Haryana, India. Like them, we are also charting a new course for future generations in North America.

Most likely your parents came from UP or Bihar, loke most Indians.

Vish you are dead wrong. There is this misinformation that ALL Indos came from UP/Bihar. I followed records and went all the way back to India, DNA test and all.

Yes, my foreparents are from Haryana, India.

Reminds me of the misinformed D2 who labels ALL Indos as dalits.

Dumdum...presently on this site there is possibly a post where I detailed the breakdown of the origins of indians. As with the above post where you misquote Vish, you cannot help being wrong. He said "most likely" your parents are from UP etc...not "all indos" are from UP/Behar. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

Dummy, UP/Bihar does not only have Dalits.  Mr father’s clan is from the Ahir caste of UP.  That caste was responsible for all milk supplies!

Dave posted:

Great when we have a diversity of our culture. 

But seriously what’s going on here, is Guyana short of Indian women  . As they say, a picture tells  a thousand words.

I didn’t recall seeing majority of Indian women dress in African dress at emancipation day.F2A909CD-F136-4C12-92CD-7D1D370B31C1

Indians aren't in a habit of participating in non Indo events.  Any event which isn't connected to Indians or to the PPP is a non Indo event. 

So commemorating Guyana's 50 the anniversary of independence wasn't an event that they were involved with, either in Guyana or among Guyanese communities outside of Guyana.

Afro Guyanese more willingly embrace the fact that Guyana is multi cultural and multi ethnic, and many in fact derive pride of this. 

Not so most Indo Guyanese. To many Guyana is merely a piece of dirt upon which they were born.

Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

ksazma posted:

My initial comment pertained to the racial realities in Guyana.

The racial reality in Guyana is that a fundamental aspect of British colonial rule was to foster divisiveness in their colonies.  This is why a tiny nation, smaller than most US states, was able to rule the world by the end of the 19th century.

So the Afro and Indo masses were set against each other,  Both exploited hungry and desperate.  So perfect fodder for use to undermine the efforts of the other to advance.

Independence and both Afro and Indo elites wanted the spoils for themselves, so they exploited the ethnic insecurities of the two major ethnic groups.

After independence a pattern of ethnic patronage developed where BOTH parties were guilty.  To disguise this crumbs were handed over to ethnic tokens.

Unless you address these facts you do NOT address racial reality in Guyana.  BOTH ethnic groups exhibit insecurity about how they stand in Guyana, and how they will be treated should the other group attain power.

60 years after self rule each group can point out real attempts by the governing ethnic party to exclude.  They can cite the PPP between 1957 and 1964.  They can cite the PNC between 1966 and 1992. They can cite the PPP between 1992 and 2015.  No doubt they can cite the behavior of APNU since 2015.

It is those who are locked in THEIR OWN RACISM who are blind to these facts and who wish to pretend as if only the Indian suffered and only the black perpetrated racism. BOTH suffered and BOTH perpetrated this behavior.  My FIRST post on GNI 16 years ago I said that.

ksazma posted:

AFC had their core Indian support in 2006

The AFC in 2006 was a middle class urban party.  The Indian support that it had, minimal, were from those who long ago abandoned the PPP.  The ones who people like you will deride as "town coolie".  Some might have been descendants of the Indians who voted UF in 1964.

In 2015 the support which Nagamootoo got in 2011 fled back to the PPP.  I suggest that you compare the votes for Region 6 in 2011 and in 2015  You will see a MASSIVE swing to the PPP.  This even as the population has declined the most rapidly of any region in Guyana.

The rural Indian remains the "property" of the PPP.  The PNC doesn't have the same hold on the African vote.  In 2006 many refused to vote as they were disgusted with Corbin. The AFC did NOT attract the grass roots African vote in 2006 as they were then derided as the "potagee and red man party". The AFC attracted an urban cross ethnic middle class vote in that year.  The only person within the AFC who has a bedrock of support from grass roots Africans is Nigel Hughes.

The reality is that the rural Indian is unable to vote for someone unless its an American white woman or a Guyanese Indian.  In 2011 its an accepted fact that Roopnarine was credited in generating excitement among the urban working class blacks in G/T.  This because Granger lacks charisma and is too "middle class" in his demeanor.

Leonora posted:

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If the Indians don't want to participate, and the other races dress like Indians, then they like our culture and are showing it, so why fret?

Its not that they like your culture.  Its that they are mature enough to know that in a multi cultural society ALL groups need to be recognized.

Pity that many rural Indians don't seem to understand this and only participate when their lords and masters, the PPP, command that they do.

ksazma posted:

One would think that blacks don't have racial prejudices toward Indians.

Charity begins at home.

Many blacks have acknowledged this racism.  None other than people like Rodney, David Hinds, Andaiye and even Raphael Trotman.   They haven't been persecuted and chastised as traitors.

Those Indians who have discussed Indian racism have been tarred feathered and banished.

ksazma posted:
 Explain why while ordinary Indians would cross the isle and vote PNC, ordinary blacks tribally vote PNC against their own welfare?

At what point did Indians cross over and vote PNC.  That is apart from a small brand of soup lickers during the Burnham era.

FACT in 1953 the VAST MAJORITY of blacks voted for the PPP, headed by an Indian, even though a party of black/mixed people, headed by John Carter, existed. 

I will await with anticipation for you to discuss when a large majority of Indians have ever voted for a party not headed by an Indian.

ksazma posted:
GNI's membership is primarily of Indian descent so one would reasonably expect comment from an Indian viewpoint.

Because the majority of the black posters were disgusted with the rampant bigotry that existed on GNI and left.  The few who remained were daily assaulted with all patterns of abuse.

And it got so bad that a poster in Canada even reported that GNI was beginning to show up as an anti black hate site.  It was similarly referenced in some media in the Caribbean, and was cited as evidence that Indo Guyanese not only harbor racism against Afro Guyanese, as part of the inter ethnic competition of Guyana.  But even when they enter majority black Caribbean islands many bring their anti black attitudes with them.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

Great when we have a diversity of our culture. 

But seriously what’s going on here, is Guyana short of Indian women  . As they say, a picture tells  a thousand words.

I didn’t recall seeing majority of Indian women dress in African dress at emancipation day.F2A909CD-F136-4C12-92CD-7D1D370B31C1

Indians aren't in a habit of participating in non Indo events.  Any event which isn't connected to Indians or to the PPP is a non Indo event.

Bai, you neeva see dem lil coolie gyals backballing at Mash?

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
GNI's membership is primarily of Indian descent so one would reasonably expect comment from an Indian viewpoint.

Because the majority of the black posters were disgusted with the rampant bigotry that existed on GNI and left.  The few who remained were daily assaulted with all patterns of abuse.

And it got so bad that a poster in Canada even reported that GNI was beginning to show up as an anti black hate site.  It was similarly referenced in some media in the Caribbean, and was cited as evidence that Indo Guyanese not only harbor racism against Afro Guyanese, as part of the inter ethnic competition of Guyana.  But even when they enter majority black Caribbean islands many bring their anti black attitudes with them.

And a darkie like you gets the title honorary member.   Enjoy GNI for what it offers you and stop this race nonsense and complaining.

Link copied to your clipboard.