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caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

That's a lie.  The colonial Indian Govt ensured that the contract (Indentured) workers had all the needed in the new environment, this included religion.  They had mandirs and pandits, etc.  The only thing lacking were women as most workers were single men.  Some pretty women/wives traded up when they arrived.  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

Baseman posted:


Bai, you neeva see dem lil coolie gyals backballing at Mash?

Yes and I am also aware that the majority of Indians wanted Mash banned because of this. "Lil coolie gyals" indulging in this really made them suicidal.  And as to when these girls did this with an Afro worse yet? 

Even in liberal Trinidad an Indo wining on the Afro PM of that island created a huge scandal until they girl called them a bunch of old time racists and that they ought to leave her alone.  The Afro PM was accused of "rape" even as the girl had a huge smile on her face.

Try again.  Just look at how enraged Prashad and others get when I posted Indo females wining.  Prashad even wanted to establish Indesh to prevent the "corruption" of Indians.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

And yet Indos rejected the off spring of these unions. 

Any bets many/most of those pandits weren't Brahmins in India?

Stop guessing and mind yuh own business!

So I see that you cannot/will not answer as either you don't know, or know that most pandits were not in fact Brahmins in India.

It was an Indo Guyanese historian who pointed out that the colonial planters were NOT interest in paying for people with "soft hands" to travel to BG.  So maybe you imagine that thousands of Brahmin paid their own passage to tend to their flock.  

Its interesting that you think that the colonials were so concerned that people who they considered to be savage pagans, should have their religious needs to be properly taken care of. Their sole concern with this was that Indians didn't attend Christian churches as they definitely didn't want Indians developing a common cause with blacks against them.  Who the pandits were mattered not because in their minds these people were virtual witch doctors.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:

  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

And yet Indos rejected the off spring of these unions. 

Any bets many/most of those pandits weren't Brahmins in India?

Stop guessing and mind yuh own business!

So I see that you cannot/will not answer as either you don't know, or know that most pandits were not in fact Brahmins in India.

It was an Indo Guyanese historian who pointed out that the colonial planters were NOT interest in paying for people with "soft hands" to travel to BG.  So maybe you imagine that thousands of Brahmin paid their own passage to tend to their flock.  

Its interesting that you think that the colonials were so concerned that people who they considered to be savage pagans, should have their religious needs to be properly taken care of. Their sole concern with this was that Indians didn't attend Christian churches as they definitely didn't want Indians developing a common cause with blacks against them.  Who the pandits were mattered not because in their minds these people were virtual witch doctors.

I would concede a point to you, lots of adoption took place as, for example, TT has more Maraj/Maharaj than India.  This also happened in Guyana with other preferred names.  

I do believe Guyana and TT have lots of fake Brahmins.  But the whole thing is fake anyway, so two negatives yield a false positive.

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:


Bai, you neeva see dem lil coolie gyals backballing at Mash?

Yes and I am also aware that the majority of Indians wanted Mash banned because of this. "Lil coolie gyals" indulging in this really made them suicidal.  And as to when these girls did this with an Afro worse yet? 

Even in liberal Trinidad an Indo wining on the Afro PM of that island created a huge scandal until they girl called them a bunch of old time racists and that they ought to leave her alone.  The Afro PM was accused of "rape" even as the girl had a huge smile on her face.

Try again.  Just look at how enraged Prashad and others get when I posted Indo females wining.  Prashad even wanted to establish Indesh to prevent the "corruption" of Indians.

Carib like he forgot that I got an issue with Afro-Caribbean women wineing up on the street also. Prashad knows many women from Africa and not one of them would wine up on street especially with a man who is not their husband. Wineing up on the street is a mimic of a 16th centary Englishman pirate with his lady of the sidewalk. He is celebrating his freedom after Elisabeth 1 release him out of jail to create havoc on other people.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Wineing up on the street is a mimic of a 16th centary Englishman pirate with his lady of the sidewalk. He is celebrating his freedom after Elisabeth 1 release him out of jail to create havoc on other people.

Interesting  that you actually think that English men know how to wine.

As to our wining. Who do you think that we got it from?  And do you think that young African women don't wine just like their Caribbean counterparts? Old man. Get out a bit more.

Tell you what.  That extreme drinking that you all Guyanese Hindus do when you are flat on the ground, vomiting and passed out.   Screaming "Rum til I die". THAT is how English men behave.  So tell your folks to stop drinking like pirates.  That is NOT part of their Indian cultural heritage.


No argument there. The koolies give their money to the putagee in exchange for his putagee poison so that they can get drunk.  The putagee give you caribj part of the koolie money. Then you Carib and the putagee hug up each other then kick the koolie hard in his behind in an act of hateful anti koolism.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:

No argument there. The koolies give their money to the putagee in exchange for his putagee poison so that they can get drunk.  The putagee give you caribj part of the koolie money. Then you Carib and the putagee hug up each other then kick the koolie hard in his behind in an act of hateful anti koolism.

Its always interesting that blacks are always to blame in your little world. Binge drinking alcoholism, a very Anglo Saxon disease, becomes a cultural habit of Hindu cane cutters throughout the Caribbean.  To the point where "rum 'til I die" becomes their national anthem.

Instead of focusing on that you display your rage that black women can have innocent fun shaking their behinds in the street.  I don't see any liver damage being done, unlike this Anglo Saxon disease that so many Hindu cane cutters caught and then developed into their culture. 

This behavior has shortened the life expectancy of a huge chunk of the rural Indian population.  Rendering them even more susceptible to diabetes which already ails South Asians to a great degree.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

That's a lie.  The colonial Indian Govt ensured that the contract (Indentured) workers had all the needed in the new environment, this included religion.  They had mandirs and pandits, etc.  The only thing lacking were women as most workers were single men.  Some pretty women/wives traded up when they arrived.  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

Some women also serviced multiple partners to alleviate the shortage of punani situation.

Baseman posted:
caribny posted:
Stormborn posted:
. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

In fact the British were adamant that all indentures had a background in agriculture and were aggressive in preventing Brahmins and other high caste people from entering their sugar producing colonies in the Caribbean, and in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.  They didn't want to allow those who had the potential to lead the indentures to enter these colonies.

That's a lie.  The colonial Indian Govt ensured that the contract (Indentured) workers had all the needed in the new environment, this included religion.  They had mandirs and pandits, etc.  The only thing lacking were women as most workers were single men.  Some pretty women/wives traded up when they arrived.  Some men found comfort in the arms (and legs) of African women, and so began Duglarization.

What sort of lie are you telling? Where in India is the hinduism as constituted in mainly sanathan Dharm with no emphasis on cast and with a constituency of made up of mainly dalit origins? The Hinduism we see in guyana is a product of the Ruhomon brothers beginning in 1917 who began to formally consolidate the various practices into a unitary whole we see today. None of the tribal belief systems remain and note there were more than 20 tribes with their own household gods and rituals.  We only have remnants of south india kali culture, and a remnant of arya samaag.

Baseman posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
yuji22 posted:

I thank my liberal minded Bramhana foreparents who came from what is now Haryana, India. Like them, we are also charting a new course for future generations in North America.

Most likely your parents came from UP or Bihar, loke most Indians.

Vish you are dead wrong. There is this misinformation that ALL Indos came from UP/Bihar. I followed records and went all the way back to India, DNA test and all.

Yes, my foreparents are from Haryana, India.

Reminds me of the misinformed D2 who labels ALL Indos as dalits.

Dumdum...presently on this site there is possibly a post where I detailed the breakdown of the origins of indians. As with the above post where you misquote Vish, you cannot help being wrong. He said "most likely" your parents are from UP etc...not "all indos" are from UP/Behar. And since 90 percent are from the unscheduled castes I cannot refer to them in any other general category but dalits. It is a sacred designation!

Dummy, UP/Bihar does not only have Dalits.  Mr father’s clan is from the Ahir caste of UP.  That caste was responsible for all milk supplies!

and where did I say that? I said the overwhelming majority were from   low caste tribals. Where was your mother's clan from?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Hey D2/Storm/whatever/ watch your mouth !

I clearly stated that my foreparents came from what is now Haryana, India. In spite of my clearly stating the fact, he still wanted to "correct" me. I need to get the facts straight. 

Yes, you have constituently labelled ALL Indos at GNI as Dalits while you remain a toothless/clueless Buckman.

What a pitiful ignoramus! I am culturally amerind as opposed to you being pretentiously brahamin...a parasitic caste that leeched off the others for 6000 years. One of my great grandfather  and grand mother  were  Amerindian.They had Jewish and Scots surnames so they were also culturally amerindians.

On my paternal side my grandfather was Scott and my grandmother Indian. The only thing clueless here was the reality that had my entry into this world in an academic environment and was raised on the knees of an educated amerindian women. You on the other hand was raised on the knees of an literate and so failed to grasp that the naked clinging to class by origins has no value in the real world. You get that from the environment. proper social learning and surrounded by people with good sense at a critical age. Otherwise one grow up to be a dunce like you.

Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Yugi is a congenital racist. He thinks that the "Buckman" is backward in their ways. Little does he know that this "Buckman" he is attacking is much more educated than him.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

We have chief a brown artificial jew. Now we have stormborn an Amerindian jew.

GNI has a Buckman who lies through his teeth. He is so dumb that he called a Sakawinki a Bird. That is the limit to his mental capacity. 

He choked on cassava juice and piwari at a very young age.

Living on park benchs and access to library computers are part of his daily routine. Panhandling with a guitar in hand is his trademark.

Lord, please help that delusional Buck Bai. His lies are unbearable.

We all know who you referring to. Admin should ban you for you personal attacks. Not that I support banning. But this one is unprovoked. 


One of the reasons they go to the pen.

They get personnel when their poor intellect are hammered.

Yugi is a congenital racist. He thinks that the "Buckman" is backward in their ways. Little does he know that this "Buckman" he is attacking is much more educated than him.

Also he is part East Indian.

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