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Folks, let remember that this is Indian traditional for die-hard indian family. While this is not acceptable in some family, it is still practice widely beyond India. The son call the shots even in Western countries. This in one known abusive situation from many unreported problems that are happening in India and outside of india.

skeldon_man posted:

Now you guys can see why I was happy and proud that my forefathers left India when they did. It's a culture and custom that will never die. These people believe that because they belong to a special group or have wealth, they are above any law. GIVE THEM THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW!!!

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.

Yes you are westernized, but look at one of your fellow Indo KKK member Cobra screaming that this is "Indian culture".  Apparently this is what happens in his family. I can only imagine the thrashing that some female might get if she brings home a black man.  Cobra himself will administer the blows.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Now you guys can see why I was happy and proud that my forefathers left India when they did. It's a culture and custom that will never die. These people believe that because they belong to a special group or have wealth, they are above any law. GIVE THEM THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW!!!

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.

Yes you are westernized, but look at one of your fellow Indo KKK member Cobra screaming that this is "Indian culture".  Apparently this is what happens in his family. I can only imagine the thrashing that some female might get if she brings home a black man.  Cobra himself will administer the blows.

What blows?

caribny posted:

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.


Listen you racist piece of black shit. Most likely you grew in a home where your father was absent and you are likely an absentee father yourself. Most likely you were brutalized by your step father and you are most likely doing that to your step children. That's your culture.

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.


Listen you racist piece of black shit. Most likely you grew in a home where your father was absent and you are likely an absentee father yourself. Most likely you were brutalized by your step father and you are most likely doing that to your step children. That's your culture.

you need to chill

seignet posted:
RiffRaff posted:

most likely the parents arranged the marriage. Seeing, they did, the son felt the parents should disciplined the wife they chose for him.

This Indian antiman is married to a white woman. I doubt that this marriage was arranged. The parents were probably pissed that he chose a white woman and deprived them of some heavy dowry. It's a good thing they live in the US or else she would have been set on fire.

RiffRaff posted:
Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.


Listen you racist piece of black shit. Most likely you grew in a home where your father was absent and you are likely an absentee father yourself. Most likely you were brutalized by your step father and you are most likely doing that to your step children. That's your culture.

you need to chill

I will not sit by idly and allow him to attack so called Indian Culture with his racist bilge. Do the board a favour and ban all the "Filth Heads", "Namakarams", "Slop Can Carriers"  etc., as being pointed by your friends.

Mitwah posted:
caribny posted:

I thought Indian culture was perfect given that blacks are frequently accused of not having any culture.


Listen you racist piece of black shit. Most likely you grew in a home where your father was absent and you are likely an absentee father yourself. Most likely you were brutalized by your step father and you are most likely doing that to your step children. That's your culture.

In fact I grew up in a home with a strong father figure.  And two strong grandfathers too!  BOTH of them having strong father figures as well.

Funny you make this assumption about me and then scream that I am racist. 

Now if I assumed that you grew up ina home with a drunken father who beat up your mother every time she asked him what he did with his pay you would jump up and down and scream that I am engaging in racist stereotypes.

In fact this behavior is in fact part of Indian culture and you might as well accept this fact. We can also discuss honor killings and wife burning.

So its within this cultural context that this behavior occurs.

 Those of you who scream about your connection to India need to stop being dishonest and admit that this is what you desire to be connected to.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

DV in India is taken very seriously.  They throw you in jail and ask questions after.  The issue is more to do with corruption, law enforcement getting bribed to get rid of files, etc.  But the law is very strict!

It reflects ancient Indian cultural practices that modern India found embarrassing when British Indian females revealed what goes on when they visited India.

Corruption might allow some to get away with this but please don't pretend as if there aren't barbaric aspects about how Indian females have been treated within traditional Indian culture.

Prashad posted:

Listen here the other side is the same.

Which other side is the same.

Note that we claim creole culture so don't go digging up something in Africa as if it has anything to do with us. 

We left Africa 200 years or more ago and don't have a deep connection to the more traditional aspects of their assorted cultures.

And in fact blacks might not approve of their kids marrying Indians but they don't disown them and they certainly don't assault them for this reason.  It is clear in Guyana that blacks are more accepting of interracial marriages and of biracial children than Indians are.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

DV in India is taken very seriously.  They throw you in jail and ask questions after.  The issue is more to do with corruption, law enforcement getting bribed to get rid of files, etc.  But the law is very strict!

It reflects ancient Indian cultural practices that modern India found embarrassing when British Indian females revealed what goes on when they visited India.

Corruption might allow some to get away with this but please don't pretend as if there aren't barbaric aspects about how Indian females have been treated within traditional Indian culture.

Caribj, I intend to leave GNI soon for good, but until then, I will not allow you to ridicule Indians and put down Indian men and Indian culture.

Caribj, you are right and you are wrong.  True, in yesterday's Indian culture the wife leaves her home and goes to the husband's.  They become part of that family and adapt to the rules and norms of that family.  Many of today's Indian families are caught the old expectations competing with today's universal values.  So, yes, many see an independent minded wife not favorable.  In this case, clearly the matriarch sees it that way and cooperated with the men in abusing the lady.

You can rest assure, this behavior in very much prohibited under Indian statutes.  This is big big jail time in India!

Caribj, I saw a documentary on the roots of spousal abuse in Africa.  It shows the woman's pathway to "wifehood" just prior to the wedding.  What I saw in the clip was stomach churning and brings a tear to any man's eyes.  Please take a look at this modern day clip of "pain for pleasure" customs in today's Ethopia.  LOOK WITH PLEASURE YOU RACIST SKONT:

Caribj, in Guyana I grew up in a Black village, and almost every weekend Black women ran to our home for help from DV.  Most of the disputes were drinking and [traditional] womanizing.

Furthermore, enjoy reading what seems to be the norm in Africa. I hope your ADD don't kick-in and you run for cover.  I HIGHLIGHTED TO HELP YOU FOCUS YOU RACIST SKONT:

LAGOS, Nigeria - It was a typical husband-wife argument. She wanted to visit her parents. He wanted her to stay home.................

............Not Ms. Isimeto-Osibuamhe. A university graduate and founder of a French school, .

"He doesn't believe I have any rights of my own," she said in an interview outside her French classroom. "If I say no, he beats me. I said: 'Wow. That is not what I want in life."'

.................."It is like it is a normal thing for women to be treated by their husbands as punching bags,"..........

........... "The Nigerian man thinks that a woman is his inferior. ............

............In South Africa, ...........

male partner kills a girlfriend or spouse every six hours -- the highest mortality rate from domestic violence ever reported, they say. In Harare, Zimbabwe's capital, domestic violence accounts for more than 6 in 10 murder cases in court, a United Nations report concluded last year.

Yet most women remain silent about the abuse, ................, six in seven victims had either kept it to themselves or confided only in a friend or relative.

.............. About half of women interviewed in Zambia in 2001 and 2002 said husbands had a right to beat wives who argue with them, burn the dinner, go out without the husband's permission, neglect the children or refuse sex.

............ "We men in Africa hate disrespect."

Nigeria's penal code, in force in the Muslim-dominated north, specifically allows husbands to discipline their wives --............... Assault laws could apply, but the police typically see wife-beating as an exception...........

............. Typically less educated, they work longer hours and transport three times as much weight as men, hauling firewood, water and sacks of corn on their heads............

...........She was only about 16 when she met Emmanuel. Like her, he went on to graduate from a university, specializing in accounting. Slim and handsome, he slapped her only once during their long courtship, she said. She thought it was an aberration.

It wasn't. Now 35, Ms. Isimeto-Osibuamhe says that Emmanuel beat her more than 60 times after she married him in 1997. He beat her, she says, while she was pregnant with their son, now 6. He threw a lantern at her. He held a knife to her head, she said, while a friend pleaded with him not to kill her.................

"For God's sake," he added. "You are the head of the home as the man. You must have a home that is submissive to you.".............


When Ms. Isimeto-Osibuamhe eventually sought help, others only seemed to support her husband's view. She went to the police. "They told me I am not a small girl," she recalled. "If I don't want to be married, I should get divorced."

She told her father-in-law. He advised her that "beating is normal."

She told her local pastor, who counseled her that "I shouldn't make him so angry," telling her "whatever my husband says, I should submit."............


Her diary is filled with notes on how his views are wrong. "Marriage to you: A slavery relationship!" she wrote this January............


"An African man believes his wife is like a piece of property, is like a car, is like a shoe, is like something for him to trample on," Ms. Isimeto-Osibuamhe said. "Our men need education."

So do "our mothers, our fathers, our sons," she added. "The whole society needs to be overhauled."

Edited to assist the ADD's!!

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Listen here the other side is the same.

Which other side is the same.

Note that we claim creole culture so don't go digging up something in Africa as if it has anything to do with us. 

We left Africa 200 years or more ago and don't have a deep connection to the more traditional aspects of their assorted cultures.

And in fact blacks might not approve of their kids marrying Indians but they don't disown them and they certainly don't assault them for this reason.  It is clear in Guyana that blacks are more accepting of interracial marriages and of biracial children than Indians are.

Why you trying to hide ahead of the game.  You claim "Creole", but Afro-Guyanese did bring and do exhibit some of the behaviors you find in Africa.  I lived in India, and Guyanese Indians are different from Indians and even in India, there are very big differences, urban/rural, religion, region.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Everything for Carib bai is centralized around race. There is good and bad in every group.

Hmmm. Interesting.  Did you condemn those who are laughing and denigrating Afro Guyanese culture? No. SILENCE.

But when I react to this you say I am centralized around race.

If you analyze your comments carefully, you would have no trouble recognizing that your comments are all about race. There are other posters who make comments regarding race but they also comment on other matters like politics and social activities. I comment on politics, religion, business, social activities and even joke about sexual matters. I think you are too race centric.

ba$eman posted:

Edited to assist the ADD's!!

Don't know why you bring up African customs as I have long said that Afro Caribbean people are NOT African and in fact this that you describe is actually the reason why we shouldn't aspire to be.  We should leave that which don't understand alone and in this is in fact what Africans tell blacks of the Americas that we shouldn't "play African".

As to DV there is no where in any aspect of Afro Caribbean culture that you can find that will suggest that this is sanctioned. Afro Caribbean women are in fact very independent and Afro Caribbean families are matriarchal.  Its the women who run the households.  And in fact you should add that if a woman marries a wife beating husband often times her male relatives go to this man and beat is ass up.


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