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Berbicians will run back to the PPP if AFC does not play a constructive role that it was voted in to do. Word on the street in Berbice is that they are very scared of the PNC elements in the APNU and Roopnarine seems to be pushed in a corner by APNU. The opposition has to show the electorate that they are willing to bring positive changes to Guyana and not grandstanding otherwise Berbice will return to PPP. Interesting times ahead for Guyana.
To the ones who voted AFC, you voted in vain. Your vote in reality went to APNU. AFC will support APNU in the house. When the next election is called, I guarantee all the anti PPP/C elements on this site that victory will be bigger than ever. PNC would never be in a position to win elections in Guyana. Even with a collation and name change, they could not defeat the PPP/C. Guyanese were too comfortable with the PPP/C and took the party for granted. God forbid, if APNU or PNC had gotten into office, Guyana would have return to the dark days of hell. Most of us that are alive and fled for greener pastors under the PNC hey days had no choice but to leave. For the next five years, it would definitely be difficult for the ruling party to govern the country with a one seat minority; however Guyana will continue to progress under the PPP/C. President Ramotar will make Guyana proud and continue to uplift his people regardless of creed/color.
Originally posted by westdem:
To the ones who voted AFC, you voted in vain. Your vote in reality went to APNU. AFC will support APNU in the house. When the next election is called, I guarantee all the anti PPP/C elements on this site that victory will be bigger than ever. PNC would never be in a position to win elections in Guyana. Even with a collation and name change, they could not defeat the PPP/C. Guyanese were too comfortable with the PPP/C and took the party for granted. God forbid, if APNU or PNC had gotten into office, Guyana would have return to the dark days of hell. Most of us that are alive and fled for greener pastors under the PNC hey days had no choice but to leave. For the next five years, it would definitely be difficult for the ruling party to govern the country with a one seat minority; however Guyana will continue to progress under the PPP/C. President Ramotar will make Guyana proud and continue to uplift his people regardless of creed/color.

Why must we believe Westdem....when those been around long before Irfan admit that there is widespread thiefing and corruption.
(1) President Ramotar promise the Berbicians he will weed out Thiefing & Corruption.
(2)Joey Jagan say corruption from top to bottom and bareface in Housing & Water.
(3) Mr Ralph Ramkarran say Guyana cant move forward unless we clean upcorruption and mismanagement.
(4) Navin Chandrapal say them lil boy thiefing bareface.
(5) Indra Chandrapal say she cant believe how much de thiefing has grown over the years at her old ministry.

So de lil boy minista from Westdem better keep Quiet because eee going to camp street with De Big Rat.

Westdem like eee upset de Guyanese vote fuh change and an end to corruption and thiefing.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Berbicians run away from Jagdeo, Kit Nascimento, Lamumba, Manniram, Kwame McCoy, Philip Bynoe, Taps, House of Isreal, Hamilton & Ramotar.

Stop Dreaming.....Berbicians run away from "Ramotar, Jagdeo and De PNC Recycled Thugs"

Look, I have communicated with youths in Bbce and can tell you, many have deep regrets and internal conflict. Not so much that they voted for the AFC and not that they are happy with the PPP. They feel betrayed and tricked into falling vicitim to some sort of APNU conspiracy to split the Indian vote while consolidating Afro votes behind the APNU.

At this point no one really cares why Afros deserted the AFC, but they feel used and conned. We can blame the AFC for the lack of focus in 4 and 10, but these youths don't want to hear about that. This instead has raised the spector of a factional conspiracy within the AFC itself. Many feel now they also betrayed their parents struggle and went along naively thinking the race politics is a receeding. They, like many of us, were hugely mistaken.
For berbice to develop, it should consider seperating and have it's own Berbice Government. Why should Berbician still have to line up in GT for passports and birth certificates.

Berbice has been negelectd over the decades and the major developments and jobs are in GT.

Berbice is the bread basket of the country.

Why is there no airport in Berbice?
Originally posted by Mitwah:
For berbice to develop, it should consider seperating and have it's own Berbice Government. Why should Berbician still have to line up in GT for passports and birth certificates.

Berbice has been negelectd over the decades and the major developments and jobs are in GT.

Berbice is the bread basket of the country.

Why is there no airport in Berbice?

Because the PPP party only use the Berbician Indos for their votes come election time. Now the ordinary ones are finally waking up and getting wise to the their game. If Guyanese start voting on the issues and not race politians would have to work hard for those votes. clever
I can also confirm that youths in Berbice feel betrayed by AFC. They voted for AFC to bring balance and not being in bed with PNC/APNU. AFC will be wiped out from Berbice in the next election if they do not live up to expectations. The opposition must show Guyanese that parliament must work in favour of all Guyanese regardless of race. If this does not happen then we can see a return to race based politics in Guyana.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Wait until AFC blocks legislation for any projects in Berbice with Moses voting with the AFC and PNC/APNU.

So far it's was only the PPP and their cronies who were major beneficiaries from these so called projects. THe AFC must demand Transparency and full accountabilty of the spending. I would expect the AFC to act in the best interest of the people. Get use to it.
The PPP gave Berbicians a bridge. PNC gave them rotten stinking broken down Ferry to cross the Berbice river. Berbicians are wealthy and sophisticated voters and will not allow hooligans and thugs destroy Guyana. Protestors outside the home of the Chief elections officer was the last straw that broke the camels back for me. Time to end being a moderate and support the PPP before PNC and AFC destroy Guyana.
Berbice is the richest place in Guyana. They can send some assistance to the starving APNU/PNC supporters. In addition, we own million abroad with our real estate and bank account. Thanks to PNC and Burnham we came to NA and are successful. Have you seen our multi million dollar homes in Berbice lately ? Get out of your hut or shack and beg for a ride to Berbice and you will see wealth and progress we have made. Who needs these poor PNC fools to govern ?
Malnutrition exists in PNC stronghold in Berbice. Indo Guyanese do not need handouts in Berbice. Burnhan gave PNC supporters dry bread anmd huts during his 28 years of dictatorship.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Berbice is the richest place in Guyana. They can send some assistance to the starving APNU/PNC supporters. In addition, we own million abroad with our real estate and bank account. Thanks to PNC and Burnham we came to NA and are successful. Have you seen our multi million dollar homes in Berbice lately ? Get out of your hut or shack and beg for a ride to Berbice and you will see wealth and progress we have made. Who needs these poor PNC fools to govern ?
Originally posted by BOURDABOY:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
For berbice to develop, it should consider seperating and have it's own Berbice Government. Why should Berbician still have to line up in GT for passports and birth certificates.

Berbice has been negelectd over the decades and the major developments and jobs are in GT.

Berbice is the bread basket of the country.

Why is there no airport in Berbice?

Because the PPP party only use the Berbician Indos for their votes come election time. Now the ordinary ones are finally waking up and getting wise to the their game. If Guyanese start voting on the issues and not race politians would have to work hard for those votes. clever

Ramjattan AND Moses have issues with the PPP and that is revenge nothing else.

I am not only surprised but also shocked to know that these poor Indians can be used by the AFC who now supports the PNC hooligans..
Post their address so that we can send some handouts. LOL

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Malnutrition exists in PNC stronghold in Berbice. Indo Guyanese do not need handouts in Berbice. Burnhan gave PNC supporters dry bread anmd huts during his 28 years of dictatorship.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Berbice is the richest place in Guyana. They can send some assistance to the starving APNU/PNC supporters. In addition, we own million abroad with our real estate and bank account. Thanks to PNC and Burnham we came to NA and are successful. Have you seen our multi million dollar homes in Berbice lately ? Get out of your hut or shack and beg for a ride to Berbice and you will see wealth and progress we have made. Who needs these poor PNC fools to govern ?
Berbicians can exist independently. Our Afro servants are better off today than when Burnham gave then dry bead and water for 28 years. We are trend setters, we are the first to break away from race based votes to give the AFC and chance and they pe* on us by supporting PNC thugs. We will run them out of Berbice next election.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Progress in Berbice will continue, wealth accumulation will continue in Berbice. APNU/PNC can plan boycotts all they want because they can only afford bread and tea. APNU/PNC have no economic significance to Guyana. They will continue to destroy.

How is my afro_guyanese friend today?
Who care what you say. You are PNC thugs who try to supress us for too long and we will not allow hooligans to intimidate us. PPP gave us wealth and economic progress, roads, schools, bridges, water, electricity, TV, internet, any foodstuff what you can think of, and the kist goes on. YOU PNC thugs gave us food lines, thieves and donkey carts, blackout, no running water, no gas, and the list can go on and on so go live in your hole if you want to but the gloves are off.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Progress in Berbice will continue, wealth accumulation will continue in Berbice. APNU/PNC can plan boycotts all they want because they can only afford bread and tea. APNU/PNC have no economic significance to Guyana. They will continue to destroy.
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Who care what you say. You are PNC thugs who try to supress us for too long and we will not allow hooligans to intimidate us. PPP gave us wealth and economic progress, roads, schools, bridges, water, electricity, TV, internet, any foodstuff what you can think of, and the kist goes on. YOU PNC thugs gave us food lines, thieves and donkey carts, blackout, no running water, no gas, and the list can go on and on so go live in your hole if you want to but the gloves are off.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Progress in Berbice will continue, wealth accumulation will continue in Berbice. APNU/PNC can plan boycotts all they want because they can only afford bread and tea. APNU/PNC have no economic significance to Guyana. They will continue to destroy.

keep attacking my brother. They are running for cover..
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Who care what you say. You are PNC thugs who try to supress us for too long and we will not allow hooligans to intimidate us. PPP gave us wealth and economic progress, roads, schools, bridges, water, electricity, TV, internet, any foodstuff what you can think of, and the kist goes on. YOU PNC thugs gave us food lines, thieves and donkey carts, blackout, no running water, no gas, and the list can go on and on so go live in your hole if you want to but the gloves are off.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Progress in Berbice will continue, wealth accumulation will continue in Berbice. APNU/PNC can plan boycotts all they want because they can only afford bread and tea. APNU/PNC have no economic significance to Guyana. They will continue to destroy.

keep attacking my brother. They are running for cover..

U cosigning this shit Ramas*unt??
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by Guyana1:
Who care what you say. You are PNC thugs who try to supress us for too long and we will not allow hooligans to intimidate us. PPP gave us wealth and economic progress, roads, schools, bridges, water, electricity, TV, internet, any foodstuff what you can think of, and the kist goes on. YOU PNC thugs gave us food lines, thieves and donkey carts, blackout, no running water, no gas, and the list can go on and on so go live in your hole if you want to but the gloves are off.

Originally posted by Guyana1:
Progress in Berbice will continue, wealth accumulation will continue in Berbice. APNU/PNC can plan boycotts all they want because they can only afford bread and tea. APNU/PNC have no economic significance to Guyana. They will continue to destroy.

keep attacking my brother. They are running for cover..

U cosigning this shit Ramas*unt??

I am on the side of truth and he is telling the truth.
Originally posted by westdem:
To the ones who voted AFC, you voted in vain. Your vote in reality went to APNU. AFC will support APNU in the house. When the next election is called, I guarantee all the anti PPP/C elements on this site that victory will be bigger than ever. PNC would never be in a position to win elections in Guyana. Even with a collation and name change, they could not defeat the PPP/C. Guyanese were too comfortable with the PPP/C and took the party for granted. God forbid, if APNU or PNC had gotten into office, Guyana would have return to the dark days of hell. Most of us that are alive and fled for greener pastors under the PNC hey days had no choice but to leave. For the next five years, it would definitely be difficult for the ruling party to govern the country with a one seat minority; however Guyana will continue to progress under the PPP/C. President Ramotar will make Guyana proud and continue to uplift his people regardless of creed/color.

Why must we believe Westdem....when those been around long before Irfan admit that there is widespread thiefing and corruption.
(1) President Ramotar promise the Berbicians he will weed out Thiefing & Corruption.
(2)Joey Jagan say corruption from top to bottom and bareface in Housing & Water.
(3) Mr Ralph Ramkarran say Guyana cant move forward unless we clean upcorruption and mismanagement.
(4) Navin Chandrapal say them lil boy thiefing bareface.
(5) Indra Chandrapal say she cant believe how much de thiefing has grown over the years at her old ministry.

So de lil boy minista from Westdem better keep Quiet because eee going to camp street with De Big Rat.

Westdem like eee upset de Guyanese vote fuh change and an end to corruption and thiefing.

Jailil if your theory is correct, why then the vast majority of Afro-Guyanese voted APNU. According to your take, Indo-Guyanese were voting issues while Afro-Guyanese were voting race.
I guarantee you; very few voted Afro-Guyanese voted AFC. With the November 2011 elections, many Indo-Guyanese were tricked into thinking that everything was going to be better under the AFC, forgetting that it was false hope. What would have happen if the PPP/C had lost the elections,” a repeat of 28 years would have returned”. Let’s face reality, the AFC would have never been in a position to win the elections, it was merely an attempt to split the PPP/C support. AFC ran its rallies mainly in PPP/C support base not PNC and succeeded.
Mike, I keep telling them to go back as far as a year and read my Thesis on The Ramesh Maharaj factor and Moses. They too ASHAMED to do so. They have been outsmarted and now they will be left in the COLD. I cannot believe that they could have been so NAIVE. How can anyone trust these Nitwits to run a country???
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Not a week gone by yet and today speaking to some of the folks from Berbice who voted for the AFC they are disappointed with the leadership of the AFC-Specifically the AFC support for the PNC

a good set of nim-mak-karams...ungratefull collies. We warned them

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