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We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Don't tell this to Stormy. All Indians are dalits.

kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

what nonsense!!

people of Indian descent are indeed among the best achievers in science & technology in the world . . .

HOWEVER, THESE 'STATISTICS' ARE COMPONENTS OF AN URBAN LEGEND peddled by klowns that was debunked years ago but given new life on GNI by the ignorant and the insecure


baseman posted:

I don't know, some book-smart Guyanese coolies prapa stupid.  Look how they "suck and swalla" PNC "Unity" koolaid!!!  Now dem all eating katahar and gettin' belly wuk!!

bBhai, It is not stupid but GREED, IMMORAL, GLUTTEN FOR MONEY, one of them was in Brklyn with Hinds throwing dirt at Indians hoping for Minista Wuk.  He got such a big kick on his behind, the almost end up in the Everglades!!!

kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Because you are are statistically ignorant that you believe these numbers mean more than they do. These are the brightest of Indian coming and filling posts here because of they are of course the technological wet backs who come via H1B. It is a natural skew based on recruiting and brain drain of the best and not a consequence of competition. Why do we not see the same in India itself?

India should be proud not of the recruiting here but the fact that those of the diaspora returning home can seed cities like Banglore. Maybe that will help to lift it from the doldrums of everything bad from child slavery, domestic violence, illiteracy etc that is the status quo in India. The reality is that despite advance in ideas from ancient times, India has never been able to capitalize because of religion. Maybe these people in the west will help to make it better.

Last edited by Former Member
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

Gaiutra Bahadur - author of Coolie Woman, BA from Yale and MA from Columbia University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

Glad you have listed a few cases of success. How about the rates? I thought KP was making diaspora comparisons, no?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

Are you counting the 40% in deep poverty or the 3000k who leave school early as pregnant teens, or victims of rape and incest? Surely you have the discernment to know that accomplishment is not measured by living in the reflected glow of corrupt elites but in the status of the ordinary people. The majority of Indian Guyanese women at home will never see beyond secondary education and this condition so far from colonialism can only rest on the heads of politicians. Most will end up being wives to rum wallahs with no hope for a better life.



Last edited by Former Member
TK posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
TK posted:

I'm more concerned with the scientific, cultural and academic achievements of Indo-Guyanese. How do they compare to Indians from India, Chinese, Nigerians, Ghanaians and other Caribbean groups? Are we as a people too steeped into the Basmanesque, Nehruesque and Yujiesques ways?  

Well for the Indian women, they seem to being doing good.

Frank Anthony's daughter got 17 As at CSEC.  His wife is a medical doctor.

Anil Nandlall and his wife are both good attorneys.

Amlata Persaud - Guyana's only female Rhodes Scholar

Dr. Indra Gopaul-Daniels - a very accomplished medical doctor who graduated with honors from the College of Physicians and surgeons in Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Nadia Ramdin - Guyana's only female oncologist out of Brown University.

I can make a long long list of the professional Indo women.

Glad you have listed a few cases of success. How about the rates? I thought KP was making diaspora comparisons, no?

Well one has to know how to talk with Nobel Prize winners and Pavi in a rum shop. I have done both. I can do both.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not wondering as to their intellectual status.  Believe me, these girls are top notch people.  They are very accomplished and respectable professionals in their field.

I clearly seldom rely on your judgement since it has proven jaundiced more often than not. That they are accomplished means little if they are not whole persons. They cannot be any different than you are; transparently pretentious, overly self conscious and status being of more worth than intellect. Wisdom finds no fertile ground here.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not wondering as to their intellectual status.  Believe me, these girls are top notch people.  They are very accomplished and respectable professionals in their field.

I clearly seldom rely on your judgement since it has proven jaundiced more often than not. That they are accomplished means little if they are not whole persons. They cannot be any different than you are; transparently pretentious, overly self conscious and status being of more worth than intellect. Wisdom finds no fertile ground here.

How dare you question the wholesomeness of these women?  You don't even know them.  I hope they are reading this.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not wondering as to their intellectual status.  Believe me, these girls are top notch people.  They are very accomplished and respectable professionals in their field.

I clearly seldom rely on your judgement since it has proven jaundiced more often than not. That they are accomplished means little if they are not whole persons. They cannot be any different than you are; transparently pretentious, overly self conscious and status being of more worth than intellect. Wisdom finds no fertile ground here.

How dare you question the wholesomeness of these women?  You don't even know them.  I hope they are reading this.

Based on the evidence you present. I am as wrong as your comments. Let them read it and come here if they want to as you say "laugh at us". I am sufficiency confident that my life experience is not to be laughed at unless you are a bit of an ass. So there...

Stormborn posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Because you are are statistically ignorant that you believe these numbers mean more than they do. These are the brightest of Indian coming and filling posts here because of they are of course the technological wet backs who come via H1B. It is a natural skew based on recruiting and brain drain of the best and not a consequence of competition. Why do we not see the same in India itself?

India should be proud not of the recruiting here but the fact that those of the diaspora returning home can seed cities like Banglore. Maybe that will help to lift it from the doldrums of everything bad from child slavery, domestic violence, illiteracy etc that is the status quo in India. The reality is that despite advance in ideas from ancient times, India has never been able to capitalize because of religion. Maybe these people in the west will help to make it better.

You are comparing the Indians referred to above with the underprivileged in India.  Why don't you tell us why such disparities in employment in these famous institutions in the US are skewed in favor on this immigrant group?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Because you are are statistically ignorant that you believe these numbers mean more than they do. These are the brightest of Indian coming and filling posts here because of they are of course the technological wet backs who come via H1B. It is a natural skew based on recruiting and brain drain of the best and not a consequence of competition. Why do we not see the same in India itself?

India should be proud not of the recruiting here but the fact that those of the diaspora returning home can seed cities like Banglore. Maybe that will help to lift it from the doldrums of everything bad from child slavery, domestic violence, illiteracy etc that is the status quo in India. The reality is that despite advance in ideas from ancient times, India has never been able to capitalize because of religion. Maybe these people in the west will help to make it better.

You are comparing the Indians referred to above with the underprivileged in India.  Why don't you tell us why such disparities in employment in these famous institutions in the US are skewed in favor on this immigrant group?

Dude, wake up, re read what I said and then contemplate on it for a moment  before you dream you are saying something smart just make more of an ass of yourself.

skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Don't tell this to Stormy. All Indians are dalits.

No, that would be you imagining that I would say so. India is not Guyana...It simply sent mostly dalits there. Thats a fact jack.

kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Is the inference here that people of other races ought not to be proud?


For someone to become educated they must have the desire, ability, and the opportunity to do so. If you have the ability and no desire to be educated then you are not going to be educated. If you have the desire and ability but no opportunity it would result in the same as if you have no ability or desire. India is an overpopulated nation with over a billion people. Poverty is a major a problem even though millions are lifted out of it each year. However, progress are being made on all fronts despite the difficult challenges they face.

Billy Ram Balgobin
antabanta posted:
kp posted:

We should be proud being an Indian doesn't matter where we come from. Do you know--38% of Doctors in US are Indians,  36% of NASA Scientists are Indians. 34% of Microsoft employees are Indians, 28% of IBM employees are Indians, 17% of Intel employees are Indians, 12% of Total scientists in US are Indians. These are figures only in the USA, so be proud of your race and if you are an INDIAN lift your head high and be PROUD.

Is the inference here that people of other races ought not to be proud?

That should not be inferred at all.  There are other races who are just as accomplished.  I only mentioned a few Indian names to keep with the subject.  One of my good Afro-Guyanese sisters is a graduate of Harvard Medical School.  She is currently an Md/Phd Doctor (GYN) at UNC.

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

"It is a natural skew based on recruiting and brain drain of the best and not a consequence of competition."



Please tell us why  a disproportionate amount of Indians are employed by these fine American institutions. Forget about the problems of India and being Indian. Give a logical answer.

Because you have a big population of a billion from which you take less than a tenth of a percent of the cream. That is why.

Why forget the problems of India? If you are insisting there is some magic in Indians being in these positions vs Russians ( not recruited and no dummies for that matter) then why not take the entire population of India?

The matter is statistics. I have seen it refuted all across the net because Indians themselves use this argument to post themselves as being super achievers. If you are looking for super achievers among superchievers you will get super achievers. If you are looking for them among their source population you will find 99.9 percent failures.

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

For someone to become educated they must have the desire, ability, and the opportunity to do so. If you have the ability and no desire to be educated then you are not going to be educated. If you have the desire and ability but no opportunity it would result in the same as if you have no ability or desire. India is an overpopulated nation with over a billion people. Poverty is a major a problem even though millions are lifted out of it each year. However, progress are being made on all fronts despite the difficult challenges they face.

That is pure crap. For 6000 years our ancestors tried and still could not escape the shadow of Brahmanism. Less than 2 centuries from under their boot and almost 50 percent of us are doing fine if not great while less than one half of one percent of our siblings in India still remains stuck and  lift their head in the light. What the hell are you talking about ability and will. It is about opportunity, lack of prejudice and means to taking advantage of that opportunity. In short it is practices that are the norm in a culture that needs changing for things to change.

Last edited by Former Member

These students are competing with the hundreds of millions in the West who have been given the opportunity to become skilled and educated. The number of Indians in tertiary institutions are perhaps the same as Westerners in Tertiary institutions, yet Indians have been able to succeed better than the others. With so many hundreds of millions without an educational opportunity in India it only boost the argument that Indians are smart or smarter than other groups.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

For someone to become educated they must have the desire, ability, and the opportunity to do so. If you have the ability and no desire to be educated then you are not going to be educated. If you have the desire and ability but no opportunity it would result in the same as if you have no ability or desire. India is an overpopulated nation with over a billion people. Poverty is a major a problem even though millions are lifted out of it each year. However, progress are being made on all fronts despite the difficult challenges they face.

That is pure crap. For 6000 years our ancestors tried and still could not escape the shadow of Brahmanism. Less than 2 centuries from under their boot and almost 50 percent of us are doing fine if not great while less than one half of one percent of our siblings in India still remains stuck and  lift their head in the light. What the hell are you talking about ability and will. It is about opportunity, lack of prejudice and means to taking advantage of that opportunity. In short it is practices that are the norm in a culture that needs changing for things to change.

You are talking as if Indians don't recognize the handicaps of the a social system that made them weak and vulnerable to outside invaders and the decline of Hinduism in India itself.  Swami Dianand and Ambedkar recognized that the society was failing to progress because of the caste system.  Ambdekar, an untouchable, described the caste system as a building with no stair cases and exits. Once you are born into it you cannot get out.  Hindu reformers like, Dianand and Vivekananda were struggling to save Hinduism from Hinduism.  Castism is dying in India contrary to what some are saying. The problems remains and it not necessarily a Hindu problem.  It exists amongst Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists too.  They are untouchables in neighborhing Pakistan. During the partition the Pakistani gov't. prevented the untouchables from leaving for India. Sounds like bullshit. Go check it out.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These students are competing with the hundreds of millions in the West who have been given the opportunity to become skilled and educated. The number of Indians in tertiary institutions are perhaps the same as Westerners in Tertiary institutions, yet Indians have been able to succeed better than the others. With so many hundreds of millions without an educational opportunity in India it only boost the argument that Indians are smart or smarter than other groups.

 That the number of indians in the us in University exceed all others is crap. There are hardly 2 million here and there are some 20 million students in colleges. 

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

These students are competing with the hundreds of millions in the West who have been given the opportunity to become skilled and educated. The number of Indians in tertiary institutions are perhaps the same as Westerners in Tertiary institutions, yet Indians have been able to succeed better than the others. With so many hundreds of millions without an educational opportunity in India it only boost the argument that Indians are smart or smarter than other groups.

 That the number of indians in the us in University exceed all others is crap. There are hardly 2 million here and there are some 20 million students in colleges. 

I'm referring to Indians in tertiary institutions in India.

Billy Ram Balgobin
RiffRaff posted:
baseman posted:

I don't know, some book-smart Guyanese coolies prapa stupid.  Look how they "suck and swalla" PNC "Unity" koolaid!!!  Now dem all eating katahar and gettin' belly wuk!!

I thought you fellas were saying that Granger supporters living high and mighty, make up your minds....

The PNC bais and few lucky one.  Nuff leff wid white mouth!!


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