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Former Member

Food for thought or hogwash?


Indians still strive for progress even outside Guyana where the PPP has absolutely no power

November 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor, Have black people become more or less economically empowered after 28 years of the black based PNC rule in Guyana or some 50 uninterrupted  years of the black based PNM ruling Trinidad? Maybe Trinidad is an excellent case study to logically indicate if there is a racist policy to keep blacks out of private business or entrepreneurship. Currently, most of Trinidad’s major businesses are privately owned and controlled by local whites and Syrians. There are no Indian business listed on Trinidad’a stock exchange. In fact, Indians are mostly scattered in the smaller grocery shops at the street corners. No rice, coffee or cocoa industries exist and the PNM shut down the major sugar industry without any Indian rioting or revolt. They were promised state lands but the PNM delayed on their promise. Something   could be fundamentally wrong where blacks with better opportunities, better education, an ethnically stocked favourable government bureaucracy, excellence in the English language, complete political emancipation and many legislated freedoms are still unable to originate and manage businesses creating a perception which measures seeming Indian economic progress to demoralise their otherwise magnificence. With so much talent, what can be the reasons for Trinidad’s black people not excelling in private business just as they are unable to skillfully do the same in Guyana or even in the Caribbean? These observations are by no means a criticism of black people’s economic aspirations with which I have no problems conceding that they have every right to be just or even better than others. But both the PNC and PNM engaged in massive black ethnic stocking of the public service and armed forces, conditioning them into a comfort zone of unparalleled lethargy. With black workers safely entrenched in cushy 9 to 5 jobs with guaranteed super salary incomes regardless whether they produced, performed or procrastinated, was there any incentive to enter private enterprise? Perish they could not with the state under their complete control. Trinidad’s Dr Eric Williams earnestly believed that blacks have patrimonial exclusive rights and ensured it within the state. Most present day black leaders reinforce such expectations long after Dr Williams and even without Forbes Burnham making it popular. But race alone cannot be the most preeminent qualifying criteria for success in economic well being; or does culture, or other factors such as intermarriages play much more significant roles? Black history has previously reinforced a proud legacy of successful empowerment to proactively own land, e.g. Victoria and Buxton  with back land farming as their head start. Recent PPP/C government initiatives to nurture black business enterprises must be accelerated whereby they overcome any reluctance and face all the   risks of growing in private business. What can therefore negate the conclusion that a state dependency culture and an old time outdated leadership mentality is actively militating against black hopes and aspirations for their entry and success in private enterprise? Indians still survived and grew in spite of black impediments and despite the communism of Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan. Their ideological PPP favoured blacks more so, yet they rejected his political embrace. With the PNC now headed by a man of war as their leader possessing absolutely no knowledge of private enterprise, economics and government, can Indians still be guilty for  black inadequacies? Indians still strive for progress even outside Guyana where the PPP has absolutely no power. With entry into the government sector strangled by black power, (it still continues), Indians simply had no alternative except to continue in back breaking, sun drenching and muddy agriculture or go into private business. All the financing capital vital for the latter was personal saving made by their thriftiness and sacrifices anyway. Until the current tainted black leaders and their Indian impediment supporters become less influential in shaping black people’s destiny, they would always be perpetually stuck in the public sector. Absolutely none of these leaders have any knowledge or experiences whatsoever how to facilitate, nurture or manage private enterprise! How are they honestly expected to make black people wealthy or successful in business? Even with the PNM management of Trinidad’s Caroni’s sugar industry where the mostly Indian working class was employed, things did not go well. When the industry started to fail, Prime Minister Patrick Manning wanted to privatise it but old guard PNM leftwing leftover Mr.George Padmore warned that divesting control of the public sector would not be in black peoples’ interest! Manning scrapped the industry and dismissed all the Indian sugar workers. Obviously, with the current black leadership in Trinidad and Guyana squandering a respective 50/28 year advancement in black power and education, black unfulfillment can hardly be ever blamed on Hinduism as per Dr Kean Gibson’s despised racist attacks on Indians. Haiti has no Indians so what makes them so glaringly impoverished? This historical enslaved tethering to an outdated black leadership can only be changed by a proactive new generation of leaders, sufficiently empowered to change black thinking and cultural practices away from state dependency. The fact that black Trinidadian MrCyril Lucius Duprey was able to build up Clico into a giant Caribbean enterprise should give hope of black private enterprise capabilities. Such changes must begin within and among black people as a necessity for a new emancipation. In the meantime what prevents them from utilising the better business opportunities  that  the PPP/C is now offering? Vassan Ramracha

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The AFC is now blaming Indians for the problems of others. This is quite disgraceful and unacceptable. Then again take a close look at the AFC's leadership, not one single Indo Guyanese is in the top three leadership positions:








Images (3)
  • Nigel
  • Cathy
  • Trotman


There is a fundamental difference between blacks and Indians. Black people are not prepared to work hard and make sacrifices in order to progress---but black people crave power--BLACK POWER---Indians, on the other hand,  are more progressive---they are more entrepreneurial---they are more ambitions---they are more enterprising---and most importantly--Indians are more family oriented than blacks.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


There is a fundamental difference between blacks and Indians. Black people are not prepared to work hard and make sacrifices in order to progress---but black people crave power--BLACK POWER---Indians, on the other hand,  are more progressive---they are more entrepreneurial---they are more ambitions---they are more enterprising---and most importantly--Indians are more family oriented than blacks.





Having your daily racist rant Rev.  I knew you couldnt help yourself.



FYI if a mere 1% of Trinidad (whites and Syrians) control that island's wealth) it does appear as if the Indians on that island arent doing too well either.  So why the rant against blacks?



And as to Guyana, most will say that Indians there are scarcely better off than the blacks are.  Dont let the wealth of a mere 5% of thieves (like druggie) think that Indians prosper there.


Of course I have long said that the Burnham dictatorship was the worst thing that happened to blacks in Guyana, and I have said the same thing about the PNMwith reference to Tdad...indeed Eric, a Trini who used to post here, used to have a mental break down every time I said this. 


Blacks in the Caribbean, with thelr legacy of slavery, which bred a culture of dependence, did NOT need a small elite of Africans and mixed people to promote incompetence, and further dependency.  Indeed it is easy to show that in 2013 black in Tdad and Guyana are the WORST off in the English speaking Caribbean.  Rendered even more unable to fend off the racism which has impacted them in both nations, by the culture of dependency that BOTH Burnham and the PNM fostered, and fostered for cynical reasons.


I will leave it to Chief and baseman to argue that the Best thing that happened to blacks was Burnham.  They who were already afraid of risk, and excessively concentrated in the public, defense, and social sectors prior to independence.  Made to become even more concentrated in those sectors after independence, even while their counterparts in even Barbados moved on to other things. 


A visit to a Barbados trade show 20 years ago indicated that there is a vibrant small/mid sized black business sector on that island, and many blacks are in mid and even top level management jobs in the corporate sector.


So spare me this nonsense that PNM/PNC rule benefitted blacks.  I did not.


The best thing that happened to Indians in Guyana was that Cheddi was not allowed to lead Guyana to independence.  One only need look at the most Marxist Leninist oriented of the PPP operatives to see what parasites they are.  They would have been just as useless and as brutal as the goons which enforce Castro's manic oppression on his sad sad that his people flee in car tires, and anything else that could float. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:

Having your daily racist rant Rev.  I knew you couldnt help yourself.

Carib bai:


That's a typical long-winded, loquacious, and rambling post from you---and as usual you choose to obfuscate and avoid the truth---and the truth is blacks are not as progressive and business oriented as Indians---they prefer to have things handed to them---rather than working hard and diligently for what they want.


By the way---Rev has decided that on a forum like this where many of the PNC/AFC posters are psychos---it is stupid to be nice and cordial.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Having your daily racist rant Rev.  I knew you couldnt help yourself.

Carib bai:


That's a typical long-winded, loquacious, and rambling post from you---and as usual you choose to obfuscate and avoid the truth---and the truth is blacks are not as progressive and business oriented as Indians---they prefer to have things handed to them---rather than working hard and diligently for what they want.


By the way---Rev has decided that on a forum like this where many of the PNC/AFC posters are psychos---it is stupid to be nice and cordial.



Rev congrats on your attempts to keep the Indo KKK (PPP) alive.  Keep the ordinary IndoGuyanese stupid in the belief that they are doing well when indeed all evidence shows that they are no better off than Guyanese blacks are.  And in Tdad the wealth is owned by the 1% who are either Trinio whites, or are Syrians.


What has this "progessivness" done for your average Indian when other indentures (Chinese and Portuguese) have long ago left them in the dust, alongside the much abused black man?


CaribJ it appears that you did not read the letter properly, as you would surmise that the premise is that Indians are being lamed in Guyana for the plight of the Blacks. Meanwhile there is ample evidence that in Trinidad where Blacks were in power for 50years, their plight are no better as Whites and other foreigners continue to dominate the business sector. 


In addition I notice you lie about Barbados, again a nation where Blacks have been in power forever, but yet it is foreigners who control the business sectors. Blacks are just the workers in non intellectual cushy jobs as consolation for foreigners to run business in their country. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Food for thought or hogwash?


Indians still strive for progress even outside Guyana where the PPP has absolutely no power

November 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor, Have black people become more or less economically empowered after 28 years of the black based PNC rule in Guyana or some 50 uninterrupted  years of the black based PNM ruling Trinidad? Maybe Trinidad is an excellent case study to logically indicate if there is a racist policy to keep blacks out of private business or entrepreneurship. Currently, most of Trinidad’s major businesses are privately owned and controlled by local whites and Syrians. There are no Indian business listed on Trinidad’a stock exchange. In fact, Indians are mostly scattered in the smaller grocery shops at the street corners. No rice, coffee or cocoa industries exist and the PNM shut down the major sugar industr...


dependency. The fact that black Trinidadian MrCyril Lucius Duprey was able to build up Clico into a giant Caribbean enterprise should give hope of black private enterprise capabilities. Such changes must begin within and among black people as a necessity for a new emancipation. In the meantime what prevents them from utilising the better business opportunities  that  the PPP/C is now offering? Vassan Ramracha

No need to address this piece of bilge in detail except to highlight the fundamental error of its premise; indians are progressive as oppose to blacks who are retrogressive. In tinidad and Guyana, Indians are catching their ass in similar fashon as any. Do not let the glare of the very few who who on account of crony capitalism in Guyana dull the mint to the numbing reality that we are some 40% on the poverty line and beating Haiti by a hairline.


In any event, the PPP is administrating over a state that cannot pay its bills and where the underground economy is almost equal to the real one. And the real one is a begging bowl economy with all of its major industries failing and the only ones "prospering" are the ones turning our landscape into waselands, timber and mining. There is no great comfort for anyone in what the performance of the PPP or indians in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by caribny:

Having your daily racist rant Rev.  I knew you couldnt help yourself.

Carib bai:


That's a typical long-winded, loquacious, and rambling post from you---and as usual you choose to obfuscate and avoid the truth---and the truth is blacks are not as progressive and business oriented as Indians---they prefer to have things handed to them---rather than working hard and diligently for what they want.


By the way---Rev has decided that on a forum like this where many of the PNC/AFC posters are psychos---it is stupid to be nice and cordial.




the ignorance of the above premise is made clear by the historical fact that Indians of our pedigree suffocated at the bottom of a pile of  shit for 6000 years.Our industry and creative skills had to have been under a bushel for some reason since our kin are in the same communal shit yard back in bharat mata.


Need I remind you that what bootstrapped our ancestors here are African teachers, medical and administrative personal. That by sheer lack of skill elsewhere caused our forefathers to become farmers turnout to be our luck. It fostered the small business practices that is the hallmark of Indian industry in Guyana.


Get it, luck not some special skill.  And that is by no means something we should suddenly acquire airs about and hold up as a criteria for superior cultural legacy.  Clearly it is not. The majority of Indians as blacks are catching their ass under the regime of the corrupt PPP and their friend and family crony capitalism regime. They are literally a thugee enterprise if you need an Indian identity theme to attach to them since you racist buggers are so apt with a racist label

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:

No need to address this piece of bilge in detail except to highlight the fundamental error of its premise; indians are progressive as oppose to blacks who are retrogressive. In tinidad and Guyana, Indians are catching their ass in similar fashon as any. Do not let the glare of the very few who who on account of crony capitalism in Guyana dull the mint to the numbing reality that we are some 40% on the poverty line and beating Haiti by a hairline.


In any event, the PPP is administrating over a state that cannot pay its bills and where the underground economy is almost equal to the real one. And the real one is a begging bowl economy with all of its major industries failing and the only ones "prospering" are the ones turning our landscape into waselands, timber and mining. There is no great comfort for anyone in what the performance of the PPP or indians in Guyana.

As you usual, your mediocre Howard education causes you to miss the premise of the letter.  How can Indians be blamed for Black plight when the Blacks have been in charge of their own destiny in Trinidad for 50 years and Guyana 28 Years but yet has not a pot to piss in.  The woman is correct, there must be deeper issues in the Black community other than the big bad Indian keeping them down.  The same excuse is used in the US where the say "the man" is keeping them down. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

No need to address this piece of bilge in detail except to highlight the fundamental error of its premise; indians are progressive as oppose to blacks who are retrogressive. In tinidad and Guyana, Indians are catching their ass in similar fashon as any. Do not let the glare of the very few who who on account of crony capitalism in Guyana dull the mint to the numbing reality that we are some 40% on the poverty line and beating Haiti by a hairline.


In any event, the PPP is administrating over a state that cannot pay its bills and where the underground economy is almost equal to the real one. And the real one is a begging bowl economy with all of its major industries failing and the only ones "prospering" are the ones turning our landscape into waselands, timber and mining. There is no great comfort for anyone in what the performance of the PPP or indians in Guyana.

As you usual, your mediocre Howard education causes you to miss the premise of the letter.  How can Indians be blamed for Black plight when the Blacks have been in charge of their own destiny in Trinidad for 50 years and Guyana 28 Years but yet has not a pot to piss in.  The woman is correct, there must be deeper issues in the Black community other than the big bad Indian keeping them down.  The same excuse is used in the US where the say "the man" is keeping them down. 

The premise of the letter is the same rehashed themes this  fellow massaged on the net for years. The idea of any one blaming anyone is his his concoction. The idea that any race is superior and by their cultural toolkit manage to outperform others is also his own fiction. The reality is there for any with a mind for grasping the hard facts.


The reason we fail is because of idiots like the one above and mediocrity write large in the output from fellows like you gets a foot hold in the system. Calling others by that name is not going to magically supply answers already clear for the discerning eye to see. You are caught in your own mud trap.  Let me state in clear terms, we fail also because the the structural base of the political system allows for race and racists to prosper in their quest for power. It allows you and that ignoramus above to massage that because you have no wisdom to know a difference.


BTW your pitiful behind is here and not sitting at the back of a lunch counter or drinking from a white only fountain because Howard helped to create the conscience of America that give you that opportunity.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


In addition I notice you lie about Barbados, again a nation where Blacks have been in power forever, but yet it is foreigners who control the business sectors. Blacks are just the workers in non intellectual cushy jobs as consolation for foreigners to run business in their country. 



Druggie if you define success by being a wealthy business man then the vast majority of Indians in Tdad and Guyana are FAILURES.  So I suggest you change your tune.


Black Bajans have been in power only  since 1966.  That is not for ever. 


Bdos isnt the corrupt cess pool that Guyana is where a tiny elite, by virtue of being cronies to the political elite, are given largesse through corruption and lack of transparency in governance.  So the wealthy business people in Bdos are pretty much the same as they have always been, but there exists a viable small/mid sized black business class.  Indeed a study suggested that 50% of the higher income Bajans are black.  This study by the way was done by a white Bajan who was refusting claims made by certain black Bajans that whites owned every thing.




Bajans (meaning blacks given that they are the bulk of the population) have, as evidenced by teh UN, the 5th highest living standards in the Americas, that is behind Canada, the USA,  Chile and Argentina.  Not bad for an island where 70 years ago almost 20% of the kids were dead by their 5th birthday.


Clearly Black Bajans must be doing something right.


Also almost 30% of Bajans have some level of tertiary education.  Given that blacks account for 90% of the population and white Caribbean people arent known to have high value for college education, when compared to middle class blacks, the notion that black Bajans do not account for the bulk of the technical, professional and managerial talent on that island is hog wash.  The Goddards and the other white Bajan elites rely heavily on black Bajans to assist them to run their enterprises!


So much so that whites and blacks in Bdos accuse each other of being the ones in charge.  To quote a white Bajan business man, "every time I need a loan I must go to the BLACK bank manager to get it approved".  So he found it very silly when some claimed that white Bajans ran Bdos to the exclusion of others.  BOTh white and black Bajans have power in their respective spheres and even the Goddards, maybe the wealthiest white Bajans, must respect that.


As to foreign ownership.  Checked to see how many US corporations owned companies in Bdos and couldnt find too many.  Bdos Hilton is owned by the govt and the Marriott by local Bajan business interests.  I suspect that the bulk of the supposed foreign ownership of companies are those owned by Trinis.


By the way I do not blame Indians as a whole for the plight of blacks. I blame Burnham. 


This does not mean that the  Indo elites, led by the PPP, arent engaged in a battle of ethnocide against them.  Thanks to the pathologies that they developed under Burnham, they are ill placed to fight back.


BTW Indians in Guyana also suffer at the hands of the Indo elites.  This is why many Indos are now questioning why they should support the PPP.


Oh by the way black Bajans are much better off than Indian Guyanese.  So much so that loads of Guyanese Indians go to burp their babies and wash their toilet bowls.


Get it through your head.  The vast majority of Indians in Guyana do NOT own anything of significance.  Because 5% of Indians own almost all of Guyana, doesnt mean that one can claim that Indians own Guyana. An Indo ELITE does. Big difference. 


You are like a certain hooligan element among blacks who think that every Indian is rich when the vast majority arent.

Last edited by Former Member


* Government handouts have been detrimental to blacks


* You see handouts discourage blacks from being purposeful, industrious, hardworking, and eager to succeed on their own.


* Instead handouts have made blacks lazy, lackadaisical, and unindustrious.


Now under the PPP blacks have progressed more than they did under the PNC---they are now compelled to actually work---no more freeness---no more handouts.



Originally Posted by Rev:


* Government handouts have been detrimental to blacks


* You see handouts discourage blacks from being purposeful, industrious, hardworking, and eager to succeed on their own.


* Instead handouts have made blacks lazy, lackadaisical, and unindustrious.





Under the PPP blacks are excluded.  So put that in your pipe and shake it.  Just as in Jim Crow USA blacks had to figure out how to survive in the blatant hostility, so too In Guyana those blacks who were not destroyed by Burnham have learned how to survive.  So they survive DESPITE the PPP, not because of it.


BTW many employers in Guyana think that Guyanese are lazy and that many are too drunk from rum that they do not show up on  Monday.'


Now which race has the biggest reputation for rum drinking in Guyana?  It isnt just blacks I can assure you!

Originally Posted by Rev:


* Government handouts have been detrimental to blacks


* You see handouts discourage blacks from being purposeful, industrious, hardworking, and eager to succeed on their own.


* Instead handouts have made blacks lazy, lackadaisical, and unindustrious.


Now under the PPP blacks have progressed more than they did under the PNC---they are now compelled to actually work---no more freeness---no more handouts.



 Who hand out what? Is the Bobby handout to be counted? How about the BK handout for years or the 800K handed over to buddy or 17 acres to a crook on his way to jail   or RK forestry concessions not to mention his acquisition of land for housing schemes. Speak to incidents like that rather than pretend you are on to some new discovery that genetic insufficiency in blacks is holding them back. Note you only have to take a backward glance  across Kali Pani at the status of 600 million kinfolks to see what injustice can do.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

The premise of the letter is the same rehashed themes this  fellow massaged on the net for years. The idea of any one blaming anyone is his his concoction. The idea that any race is superior and by their cultural toolkit manage to outperform others is also his own fiction. The reality is there for any with a mind for grasping the hard facts.


The reason we fail is because of idiots like the one above and mediocrity write large in the output from fellows like you gets a foot hold in the system. Calling others by that name is not going to magically supply answers already clear for the discerning eye to see. You are caught in your own mud trap.  Let me state in clear terms, we fail also because the the structural base of the political system allows for race and racists to prosper in their quest for power. It allows you and that ignoramus above to massage that because you have no wisdom to know a difference.


BTW your pitiful behind is here and not sitting at the back of a lunch counter or drinking from a white only fountain because Howard helped to create the conscience of America that give you that opportunity.

 As usual you skirt around the main theme, why a people with 28 and 50 years in power still have not a pot to piss in and continue to blame Indians for their plight. Why in America Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel while colored people from all over the world do well.  


I do acknowledge that the Black civil rights movement benefited us all, especially the gays who now can marry. But this does not excuse you for choosing a university that gave out easy 'A' and taking away an opportunity for a deserving Black. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:



 As usual you skirt around the main theme, why a people with 28 and 50 years in power still have not a pot to piss in and continue to blame Indians for their plight.

Why are most  Indians still poor after the PPP had 28 years (if we include their first period of governance) and blame "black man" for every thing so much that they vote for people (their fellow Indians) who enslave them?

Originally Posted by caribny:


Druggie if you define success by being a wealthy business man then the vast majority of Indians in Tdad and Guyana are FAILURES.  So I suggest you change your tune.


Black Bajans have been in power only  since 1966.  That is not for ever. 


Bdos isnt the corrupt cess pool that Guyana is where a tiny elite, by virtue of being cronies to the political elite, are given largesse through corruption and lack of transparency in governance.  So the wealthy business people in Bdos are pretty much the same as they have always been, but there exists a viable small/mid sized black business class.  Indeed a study suggested that 50% of the higher income Bajans are black.  This study by the way was done by a white Bajan who was refusting claims made by certain black Bajans that whites owned every thing.




Bajans (meaning blacks given that they are the bulk of the population) have, as evidenced by teh UN, the 5th highest living standards in the Americas, that is behind Canada, the USA,  Chile and Argentina.  Not bad for an island where 70 years ago almost 20% of the kids were dead by their 5th birthday.


Clearly Black Bajans must be doing something right.


Also almost 30% of Bajans have some level of tertiary education.  Given that blacks account for 90% of the population and white Caribbean people arent known to have high value for college education, when compared to middle class blacks, the notion that black Bajans do not account for the bulk of the technical, professional and managerial talent on that island is hog wash.  The Goddards and the other white Bajan elites rely heavily on black Bajans to assist them to run their enterprises!


So much so that whites and blacks in Bdos accuse each other of being the ones in charge.  To quote a white Bajan business man, "every time I need a loan I must go to the BLACK bank manager to get it approved".  So he found it very silly when some claimed that white Bajans ran Bdos to the exclusion of others.  BOTh white and black Bajans have power in their respective spheres and even the Goddards, maybe the wealthiest white Bajans, must respect that.


As to foreign ownership.  Checked to see how many US corporations owned companies in Bdos and couldnt find too many.  Bdos Hilton is owned by the govt and the Marriott by local Bajan business interests.  I suspect that the bulk of the supposed foreign ownership of companies are those owned by Trinis.


By the way I do not blame Indians as a whole for the plight of blacks. I blame Burnham. 


This does not mean that the  Indo elites, led by the PPP, arent engaged in a battle of ethnocide against them.  Thanks to the pathologies that they developed under Burnham, they are ill placed to fight back.


BTW Indians in Guyana also suffer at the hands of the Indo elites.  This is why many Indos are now questioning why they should support the PPP.


Oh by the way black Bajans are much better off than Indian Guyanese.  So much so that loads of Guyanese Indians go to burp their babies and wash their toilet bowls.


Get it through your head.  The vast majority of Indians in Guyana do NOT own anything of significance.  Because 5% of Indians own almost all of Guyana, doesnt mean that one can claim that Indians own Guyana. An Indo ELITE does. Big difference. 


You are like a certain hooligan element among blacks who think that every Indian is rich when the vast majority arent.

Don't be foolish man, check out who has the real power in Barbados, the Whites and foreigners.  The Blacks are just along for the ride, they are rewarded with a middle class living for being "yes massa" to their white masters who own the major industries. 

A bank manager don't own the bank, Goddard was being patronizing when he joked about a black bank manager being powerful, the black gets to make decisions about who gets a loan but don't own the loan nor get the profit. It is the white massa who is the owner.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

The premise of the letter is the same rehashed themes this  fellow massaged on the net for years. The idea of any one blaming anyone is his his concoction. The idea that any race is superior and by their cultural toolkit manage to outperform others is also his own fiction. The reality is there for any with a mind for grasping the hard facts.


The reason we fail is because of idiots like the one above and mediocrity write large in the output from fellows like you gets a foot hold in the system. Calling others by that name is not going to magically supply answers already clear for the discerning eye to see. You are caught in your own mud trap.  Let me state in clear terms, we fail also because the the structural base of the political system allows for race and racists to prosper in their quest for power. It allows you and that ignoramus above to massage that because you have no wisdom to know a difference.


BTW your pitiful behind is here and not sitting at the back of a lunch counter or drinking from a white only fountain because Howard helped to create the conscience of America that give you that opportunity.

 As usual you skirt around the main theme, why a people with 28 and 50 years in power still have not a pot to piss in and continue to blame Indians for their plight. Why in America Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel while colored people from all over the world do well.  


I do acknowledge that the Black civil rights movement benefited us all, especially the gays who now can marry. But this does not excuse you for choosing a university that gave out easy 'A' and taking away an opportunity for a deserving Black. 

 I do not know what people you are taking about since the reality is that most Indians do not have a pot to piss in either. The average earning of RH is on the poverty line ie 25K for a family of four. You can check that out if you care since they do not remotely  rank close to the pools and patios nomenclature of the Credit company.


I do not have to explain to you why blacks, women Hispanics etc are disadvantage. I care little to explain that since it would be as pouring water on a stone. In any event I do not know on what metric you are using to measure since you are no different from the average black person in the society. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 As usual you skirt around the main theme, why a people with 28 and 50 years in power still have not a pot to piss in and continue to blame Indians for their plight. Why in America Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel while colored people from all over the world do well.  


I do acknowledge that the Black civil rights movement benefited us all, especially the gays who now can marry. But this does not excuse you for choosing a university that gave out easy 'A' and taking away an opportunity for a deserving Black. 

 I do not know what people you are taking about since the reality is that most Indians do not have a pot to piss in either. The average earning of RH is on the poverty line ie 25K for a family of four. You can check that out if you care since they do not remotely  rank close to the pools and patios nomenclature of the Credit company.


I do not have to explain to you why blacks, women Hispanics etc are disadvantage. I care little to explain that since it would be as pouring water on a stone. In any event I do not know on what metric you are using to measure since you are no different from the average black person in the society. 


Again you miss the point, possible due to easy "A" at Howard.  Your analytic abilities are severely lacking.  This is not about Indians as they are not the ones complaining that Blacks have kept them down, even thought they would have good reason to do so.  It is the Blacks who complain that Indians are keeping them down and it turns out that their lack of progress is evident throughout the world. The most affluent blacks are sports stars and Nigerian scammers. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 As usual you skirt around the main theme, why a people with 28 and 50 years in power still have not a pot to piss in and continue to blame Indians for their plight. Why in America Blacks are at the bottom of the barrel while colored people from all over the world do well.  


I do acknowledge that the Black civil rights movement benefited us all, especially the gays who now can marry. But this does not excuse you for choosing a university that gave out easy 'A' and taking away an opportunity for a deserving Black. 

 I do not know what people you are taking about since the reality is that most Indians do not have a pot to piss in either. The average earning of RH is on the poverty line ie 25K for a family of four. You can check that out if you care since they do not remotely  rank close to the pools and patios nomenclature of the Credit company.


I do not have to explain to you why blacks, women Hispanics etc are disadvantage. I care little to explain that since it would be as pouring water on a stone. In any event I do not know on what metric you are using to measure since you are no different from the average black person in the society. 


Again you miss the point, possible due to easy "A" at Howard.  Your analytic abilities are severely lacking.  This is not about Indians as they are not the ones complaining that Blacks have kept them down, even thought they would have good reason to do so.  It is the Blacks who complain that Indians are keeping them down and it turns out that their lack of progress is evident throughout the world. The most affluent blacks are sports stars and Nigerian scammers. 

You spend so many useless sentences pretending you are smart without  arguing a point. No black person said Indians keep them down. They say an Indian identified government practices crony capitalism and chokes off capital to the majority of the society who exist,  as the record shows, a hair's breadth above Haiti on the scale of things. You and that racist fool who wrote the letter are making up your own strawman to argue against.




When the black PNC ruled Guyana---you would drive along the road from let's say Georgetown to Rosignol---and along the way you could tell which schemes or villages were black dominated and which were Indian dominated---the black schemes/villages were run down and decrepit---the Indian schemes were tidy and well kept.


Over the past 21 years the Indian PPP has ruled Guyana---and when you make that trip from Georgetown to Rosignol----you can see the metamorphosis in the black schemes and villages---they are all in good shape.




Blacks have progressed more under the Indian PPP than they did under the black PNC.







Originally Posted by Rev:




When the black PNC ruled Guyana---you would drive along the road from let's say Georgetown to Rosignol---and along the way you could tell which schemes or villages were black dominated and which were Indian dominated---the black schemes/villages were run down and decrepit---the Indian schemes were tidy and well kept.


Over the past 21 years the Indian PPP has ruled Guyana---and when you make that trip from Georgetown to Rosignol----you can see the metamorphosis in the black schemes and villages---they are all in good shape.




Blacks have progressed more under the Indian PPP than they did under the black PNC.







bottom line is both governments were/are horrible. This one has out done the former on every indicator of corruption to date so if that is a measure of progress then you are on to something.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

bottom line is both governments were/are horrible.








* The black PNC ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


* Blacks and Indians suffered under the black PNC.


* The Indian PPP has put Guyana on a good footing.


* Slow but sure progress is being made under the Indian PPP


* Blacks have made more progress under the Indian PPP than under the black PNC.




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

bottom line is both governments were/are horrible.









* The black PNC ruined and bankrupted Guyana.


* Blacks and Indians suffered under the black PNC.


* The Indian PPP has put Guyana on a good footing.


* Slow but sure progress is being made under the Indian PPP


* Blacks have made more progress under the Indian PPP than under the black PNC.




the PPP in its present incarnation is the most corrupt regime ever in our land.  To deny that is the lie. Your preoccupation with race will not change that. The only thing progressing on the national scene is the enrichment of the PPP friends and family inc

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 No black person said Indians keep them down. They say an Indian identified government practices crony capitalism and chokes off capital to the majority of the society who exist,  as the record shows, a hair's breadth above Haiti on the scale of things. You and that racist fool who wrote the letter are making up your own strawman to argue against.

You will have to take this up with CaribJ, Kean Gibson and the afc/pnc. They all claim that Indians and clannish and work exclusively to keep the Black man down. You in recent years have adopted the same mantra. Your attacks on Indians and everything Indian have accelerated as time goes by. Many posters now consider you anti Indian. You parrot the talking points of the afc/pnc without verification, taking what they say at face value. When pressed to justify your viewpoint, your claim is urban legend. This can only be attributed to a Howard education, where shortcuts were accepted as a method of giving the Black man a leg up on the competition. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 No black person said Indians keep them down. They say an Indian identified government practices crony capitalism and chokes off capital to the majority of the society who exist,  as the record shows, a hair's breadth above Haiti on the scale of things. You and that racist fool who wrote the letter are making up your own strawman to argue against.

You will have to take this up with CaribJ, Kean Gibson and the afc/pnc. They all claim that Indians and clannish and work exclusively to keep the Black man down. You in recent years have adopted the same mantra. Your attacks on Indians and everything Indian have accelerated as time goes by. Many posters now consider you anti Indian. You parrot the talking points of the afc/pnc without verification, taking what they say at face value. When pressed to justify your viewpoint, your claim is urban legend. This can only be attributed to a Howard education, where shortcuts were accepted as a method of giving the Black man a leg up on the competition. 

You will have to argue with Caribj and Gibson if it pleases you but the writer addresses a point of view that he insists is a general consensus and attacks the PNC from that point of view and that is a strawman argument.


The PNC does not base its political advocacy on the notion of Indian presumed dispositions. Even the PPP does not have its advocacy on black disposition. When that begins to do so we are in for a civil war.


Meanwhile, there are rodents like you and like the Rev and YuiYug and this fellow who massage underlying ethnic fears because of your own parochial views. Both parties are content to openly suggest we are in a race neutral society while the internecine tribal war is a low level corrosion in the gutter with you folks.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

the PPP in its present incarnation is the most corrupt regime ever in our land.  To deny that is the lie.

Listen Danyael!


No one with a single functioning brain cell will deny that the PPP is corrupt. But the fact is Guyana and Guyanese have made more progress under the corrupt PPP than they did under the black PNC.




This thread asks the question how can Indians be blamed for keeping blacks down when blacks have not progressed when led by blacks ?


You and carib have chosen to side step that question.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

the PPP in its present incarnation is the most corrupt regime ever in our land.  To deny that is the lie.

Listen Danyael!


No one with a single functioning brain cell will deny that the PPP is corrupt. But the fact is Guyana and Guyanese have made more progress under the corrupt PPP than they did under the black PNC.




This thread asks the question how can Indians be blamed for keeping blacks down when blacks have not progressed when led by blacks ?


You and carib have chosen to side step that question.



 Who gives a shit what the thread asks? It is a straw man's argument. No one that matters makes that argument. The argument is crony capitalism in the hands of a corrupt criminal inclined party facilitates its Friends and family Inc and the majority of the population ( Indians and blacks) remain on the borders between debilitating poverty and barely getting by. That the Friends and Family inc is mainly Indian is incidental to the thesis.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Who gives a shit what the thread asks?



Go wash your mouth! The Rev expects you to use proper language when you address a man of his character.


You notice how this thread has not descended into vulgarity---looks like amral/admin temporarily banned the nasty and vulgar spammer Mitwah.





Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Who gives a shit what the thread asks?



Go wash your mouth! The Rev expects you to use proper language when you address a man of his character.


You notice how this thread has not descended into vulgarity---looks like amral/admin temporarily banned the nasty and vulgar scammer Mitwah.





You a racist prick is to vulgar what wine is to a wino. After stating in clear language the prevailing political advocacy position of the parties you still want me to dispute a racist tome by a habitual ignoramus because it matches your own. Well go and play with that assortment of dildos you say you have if you want to waste time. I will not participate in nonsense.

Originally Posted by Rev:



The Rev is a man of impeccable manners and politeness and will choose to ignore your rudeness and bad manners.



Tell him Rev. Don't stoop to his level. Show him who is the mature one.

Originally Posted by Rev:



The Rev is a man of impeccable manners and politeness and will choose to ignore your rudeness and bad manners.



I guess the Klan can claim impeccable manners but it is meaningless in the real scheme of things.





Check this---read and learn:


* There is a huge difference between a dildo and a vibrator.


* The Rev started a thread in social on the joys of oral ***


* In that thread the Rev mentioned that sophisticated, adventurous and enterprising couples use vibrators during oral ***


* You see daring and adventuresome women like the feeling of penetration while having oral ***


* And since it is impossible for any man to use his mouth and ***** at the same time----a vibrator is used.




* The Rev never mentioned DILDO in that topic on ORAL ***




Most men are inadequate---in fact they are novices and amateurs when it comes to feasting on the world's greatest delicacy.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev:



The Rev is a man of impeccable manners and politeness and will choose to ignore your rudeness and bad manners.

skeldon man: Tell him Rev. Don't stoop to his level. Show him who is the mature one.



Danyael has a penchant for gutter brawls---he loves to trash talk--- his rudeness is a reflection of the man he really is.




Greta Van Susteren Urges Obama and Black Leaders To Speak Out Against "Knock Out" Attacks By Black Teens



Read more:


The media is finally reporting on the wave of “knock-out” attacks sweeping the nation.


Black youth mobs have been targeting innocent passersby in “knock-out” attacks for over a year now. The youths pick a target and beat him until he’s bloody and unconscious – sometimes dead.


How uncivilized can these people be ? And yet the dirty PNC Indians want them to run Guyana ?






Can someone give an account why Indian women chose to contaminate themselves with Black man sperm and Douglarised Guyana with the seventh race of people? This is also a serious issue needs to be addressed. 

Because they love the Big Big Bamboo. Why you think those Dirty PPP Dalits on this forum hate the black man so much. Cause their women worshipping the BBC and I don't mean the British media company.

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