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@Former Member posted:

That’s good for all the Guyanese coolies running behind BLM.  My experience with Blacks in Guyana and others places, they are some of the must racist and prejudicial people.  Let the fight their battles with the White man.  I watch on. 

Some of these people still swinging in the jungle.

Vishnu M, our board member is the one supported BLM. I did my fair share of serving Guyana and fight my black brother's fist for fist. Lord, have mercy. Here in the U.S., my 80 years old mother has to agree to take up arms to fight all enemies if called upon.  

@Django posted:

Do the East Indians of the Caribbean have the same mindset as Indians ?

Not at all. Indians in the Caribbean are different culturally, base on their inclusive living environment. Only Guyanese/some T&T/Surinamese Indians hold on the their Indian ancestral tradition from India. Indo-Guyanese aka Dalits do live good with Afro-Guyanese until election time. 

@Former Member posted:

Are you enjoying how you getting kicked out of your own country? Coolies are citizens of no man's land. We are worst than the squatters.   And guess what, Ramjattan is in agreement with Granger.  

Not sure who you referring to. The only country I was forced from was the country of my birth.  If you are a squatter, then I pity you.

@Former Member posted:

That’s good for all the Guyanese coolies running behind BLM.  My experience with Blacks in Guyana and others places, they are some of the must racist and prejudicial people.  Let the fight their battles with the White man.  I watch on. 

Some of these people still swinging in the jungle.

You have the nerve to speak about people being racist. Now suppose someone said' "Some Indians still swinging from the rafters" would you like that?

Last edited by cain
@Django posted:

What are their beliefs ?  your last sentence is rubbish ,looks like the history of Indentured labor to British Colonies ,was learned at bottom houses.

It was written in the history books. It was not taught at the bottom houses.

You are being naive and derogatory. I learned from some articles published by a swami that Untouchables are not Hindus.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Untouchables are not Hindus. Britain did take untouchables to Guyana. One of them became Prime Minister.

You are an uneducated and uninformed person. The term Dalit or Untouchable are Hindu classification for a segment of the Hindu society. Hindus never classified non-Hindus.

On Guyana, you are wrong again. Maybe you are an untouchable they brought over. The Brits brought mainly Sugar workers who were not necessarily Dalits, though some might have been. Furthermore, to preserve the culture they brought over other sections of Hindu society such as Pandits etc. Remember, the British India administration managed the program. There were agreements in place which had to be fulfilled. This is why, at one point, the program was suspended due to violations.

When I lived there I visited Dalit villages and they were as any Indian.  They were not of another race.

You are uninformed.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Untouchables are not Hindus. Britain did take untouchables to Guyana.

One of them became Prime Minister.

@Former Member posted:

Congrats to him for breaking the shackles of casteism and attaining such great heights. He's a huge inspiration to the downtrodden in India. Maybe he can help to destroy this abominable system. 

The Prime Minister ancestors are from the State Tamil Nadu ,India .Rama need to read up on the people of the State.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Hindus will know ,they can move from a lower rank to be come a Brahmin.

I agree here. It’s something not taught because the drunken Brahmins want to preserve their place.

I met a Pandit in Queens who said he was not a “practicing” pandit in Guyana. Word was he was a rum jhumbi and lash cuttahs.

I was offered to become a pandit years ago but I told the old pandit I like eat poke.  So I was disqualified.


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