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Opposition wants ERC to probe non-hiring of East Indians by GECOM

June 5 2018


The PPP yesterday continued to pursue claims that Indo-Guyanese were not provided with a fair opportunity for employment by GECOM.
In a media statement, Dr. Roger Luncheon, PPP Executive and the party’s Election Committee Member, said that several sources indicated that commissioners at GECOM are apparently engaged in a process of eliminating candidates for advertised positions at GECOM secretariat.
He specifically signalled out the ‘People’s National Congress (PNC) Commissioners’ of undertaking such actions.
According to Luncheon, the PNC representatives are giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin who are short-listed during the interview process, while providing high to 100% scores to their preferred candidates
He stated that the ‘PNC Commissioners’ are finding extraneous reasons for eliminating top rank candidates of Indian origin from appointment to positions at the GECOM secretariat
“If these disclosures are confirmed, it would reveal that the practice continues of excluding some ethnicities from GECOM secretariat,” Luncheon stated.
He explained that once confirmed, the PPP condemns ‘this practice in the strongest possible terms’. “The party urges the aggrieved candidates to approach the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) on the ground of ethnic discrimination.”
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Commissioner Robeson Benn had publicly expressed concerns that 95% of the staff at GECOM was Afro-Guyanese.
Photo: Roger Luncheon

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"Dr. Roger Luncheon, PPP Executive and the party’s Election Committee Member, said that several sources indicated that commissioners at GECOM are apparently engaged in a process of eliminating candidates for advertised positions at GECOM secretariat.According to Luncheon, the PNC representatives are giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin who are short-listed during the interview process, while providing high to 100% scores to their preferred candidates"


The same person said there are no qualified Afro Guyanese to fill gov't positions.

Hypocrisy at best,these fellas should take back seat.



Yes there is hypocrisy here. Worse, it’s a Black guy saying that there were no qualified Guyanese blacks available for diplomatic positions…a clear case of a “Black Uncle Tom”, who is rightfully shunned by his own people.

Could you imagine if Rohee had said that there were no Indians qualified to join the police forces (even though Indians and PPP members keep singing this tune all the time)? Yet, the US army boasts Indian officers and the NYC police force have enlisted a number of them. But, no outcry from the PPP about the lack of Indians here (they seem more concerned with GECOM).

Django, fair and balance means that you would see the hypocracy in the above, and below.

Luncheon was wrong. However, he should have pointed out that under the consecutive illegal PNC regimes and the long-serving Burnham dictatorship, many Afros have received support and scholarships (even scholarships provided by India), which have been used to advance their education in many fields within the diaspora. This intellectual core of the Black intelligentsia, who also benefited from affirmative action policy in the US (yes, other minorities like us did too), which include the likes of Ivelaw Griffith at UG, form a core intellectual think-tank and support group which gives strong support to the PNC. These are the people who will find an intelligent way to govern Guyana for a long time to come (they will not use the same brute force that Burnham used because that would be too difficult to defend).

This is what the PPP does not understand because the PPP leaders are their own enemies. There are no intelligent people in the PPP. Ironically, the Central Committee members all feel they all have the credentials to rule Guyana.

So while Luncheon is a hypocrite, you, Django, seems woefully impotent to wrap your mind around the fact that the trees need to be separated from the forest. Because, apparently, by your twisted logic, if Luncheon is a PPP hypocrite, then it must be OK for GECOM to hire non-Indians, knowing fully well that this institution has played a central role in electoral rigging.

Unchain your mind Django.

VishMahabir posted:

So while Luncheon is a hypocrite, you, Django, seems woefully impotent to wrap your mind around the fact that the trees need to be separated from the forest. Because, apparently, by your twisted logic, if Luncheon is a PPP hypocrite, then it must be OK for GECOM to hire non-Indians, knowing fully well that this institution has played a central role in electoral rigging.

Unchain your mind Django.

Hypocrisy at best,these fellas should take back seat.

Seems you missed the highlighted.

Please tell where i said East Indians shouldn't be hired,unless you are a mind reader.Why should i believe Lunchman.

Are you insinuating GECOM established in May of 2000 was rigging Elections ? if that is such under the PPP there was also rigging.

Read up on GECOM.

Last edited by Django

GECOM Chairman was against Robeson Benn to talk publicly about discrimination of hiring 90 % blacks to 10% Indians. I get news for Jagdeo. The same way Granger pick is sitting at GECOM calling the shots, the same way the 90% blacks will remained hired. Jagdeo words don't have weight anymore. All this demanding talk is just breeze. What are the PPP Commissioners are doing at GECOM when all of this is happening?  

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

So while Luncheon is a hypocrite, you, Django, seems woefully impotent to wrap your mind around the fact that the trees need to be separated from the forest. Because, apparently, by your twisted logic, if Luncheon is a PPP hypocrite, then it must be OK for GECOM to hire non-Indians, knowing fully well that this institution has played a central role in electoral rigging.

Unchain your mind Django.

Hypocrisy at best,these fellas should take back seat.

Seems you missed the highlighted.

Please tell where i said East Indians shouldn't be hired,unless you are a mind reader.Why should i believe Lunchman.

Are you insinuating GECOM established in May of 2000 was rigging Elections ? if that is such under the PPP there was also rigging.

Read up on GECOM.

The only thing being insinuated here is the fact that the PNC has a known and documented history of rigging. The PPP felt they could win with a majority, so there was no need to conduct blatant rigging like the PNC. We believe they lose the AFC voters already and the next election is probably going to be close...with whats at stake, and given historical evidence, one can reasonably expect that the PNC will try and rig in 2020. 

So to come back to your highlighted comment, should Luncheon or any PPP member not have the right to speak out regarding suspected foul play? or, as you say, should they take a "back seat"?

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

So while Luncheon is a hypocrite, you, Django, seems woefully impotent to wrap your mind around the fact that the trees need to be separated from the forest. Because, apparently, by your twisted logic, if Luncheon is a PPP hypocrite, then it must be OK for GECOM to hire non-Indians, knowing fully well that this institution has played a central role in electoral rigging.

Unchain your mind Django.

Hypocrisy at best,these fellas should take back seat.

Seems you missed the highlighted.

Please tell where i said East Indians shouldn't be hired,unless you are a mind reader.Why should i believe Lunchman.

Are you insinuating GECOM established in May of 2000 was rigging Elections ? if that is such under the PPP there was also rigging.

Read up on GECOM.

The only thing being insinuated here is the fact that the PNC has a known and documented history of rigging. The PPP felt they could win with a majority, so there was no need to conduct blatant rigging like the PNC. We believe they lose the AFC voters already and the next election is probably going to be close...with whats at stake, and given historical evidence, one can reasonably expect that the PNC will try and rig in 2020. 

So to come back to your highlighted comment, should Luncheon or any PPP member not have the right to speak out regarding suspected foul play? or, as you say, should they take a "back seat"?

Let the less tainted PPP members come forward,don't tell they don't have any.

Opposition-nominated commissioners walk out of GECOM meeting

Last edited by Django
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

So while Luncheon is a hypocrite, you, Django, seems woefully impotent to wrap your mind around the fact that the trees need to be separated from the forest. Because, apparently, by your twisted logic, if Luncheon is a PPP hypocrite, then it must be OK for GECOM to hire non-Indians, knowing fully well that this institution has played a central role in electoral rigging.

Unchain your mind Django.

Hypocrisy at best,these fellas should take back seat.

Seems you missed the highlighted.

Please tell where i said East Indians shouldn't be hired,unless you are a mind reader.Why should i believe Lunchman.

Are you insinuating GECOM established in May of 2000 was rigging Elections ? if that is such under the PPP there was also rigging.

Read up on GECOM.

The only thing being insinuated here is the fact that the PNC has a known and documented history of rigging. The PPP felt they could win with a majority, so there was no need to conduct blatant rigging like the PNC. We believe they lose the AFC voters already and the next election is probably going to be close...with whats at stake, and given historical evidence, one can reasonably expect that the PNC will try and rig in 2020. 

So to come back to your highlighted comment, should Luncheon or any PPP member not have the right to speak out regarding suspected foul play? or, as you say, should they take a "back seat"?

Well said. Guyanese need to call a spade a spade before it becomes worse than Haiti.

BTW, Django loves to be treated like a slave.

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

GECOM Chairman was against Robeson Benn to talk publicly about discrimination of hiring 90 % blacks to 10% Indians. I get news for Jagdeo. The same way Granger pick is sitting at GECOM calling the shots, the same way the 90% blacks will remained hired. Jagdeo words don't have weight anymore. All this demanding talk is just breeze. What are the PPP Commissioners are doing at GECOM when all of this is happening?  

The PPP should  show the ethnic breakdown in May 2015 as compared to what it is now. Perhaps GECOM should.

Mitwah posted:
Prince posted:

GECOM Chairman was against Robeson Benn to talk publicly about discrimination of hiring 90 % blacks to 10% Indians. I get news for Jagdeo. The same way Granger pick is sitting at GECOM calling the shots, the same way the 90% blacks will remained hired. Jagdeo words don't have weight anymore. All this demanding talk is just breeze. What are the PPP Commissioners are doing at GECOM when all of this is happening?  

The PPP should  show the ethnic breakdown in May 2015 as compared to what it is now. Perhaps GECOM should.

the frauds in the PPP will not do THAT because of a simple FACT:

the rank and file of GECOM during all the PPP years was MAJORITY Afro-Guyanese!

bunch of Robb street fakers . . . there is nothing too low in their dishonesty toolkit that these scoundrels in Freedom House will not deploy for a headline to 'trouble' and excite the ethnic 'base'

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prince posted:

GECOM Chairman was against Robeson Benn to talk publicly about discrimination of hiring 90 % blacks to 10% Indians. I get news for Jagdeo. The same way Granger pick is sitting at GECOM calling the shots, the same way the 90% blacks will remained hired. Jagdeo words don't have weight anymore. All this demanding talk is just breeze. What are the PPP Commissioners are doing at GECOM when all of this is happening?  

The PPP should  show the ethnic breakdown in May 2015 as compared to what it is now. Perhaps GECOM should.

. . . there is nothing too low in their dishonesty toolkit that these scoundrels in Freedom House will not deploy for a headline to 'trouble' and excite the ethnic 'base'

You nailed it,that's their ploy.


Lunchman wants an ERC "probe" of a 'condition' he insists exists, but brings no facts to the table to support his malicious rumormongering . . . read his statement carefully

in fact, read Robeson Benn's statement even more carefully . . . dis bai roaming all over de place with DENIABILITY in mind, inserting so many not-so-clever caveats that it makes you laugh and your head spin at the same time

PPP antiman logic demands that the 'accused' marshal and bring facts to 'disprove' any and all UNSUPPORTED assertions their  pull out of their colon for sport . . . hmmm, I think that the proper term for this kind of 'reasoning' is "ass-backwards"

they want a SHOW so that they can let loose dull-witted pyromaniacs like some on GNI with access to matches then switch to the next LIE after nuff nuff energy is expended to expose and beat the previous wan down

meanwhile back at the ranch . . . autopsied remains of one of the deceased 'mercury' Gold Board employees reveals that he actually died of tuberculosis

dum dum de dum  dum . . .

Last edited by Former Member

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

you have no idea what you are talking about

stop posting nonsense

ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 


Clash on GECOM’s ethnic make-up sees walkout by PPP-nominated commissioners

Opposition-nominated members of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) walked out of yesterday’s statutory meeting after a clash between Chairman Justice (retd) James Patterson and Commissioner Robeson Benn on the ethnic composition of the Commission’s Secretariat.

The meeting was abruptly adjourned following the walkout.

Robeson Benn

Benn told Stabroek News that he and his fellow opposition-nominated colleagues Bibi Shadick and Sase Gunraj walked out of the meeting after Patterson told him that “he will not recognise me for the rest of the meeting and I will not be allowed to speak.”   

Patterson, he explained, had earlier taken issue with a statement he had made at Red House, where he said “up to 90%” of the staff at the GECOM Secretariat was African Guyanese. He said that the Chairman disputed his statement without offering to substantiate his own position.

Benn said he attempted to defend his position and to put it into the context of the necessity that a critical institution of the State must be representative of the diversified peoples of Guyana for development to take place.

He said Patterson prevented him from doing so and instead adjourned the meeting for half an hour and on resumption announced that he would not recognise him.

In a subsequent statement that was issued by the Office of the Opposition Leader, Benn, Shadick and Gunraj said that as a result of Patterson’s move to censure Benn, they were “forced” to walk out of the meeting.

“We view this as a blatant attempt to censure and muzzle discussion on critical and important issues at the Commission in general, and in particular contributions on issues regarding ethnic diversity in hiring practices at the Commission,” they said.

“We have a constitutional mandate to execute and do not serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Commission. We hope that this is not an attempt to alter the delicate balance contemplated by the Constitution in the composition of the Commission,” they added.

However, at a press conference called by the APNU+AFC-nominated commissioners in the forecourt of the GECOM Secretariat, Commissioner Vincent Alexander told the media that Patterson did not tell Benn that he would not recognise him but instead said that he would not “allow him to disrupt the meeting.”

“For some time now, there has been an interaction, not the most pleasant and not the most diplomatic and not the most acceptable, between the Chairman and Commissioner Benn,” he explained.

“From the moment the Chairman assumed office, there has been some disconnect and sometimes disruptive interaction coming particularly from [Benn]. That may have culminated today,” he added.

Reacting to this, Benn said he and his colleagues on many occasions were not being allowed to speak on issues and that Patterson “shows a lot of bias” in favour of the government [nominated] commissioners.  

Alexander and his colleagues said they were not necessarily of the view that the meeting should have been adjourned or that the matter was handled as good as it could have been, “but we do understand that the chairman would have reacted to what has been an ongoing state of affairs.”

The issue of the composition of the GECOM staff, Alexander said, was raised because of Benn’s claims at Red House. “This is a matter he has been raising from time to time. There has never been any proposition how this matter could be addressed,” he added.

Asked how he arrived at the percentage on the composition of the staff, Benn said, “I don’t have to prove anything.” He added that anyone could visit the GECOM Secretariat and make their own determination based on what they see.  

In response to the criticism that he had made no proposition on how to correct the purported imbalance, Benn said, “I am not discussing that now but it will be discussed.” 

While Benn could not say where he got his information, Alexander said, he has questioned “if GECOM in its recruitment ask people their ethnicity and on what basis can someone count a percentage when we do not keep information based on ethnicity.” GECOM, he said, does not ask about ethnicity in recruitment. 

 “My own disposition,” he said, “is that GECOM’s approach to employment has been based on one of meritocracy.” 

 “If you want to change from meritocracy to something else, you have to make a concrete rational proposal to make that change. That has not been done,” he added.

Asked if the commission was open to having Benn’s claims investigated, such as by the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC), Alexander said, “We have no jurisdiction over the ERC. If the ERC, in its jurisdiction, seeks to investigate then the commission has no option but to cooperate.”

The three APNU+AFC-nominated commissioners, he added, do not operate as a block. “My point is if Commissioner Benn raise the matter, then he should present the evidence to support the claim and on the other hand he should have a proposition on how the matter should be addressed. We do not necessarily share his concern.” 

Asked what decisions were affected by the adjournment of the meeting, Alexander said, “We are moving rapidly towards preparation for local government elections. The most critical thing we were to discuss today was the finalisation of the plan in preparation for those elections.”


"Patterson, he explained, had earlier taken issue with a statement he [Benn] had made at Red House, where he said “up to 90%” of the staff at the GECOM Secretariat was African Guyanese. He said that the Chairman disputed his statement without offering to substantiate his own position."

this is the premiere class arrogance/ignorance of Robeson Benn . . . he fails to realize that it is he, the claimant, who FIRST has the responsibility to "substantiate his [own] position"

the PPP tool further soils himself with this outburst:

“I don’t have to prove anything.”


ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

you have no idea what you are talking about

stop posting nonsense

And how would you know what I am talking about or whether I have any idea or not?

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 

Dude, don’t you have anything else to do with your time rather than troll others?

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 

Dude, don’t you have anything else to do with your time rather than troll others?

You are an idiot. You make idiotic statements and don't expect to be challenged?  You are  very dishonest and 


Django posted:

Opposition wants ERC to probe non-hiring of East Indians by GECOM

June 5 2018


The PPP yesterday continued to pursue claims that Indo-Guyanese were not provided with a fair opportunity for employment by GECOM.
In a media statement, Dr. Roger Luncheon, PPP Executive and the party’s Election Committee Member, said that several sources indicated that commissioners at GECOM are apparently engaged in a process of eliminating candidates for advertised positions at GECOM secretariat.
He specifically signalled out the ‘People’s National Congress (PNC) Commissioners’ of undertaking such actions.
According to Luncheon, the PNC representatives are giving low to zero scores to candidates of Indian origin who are short-listed during the interview process, while providing high to 100% scores to their preferred candidates
He stated that the ‘PNC Commissioners’ are finding extraneous reasons for eliminating top rank candidates of Indian origin from appointment to positions at the GECOM secretariat
“If these disclosures are confirmed, it would reveal that the practice continues of excluding some ethnicities from GECOM secretariat,” Luncheon stated.
He explained that once confirmed, the PPP condemns ‘this practice in the strongest possible terms’. “The party urges the aggrieved candidates to approach the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) on the ground of ethnic discrimination.”
People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Commissioner Robeson Benn had publicly expressed concerns that 95% of the staff at GECOM was Afro-Guyanese.
Photo: Roger Luncheon

Stupid azz coolie ppl worry about blackman country. Dem kulie razz should use the opportunity and create work/jobs for the Indoes and f the bigots.

And kulie ppl could do it, first they have to re-educate the minds of the Indians. They have become like the tribes that surrounds them-freaking lazzzzzzzy.


PPP nailed – GECOM says Afro-Guyanese make up less than half of staff

GECOM commissioners, Vincent Alexander and Charles Corbin briefing members of the media in the secretariat’s compound after PPP-nominated commissioners broke up the statutory meeting on Tuesday (Samuel Maughn photo)


…Robeson Benn leads walkout from statutory meeting

A GUYANA Elections Commission (GECOM) meeting, which was expected to discuss critical issues pertaining to the upcoming Local Government Elections (LGE), was abruptly adjourned on Tuesday as a result of a heated confrontation between the Chairman, Justice (Ret’d) James Patterson and Commissioner Robeson Benn over the ethnic composition of the secretariat’s workforce.

GECOM Chairman Justice (Ret’d) James Patterson

At an event at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in May, Benn, a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) representative on the Commission, alleged that the workforce of the Guyana Elections Commission Secretariat is dominated by Afro-Guyanese. In fact, Benn went one step further and alleged that 90 per cent of the workforce is made-up of Afro-Guyanese.

These sentiments in recent days have been repeated by other senior PPP functionaries including former Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon.

On Tuesday, when the meeting was called to order, it was the intention of the GECOM Chairman to address the inaccuracy in statements peddled by Benn in the public domain, before deciding on the appointment of a Deputy Chief Elections Officer (DCEO), and a plan of action for Local Government Elections scheduled for later this year.

Justice (Ret’d) Patterson reprimanded Commissioner Benn, noting that contrary to the information peddled by him, 46 per cent of the workforce comprises Afro-Guyanese. Without hesitation, Commissioner Benn reportedly shouted “I disagree with you!”

The meeting, sources say, was reduced to a heated back and forth between the Chairman and the Commissioner. At the time, the Commission’s coalition representatives, Vincent Alexander, Charles Corbin and Desmond Trotman were present in addition to PPP Commissioners Bibi Shadick and Sase Gunraj. The meeting was subsequently adjourned.

GECOM Commissioners Dr Vincent Alexander (centre), Charles Corbin (left) and Desmond Trotman (right) speaking to reporters on Tuesday. (Photo by Samuel Maughn)


When it resumed minutes later, Commissioner Benn was warned about his behaviour, but this did not sit well with him. For a second time, the meeting was adjourned.
In a press conference in the compound of the GECOM’s Secretariat, Alexander, backed by Corbin and Trotman, said that Commissioner Benn was offered the opportunity to provide the evidence that would substantiate his claims but failed to do so.

“The Chairman challenged his (Benn’s) statistics. He could not provide evidential information in relation to the statistics but maintained that there was a problem with the ethnic balance at GECOM,” Alexander told reporters.

Describing the event that occurred at the Secretariat on Tuesday as “unfortunate,” Alexander noted that the bickering between the Chairman and Commissioner Benn has been ongoing for some time. “For some time now there has been an ongoing interaction, not the most pleasant, not the most diplomatic, not the most acceptable between the Chairman and one of the commissioners, namely commissioner Benn,” he said.

He added that the issue gave rise to Tuesday’s impasse resulting in the meeting being adjourned at a time when critical decisions were on the table to be made. According to Alexander, prior to the adjournment, Justice (Ret’d) Patterson indicated that he would not allow the Commissioner to continuously disrupt meetings of the Commission, and would only engage him when he is speaking to an issue on the flood.

“That led to an impasse and an exchange that caused the chairman to adjourn the meeting,” he added. He maintained that since Justice (Ret’d) Patterson took office as Chairman, there has been “this disconnect and sometimes disruptive interaction” particularly from Commissioner Benn.

While Alexander said he believes that the meeting should not have been adjourned and that the matter could have been handled differently, he said he understands the Chairman’s frustration.

Questioned what the ethnic composition of the secretariat is, Alexander made it clear that the GECOM Secretariat is not into hiring persons on the basis of race. “I cannot say and I pose the question: Does GECOM in its recruitment ask people their ethnicity and on what basis can someone come to the percentage if we do not keep information on ethnicity, so I can’t answer the question,” he responded.

He noted that given the perceived concerns of Commissioner Benn, it is he, who should have made a proposition. “My point is, if he raises the matter, two things should happen, one he should present the evidence and on the other hand he himself should have a proposition as to how the matter should be addressed,” he said.

In a joint press statement, the PPP Commissioners told a different story. According to them, during the statutory meeting, Justice (Ret’d) Patterson in raising the issue surrounding the composition of the workforce of the secretariat prevented Commissioner Benn from justifying his position.

“In responding to the Chairman, Commissioner Benn attempted to justify his assertion and in doing so, pointed out that the perception was that the vast majority of the staff of the Commission were persons of one ethnic descent …. The Chairman prevented Commissioner Benn from defending his position and when challenged, adjourned the meeting for over half an hour,” the statement issued by Benn, Gunraj and Shadick read.

They alleged that the Chairman although disputing Benn’s claim did not offer any evidence to substantiate his position. “Upon resumption, the Chairman announced that Commissioner Benn would not be recognised and therefore was prevented from participating in the remainder of the meeting. We were therefore forced to walk out of the meeting,” the Commissioners said.

The next statutory meeting of the commission is next Tuesday.

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 

Knucklehead...stop being foolish.

You ask for the member list under the PPP above. So use your own logic...let GECOM produce the current list of hirees too and let people judge. If the list is flawed (see KN for the %) then it should be addressed. Besides, you are fully aware that elections were rigged in Guyana under the PNC. Burnham close admirer, Granger, admits he admires the Burnham philosophy. You dont think he plans to rig? Even if they dont plan to rig, the suspicions are not going to disappear after so many years of both Afros and Indos living in a divided society.

For you to put the onus on the PPP list (as flawed as it might be)  of an election held in the past is a circular argument...(like putting the cart before the ass, if you know what I mean) if they did it then, then its OK now. Thats a sill argument because we should the coalition to higher standards. 

The PPP used to say that Africans were not qualified to serve as diplomats, so now we have a GECOM knucklehead saying that others (Indians, mixed, etc) are not qualified? Your problem is you are too busy letting other GNIs get under your skin, that your pea brain is not running on full capacity.  

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 

Dude, don’t you have anything else to do with your time rather than troll others?

You are an idiot. You make idiotic statements and don't expect to be challenged?  You are  very dishonest and 


No one here personally know me so to suggest that I am dishonest is just that. A suggestion. However, some people here who know you personally say that you are wicked or something to that nature. Now what do you think about that?


Justice (Ret’d) Patterson reprimanded Commissioner Benn, noting that contrary to the information peddled by him, 46 per cent of the workforce comprises Afro-Guyanese.

Questioned what the ethnic composition of the secretariat is, Alexander made it clear that the GECOM Secretariat is not into hiring persons on the basis of race. “I cannot say and I pose the question: Does GECOM in its recruitment ask people their ethnicity and on what basis can someone come to the percentage if we do not keep information on ethnicity, so I can’t answer the question,” he responded.

He noted that given the perceived concerns of Commissioner Benn, it is he, who should have made a proposition. “My point is, if he raises the matter, two things should happen, one he should present the evidence and on the other hand he himself should have a proposition as to how the matter should be addressed,” he said.

Anyone see the irony and silliness in these statements??

1) If Alexander is saying they do not hire on the basis of ethnicity, how come they know GECOM has 46% Africans?

2) Why should the Opposition provide the evidence (Mitwah is as silly as Alexander...see above response) of ethnic hiring? This responsibility is on the Government to show otherwise, not the opposition. This is a good chance to silence the Opposition if its accusation is not true.

3) I agree with Alexander that the PPP should have a plan to correct the problem...this is where the PPP has failed its supporters.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

All the people appointed to GECOM during PPP government had the consent of the Opposition party as provided by the Constitution. Therefore the Opposition would have no basis to criticize the makeup then. That is not the case currently. There was a shift by Granger to reinstate the PNC wicked ways of their previous era.

Prove it. 

Dude, don’t you have anything else to do with your time rather than troll others?

You are an idiot. You make idiotic statements and don't expect to be challenged?  You are  very dishonest and 


No one here personally know me so to suggest that I am dishonest is just that. A suggestion. However, some people here who know you personally say that you are wicked or something to that nature. Now what do you think about that?

You are an idiot. You pelt mud and hope it will stick. Prove what you posit. Else 

VishMahabir posted:

Anyone see the irony and silliness in these statements??
Look up the various meanings of "irony" after contemplating my response(s) below; then meditate on "silliness" immediately thereafter

1) If Alexander is saying they do not hire on the basis of ethnicity [condition 1], how come they know GECOM has 46% Africans [condition 2]??
Banna, the second condition does not depend on the first. . . this is elementary reasoning & comprehension; what kind of fool are you?

2) Why should the Opposition provide the evidence (Mitwah is as silly as Alexander...see above response) of ethnic hiring? This responsibility is on the Government to show otherwise, not the opposition. This is a good chance to silence the Opposition if its accusation is not true.
You people are invincibly ignorant; as i pointed out elsewhere, any rational thinking adult would know that it is the claimant's "responsibility" to FIRST produce "evidence" to the respondent . . . NOT the other way round. What kind of dunce argumentation are you engaging in?


Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Prove what you posit. 

In case you have realized it as yet, I don't take orders from anyone. 

OK! Carry on being disingenuous. Keep on posting idiotic statements.  

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Anyone see the irony and silliness in these statements??
Look up the various meanings of "irony" after contemplating my response(s) below; then meditate on "silliness" immediately thereafter

1) If Alexander is saying they do not hire on the basis of ethnicity [condition 1], how come they know GECOM has 46% Africans [condition 2]??
Banna, the second condition does not depend on the first. . . this is elementary reasoning & comprehension; what kind of fool are you?

2) Why should the Opposition provide the evidence (Mitwah is as silly as Alexander...see above response) of ethnic hiring? This responsibility is on the Government to show otherwise, not the opposition. This is a good chance to silence the Opposition if its accusation is not true.
You people are invincibly ignorant; as i pointed out elsewhere, any rational thinking adult would know that it is the claimant's "responsibility" to FIRST produce "evidence" to the respondent . . . NOT the other way round. What kind of dunce argumentation are you engaging in?


Vish, I feel very sorry for you. 

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Prove what you posit. 

In case you have realized it as yet, I don't take orders from anyone. 

OK! Carry on being disingenuous. Keep on posting idiotic statements.  

Fortunately I don’t have any dog in the race. I am free to be objective in my observations. There is no friend or family that I have to defend. You unfortunately are chained to take a side in the attempt to support your connections. 

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Prove what you posit. 

In case you have realized it as yet, I don't take orders from anyone. 

OK! Carry on being disingenuous. Keep on posting idiotic statements.  

Fortunately I don’t have any dog in the race. I am free to be objective in my observations. There is no friend or family that I have to defend. You unfortunately are chained to take a side in the attempt to support your connections. 

You are not objective but subjective in your observations. You are not able to support your posits and that's because you are dishonest.  Haul yuh hypocritical ass dah side. 

ksazma posted:

He who is given much, much is required of him. The government has the power. It is their responsibility to demonstrate that they are not being unfair in their actions.

Robeson Benn stuck his hand up somebody's ass in Freedom House, holler "90%" and run away . . . actually saying that he doan need to make a case . . . that hollering is enuf

he pointed to no specific "action" by the "government" for them to defend

lite thinking ethnic soldiers like you, hearing the dog whistle, swarm around screaming for 'justice'

Patterson indignantly pointed to 46% and close he off

banna, for your own good, put down the spade and tek a seat 

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is given much, much is required of him. The government has the power. It is their responsibility to demonstrate that they are not being unfair in their actions.

Robeson Benn stuck his hand up somebody's ass in Freedom House, holler "90%" and run away . . . actually saying that he doan need to make a case . . . that hollering is enuf

he pointed to no specific "action" by the "government" for them to defend

lite thinking ethnic soldiers like you, hearing the dog whistle, swarm around screaming for 'justice'

Patterson indignantly pointed to 46% and close he off

banna, for your own good, put down the spade and tek a seat 

Bai, why yuh tormenting yuhself wid the nonsense that the Coalition government is doing? They nah worth it.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is given much, much is required of him. The government has the power. It is their responsibility to demonstrate that they are not being unfair in their actions.

Robeson Benn stuck his hand up somebody's ass in Freedom House, holler "90%" and run away . . . actually saying that he doan need to make a case . . . that hollering is enuf

he pointed to no specific "action" by the "government" for them to defend

lite thinking ethnic soldiers like you, hearing the dog whistle, swarm around screaming for 'justice'

Patterson indignantly pointed to 46% and close he off

banna, for your own good, put down the spade and tek a seat 

Bai, why yuh tormenting yuhself wid the nonsense that the Coalition government is doing? They nah worth it.

alyuh barefoot PPP soldiers jump on the Benn/Lunchman LIARD bandwagon and got hammered in SPECTACULAR fashion

now here comes you, tiptoeing, trying to 'mitigate' with elides and misdirection . . . upending reality

cleverness is not your strong suit


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

He who is given much, much is required of him. The government has the power. It is their responsibility to demonstrate that they are not being unfair in their actions.

Robeson Benn stuck his hand up somebody's ass in Freedom House, holler "90%" and run away . . . actually saying that he doan need to make a case . . . that hollering is enuf

he pointed to no specific "action" by the "government" for them to defend

lite thinking ethnic soldiers like you, hearing the dog whistle, swarm around screaming for 'justice'

Patterson indignantly pointed to 46% and close he off

banna, for your own good, put down the spade and tek a seat 

Bai, why yuh tormenting yuhself wid the nonsense that the Coalition government is doing? They nah worth it.

alyuh barefoot PPP soldiers jump on the Benn/Lunchman LIARD bandwagon and got hammered in SPECTACULAR fashion

now here comes you, tiptoeing, trying to 'mitigate' with elides and misdirection . . . upending reality

cleverness is not your strong suit


Like yuh still tormenting yuhself. I don’t care for Guyana nor what goes on there. This is no more than entertainment for me. Losing sleep on Guyana is senseless.


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