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Former Member


KP is an Indo-racist as Yuji, Skeldon_man and some others. I have said it time and time again and here is the proof. 

This is the stench of Indo-Guyanese that is killing our image abroad. When we read about a robbery, murder, or rape that target innocent people, we put ourselves to a higher standard to condemn the perpetrators and show remorse to the victims. That's the good human nature in most of us. Racism adds to the category of stench that is decaying our society. Today, KP remind us that racism is alive and well among some Indos that they're not afraid to condemn Afro-Guyanese as non-human. 

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KP story reminds me of an accident on the East Coast that took the lives of three people. The Indo that witnessed the accident ran to raise an alarm to neighbors and told them that two people died and one Blackman. 

Whether the story was factual or not it did explain how racism was embedded in us. I agree that Indos were innocent at some point to fully understand racism, but we have all grown and become mature to break away from that illness. Unfortunately, not all of us did. 


KP is not a racist nor an intra-racist pandering to APNU for acceptance. He made a statement that is factual and very colloquial, but certainly not racist. He attempted to emphasize heavily on this crime because of where it took place and the people involved. It's actually meant to hit back at the Caribs on GNI who always tout Barbados as a black nation that is devoid of many of the social ills present in other Caribbean nations.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Prince posted:

KP story reminds me of an accident on the East Coast that took the lives of three people. The Indo that witnessed the accident ran to raise an alarm to neighbors and told them that two people died and one Blackman. 

Whether the story was factual or not it did explain how racism was embedded in us. I agree that Indos were innocent at some point to fully understand racism, but we have all grown and become mature to break away from that illness. Unfortunately, not all of us did. 

I agree some people are ignorant to recognize the headline and you are one of them. 

Your story about the accident appears to be fabricated. 

I can see a Indian  say one Blackman die  - and respect to the Indian in the fake story  , he didn’t use the N word to describe the black. 


Last edited by Former Member

Prince is a POS poster. He rass went into hiding when I travelled to NYC to have a chat with him and serve him a legal notice for posting and misrepresenting my opinions and comments at GNI.

I will make a second attempt to serve him a legal notice the next time that I visit NYC. 

I hope that he does not take rope like he did during a confirmed suicide attempt as posted by brother Sheik. 

Dave posted:
Prince posted:

KP story reminds me of an accident on the East Coast that took the lives of three people. The Indo that witnessed the accident ran to raise an alarm to neighbors and told them that two people died and one Blackman. 

Whether the story was factual or not it did explain how racism was embedded in us. I agree that Indos were innocent at some point to fully understand racism, but we have all grown and become mature to break away from that illness. Unfortunately, not all of us did. 

I agree some people are ignorant to recognize the headline and you are one of them. 

Your story about the accident appears to be fabricated. 

I can see a Indian  say one Blackman die  - and respect to the Indian in the fake story  , he didn’t use the N word to describe the black. 


Bhai, while I support free speech, I think that KP went a bit too far and as such Ray closed the thread and rightfully or wrongfully put him in the pen for a few days. 

KP is now beating Mits record for being put in the Pen. 


Guyana can be a kinder, gentler nation if everyone tried to give an ounce of understanding toward racism. In America, crime is everybody's business. In Guyana, racism should be everybody's business. I am not up to debate this topic, but to shed light on how serious racism is. It's more embarrassing when my fellow Indians stoop this low to degrade themselves. Michelle Obama said when they go low, you go higher. It meant you shouldn't put yourself at the level of other people with low esteem. 

Prince posted:

Guyana can be a kinder, gentler nation if everyone tried to give an ounce of understanding toward racism. In America, crime is everybody's business. In Guyana, racism should be everybody's business. I am not up to debate this topic, but to shed light on how serious racism is. It's more embarrassing when my fellow Indians stoop this low to degrade themselves. Michelle Obama said when they go low, you go higher. It meant you shouldn't put yourself at the level of other people with low esteem. 

Don't you think rigging elections has divided our people more than anything else? Think about who feels disenchanted and discriminated against when their right to vote has been taken away. Let's start with free elections and respect for the law.

Billy Ram Balgobin
yuji22 posted:

Prince is a POS poster. He rass went into hiding when I travelled to NYC to have a chat with him and serve him a legal notice for posting and misrepresenting my opinions and comments at GNI.

I will make a second attempt to serve him a legal notice the next time that I visit NYC. 

I hope that he does not take rope like he did during a confirmed suicide attempt as posted by brother Sheik. 

How do you know who it is????

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Prince posted:

Guyana can be a kinder, gentler nation if everyone tried to give an ounce of understanding toward racism. In America, crime is everybody's business. In Guyana, racism should be everybody's business. I am not up to debate this topic, but to shed light on how serious racism is. It's more embarrassing when my fellow Indians stoop this low to degrade themselves. Michelle Obama said when they go low, you go higher. It meant you shouldn't put yourself at the level of other people with low esteem. 

Don't you think rigging elections has divided our people more than anything else? Think about who feels disenchanted and discriminated against when their right to vote has been taken away. Let's start with free elections and respect for the law.

This is not politics, bro. Racism is built up and embedded in most of us over time. The same way we can get rid of it from our system if we try harder. Self-determination is the key to success. I did it. Why can't you? I am not ashamed to tell you that I been where KP is and I am not proud of it. What kind of a father would I be to my children if I teach them racism towards their classmate because they are of a different color or race?

yuji22 posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

KP story reminds me of an accident on the East Coast that took the lives of three people. The Indo that witnessed the accident ran to raise an alarm to neighbors and told them that two people died and one Blackman. 

Whether the story was factual or not it did explain how racism was embedded in us. I agree that Indos were innocent at some point to fully understand racism, but we have all grown and become mature to break away from that illness. Unfortunately, not all of us did. 

I agree some people are ignorant to recognize the headline and you are one of them. 

Your story about the accident appears to be fabricated. 

I can see a Indian  say one Blackman die  - and respect to the Indian in the fake story  , he didn’t use the N word to describe the black. 


Bhai, while I support free speech, I think that KP went a bit too far and as such Ray closed the thread and rightfully or wrongfully put him in the pen for a few days. 

KP is now beating Mits record for being put in the Pen. 

I didn’t see KP say anything wrong to be suspended. 

Muzzling KP is the very reason Indians are told to shut up ( by those in authority ... limited time ) and  Blacks can continue voicing their opinion. 

Some people choose to be stooge to other people’s skin colour, Not ME. 

Prince posted:

Guyana can be a kinder, gentler nationif everyone tried to give an ounce of understanding toward racism. In America, crime is everybody's business. In Guyana, racism should be everybody's business. I am not up to debate this topic, but to shed light on how serious racism is. It's more embarrassing when my fellow Indians stoop this low to degrade themselves. Michelle Obama said when they go low, you go higher. It meant you shouldn't put yourself at the level of other people with low esteem. 

You are no Michelle Obama. You referenced "everyone". Your everyone is directed at the Indo GNIers here. You, an Indo Guyanese is a coolie hater and, yes, I am referring to my self as a coolie as I have done before and I am proud to repeat it anytime. You being a coolie hater clearly connotates that when you sayeveryone, you mean Indos. Please ask God to help you understand what you write here or how people who know you will interpret your nonsense what you write.



Mr. Speaker, the Guyana I envisage, and for whichI "dedicate my energies" is one of accelerated economic progress, expanded opportunities and rapid social development; a place where fairness and justice dwell and from which fear, prejudice and discrimination are banished. The country that would be "more dear to me than all the world" is our land when each citizen, barring none, is free to think bold thoughts and dream new dreams; and all have the capacity to realise their potential. A country where our natural resources are tapped for the benefit of all our people and the proceeds equitably shared.


It appears some of the supporters  didn't heed, they undermined the vision of their great leader.

Pointblank posted:
Ray posted:

Some Indos dwell on race too much...

We Indians are so dam racist that we created a system to be racist to our own. It is called the CASTE SYSTEM

Stop with your lies.  I was in the ME, the fair skinned don’t like dark.  

India is one of the least judgemental societies when it comes to professionals with regards skin color. 

Django posted:


Mr. Speaker, the Guyana I envisage, and for whichI "dedicate my energies" is one of accelerated economic progress, expanded opportunities and rapid social development; a place where fairness and justice dwell and from which fear, prejudice and discrimination are banished. The country that would be "more dear to me than all the world" is our land when each citizen, barring none, is free to think bold thoughts and dream new dreams; and all have the capacity to realise their potential. A country where our natural resources are tapped for the benefit of all our people and the proceeds equitably shared.


It appears some of the supporters  didn't heed, they undermined the vision of their great leader.

Jagdeo had a great vision for equality in Guyana but the wicked PNC hell bent on making the Guyana ungovernable sabotaged all of Jagdeo’s good intentions.

Pointblank posted:
Ray posted:

Some Indos dwell on race too much...

We Indians are so dam racist that we created a system to be racist to our own. It is called the CASTE SYSTEM

“System of racialism created “ by Indians as you claimed is no different how you segregated religious belief and you on many occasions  identified one religion is dominant than the order ... do you agree, you are rolling in mud like everyone else and you are living in the Religious CASTE SYSTEM 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:


APNU has not been been a shining example of representing the aspirations of all Guyanese

That's  true !!

Go into more details and be a man nah. What are you afraid of?

Nothing !!!

when you accept the what occurred under your leader, contrary to his energies and beliefs. Will continue voice my opinion against APNU.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Ray posted:


APNU has not been been a shining example of representing the aspirations of all Guyanese

That's  true !!

Go into more details and be a man nah. What are you afraid of?

Nothing !!!

when you accept the what occurred under your leader, contrary to his energies and beliefs. Will continue voice my opinion against APNU.

WHAT OCCURS... most of us, Proud Indians on this site is anxiously waiting on all the allegations to be proven. 

It looks like another election coming and the billions and billions of dollars went into friends and foes pockets for fake investigation. 


Religion, culture, and race must always be respected. These rights are protected in the U.S. Constitution. So why break the law? Why do we defend ours and not theirs? What makes Hindu superior over Muslims or vice versa? I read an article that non-muslims are encouraged to join their Muslim brothers/sisters and fast if they so chose. This is the best way to sacrifice and understand Muslim. If you want to understand people's race, religion, and culture, you must first walk in their shoes and study their history. It's easy. Things that we joked about has become serious when it is someone life we're talking about. As we grow older, we must choose to change or habits. We may not change the world, but we can help one individual at a time. I broke away from party politics for a long time because it nurtured racism from both sides. I made that sacrifice and it is paying off. (Push for a United Guyana) and only then we shall reap eternal peace. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

WHAT OCCURS... most of us, Proud Indians on this site is anxiously waiting on all the allegations to be proven. 

It looks like another election coming and the billions and billions of dollars went into friends and foes pockets for fake investigation. 

Denial is a bad thing, keep the hope alive !!

Speaking of yourself Bhai. I couldn’t help but LMAO at your reply. 

Prince posted:


KP is an Indo-racist as Yuji, Skeldon_man and some others. I have said it time and time again and here is the proof. 

This is the stench of Indo-Guyanese that is killing our image abroad. When we read about a robbery, murder, or rape that target innocent people, we put ourselves to a higher standard to condemn the perpetrators and show remorse to the victims. That's the good human nature in most of us. Racism adds to the category of stench that is decaying our society. Today, KP remind us that racism is alive and well among some Indos that they're not afraid to condemn Afro-Guyanese as non-human. 

For a man who repeatedly said time and time again 'the only good blackman is a dead one' u seem to have turn full circle in a very short period of time. I can't speak for KP et al, but u are in my book the biggest racist I've known. Fact.


How can someone be a proud Indian and disrespect another race and their values? Being proud and disrespect don't go together. I am proud of my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc., but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect another person's mother, etc because they worship or their culture is different from mine. A person that is addicted to drug or alcohol can be cured if he/she chose to get the necessary help. Racism is also addictive and it can be cured when you snap out of your denial and excuses.

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

how is ah proud indian different from ah regular indian?

A proud Indo don’t drop their identity. 

Just like Muslims. Some are proud of their religion while others are regular Muslim with the name. 

WHo says a regular Muslim is not proud of Islam? 

Are the Indians from INdia who use products to get rid of their dark skin proud Indians?

Prince posted:

How can someone be a proud Indian and disrespect another race and their values? Being proud and disrespect don't go together. I am proud of my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc., but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect another person's mother, etc because they worship or their culture is different from mine. A person that is addicted to drug or alcohol can be cured if he/she chose to get the necessary help. Racism is also addictive and it can be cured when you snap out of your denial and excuses. sound like a schizophrenic psychologist banna...

VishMahabir posted:
Prince posted:

How can someone be a proud Indian and disrespect another race and their values? Being proud and disrespect don't go together. I am proud of my parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc., but that doesn't give me the right to disrespect another person's mother, etc because they worship or their culture is different from mine. A person that is addicted to drug or alcohol can be cured if he/she chose to get the necessary help. Racism is also addictive and it can be cured when you snap out of your denial and excuses. sound like a schizophrenic psychologist banna...

I studied behavioral psychology because I was curious to understand people's behavior and how and why they act in certain ways. But first, you must take control of your own behavior. When folks on GNI condones racism, they make that person stronger in his/her belief. A good friend would welcome change and encourage you to keep up the good work, as opposed to one who would put you down for past mistakes in your life. These kinds of people love to be surrounded by controversy and make other people's lives equal or below theirs. Thank God, I don't need friends like them around my family. Nehru is my only friend on and off GNI. 

yuji22 posted:

Prince is a POS poster. He rass went into hiding when I travelled to NYC to have a chat with him and serve him a legal notice for posting and misrepresenting my opinions and comments at GNI.

I will make a second attempt to serve him a legal notice the next time that I visit NYC. 

I hope that he does not take rope like he did during a confirmed suicide attempt as posted by brother Sheik. 

Stop your BS. A petitioner in a legal matter cannot serve their own legal notice. Not to mention, you're not a US resident. Prince should clap to bax pon yuh stchupid behind.


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