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Former Member

FACTS from IMRAN KHAN, OPM Press Secretary:

Mr. Omar Shariff, a PPP CANDIDATE in the 2015 elections and an Indo-Guyanese is STILL the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Presidency. In addition Mr. Shariff also serves as the PS for the Office of the Prime Minister.

Lisa Ramotar, daughter of former President Donald Ramotar is STILL the General Manager of the Guyana Gold Board, presiding over BILLIONS of dollars.

Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister and First Vice President.

Khemraj Ramjattan is Second Vice President and Minister of Public Security.

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine is Minister of Education.

Ronald Bulkan is Minister of Communities.

Amna Ally is Minister of Social Cohesion and Government Chief Whip in Parliament.

Jaipaul Sharma is Minister within the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Roopchand Bissesar, Mr. Sam Hinds' protocol officer is still serving in that capacity to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Ms Shanta Bansavatar, the Confidential Secretary to Mr. Sam Hinds continues to serve Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

NO Indo-Guyanese staff at the Office of the Prime Minister has been fired.

The Chairman of the NCN Board of Directors is Indo-Guyanese.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the Chronicle Board.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the NCN Board.

Dr. Rovin Deodat is serving as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Nagamootoo on community radio broadcasting.

Kurshid Sattaur is on leave but he still has his job.

Winston Brassington is on leave but he still has his job.

An Afro-Guyanese was fired as the Chronicle GM and was replaced by an Indo-Guyanese who is acting in the position.

An Indo-Guyanese was hired as the Sunday Editor at the Chronicle.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Executive Assistant.

An Indo-Guyanese REMAINS the Editor-In-Chief at NCN.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Manager at NCN Berbice.

Indranauth Haralsingh (about whose competence I have my own views) remains the head of the Guyana Tourism Authority.

Mahendra Sharma remains head of the Guyana Energy Agency.

Ramesh Ghir remains the CEO of the Cheddi Jagan Intl Airport.

THREE Indo-Guyanese were appointed Special Assistants to Prime Minister Nagamootoo in regions 2, 5 & 6.

An Indo-Guyanese will be appointed Prime Minister's Special Assistant in Region 3.

Bassu Dwarika who was Protocol Officer to former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar still has his job.

There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka posted:

FACTS from IMRAN KHAN, OPM Press Secretary:

Mr. Omar Shariff, a PPP CANDIDATE in the 2015 elections and an Indo-Guyanese is STILL the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Presidency. In addition Mr. Shariff also serves as the PS for the Office of the Prime Minister.

Lisa Ramotar, daughter of former President Donald Ramotar is STILL the General Manager of the Guyana Gold Board, presiding over BILLIONS of dollars.

Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister and First Vice President.

Khemraj Ramjattan is Second Vice President and Minister of Public Security.

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine is Minister of Education.

Ronald Bulkan is Minister of Communities.

Amna Ally is Minister of Social Cohesion and Government Chief Whip in Parliament.

Jaipaul Sharma is Minister within the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Roopchand Bissesar, Mr. Sam Hinds' protocol officer is still serving in that capacity to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Ms Shanta Bansavatar, the Confidential Secretary to Mr. Sam Hinds continues to serve Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

NO Indo-Guyanese staff at the Office of the Prime Minister has been fired.

The Chairman of the NCN Board of Directors is Indo-Guyanese.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the Chronicle Board.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the NCN Board.

Dr. Rovin Deodat is serving as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Nagamootoo on community radio broadcasting.

Kurshid Sattaur is on leave but he still has his job.

Winston Brassington is on leave but he still has his job.

An Afro-Guyanese was fired as the Chronicle GM and was replaced by an Indo-Guyanese who is acting in the position.

An Indo-Guyanese was hired as the Sunday Editor at the Chronicle.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Executive Assistant.

An Indo-Guyanese REMAINS the Editor-In-Chief at NCN.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Manager at NCN Berbice.

Indranauth Haralsingh (about whose competence I have my own views) remains the head of the Guyana Tourism Authority.

Mahendra Sharma remains head of the Guyana Energy Agency.

Ramesh Ghir remains the CEO of the Cheddi Jagan Intl Airport.

THREE Indo-Guyanese were appointed Special Assistants to Prime Minister Nagamootoo in regions 2, 5 & 6.

An Indo-Guyanese will be appointed Prime Minister's Special Assistant in Region 3.

Bassu Dwarika who was Protocol Officer to former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar still has his job.

There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what.


OK...I am just asking...

What exactly is the point to this list of identifying Indians who are retained by the coalition or who are working with the government? Is this an attempt to prove to us underlings that there is no removal of Indians taking place in the government and there is no racial discrimination? Is this supposed to change the perspective of Afros and Indos?. Can we have a list of all the Afros who were hired by this government? What would that prove?

A list of individuals tells one story. We need to focus on the major issues that continue to divide the races in Guyana.


And what does this mean???

"There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what."

 Look at it this way....Is this supposed to make the coalition government or the opposition feel that all is well in Guyana???

Last edited by VishMahabir

Gilbakka is just adding insult to injury.  I don't know all of these people to justify the claim they might be "dirty Indians", the "Congo Lovers", and the neemakarams, but someone might be onto something.

Gilbakka should post an article about those people who lost their jobs and provide a platform for comparison in terms of numbers and then we will have a cohesive discussion.

These one sided discussions are useless and only provide nourishment for the shallow brain.

Until then......................................................!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Gilbakka should post an article about those people who lost their jobs and provide a platform for comparison in terms of numbers and then we will have a cohesive discussion.

These one sided discussions are useless and only provide nourishment for the shallow brain.

Until then......................................................!!!!

And why don't you address the issue of the entire "African eradication " which occurred at foreign missions, and in leadership positions when the PPP took over.  And those blacks who did survive the 1992 eradication plan, were forced to retire at 55, with an Indian replacing them.

Seriously.  For you to complain about what APNU/AFC is doing to Indians, you need to admit to what the PPP did to blacks.  Until you do this, you look seriously stupid.

BTW there is a list of 200 Africans in leadership slots who the PPP IMMEDIATELY dismissed in 1992.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Gilbakka should post an article about those people who lost their jobs and provide a platform for comparison in terms of numbers and then we will have a cohesive discussion.

These one sided discussions are useless and only provide nourishment for the shallow brain.

Until then......................................................!!!!

And why don't you address the issue of the entire "African eradication " which occurred at foreign missions, and in leadership positions when the PPP took over.  And those blacks who did survive the 1992 eradication plan, were forced to retire at 55, with an Indian replacing them.

Seriously.  For you to complain about what APNU/AFC is doing to Indians, you need to admit to what the PPP did to blacks.  Until you do this, you look seriously stupid.

BTW there is a list of 200 Africans in leadership slots who the PPP IMMEDIATELY dismissed in 1992.

I was not aware the thread is about African eradication, I was just simply staying on the subject of the article - Indos serving the Coalition Government.  Feel free to start a thread on African eradication and I will jump in.

Bibi Haniffa
VishMahabir posted:

OK...I am just asking...

What exactly is the point to this list of identifying Indians who are retained by the coalition or who are working with the government? Is this an attempt to prove to us underlings that there is no removal of Indians taking place in the government and there is no racial discrimination? Is this supposed to change the perspective of Afros and Indos?. Can we have a list of all the Afros who were hired by this government? What would that prove?

A list of individuals tells one story. We need to focus on the major issues that continue to divide the races in Guyana.


And what does this mean???

"There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what."

 Look at it this way....Is this supposed to make the coalition government or the opposition feel that all is well in Guyana???

Quite clear what it means.  It means that there is not wholesale "Indian eradication" going on, despite the squeals.   It would be easy to get rid of a civil servant who was overtly involved in party politics, as that isn't allowed. But yet some PPP activists remain.

Is there some ethnic favoritism going on? No doubt that there is, but then there also was under the PPP.  Hundreds of blacks in leadership slots were squeezed out, first by Jagan, and then by Jagdeo. 

Many blacks were left in acting positions, and were NOT appointed, thus earning a lower pension, than they would have received if appointed.  Others were forced to retire at 55, to make way for an Indian.

So why the shock that people, who have been shut out by the PPP for 23 years might feel the need to address what was clearly a wrong. and that was the Indianization of the more lucrative leadership slots in state owned entities?

I suggest that YOU lead a discussion about the fact that Africans feel wronged by the PPP, and now feel the need to rebalance.

Be objective and try to imagine that you are an African professional who was shut out by the PPP.

I have already admitted to the fact that the Burnham regime was overtly racist towards Indians, and excluded most from leadership.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I was not aware the thread is about African eradication, I was just simply staying on the subject of the article - Indos serving the Coalition Government.  Feel free to start a thread on African eradication and I will jump in.

Clearly the issue of African exclusion under the PPP is very relevant in any discussion of alleged Indian exclusion by APNU.

Do you really think that one can ignore the blatant racism of the PPP, and then complain about what APNU might be doing to Indians?

Both issues are clearly related, and until resolved we will continue to see ethnic revenge, depending on which party is in power. 

And with the Indian population plummeting they cannot ignore African perceptions, and think only theirs matter.


I am all in favor of rebalancing, but not to the extent where the best man qualified is not the one who is getting the job.  The aftermath of this would be underperformance and then everyone loses.  Let's get some serious competition going on with the best and the brightest, regardless of race, color, or creed and then we have a good economy going.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am all in favor of rebalancing, but not to the extent where the best man qualified is not the one who is getting the job. 

Please tell us as to who is bright, capable, and effective, but was let go by APNU/AFC only because they are Indians.

Think of the massive corruption at the GRA, and the complete and extreme incompetence at Guysuco.  Ditto GPL.


Note that the BLACK heads of Go Invest and GGMC were also removed. These were among the few black heads of state owned corporations that were appointed by the PPP.

Why don't you squeal about those blacks as well?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I was not aware the thread is about African eradication, I was just simply staying on the subject of the article - Indos serving the Coalition Government.  Feel free to start a thread on African eradication and I will jump in.

Clearly the issue of African exclusion under the PPP is very relevant in any discussion of alleged Indian exclusion by APNU.

Do you really think that one can ignore the blatant racism of the PPP, and then complain about what APNU might be doing to Indians?

Both issues are clearly related, and until resolved we will continue to see ethnic revenge, depending on which party is in power. 

And with the Indian population plummeting they cannot ignore African perceptions, and think only theirs matter.


You need to stop living in the past .

You need to stop this nonsense about Indians controlling all the embassies and always equating every criticism of the government with some malady that the PPP government did.

What you are saying is "they" did it so is OK for "us" to do it.

Besides, if the PPP was the ultimate evil you and Stormy claims it was, why do you use the PPP as your yardstick?

By a swoop of the brush you negate everything the PPP did. In your world, you are saying that for 23 years you cant find anything positive the PPP did while in office. This is unbelievable.

Finally. We aint stupid. You quietly seek to escape criticism by admitting that the Burnham PNC discriminated against Indians. Thats well and good. Your intention is to "give in" to a past atrocity, so we will not criticize the current actions of the Granger government...DID WE VOTE FOR CHANGE OR EXCHANGE??.  

With you and Stormy's convoluted logic, we will never have peace in Guyana....  

Last edited by VishMahabir
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am all in favor of rebalancing, but not to the extent where the best man qualified is not the one who is getting the job. 

Please tell us as to who is bright, capable, and effective, but was let go by APNU/AFC only because they are Indians.

Think of the massive corruption at the GRA, and the complete and extreme incompetence at Guysuco.  Ditto GPL.


Note that the BLACK heads of Go Invest and GGMC were also removed. These were among the few black heads of state owned corporations that were appointed by the PPP.

Why don't you squeal about those blacks as well?

Who is squealing??  And who is better qualified than Dindyal to run GPL.  The one who they put in to replace him done thief from them.

Here is what Ramkarran had to say about Dindyal's dismissal.

Dindyal is one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system and his dismissal will not sit well with those who are “ethnically sensitive.”

“The manner of the dismissal of Bharat Dindyal, the CEO of the GPL, one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system, will send shivers down the spines of the ethnically sensitive. In justifying his dismissal, a not too subtle attempt was made to portray his continued employment without a written contract, even though he was continuing on the job only until a replacement could be found, as some sort of sinister plot,” Ramkarran noted.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am all in favor of rebalancing, but not to the extent where the best man qualified is not the one who is getting the job. 

Please tell us as to who is bright, capable, and effective, but was let go by APNU/AFC only because they are Indians.

Think of the massive corruption at the GRA, and the complete and extreme incompetence at Guysuco.  Ditto GPL.


Note that the BLACK heads of Go Invest and GGMC were also removed. These were among the few black heads of state owned corporations that were appointed by the PPP.

Why don't you squeal about those blacks as well?

Who is squealing??  And who is better qualified than Dindyal to run GPL.  The one who they put in to replace him done thief from them.

Here is what Ramkarran had to say about Dindyal's dismissal.

Dindyal is one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system and his dismissal will not sit well with those who are “ethnically sensitive.”

“The manner of the dismissal of Bharat Dindyal, the CEO of the GPL, one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system, will send shivers down the spines of the ethnically sensitive. In justifying his dismissal, a not too subtle attempt was made to portray his continued employment without a written contract, even though he was continuing on the job only until a replacement could be found, as some sort of sinister plot,” Ramkarran noted.

Can you give me the source for this?

I thought this banna was a corrupt fella.

Who was the one who put the money in a US bank account? 

Cobra posted:
antabanta posted:

What happened to the ethnic cleansing the PPP propaganda crew were screaming about?

You probably miss the boat on that. There is a thread dedicated to the daily killing of Indians from May 15, 2015 to date. You should read it and stop asking questions. 


You finally post something that elicited a reaction other than pity.

Gilbakka posted:

FACTS from IMRAN KHAN, OPM Press Secretary:

Mr. Omar Shariff, a PPP CANDIDATE in the 2015 elections and an Indo-Guyanese is STILL the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Presidency. In addition Mr. Shariff also serves as the PS for the Office of the Prime Minister.

Lisa Ramotar, daughter of former President Donald Ramotar is STILL the General Manager of the Guyana Gold Board, presiding over BILLIONS of dollars.

Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister and First Vice President.

Khemraj Ramjattan is Second Vice President and Minister of Public Security.

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine is Minister of Education.

Ronald Bulkan is Minister of Communities.

Amna Ally is Minister of Social Cohesion and Government Chief Whip in Parliament.

Jaipaul Sharma is Minister within the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Roopchand Bissesar, Mr. Sam Hinds' protocol officer is still serving in that capacity to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Ms Shanta Bansavatar, the Confidential Secretary to Mr. Sam Hinds continues to serve Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

NO Indo-Guyanese staff at the Office of the Prime Minister has been fired.

The Chairman of the NCN Board of Directors is Indo-Guyanese.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the Chronicle Board.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the NCN Board.

Dr. Rovin Deodat is serving as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Nagamootoo on community radio broadcasting.

Kurshid Sattaur is on leave but he still has his job.

Winston Brassington is on leave but he still has his job.

An Afro-Guyanese was fired as the Chronicle GM and was replaced by an Indo-Guyanese who is acting in the position.

An Indo-Guyanese was hired as the Sunday Editor at the Chronicle.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Executive Assistant.

An Indo-Guyanese REMAINS the Editor-In-Chief at NCN.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Manager at NCN Berbice.

Indranauth Haralsingh (about whose competence I have my own views) remains the head of the Guyana Tourism Authority.

Mahendra Sharma remains head of the Guyana Energy Agency.

Ramesh Ghir remains the CEO of the Cheddi Jagan Intl Airport.

THREE Indo-Guyanese were appointed Special Assistants to Prime Minister Nagamootoo in regions 2, 5 & 6.

An Indo-Guyanese will be appointed Prime Minister's Special Assistant in Region 3.

Bassu Dwarika who was Protocol Officer to former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar still has his job.

There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what.


It's called a coalition government, are you trying to prove a point that PNC is not only Black. Maybe one of the problem the present government has is to find Qualified Blacks to replace the Indians, Note ,they only been there 8 months and yet fired and replaced a lot.Name a few PPP that was GIVEN jobs by the coalition, Moses Shouting for UNITY, I see the people he has are Indians, seems like he does not trust the Blacks, but don't worry Moses and Rumjaat days are numbered.Gilly, you took a lot of time and effort to bring fourth this information from the office of the P M, who requested this ?? it's ashamed you mentioned the names of Moses, Khemraj,Rupert, Ally as padding to the list, remember they are Not Indians.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am all in favor of rebalancing, but not to the extent where the best man qualified is not the one who is getting the job. 

Please tell us as to who is bright, capable, and effective, but was let go by APNU/AFC only because they are Indians.

Think of the massive corruption at the GRA, and the complete and extreme incompetence at Guysuco.  Ditto GPL.


Note that the BLACK heads of Go Invest and GGMC were also removed. These were among the few black heads of state owned corporations that were appointed by the PPP.

Why don't you squeal about those blacks as well?

Who is squealing??  And who is better qualified than Dindyal to run GPL.  The one who they put in to replace him done thief from them.

Here is what Ramkarran had to say about Dindyal's dismissal.

Dindyal is one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system and his dismissal will not sit well with those who are “ethnically sensitive.”

“The manner of the dismissal of Bharat Dindyal, the CEO of the GPL, one of the best and most dedicated managers in the State system, will send shivers down the spines of the ethnically sensitive. In justifying his dismissal, a not too subtle attempt was made to portray his continued employment without a written contract, even though he was continuing on the job only until a replacement could be found, as some sort of sinister plot,” Ramkarran noted.

Dindyal mismanaged GPL projects – Brassington


– Board and CEO had major power struggle

Former GPL boss, Bharat Dindyal [l) was a poor manager, Board Chairman Winston Brassington (r) said in a report last year.

Former GPL boss, Bharat Dindyal (l) was a poor manager, Board Chairman Winston Brassington (r) said in a report last year.


Days after Government announced that it has parted ways with the head of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), an explosive report has laid bare the battle that was being waged within that state company.
Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Bharrat Dindyal, was reportedly a power by himself, clashing with the Board of Directors, and mismanaging the multi-billion-dollar projects the company had embarked on.
GPL Chairman Winston Brassington, in an evaluation report last December, recommended that Dindyal, a qualified engineer, not be rehired as CEO.
Dindyal had signaled his intentions to the Board of Directors that he wanted a renewal of his three-year contract despite earlier intentions to leave. He even asked for a US$1,500 increase, on top of his $6.1M monthly pay, as part of his arrangements to stay on as CEO.
It is now public knowledge that Dindyal, who was without a contract since January, was asked to leave last week by the new administration, after he had reportedly signaled his intentions to depart at the end of June.
The decision by the Government was hastened by the fact that the former CEO was caught on camera, in a confrontation with the Deputy CEO, Colin Welch, using expletives over the suspension of two managers for wrongdoing.
Dindyal was heard on the video telling the staffers of the Loss Reduction Department that they should ignore Welch and remain on the job.
What apparently offended the administration was he insisted that the “f%&king minister” (David Patterson) should call him on the matter.
The government’s decision to part ways with Dindyal was seen by the Opposition as discriminatory and a witch-hunt of officials who were seen as supporters of the previous government, but the report would signal a different scenario altogether.
In the explosive evaluation of Dindyal by Brassington, which asked former Prime Minister Samuel Hinds not to entertain the request to stay on as CEO, the executive was painted as an arrogant man who disregarded the Board of Directors, not even reporting to them on key projects.
His poor management style led to the write-off of at least 10 generator sets and hundreds of millions of dollars in additional monies being spent to fund projects, like the 26 megawatts Vreed-en-Hoop power station facility.
Dindyal failed to return with a project summary of the Vreed-en-Hoop project, which foundation costs ballooned from $483M to $1B.
The report by Brassington was dated December 22, 2014, weeks after the CEO wrote the former PM to renew his contract.
“The board considered the matter and does not support a renewal of Mr Dindyal’s contract,” Brassington said in his evaluation letter to Hinds.
The report on Dindyal would be the first public disclosure of the power struggle within GPL which has come under fire for years now for spates of blackouts, high tariffs and costly projects that just could not reduce the amount of electricity theft that has been causing losses.
Brassington’s appraisal by his board covered the period 2012-2014. Dindyal was hired as CEO in 2006 after Robin Singh left.
Among other things, the former CEO “treated the board with disrespect, refusing to carry out instructions or decisions of the board and instructing management to ignore board decisions”.
He failed to report to the board on a routine basis – in fact not submitting monthly reports or even major reports on key matters for decision.
Brassington claimed that the Board was left in the dark on how well projects were being implemented.
As a matter of fact, Dindyal told the directors to leave him to do his work, as there was no technically competent person there to instruct him. He even told this to the former Cabinet of Ministers under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).
“The CEO’s style of management has been autocratic and ad hoc leading at times to an almost dysfunctional level of organization,” the 25-odd-page evaluation report said.
Dindyal’s style of management caused former Director of Operations, Elwyn Marshall, to resign with Colin Singh, Director of Projects/Operations, also being unhappy.
Even Welch, who was brought to GPL and is now the acting CEO, reportedly also felt that Dindyal’s style was too overpowering.
The Deputy CEO of Administration, Ash Deonarine, who has been sent on leave pending an investigation over a $27M backpay he took for himself, had expressed concerns that he was targeted. Last year he resigned, but was asked to stay on.
According to Brassington, Deonarine claimed that Dindyal threatened to replace him.“It appeared that the (former) CEO was seeking to encourage the exit of the DCEO as he was feeling threatened.”
Brassington believed that the former CEO’s problems were because he was trained as an engineer and not as a manager. As a result, his style was more of an operator than a manager.
Brassington also blamed Dindyal for the majority of the woes facing GPL.
With more than US$150M invested over the last eight years, Dindyal’s management lacked modern techniques including planning, project management and team approach.
Rather, he preferred the technical stance over the managerial ones.
There was poor planning on the Transmission and Distribution network projects, with huge cost overruns, Brassington said.
Despite the billions invested in prepaid and Itron meters, on new power stations, including the ones at Vreed-en-Hoop, Bartica and Anna Regina, there was evidence of little thought being placed in the preparation of proper project planning. This led to cost overruns and delays on the projects.
A Canefield, West Berbice generator was over-budgeted and had collapsed, compounding the blackout situation in Berbice.
Dindyal’s management of GPL’s assets also forced the company to shell out millions to rent Caterpillar engines, with customers also being forced to wait on explanations over what caused shutdowns.
Brassington, also in the report, said that the former CEO’s remuneration was based on comparable rates being paid to CDC/ESBI, a former partner of GPL.
The Chairman also pointed out that the previous administration had been forced to intervene when relations were tumultuous between Dindyal and the Board of Directors
He was rated 21 out of 50 by the Board for his leadership, and for his personal and professional behaviour.
Brassington even accused the former CEO of openly challenging the Board in the presence of employees and not treating with urgency reports requested on the implementation of matters.
Dindyal was supposed to give six months notice to renew his contract but he did not, Brassington said.
The Board, on its scorecard, gave Dindyal 9.5 out of the 15 percent; 21 percent of 50 percent for his operational direction, business performance and planning; 7 out of 20 percent for management and human resource – and six out of 15 percent for  governance and reporting.
The report would raise troubling questions why the previous PPP Government did nothing even after the Board recommended that Dindyal be sent off.

Cobra posted:
antabanta posted:

What happened to the ethnic cleansing the PPP propaganda crew were screaming about?

You probably miss the boat on that. There is a thread dedicated to thedaily killing of Indians from May 15, 2015 to date. You should read it and stop asking questions. 

Cobra..the killings was done by their own kind,hope you are not insinuating it done by other ethnicity.


REMINDER: About 4-5 months ago, when the "Ethnic Cleansing" song was top of the GNI chart, I had posted right here a long list of Afro-Guyanese workers whom President Jagan's PPP government had forced out of the public service after the 1992 election. 

The overwhelming majority of them were replaced with Indos whom the PPP was comfortable with. Clearly, most were political appointments.

When regimes change, it is natural for a new regime to dispense with political appointees of the old regime. In Guyana's case, where race dominates politics, there is bound to be claims of "ethnic cleansing" and "marginalization of Afros" by the victims and their sympathizers.

Imran Khan posted that list above on his Facebook page to show that the APNU+AFC coalition did NOT carry out ethnic cleansing but retained many PPP appointees who happen to be Indos.


VishMahabir posted:

You need to stop living in the past .

You need to stop this nonsense about Indians controlling all the embassies and always equating every criticism of the government with some malady that the PPP government did.


I will expose your hypocrisy.  YOU were the one who claimed that Jagdeo isn't a racist, and that the PPP didn't exclude Africans.

Well until we can come to an agreement as to what the problem is, I will rub it into your face.

Don't talk about ethnic exclusion under the APNU/AFC when you fail to admit the same under the PPP.

Gilbakka posted:

REMINDER: About 4-5 months ago, when the "Ethnic Cleansing" song was top of the GNI chart, I had posted right here a long list of Afro-Guyanese workers whom President Jagan's PPP government had forced out of the public service after the 1992 election. 

The overwhelming majority of them were replaced with Indos whom the PPP was comfortable with. Clearly, most were political appointments.

When regimes change, it is natural for a new regime to dispense with political appointees of the old regime. In Guyana's case, where race dominates politics, there is bound to be claims of "ethnic cleansing" and "marginalization of Afros" by the victims and their sympathizers.

Imran Khan posted that list above on his Facebook page to show that the APNU+AFC coalition did NOT carry out ethnic cleansing but retained many PPP appointees who happen to be Indos.


And this is the fact which VishMahabir and the other apologists for PPP "African extermination" need to admit.

There was an OVER representation of Indians in leadership.  If they were competent that would be one thing, but many were corrupt, incompetent, and only there because of PPP cronyism and racism.

So should APNU/AFC keep them merely because they are Indians?  NO!

Dondadda posted:

Gilly, now that you have posted Indos serving the Coalition Government, would you now post Blacks serving the Coalition, as well as, Portuguese, Chinese, Amerindians and Douglas serving the said administration?

Why don't you post the names of the blacks who headed govt corporations, commissions, and committees under the PPP.  We already know about the heads of Go Invest and the GGMC, BOTH booted out by APNU/AFC.  Who else?

The shock might be that a higher % of black PPP appointees might have been booted out than the Indo ones.  How ironic might that be?

kp posted:


It's called a coalition government, Name a few PPP that was GIVEN jobs by the coalition,

The PPP is NOT part of the coalition, so why should they be allocated jobs?

Gilbakka posted:

FACTS from IMRAN KHAN, OPM Press Secretary:

Mr. Omar Shariff, a PPP CANDIDATE in the 2015 elections and an Indo-Guyanese is STILL the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of the Presidency. In addition Mr. Shariff also serves as the PS for the Office of the Prime Minister.

Lisa Ramotar, daughter of former President Donald Ramotar is STILL the General Manager of the Guyana Gold Board, presiding over BILLIONS of dollars.

Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister and First Vice President.

Khemraj Ramjattan is Second Vice President and Minister of Public Security.

Dr. Rupert Roopnarine is Minister of Education.

Ronald Bulkan is Minister of Communities.

Amna Ally is Minister of Social Cohesion and Government Chief Whip in Parliament.

Jaipaul Sharma is Minister within the Ministry of Finance.

Mr. Roopchand Bissesar, Mr. Sam Hinds' protocol officer is still serving in that capacity to Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo.

Ms Shanta Bansavatar, the Confidential Secretary to Mr. Sam Hinds continues to serve Prime Minister Nagamootoo.

NO Indo-Guyanese staff at the Office of the Prime Minister has been fired.

The Chairman of the NCN Board of Directors is Indo-Guyanese.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the Chronicle Board.

There are FOUR Indo-Guyanese Directors on the NCN Board.

Dr. Rovin Deodat is serving as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Nagamootoo on community radio broadcasting.

Kurshid Sattaur is on leave but he still has his job.

Winston Brassington is on leave but he still has his job.

An Afro-Guyanese was fired as the Chronicle GM and was replaced by an Indo-Guyanese who is acting in the position.

An Indo-Guyanese was hired as the Sunday Editor at the Chronicle.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Prime Minister's Executive Assistant.

An Indo-Guyanese REMAINS the Editor-In-Chief at NCN.

An Indo-Guyanese is the Manager at NCN Berbice.

Indranauth Haralsingh (about whose competence I have my own views) remains the head of the Guyana Tourism Authority.

Mahendra Sharma remains head of the Guyana Energy Agency.

Ramesh Ghir remains the CEO of the Cheddi Jagan Intl Airport.

THREE Indo-Guyanese were appointed Special Assistants to Prime Minister Nagamootoo in regions 2, 5 & 6.

An Indo-Guyanese will be appointed Prime Minister's Special Assistant in Region 3.

Bassu Dwarika who was Protocol Officer to former Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar still has his job.

There are dozens of ministries and agencies where handpicked PPP installed hacks and lackeys remain employed to this day.

A widely known PPP apologist, enabler and supporter is in the employ of a government ministry as a 'service provider'. Another very prominent and vocal PPP activist and endorser waddles around at another high profile ministry collecting big money for doing heaven knows what.


The list is misleading and unverified. let us have a more comprehensive list, the % of Blacks vs Indians retained by this administration. Listing a handful of Indians from dubious source is not evidence of equity along racial lines by this new breed or crooks in office. 

Drugb posted:


The list is misleading and unverified. let us have a more comprehensive list, the % of Blacks vs Indians retained by this administration. Listing a handful of Indians from dubious source is not evidence of equity along racial lines by this new breed or crooks in office. 

So do us a favor.  List the blacks who the PPP put to head state corporations, commissions, and committees. Outline those who APNu/AFC retained.  Then you might be able to prove that it is race.


Alas the problem that you will find is that the FEW blacks on those positions have also been sent home, so there goes your theory that APNU excludes Indians in the same manner that the PPP excluded blacks from top leadership slots.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:


The list is misleading and unverified. let us have a more comprehensive list, the % of Blacks vs Indians retained by this administration. Listing a handful of Indians from dubious source is not evidence of equity along racial lines by this new breed or crooks in office. 

So do us a favor.  List the blacks who the PPP put to head state corporations, commissions, and committees. Outline those who APNu/AFC retained.  Then you might be able to prove that it is race.


Alas the problem that you will find is that the FEW blacks on those positions have also been sent home, so there goes your theory that APNU excludes Indians in the same manner that the PPP excluded blacks from top leadership slots.

The PPP is no longer in power so I don't follow your line of questioning. The apnu/afc are the ones in power and methodically removing Indians from jobs.  In the PPP administration, Blacks were 90.0% of the public sector. Now that number is closer to 100% under the afc/apnu. 


Yesterday, Cabinet approved several state boards. Indos were not excluded from the selection.

Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL) – Chairman –  Robert Badal

Demerara Harbour Bridge Board –Chairman-  Shabeer Hussain

Guyana Prison Service Recruitment Board -Chairperson – Alona Sankar

Guyana Prison Service Firearm Licencing Board -Chairpersons – Roopnarine Sukhai and includes Dr. Bhiro Harry, Kim Kyte-John and Christina Jagmohan as members.

Drugb posted:

The PPP is no longer in power so I don't follow your line of questioning. The apnu/afc are the ones in power and methodically removing Indians from jobs.  In the PPP administration, Blacks were 90.0% of the public sector. Now that number is closer to 100% under the afc/apnu. 

I know that you aren't so stupid that you equate clerks and security guards with leadership positions.  The mid and low level workers do what the leadership tells them what to do so if the leadership under the PPP were only PPP Indians then it is the PPP Indians who set policy, and determine how it is implemented.

So who cares how many blacks worked at the airport.  Concern yourself with the fact that its management was predominantly Indian.

The PPP was in power.  It selected a bunch of Indians, most being incompetent, and selected only because of race and cronyism.

So yes it is very crucial to look at what the PPP did, unless you think that Guyana should be burdened by others who are only there because of race and their close relationship to PPP high ups (the infamous PPP "Friends and Family plan").


And it is becoming obvious, that while, there might be some ethnic bias, the APNU is way more ethnically inclusive in who is being appointed into top positions than the PPP was.  Just look at the lists that Gilbakka is providing!

I challenge you to show the same ethnic balance in leadership slots in the state corporations, commissions, and committees that we are seeing now.  Clearly APNU has its ears to the ground and is attempting to not fully exclude Indians from decision making slots as the PPP did to blacks.

Last edited by Former Member

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