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Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Small minds focus on small things. The PPP leadership suffers from major mind deficit. I see they are continuing Randy Persaud strategy. Now tell us about the narco government. Who did Roger Khan visit at OP?

The more you focus on RK the less the people will be apt to vote AFC. The people see RK as a savior in a time when PPP were twiddling their thumbs and hunkering down in siege mentality.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Small minds focus on small things. The PPP leadership suffers from major mind deficit. I see they are continuing Randy Persaud strategy. Now tell us about the narco government. Who did Roger Khan visit at OP?

The more you focus on RK the less the people will be apt to vote AFC. The people see RK as a savior in a time when PPP were twiddling their thumbs and hunkering down in siege mentality.

Oh...Khan saved Minister Sawh and his family?
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Small minds focus on small things. The PPP leadership suffers from major mind deficit. I see they are continuing Randy Persaud strategy. Now tell us about the narco government. Who did Roger Khan visit at OP?

The more you focus on RK the less the people will be apt to vote AFC. The people see RK as a savior in a time when PPP were twiddling their thumbs and hunkering down in siege mentality.

Oh...Khan saved Minister Sawh and his family?

Some of these PPP types have a strange sense of reality for the laws that govern a people.
Like Jagdeo, they feel if crimes are left unresolved, it is better for the country and it is their right to make up a law to suit themself.

They need to experience some murders in their own families to understand what survivors experience from day to day, when a sudden death is not resolved and if large number of crimes remain unresolved, what eventually happens to the country.
Originally posted by albert:
[quote]AFC Infighting, Incompetence, Continue to be Revealed
Mirror: Friday, 01 July 2011

The AFC is a house divided against itself. This fact is well known, with the line clearly drawn between the Trotman and Ramjattan factions. Ramjattan’s exclusion and sidelining of Trotman and his supporters has been accompanied by aggressive promotion of newcomers like Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Sasenarine was once, like Ramjattan, an ambitious aspirant in the PPP but who became disillusioned and jumped ship when the PPP refused to pander to their self-centred agenda for self-promotion and self-aggrandisement.

Taron Khemraj was one of the leading members of the now defunct ROAR.
But the Trotman/Ramjattan divide is not the only one being unfolded in the AFC. The latest divide is the rapidly unfolding contest between the same Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh, who are currently in a raging competition to assert themselves as the economic and financial czar of the AFC and to prove who is smarter. The only problem is that they are both technically inept and hopelessly clueless about economic policymaking.
The latest example is Sasenarine’s letter on the current account deficit, which he sent to the press swiftly after Tarron’s letter on factor productivity, so that he won’t fall too far behind in the race with his supposed party colleague. Regrettably, instead of helping to showcase his brilliance, the letter actually only served to disclose Sasenarine’s incompetence and explains why he was fired from almost every job he held while he was flirting with the PPP.
Put aside for a moment the obvious grammatical mistakes, e.g., “citizens â€Ķ borrows” (sic), etc., in his letter, it is clear that Sasenarine does not even understand the basic concepts that he is referring to in his letter. Yet he uses these concepts in a brazen attempt to deceive the public, impress the simple-minded, and make himself appear technically knowledgeable.
To begin with, his definition of the current account deficit is completely flawed on technical grounds. It is perfectly possible for a country to have an external current account deficit and still not increase its borrowing. This would be the case, for example, where a current account deficit is incurred as a result of imported goods and services exceeding exports, but where this excess is financed by foreign direct investment. So a country going through a period of rapid expansion through foreign direct investment would probably by definition experience a current account deficit, but would not necessarily increase its net indebtedness.
Secondly, it is clear that Sasenarine does not even understand the distinction between the external current account deficit, i.e., on the balance of payments, and the fiscal current account balance. Instead, he glibly slips and slides from one concept to the other, paying no heed to the important distinction between them.
Thirdly, it is clear that Sasenarine is completely out of touch with reality. While Guyana’s current account deficit might be standing at 11 percent, there is nothing unsustainable about this level of deficit because it is fully financed by foreign direct investment and by concessional official external financing. In fact, more prosperous Caribbean countries have even larger external current account deficits. The Bahamas, for example, has a current account deficit estimated at 14

Albert, how long did it take to two-finger type this bilge? You catch up on the latest news yet?
It never ceases to amaze me at how the ignorant continues to tear down the PPP day after day.

Public embrace of a drug dealer, self confessed drug dealer and some claim he was Robin hood meanwhile the evidence is clear as day that he was only after things that suited his drug trafficking interests.

It is amazing that many Guyanese do not see how embracing RK in the govt has torn the PPP apart and it has also torn the moral fabric of our country apart. There is no one that you cannot trust today and left right and center in this country there are many businesses all funded by drug proceeds.

Of course we will try to deny this and or justify this nonsense. But we have to be careful many of us in the PPP would not want our children to become addicted to those drugs and see what they will become, many of them do not see how many lives it is destroying in Guyana.

We can only ignore this for so long, these actions are already tearing the country apart.

Lets keep putting our heads in the sand to suit or cock eyed vision.
Originally posted by albert:
[quote]AFC Infighting, Incompetence, Continue to be Revealed
Mirror: Friday, 01 July 2011

The AFC is a house divided against itself. This fact is well known, with the line clearly drawn between the Trotman and Ramjattan factions. Ramjattan’s exclusion and sidelining of Trotman and his supporters has been accompanied by aggressive promotion of newcomers like Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh. Sasenarine was once, like Ramjattan, an ambitious aspirant in the PPP but who became disillusioned and jumped ship when the PPP refused to pander to their self-centred agenda for self-promotion and self-aggrandisement.

Taron Khemraj was one of the leading members of the now defunct ROAR.
But the Trotman/Ramjattan divide is not the only one being unfolded in the AFC. The latest divide is the rapidly unfolding contest between the same Tarron Khemraj and Sasenarine Singh, who are currently in a raging competition to assert themselves as the economic and financial czar of the AFC and to prove who is smarter. The only problem is that they are both technically inept and hopelessly clueless about economic policymaking.
The latest example is Sasenarine’s letter on the current account deficit, which he sent to the press swiftly after Tarron’s letter on factor productivity, so that he won’t fall too far behind in the race with his supposed party colleague. Regrettably, instead of helping to showcase his brilliance, the letter actually only served to disclose Sasenarine’s incompetence and explains why he was fired from almost every job he held while he was flirting with the PPP.
Put aside for a moment the obvious grammatical mistakes, e.g., “citizens â€Ķ borrows” (sic), etc., in his letter, it is clear that Sasenarine does not even understand the basic concepts that he is referring to in his letter. Yet he uses these concepts in a brazen attempt to deceive the public, impress the simple-minded, and make himself appear technically knowledgeable.
To begin with, his definition of the current account deficit is completely flawed on technical grounds. It is perfectly possible for a country to have an external current account deficit and still not increase its borrowing. This would be the case, for example, where a current account deficit is incurred as a result of imported goods and services exceeding exports, but where this excess is financed by foreign direct investment. So a country going through a period of rapid expansion through foreign direct investment would probably by definition experience a current account deficit, but would not necessarily increase its net indebtedness.
Secondly, it is clear that Sasenarine does not even understand the distinction between the external current account deficit, i.e., on the balance of payments, and the fiscal current account balance. Instead, he glibly slips and slides from one concept to the other, paying no heed to the important distinction between them.
Thirdly, it is clear that Sasenarine is completely out of touch with reality. While Guyana’s current account deficit might be standing at 11 percent, there is nothing unsustainable about this level of deficit because it is fully financed by foreign direct investment and by concessional official external financing. In fact, more prosperous Caribbean countries have even larger external current account deficits. The Bahamas, for example, has a current account deficit estimated at 14

Albert, how long did it take to two-finger type this bilge? You catch up on the latest news yet?


Trotman’s prime ministerial candidacyâ€Ķ

Sunday, 18 September 2011 03:22

Nothing but a ‘political sham’

RAPHAEL Trotman’s appointment as Alliance For Change (AFC)’s prime ministerial candidate has been regarded in some quarters as a ‘political sham’ designed to concretize alliance with the PNCR (People’s national Congress)-led A Partnership for National Unity (APNU). The AFC, at its national executive meeting yesterday, appointed Trotman to replace Sheila Holder who quit as Khemraj Ramjattan’s running-mate for the upcoming general elections.
Trotman, who had earlier hinted at his imminent departure from the AFC in February this year, accepted the appointment, despite the major leadership brawl that had surfaced between he and Ramjattan over the rotation of both the presidential and prime ministerial candidacies.
Trotman’s earlier refusal to join the slate as Ramjattan’s running-mate (using as his excuse health and personal reasons)confirmed suspicions that the rancour ran deep between the two.
According to political analysts, tension between Trotman and Ramjattan may very well intensify, given the former’s adamance about joining forces with the PNCR-led APNU.
“â€Ķ apart from Trotman’s difficulties working under Ramjattan,” they say, “his heart is with the PNCR, which now calls itself APNU, and very frankly, he sees better opportunities right at Congress Place.’’
Other usually reliable sources also say Trotman has been having regular, secret meetings with PNCR/APNU executives.
Last year, Guyana Chronicle exposed a clandestine meeting between Trotman and former PNCR Chairman, Winston Murray, on a PNCR/AFC coalition bid. Reports are that Trotman continues to meet with PNCR executives on his proposed cross-over.
Political analysts are convinced that the AFC’s political blunders are indicative of the crisis the party is in, with no likelihood of the situation getting any better before the elections are called.
“If you analyze [the situation] carefully, one could see the AFC is in serious shambles, and while Ramjattan is trying the glaring hang-ups, the odds are against them,’’ they conceded yesterday.
Before yesterday’s meet, the Trotman faction in the AFC, who are of the belief that Holder’s exit presented the perfect opportunity for him to take up the presidential candidacy, was worried about their chances under Ramjattan.
According to an AFC insider, Ramjattan’s poor showing in Region 6 (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the 2006 elections, and his continuous ‘foot-in-the-mouth’ blunders are signs of his heading in the wrong direction.
On the other hand, the Ramjattan faction, made up mainly of former members of Ravi Dev’s ROAR movement, are suspicious of Trotman, whom they feel wants to join PNCR-led APNU.
Businessman, Peter Ramsaroop, who has resigned as AFC Chief Executive Officer, and withdrew his membership of the party, publicly expressed his displeasure at Ramjattan’s leadership.
Trotman is a former senior PNCR member and parliamentarian who defected to form his own party, while Ramjattan, who did likewise, is a former senior member of the ruling PPP/C.


According to an AFC insider, Ramjattan’s poor showing in Region 6 (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the 2006 elections, and his continuous ‘foot-in-the-mouth’ blunders are signs of his heading in the wrong direction.

On the other hand, the Ramjattan faction, made up mainly of former members of Ravi Dev’s ROAR movement, are suspicious of Trotman, whom they feel wants to join PNCR-led APNU.

Trotman’s prime ministerial candidacyâ€Ķ
Sunday, 18 September 2011 03:22

Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

According to an AFC insider, Ramjattan’s poor showing in Region 6 (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the 2006 elections, and his continuous ‘foot-in-the-mouth’ blunders are signs of his heading in the wrong direction.

On the other hand, the Ramjattan faction, made up mainly of former members of Ravi Dev’s ROAR movement, are suspicious of Trotman, whom they feel wants to join PNCR-led APNU.

Trotman’s prime ministerial candidacyâ€Ķ
Sunday, 18 September 2011 03:22

I see . . . lapping up two and a half month old, anonymous 'dribble' from the mouth corner of the Mirror 'newspaper' is the best y'all can do.

Careful, dribble does stink after less than one hour . . . take care
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

According to an AFC insider, Ramjattan’s poor showing in Region 6 (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the 2006 elections, and his continuous ‘foot-in-the-mouth’ blunders are signs of his heading in the wrong direction.

On the other hand, the Ramjattan faction, made up mainly of former members of Ravi Dev’s ROAR movement, are suspicious of Trotman, whom they feel wants to join PNCR-led APNU.

Trotman’s prime ministerial candidacyâ€Ķ
Sunday, 18 September 2011 03:22

Uncle DG maybe you can enlighten me a bit who are the ROAR members of the AFC I am only aware of Tarron Khemraj being a previous Roar member but who else are from the ***** cat club?

Maybe your nephew Gerald can enlighten us.
AFC pulls another stunt with Trotman

Monday, 19 September 2011 02:13


THERE should be no doubt about it – the AFC is jumping around from stunt to stunt to solve its leadership crisis. The latest joke in this otherwise sad story is that Trotman will now be Ramjattan’s running mate. Not so long ago Raphael Trotman was reluctant to concede the AFC presidential spot to Ramjattan because of fears of incompetence. Severe pressure forced him to give up his fight and the hapless Ramjattan became the presidential candidate, though not the leader. But then suddenly Trotman, whose trust has always been an issue within the AFC, said he wouldn’t run in the Prime Minister’s spot because of health reasons!

Guess what? The real reason Trotman absconded was that the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) caught him red-handed colluding with the PNC. Some of the evidence is on film from the Pegasus Hotel where Trotman met with PNC top brass, while Ramjattan was kept in the dark.

Then in a veritable crisis, the AFC waved a magic wand and pronounced that Sheila Holder would be the running-mate. Sheila Holder, however, wasted months and having got nowhere, plus health issues, paved the way for Trotman to be back on top.

Careful observers would recall that Trotman was very upset to give up the presidential spot and he gave the lowest level of endorsement to Ramjattan. At that time it appeared that Trotman did not have confidence in Ramjattan. Sources say that Trotman is embarrassed about Ramjattan’s speeches. The problem for the AFC is that if the two top men do not get along, the party might utterly collapse.

The big question is if indeed the AFC will split because of fears that Trotman still supports the PNCR, while, Ramjattan knows that the APNU is just using those other little parties.


The big question is if indeed the AFC will split because of fears that Trotman still supports the PNCR, while, Ramjattan knows that the APNU is just using those other little parties.

AFC pulls another stunt with Trotman
Monday, 19 September 2011 02:13
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Just before elections, the AFC is still facing major internal hurdles.
Originally posted by asj:
The problem for the AFC is that if the two top men do not get along, the party might utterly collapse.


Nay sayers have been saying that for a long time. The PNC also said that about the PPP since 1992 and look weh dey deh. Dem lass dem shirt, pants and if nat careful, dem bucta next. I urge you to give the opposition respect or you stand to reap the same faith.

How you know they don't get along when they formed the party? Certainly they have differing view of some issues, but do you think all the PPP leadership see eye to eye? If so, then I urge you to re-read wikileaks.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:

The big question is if indeed the AFC will split because of fears that Trotman still supports the PNCR, while, Ramjattan knows that the APNU is just using those other little parties.

AFC pulls another stunt with Trotman
Monday, 19 September 2011 02:13
Source - Guyana Chronicle

Just before elections, the AFC is still facing major internal hurdles.

Chronicle opinion.

Earlier this year, in May, Guyana Chronicle came in for criticisms from the AFC for its report that ‘’Sheila Holder may fall out of elections race’’. The report was based on an AFC senior insider who is now describing the current acrimonious state of that party.
According to the insider, the person who might be suitable to fill the void,is Trotman,but he has great difficulty working under Ramjattan, whom he described as ‘too arrogant’.
Originally posted by albert:

Earlier this year, in May, Guyana Chronicle came in for criticisms from the AFC for its report that ‘’Sheila Holder may fall out of elections race’’. The report was based on an AFC senior insider who is now describing the current acrimonious state of that party.
According to the insider, the person who might be suitable to fill the void,is Trotman,but he has great difficulty working under Ramjattan, whom he described as ‘too arrogant’.
the Chronicle is a yellow rag and is in no way categorized as a credible source for anything but propaganda from the the PPP aristocracy
Originally posted by Sase Singh:
Originally posted by asj:
The problem for the AFC is that if the two top men do not get along, the party might utterly collapse.


why you all do not mind you all own business. You all aint got enough trouble in the dump house?

Hey Sase "Thunderbolt flour" Singh yu naa get enough trouble fu teking bribe fu flour EH cheers

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