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I find Montreal is a mix of NY and Tdot .....its like the sister city of NY that never sleeps. I do find the natives are a bit more obvious when it comes to racism. The visitors however can party hard and be fun.

I was there for 3 days and that was enough. I wouldn't do it again. Edmonton however...will do again Wink
Originally posted by shanazb:
Any one ever go there? we are plan to go but dont know where.

Went there twice and for all you know Imay even drive up there easter weekend for Iam thinking where to take my daughter.

Montreal is beautiful, my advise is to do the tour bus around the city. I always do that in cities that I visit, in that way after the tour I can decide where I want to go.
There is a famous Roman Catholic Cathedral in Montreal that is famous for curing people who had problems walking, you will see hundreds of walking canes in that church. Up to this day you will see people crawling up the long steps and also the view from there is great.

There some real nice French restaraunts as well.
Originally posted by chameli:
Shan, from my experience, it is cheaper to book a hotel b4 u may be full on the wknds and then u spend hrs of frustration driving around in a strange place looking for a place to ress' u head...

Let me know if u see a delta u wanna book

Also, pls share ur experience when you get back...the kids have been there on school trip and they always telling me i have to go to Ottawa and old Montreal...
stay safe and enjoy
thanks we will of this weekend on line for hotel.
take your gps
Originally posted by rajkumari:
stay away from "funky town" .. years ago I went there (with a bunch of friends), didnt realize was a gay club.. until 2 women latched onto me.. you should see how fast we dashed out ! Smile

hmmmm...u have the exact address of this "funky town"?

anybody been to de casino there? one a meh man design it, along with all them new bridge in GT flag

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