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@Tola posted:

This looks so impressive for MIA, that it must be when classes were held among the cassava bushes at Parika back dam. But he must have been Missing In Action during classes. 

Show us your charity certificate nah.

Ok Tola,

You have been on a rant lately attacking members on GNI with one post in particular about being an impediment to assisting Guyanese.

You also seem to create an impression that you are currently on the ground with a specific NGO in helping youths in Guyana. Kudos if it is true.

Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

@Former Member posted:

Show us your charity certificate nah.

Ok Tola,

You have been on a rant lately attacking members on GNI with one post in particular about being an impediment to assisting Guyanese.

You also seem to create an impression that you are currently on the ground with a specific NGO in helping youths in Guyana. Kudos if it is true.

Can you please clarify:

1. The name of the charitable organization that you represent ?

2. You claim that that the Canadian and American organizations were involved in assisting your cause, can you please specify which particular organization ?

3. Can you name specific programmes and projects that are in place today in Guyana ?

4. Has the current government of Guyana assisted and recognized your organization ?

5. How can people get a hold of audited financial statements from your charitable organization so that they can feel confident in donating ?

This thread is about Irfaan Ali, not Tola.  You are engaging in a blatant ad hominem attack in an attempt to divert attention from Ali's forged diploma.  

@Tola posted:

Because he lacks intelligence and WCD verified certification to make decisions, without Jagdeo controlling him.   

Tola, why are you attacking the man? He has a doctorate from UWI. What makes you think he lacks intelligence? Has anyone given him an IQ test to determine this? You might hate him but cannot prove he lacks intelligence. Not all PPP members lack intelligence. Jagdeo did not get a degree from UWI but he is a lot smarter and intelligent than most of the politicians in Guyana, especially Basil the Dunce and Neil Sleepy Boston.

@Former Member posted:

Bai, me like you. Me tink along dat line too. But warning from de Massa. If me nah stap, me guh get wan good wippin.

It is your democratic rite to believe what u want. One cannot be forced to think otherwise and there's no evidence to support this member as a female unlike Alena and Bibi.. Some may say it doesn't matter, but does in a way because when you're talking to a guy u can say what the hell u want. But with females. U have to be on your P's and Q's lest they feel offended. 

@Sheik101 posted:

It is your democratic rite to believe what u want. One cannot be forced to think otherwise and there's no evidence to support this member as a female unlike Alena and Bibi.. Some may say it doesn't matter, but does in a way because when you're talking to a guy u can say what the hell u want. But with females. U have to be on your P's and Q's lest they feel offended. 

When me see massa me knee dem ah nack.


Good god man. Truly mind boggling, with all the Indians in the PPP could they not find a better presidential candidate?  Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Guyana has a serious leadership problem. Imagine this WCD graduate negotiating oil contracts and interacting with first world leaders and businessmen.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Good god man. Truly mind boggling, with all the Indians in the PPP could they not find a better presidential candidate. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. 

FC, there's no "they". There's him. And he dictates everything. What he says, goes.  He selected Irfan since he's easy to manage and that's it. End.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Cousin Hammie only passed one subject at the Senior Cambridge examination and that subject was scripture. He became the General Secretary of the PNC.  Minister of Health and acted in all the Ministries as a minister before he became Prime Minister. Desmond Hoyte said the man had the experience.  

Why are we emulating Hammie Green? Haven’t we learnt from this?

@Former Member posted:

Good god man. Truly mind boggling, with all the Indians in the PPP could they not find a better presidential candidate?  Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Guyana has a serious leadership problem. Imagine this WCD graduate negotiating oil contracts and interacting with first world leaders and businessmen.

No doubt there are other Indians in the PPP/C just as there are people of other races in the PPP/C and maybe one of those may have done better than him at the March 2, 2020 elections but him winning 33 seats which is an absolute majority of the National Assembly is nothing to be ashamed of.


Do you really think people were voting for him or the party? Banna don’t kid yourself, Guyana votes by race regardless of candidate. The question is, can he do the job based on his qualifications, experience and track record in government. Why settle for below mediocrity?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Good god man. Truly mind boggling, with all the Indians in the PPP could they not find a better presidential candidate?  Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Guyana has a serious leadership problem. Imagine this WCD graduate negotiating oil contracts and interacting with first world leaders and businessmen.

Cut with the sh1t. You Blacks never accepted, and never will accept, an Indian as a worthy leader of Guyana.  They are a bunch of unapologetic racists who love to hide behind history and play victim.  There was never an Indian person Blacks accepted.  It’s all bullsh1t talk about Irfan and his credentials.  So STFU!

@Former Member posted:

Do you really think people were voting for him or the party? Banna don’t kid yourself, Guyana votes by race regardless of candidate. The question is, can he do the job based on his qualifications, experience and track record in government. Why settle for below mediocrity?

Dumb statement. Every country, including the US, has base supporters. But there is a swing which shifts 10% either way. That swing is what got the Coalition in power in 2015 but they have destroyed all the goodwill with some city Indians, the Amerindians and other non-committed.  So cut the bs. 

@Former Member posted:

Cut with the sh1t. You Blacks never accepted, and never will accept, an Indian as a worthy leader of Guyana.  They are a bunch of unapologetic racists who love to hide behind history and play victim.  There was never an Indian person Blacks accepted.  It’s all bullsh1t talk about Irfan and his credentials.  So STFU!

Looks like you want to make a hasty return to the pen with your cursing. 

@Former Member posted:

Cut with the sh1t. You Blacks never accepted, and never will accept, an Indian as a worthy leader of Guyana.  They are a bunch of unapologetic racists who love to hide behind history and play victim.  There was never an Indian person Blacks accepted.  It’s all bullsh1t talk about Irfan and his credentials.  So STFU!

It goes both ways, chap. Black won't accept indians,  and indians won't accept blacks. Both will talk the talk. None will walk the walk.

@Former Member posted:

Do you really think people were voting for him or the party? Banna don’t kid yourself, Guyana votes by race regardless of candidate. The question is, can he do the job based on his qualifications, experience and track record in government. Why settle for below mediocrity?

The result of the elections doesn't appear to support claim above. Prior to the elections there were arguments that because Guyana votes by race the PPP/C can't win because Afro-Guyanese and Mixed races combined make up more than 50% of the population while Indians only account for some 40%. It was further argued that since the Mixed race segment vote like Afro-Guyanese do the Coalition is guaranteed victory. Well, from all indication race voting did not place the role that was expected. Then there was the other argument that Ali's candidacy pretty much killed and buried the PPP/C chances but that too did not come to fruition. Those were all speculative just as it is speculative on how Ali will perform as President. What is not speculative is that the PPP/C won the March 2, 2020 elections. That is certain.

@Former Member posted:

Tola, why are you attacking the man? He has a doctorate from UWI. What makes you think he lacks intelligence? Has anyone given him an IQ test to determine this? You might hate him but cannot prove he lacks intelligence. Not all PPP members lack intelligence. Jagdeo did not get a degree from UWI but he is a lot smarter and intelligent than most of the politicians in Guyana, especially Basil the Dunce and Neil Sleepy Boston.

When Dr Ali was minister in the PPP government, no one questioned his qualifications and ability to perform. Today he has elevated to President they can't bear to accept, one because he is an Indian and they prefer a Blackman. 

 Say it , nothing to hide but the TRUTH!!!


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