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Originally Posted by Kari:

You and caribny both ran out of ideas and are helping ISIS with this division. This is what ISIS wants. 

ISIS wants people like YOU to do nothing, so that the demagogues and bloodthirsty warmongers like Giuliani take control.


Kari if ISIS explodes a bomb at Penn Station at rush hour and 100 are killed and 500 are injured, do you think that people will be interested in engaging in philosophical chatter that it is just a few thousand goons.  No their attitude is that these people are interpreting teh Qur'an and using this to justify their actions.  Pointing out that the Old Testament is equally violent solves nothing, because there is no group of Christians who interpret this literally, and who act on this.


If you do not want this, then you ought to be offering ideas as to how mainstream Muslims can reduce the effectiveness of the Islamists, and not just the terrorists.


As a Muslim you ought to be embarrassed about to what happened to Malala.  This is the fate of many girls in many Muslim societies when they want access to education.  This isnt ISIS, as ISIS was NOT around when she was attacked.   This could be Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, northern Nigeria, and other places.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. I am concerned about the future of Muslims and the situation right now is bleak.

Obama told moderate Muslims that they ought to be more.  He clearly didnt say this because he beleives that they arent doing anything.  He is very aware of what many moderate groups are doing to disavow, and to distance themselves from jihadists.


As of now teh situation for Muslims in Europe is probably akin to what it was like for the Jews in the 1920s.  While I do not foresee a Holocaust, as the world will not tolerate such behavior, I can certainly foresee harrassment and demonization of Muslims starting to make their lives more difficult.  


And the USA is not so far behind, and if ISIS acts here I can already hear Cruz, Trump, Carson, and Giuliani screaming for permanent monitoring of all Muslims, and the deportation of all who are not US citizens.  As is even Jeb Bush, who is hardly a rightwing nutcase, now wants to use a religious test to determine who will, and who will not be allowed into the USA.  Hillary will look at the polls, and act based on what she sees.


So Kari continue!

Originally Posted by Chief:

Unfortunately in all of the religions some of the extremists are taking verses literally and then do evil things like ISIS.

Hindu fanatics confine their bloodlust against Christians and Muslims to India.  Christian fanatics might enact cruel legislation to further their lunacy, and some might commit isolated acts, not snactioned by any pastor, btw.


Muslims fanatics have bloody impact, mainly against other Muslims, but also against other non Muslims in Europe and North America.  Those societies have the clout to defend themselves against threats, and they will do so.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Fox News , Rudy Guiliani and  Donald Trump are behaving as though last Friday massacre was a lottery that they won.

And this is exactly my point.   Demagogues are going to capitalize on the fears of a population who only know of the stigmatized version of Islam.


Most Americans/Europeans will be shocked to know that Islam is a firm part of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and that Jesus is a recognized figure.

Demagogues are going to capitalize on the fears of a population who only know of the stigmatized version of Islam.


Who cares? The 99% of decent civilized Americans will not capitulate to the 1%like Trump followers (and not all of Trump's followers will follow all he says for them to go and do). This is unnecessary fear mongering by caribny. You are playing to ISIS tune, fellah. Do you see Muslims being hauled out of Mosques in America and slaughtered?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

You and caribny both ran out of ideas and are helping ISIS with this division. This is what ISIS wants. 

ISIS wants people like YOU to do nothing, so that the demagogues and bloodthirsty warmongers like Giuliani take control.


Kari if ISIS explodes a bomb at Penn Station at rush hour and 100 are killed and 500 are injured, do you think that people will be interested in engaging in philosophical chatter that it is just a few thousand goons.  No their attitude is that these people are interpreting teh Qur'an and using this to justify their actions.  Pointing out that the Old Testament is equally violent solves nothing, because there is no group of Christians who interpret this literally, and who act on this.


If you do not want this, then you ought to be offering ideas as to how mainstream Muslims can reduce the effectiveness of the Islamists, and not just the terrorists.


As a Muslim you ought to be embarrassed about to what happened to Malala.  This is the fate of many girls in many Muslim societies when they want access to education.  This isnt ISIS, as ISIS was NOT around when she was attacked.   This could be Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, northern Nigeria, and other places.

If an ISIS bomb explodes at Penn station killing 1,000 people Muslims in America will not be hauled off to camps and be hanged. You have nothing to contribute to this topic, but to inflame divisions - just like ISIS wants.


Do you think Muslims go home and pray for ISIS success or in the workplace privately smile at their barbarism?


What happened to Malala is a tribal thing by ass-backward thugs who want women to wear a chador and stay home. These are not Muslims caribny, even Malala on her Jon Stewart interview which I saw live in studio.


ISIS equals barbarism. ISIS DOES NOT EQUAL anything remotely ISLAMIC. Stop this nonsense of Muslims keeping quiet and pulling for ISIS success. Stop bleating foolishness that can never come to pass - Trump and his followers will never get to do what Southern Whites were doing in the 60s. This is the 21st Century in America. You behave like an ass-backward ISIS sympathizer.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
. I am concerned about the future of Muslims and the situation right now is bleak.

Obama told moderate Muslims that they ought to be more.  He clearly didnt say this because he beleives that they arent doing anything.  He is very aware of what many moderate groups are doing to disavow, and to distance themselves from jihadists.


As of now teh situation for Muslims in Europe is probably akin to what it was like for the Jews in the 1920s.  While I do not foresee a Holocaust, as the world will not tolerate such behavior, I can certainly foresee harrassment and demonization of Muslims starting to make their lives more difficult.  


And the USA is not so far behind, and if ISIS acts here I can already hear Cruz, Trump, Carson, and Giuliani screaming for permanent monitoring of all Muslims, and the deportation of all who are not US citizens.  As is even Jeb Bush, who is hardly a rightwing nutcase, now wants to use a religious test to determine who will, and who will not be allowed into the USA.  Hillary will look at the polls, and act based on what she sees.


So Kari continue!

Obama told moderate Muslims that they ought to be more.


As of now teh situation for Muslims in Europe is probably akin to what it was like for the Jews in the 1920s.


And the USA is not so far behind, and if ISIS acts here I can already hear Cruz, Trump, Carson, and Giuliani screaming for permanent monitoring of all Muslims, and the deportation of all who are not US citizens.


Look at your idiocy!


If I were a gambling man I would bet you money that were Trump o be President tomorrow, the fantasy you spout here would never happen.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



you make plenty sense..I totally agree with you

Kari is also making some very good points on this debate.

This is one of  the better threads onGNI where everyone is keeping their cool and just expressing themselves the way they sees it.


Skeldonman I love democracy however  when Palestinians voted  for  their Hamas   Gov't , both America and Israel refuse to recognize them. Mind you America called  for this election.

Last edited by Chief
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually this stoning to death thing is not something new from the Qur'an. It is an old Jewish law and Muslims just adopted it.

Except that Jews no longer stone, even the ultra Orthodox, whereas some Muslims still do.

Actually the Jews are still today using passages from the Bible to illegally occupy Palestine and oppress the Palestinian people. However, I am still very upset with the actions of these Muslim militants.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Unfortunately in all of the religions some of the extremists are taking verses literally and then do evil things like ISIS.

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
I completely agree with Carib's last post. It would do the global Muslim community a lot of good if they can get back to where they were 30 some years ago. Less knowledgeable on all the details of Islam but way better in how they conducted their lives. The madness today is sickening and as Carib had pointed out had hyjacked our religion. Muslims should rejects the past 30 years or they will be facing a calamity worse than the inquisition. And they are primarily contributing to this downfall.

K-Zaazz, that's a cop-out from caribny that you're in agreement with. How does 1.5 billion downing tools, holding hands, march into major world cities and shout to the top of their lungs that they are against ISI, Al Qaeda and all these butchers who use Islam ILLEGALLY as their reason to kill, slaughter and cause mayhem and terror, help defeat this scourge?


You and caribny both ran out of ideas and are helping ISIS with this division. This is what ISIS wants. And they laugh when the world turn on the 99.9999% of God-faring Muslims for not doing as above. How else can such Muslims help eradicate ISIS? Pick up guns? Yeah, let some army give us weapons and we'll go. But that's not how the world works.


Muslims calling out these sub-humans will not mawe them go away. So engage in this futile exercise of shaming the rest of Muslims. You'll be doing ISIS a favor and not contributing to a solution.



Actually Kari, your response here is a cop-out. What you did is what is wrong with the Muslim community. Yes, the good Muslim community. You only responded to the part of Carib's comment that was his afterthought. There were a lot of good points made there and we have to admit that Islam was much simpler in Guyana 30 years ago. Muslims were not as uptight as we are today.

Originally Posted by cain:

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Pope Urban's Christian religious army comes to mind.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Pope Urban's Christian religious army comes to mind.

Ow Kaz, what year are we in banna? You went all the way back to the year 220 on to prove a point. hehehe

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Pope Urban's Christian religious army comes to mind.

Ow Kaz, what year are we in banna? You went all the way back to the year 220 on to prove a point. hehehe

You look fuh it bai. Yuh didn't frame yuh comment right.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
I completely agree with Carib's last post. It would do the global Muslim community a lot of good if they can get back to where they were 30 some years ago. Less knowledgeable on all the details of Islam but way better in how they conducted their lives. The madness today is sickening and as Carib had pointed out had hyjacked our religion. Muslims should rejects the past 30 years or they will be facing a calamity worse than the inquisition. And they are primarily contributing to this downfall.

K-Zaazz, that's a cop-out from caribny that you're in agreement with. How does 1.5 billion downing tools, holding hands, march into major world cities and shout to the top of their lungs that they are against ISI, Al Qaeda and all these butchers who use Islam ILLEGALLY as their reason to kill, slaughter and cause mayhem and terror, help defeat this scourge?


You and caribny both ran out of ideas and are helping ISIS with this division. This is what ISIS wants. And they laugh when the world turn on the 99.9999% of God-faring Muslims for not doing as above. How else can such Muslims help eradicate ISIS? Pick up guns? Yeah, let some army give us weapons and we'll go. But that's not how the world works.


Muslims calling out these sub-humans will not mawe them go away. So engage in this futile exercise of shaming the rest of Muslims. You'll be doing ISIS a favor and not contributing to a solution.



Actually Kari, your response here is a cop-out. What you did is what is wrong with the Muslim community. Yes, the good Muslim community. You only responded to the part of Carib's comment that was his afterthought. There were a lot of good points made there and we have to admit that Islam was much simpler in Guyana 30 years ago. Muslims were not as uptight as we are today.

Would counting the obvious sc ore points. We all know that when immigrants leave a land they become fossilized in their behavior and in the case of religion they become acerbic and caustic. What is Kristofar Carlumbus about you and caribny. We rass all know the difference in attitudes. And there is a counter-culture from the younger Muslims against the immigrant Muslims. caribny making points about what's wrong iwth the
Muslim community my rass. He cannot find anything good about anybody or anything. He's a frikkin loser and you're joining him.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually this stoning to death thing is not something new from the Qur'an. It is an old Jewish law and Muslims just adopted it.

Except that Jews no longer stone, even the ultra Orthodox, whereas some Muslims still do.

Actually the Jews are still today using passages from the Bible to illegally occupy Palestine and oppress the Palestinian people. However, I am still very upset with the actions of these Muslim militants.

There is a war in Palestine for territory. Two people fighting for land.


Get back to me when Jews start killing people in Kenya, Paris, and NYC.


Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Pope Urban's Christian religious army comes to mind.

Yes 500 years ago.  Kari seems to be perfectly at peace as the image of Muslims becomes that of what the Catholic church was 500 years ago.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually this stoning to death thing is not something new from the Qur'an. It is an old Jewish law and Muslims just adopted it.

Except that Jews no longer stone, even the ultra Orthodox, whereas some Muslims still do.

Actually the Jews are still today using passages from the Bible to illegally occupy Palestine and oppress the Palestinian people. However, I am still very upset with the actions of these Muslim militants.

There is a war in Palestine for territory. Two people fighting for land.


Get back to me when Jews start killing people in Kenya, Paris, and NYC.


Jews have been busy killing people in Palestine since 1948. They don't have time for other places.

Originally Posted by Kari:

 The point is that caribny posits a war of civilizations - just like what Daesh (ISIS) wants. He fell for it.


Can you point to where I advocate a war of civilizations.  I am telling you that there WILL be a war of civilizations if people like you continue to do nothing while the image of your religion becomes one of bloodthirsty fanatics.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by cain:

I don't recall any of the other religions having an army of thousands of idiots carrying their own flags, armoured vehicles, massive supply of weapons and other idiots who blow themselves up because they themselves are useless.

Pope Urban's Christian religious army comes to mind.

Yes 500 years ago.  Kari seems to be perfectly at peace as the image of Muslims becomes that of what the Catholic church was 500 years ago.

I agree that that was 500 years ago but the Cain man got handcuffed by how he framed his comment.   I would prefer to talk bout how the Crusaders boastfully wrote back to Pope Urban about how the blood in Palestine was so much it was reaching the knees of the horses. Unfortunately all the Muslim militant nonsense is stealing my thunder.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually this stoning to death thing is not something new from the Qur'an. It is an old Jewish law and Muslims just adopted it.

Except that Jews no longer stone, even the ultra Orthodox, whereas some Muslims still do.

Actually the Jews are still today using passages from the Bible to illegally occupy Palestine and oppress the Palestinian people. However, I am still very upset with the actions of these Muslim militants.

There is a war in Palestine for territory. Two people fighting for land.


Get back to me when Jews start killing people in Kenya, Paris, and NYC.


Jews have been busy killing people in Palestine since 1948. They don't have time for other places.

Muslims need to take a page of Israel and THEIR PR.  Doing what they wish in Palestine, and getting away with it, because the image of Arabs is bad, and you know fully well that your average person thinks that Arab=Muslim=Arab.

Originally Posted by Kari:


Who cares? The 99% of decent civilized Americans

The problem is that almost 50% of Americans are not civilized.




1.  Most of the governors are GOP.  You cannot blame gerrymandering as these are state wide elections.


2.  The GOP controls the Senate.  Again state wide elections.


3. The GOP control the Supreme Court.


4.  The GOP controls the House.  Yes because they control the state legislatures they have gerrymandered  both the state and congressional map to make it difficult for the Democrats to win.


To claim that Trump, Carson, Bush, and Cruz, ALL of whom have made bigoted remarks against Muslims, represent only 1% just goes to show the   extent to which you fool yourself.   The GOP represents almost 50% of the votes. 


Apparently you forgot that in LIBERAL NYC, a plan to build a Muslim center, a major goal of which was to BUILD TIES TO OTHER religions, was scorched because it was a few blocks from the WTC.   Demagogues got in front of that one and set out to ensure that it would fail.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Actually this stoning to death thing is not something new from the Qur'an. It is an old Jewish law and Muslims just adopted it.

Except that Jews no longer stone, even the ultra Orthodox, whereas some Muslims still do.

Actually the Jews are still today using passages from the Bible to illegally occupy Palestine and oppress the Palestinian people. However, I am still very upset with the actions of these Muslim militants.

There is a war in Palestine for territory. Two people fighting for land.


Get back to me when Jews start killing people in Kenya, Paris, and NYC.


Jews have been busy killing people in Palestine since 1948. They don't have time for other places.

Muslims need to take a page of Israel and THEIR PR.  Doing what they wish in Palestine, and getting away with it, because the image of Arabs is bad, and you know fully well that your average person thinks that Arab=Muslim=Arab.

Muslims not smart like the Jews. Actually, no one smart like the Jews.  

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by cain:

Can anyone remember what brought the IRA and their violence to an end? I don't remember that far back, only up to yesterday evening.

They got together and had a little chat, sending the war mongers into the closet while they did so.  



Ahh sheeeet, well that won't work for ISIS, dem guys won't have closets in the sand.


The Palestinians are not that much loved by the other Arab sects. They have more kinship with Semites like the Jews. They are smarter than the other Arabs and check their positions in Jordan, Syria and elsewhere. Even look at academia in the US and Britain and see how Palestinians distinguish themselves. The West Bank is seen by some as startup nation lite (Israel being the startup nation - with all the technology companies, especially in IT security).

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Muslims not smart like the Jews. Actually, no one smart like the Jews.  

And of course part of their plot is to make Arabs look bad and peddle the Arab=Muslim=Arab, even as they know better, given that Palestine is actually one of the few Middle Eastern countries where Christians can live safely.


But Kari thinks that nothing need be done and that the image of Muslims is quite good in the eyes of most non Muslims.


Some arithmetic here.


Muslims worldwide = 1.5 billion people.

Arab nations total = 1/4 billion people.


Yes, holy land is Saudi Arabia and the lingua fraca of Islam is classical Arabic (not today's Arabic, mind you), but it still remains that Arabs do not equal the totality of Muslims. They are not as sharp as Palestinians and that's why they don't give a hoot about their issue with the Israelis these days. To love Islam does not = love those disgusting Arabs.

Originally Posted by Kari:

  The West Bank is seen by some as startup nation lite (Israel being the startup nation - with all the technology companies, especially in IT security).

And look at how bad their image is, so imagine what people think of other Arabs, especially the impoverished ones who live in Europe, as well as Syrians.


Take a good look at what Schumer says in the next few days on the topic of Syrian refugees.


This isn't about Syrians.   This is about his perception of increased skepticism towards Muslims among growing numbers in the USA.


He knows full well that there are several Americans who are jihadis, as well as thousands of Europeans. If ISIS wants to penetrate the USA they will use these who can easily enter and move about undetected around the USA.


This is a man with influence within the Democratic party.


So if Kari thinks that Muslims ought not to be involved in removing fanatics from defining the image of Muslims.....................

Originally Posted by Kari:

Some arithmetic here.


Muslims worldwide = 1.5 billion people.

Arab nations total = 1/4 billion people.


Yes, holy land is Saudi Arabia and the lingua fraca of Islam is classical Arabic (not today's Arabic, mind you), but it still remains that Arabs do not equal the totality of Muslims. They are not as sharp as Palestinians and that's why they don't give a hoot about their issue with the Israelis these days. To love Islam does not = love those disgusting Arabs.

True that Arabs are les than 25% of the global Muslim. Unfortunately too many non-Arab Muslims are becoming Arabized so it is becoming increasingly to differentiate them. That is problematic to me.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

  The West Bank is seen by some as startup nation lite (Israel being the startup nation - with all the technology companies, especially in IT security).

And look at how bad their image is, so imagine what people think of other Arabs, especially the impoverished ones who live in Europe, as well as Syrians.


Take a good look at what Schumer says in the next few days on the topic of Syrian refugees.


This isn't about Syrians.   This is about his perception of increased skepticism towards Muslims among growing numbers in the USA.


He knows full well that there are several Americans who are jihadis, as well as thousands of Europeans. If ISIS wants to penetrate the USA they will use these who can easily enter and move about undetected around the USA.


This is a man with influence within the Democratic party.


So if Kari thinks that Muslims ought not to be involved in removing fanatics from defining the image of Muslims.....................

That is unfortunate because Schumer supports Jewish murderers in Palestine.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Some arithmetic here.


Muslims worldwide = 1.5 billion people.

Arab nations total = 1/4 billion people.


Yes, holy land is Saudi Arabia and the lingua fraca of Islam is classical Arabic

If you think that your average Joe Blow in Europe or the USA cares about what you say, you crazy.  They don't even know that a Muslim isn't a Sikh!


But any way you don't think that there is a problem though many Muslims don't agree with you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Some arithmetic here.


Muslims worldwide = 1.5 billion people.

Arab nations total = 1/4 billion people.


Yes, holy land is Saudi Arabia and the lingua fraca of Islam is classical Arabic

If you think that your average Joe Blow in Europe or the USA cares about what you say, you crazy.  They don't even know that a Muslim isn't a Sikh!


But any way you don't think that there is a problem though many Muslims don't agree with you.

Muslims currently do have a crisis. To deny it is foolish.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

That is unfortunate because Schumer supports Jewish murderers in Palestine.

Yes Israel and their supporters are having  fun every time some lunatic does some nonsense.  They ensure that the world is informed that this is what Muslims are about, as they seek to justify what they do to Palestinians.


Just watch how happy Bill Maher was on Friday when he announced what happened in Paris.


So let Kari think that Muslims don't have to mount a powerful PR offensive educating the world about the truth is.  I know that Malala is a victim of tribal primitives, but to much of the world, they think that this is the fate of young Muslim girls.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Kari:

Some arithmetic here.


Muslims worldwide = 1.5 billion people.

Arab nations total = 1/4 billion people.


Yes, holy land is Saudi Arabia and the lingua fraca of Islam is classical Arabic

If you think that your average Joe Blow in Europe or the USA cares about what you say, you crazy.  They don't even know that a Muslim isn't a Sikh!


But any way you don't think that there is a problem though many Muslims don't agree with you.

Muslims currently do have a crisis. To deny it is foolish.

Yeah, Muslims like you who fall for the GOP arguments (like Huckabee) and ISIS agents like caribny.


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