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Katahar posted:
ksazma posted:

I will PM you my account so you can deposit it there. I will use it to buy you a star in the sky which you can rest assured that if you look close enough to it, you will see an immediate cluster. Best return on your investment. done see yuh is a r******* skyamp!

Bai, nuttin wrong wid dat. 

Katahar posted:
Amral posted:

Bai dont know about stocks, but if you in Cda, top up yourTFSA in some Mutual Funds

Bassman..wha is a mutualfun and wha is a tfsa

Is giving a homan me 2000.00 dallah and we have mutualfun?

Me guh have fun yes..but den me dallahless. Afta fun dun money dun too!

Not if you know how to play the game banna. With the right approach, money wouldn't even be a factor. 

Katahar posted:
ksazma posted:

Not if you know how to play the game banna. With the right approach, money wouldn't even be a factor. 

Oh rass starbai..gimme some tips nah

Me taut dat amral was de ladies man..but like kaz is de kazanova!

Amral may have some approaches but I practically wrote the book on these matters.

Firstly, you have to act as if you are not eager. It screams of desperation. Acting hard to get makes it easy to get. Overcoming this challenge open many doors as well as many other things.

Katahar posted:
Amral posted:

I am a one woman man, but do carry a few spare tires just incase. 

Hey yuh kyan neva have too much spares cause sonetimes when a man call fuh booty pun a spare ..dat spare woman gone wid she spare man and yuh leff holding wood 

Bai, yuh dwell too much on negativity.

If yuh are so negative, how yuh intend to have monumental returns on that $2k? So far, it seems as though I stand more to benefit from that $2k that you do. 

ksazma posted:

Amral may have some approaches but I practically wrote the book on these matters.

Firstly, you have to act as if you are not eager. It screams of desperation. Acting hard to get makes it easy to get. Overcoming this challenge open many doors as well as many other things.

Wait...wait..wait..nit so fass..lemme get out me pencil and papah.

1.dont act desperate

2. play hard to get

3. Get a jar a vasaline just in case you hard and kyant get.

Good ..good..dem is bass advice!

Katahar posted:
ksazma posted:

Pencil and papah cyant help yuh. Yuh have tuh develop natural inclinations. Look how Ali messed up he ministry books by using just pencil and papah. 

Bai yuh is kyah be me a guh stick to being katanobady

Excellent. Always best to stay close to who you are. Back to your original question. Try to send me that $2k at the earliest opportunity. I saw a really nice coat at Macy's that I would like to get for my trip to New York this weekend.  


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