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The plight of Iraq war orphan Ali Abbas touched the hearts of millions when he lost both arms and suffered 60 per cent burns in a  U.S. missile attack.

Now nine years on from the botched bombing raid on his home which killed 13 members of his family including his parents, he has found love.

Ali, 21, will marry 18-year-old childhood friend Ankam Hamza after they became engaged last summer in a special ceremony blessed by an imam.

In love: Ali Abbas who lost both arms and 13 members of his family in a U.S. bombing raid

In love: Ali Abbas who lost both arms and 13 members of his family in a U.S. bombing raid

They will meet up in Baghdad this week to plan the wedding before he brings Ankham back to Britain where he passed a UK Citizenship test in 2010.



Ali told the Sun:'There were moments when I thought that getting married was something that would never happen to me.

'If people ask, "How will you hug your wife"? I will answer," It doesn't matter because I am a good kisser'

Ali was just 12 when he was airlifted to Kuwait for life-saving surgery after a direct appeal from medics in Iraq. He was eventually flown to Britain where he was fitted with two artificial arms by specialists at Queen Mary's Hospital in London.

Brave war victim: Burned and limbless Ali, aged 12 after the missile attack on his home

Brave war victim: Burned and limbless Ali, aged 12 after the missile attack on his home


Learning: Ali is taught how to paint with his feet by a therapist Nafisa Kamal in Kuwait

Learning: Ali is taught how to paint with his feet by a therapist Nafisa Kamal in Kuwait

Football fan: Ali supports Manchester United and loves practising his skills

Football fan: Ali supports Manchester United and loves practising his skills

He never lost touch with his  surviving sister back in Iraq and has visited his country of birth every year to meet other family members.

It was on one of his annual trips in 2010 that he met Ankham again when  she came to the family home as a friend of his sister Hedel.

Ali told writer Sharon Hendry: 'My sister joked with her, "Ali is single. Perhaps you can marry him!" Apparently she said immediately, "I wouldn't mind at all."

After getting permission to speak to her from Ankham's mother they dated for two months over that summer before deciding they were serious about a future together.

There is only one slight  problem in their relationship - she is not keen on football while he is a devout Manchester United fan.

The couple plan to settle in Britain after they get a visa for Ankham to accompany her new husband.

After receiving his certificate of citizenship at a ceremony in south London, Ali said: 'I will always be an Iraqi in my heart but I am British too now.

'I miss my parents dreadfully and think about them all of the time but I want them to be proud of me and so I need to go on with my life.'

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