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Irfaan Ali

The Pradoville 2 housing scheme

November 28 2018


This story is developing and will be updated.

PPP/C MP and former Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali has been slapped with 19 charges laid by the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) in connection with the Pradoville 2 Housing Scheme on the East Coast of Demerara.

Sources told Stabroek News that Ali was read these charges early this morning in Georgetown and is to be taken to the SOCU headquarters. The charges pertain to defrauding the state.

The charges are the culmination of a major long-running investigation of the housing scheme developed under the Jagdeo administration.

A special investigation of the housing development, which was part of a larger probe of the financial operations of the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA), was conducted by accounting firm Ram & McRae.

The investigation revealed that the allocation of the land was a clandestine arrangement that was handled personally by then  Ali and it was concluded that a criminal case for misfeasance could be made against the PPP/C Cabinet members who benefitted.

It was found that lots in the 12.1187-acre scheme were allocated to six Cabinet membersβ€”then president Bharrat Jagdeo, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon and ministers Priya Manickchand, Dr Jennifer Westford, Robert Persaud and Clement Roheeβ€”along with other persons with connections to the government, including Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Shalimar Ali-Hack and former army head Gary Best.

The probe found that the awardees grossly underpaid for the lots by a total of nearly $250 million, while the state-owned National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited, National Communications Network, and Guyana Power and Light Inc were never reimbursed for millions spent to execute preparatory works.

The findings of the investigation were later referred to SOCU for a criminal probe to be launched.

On March 10th last year, Jagdeo, Luncheon, Persaud, Lisaveta Ramotar, who is the General Manager of the Guyana Gold Board and daughter of former president Donald Ramotar, Ramesh Dookhoo, former Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, and Dr Ghansham Singh, who were also beneficiaries of house lots in the scheme, were all arrested and questioned before being released without charge. Marcia Nadir-Sharma, former Deputy Director of state holding company, NICIL was also questioned on that day.

The following day, seven othersβ€”former prime minister Samuel Hinds, Ali, Rohee, Manickchand, former Chief Executive Officer of the Guyana Water Incorporated Shaik Baksh, former labour minister Nanda Gopaul and former public service minister Westfordβ€”were questioned by SOCU. Former presidential press officer Kwame McCoy, the former head of the Office for Climate Change Andrew Bishop, Ali-Hack and her husband, Moeen ul-Hack, and Best were also questioned

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dave posted:
yuji22 posted:

Another case which will eventually be tossed out by the Judge. 

Timing is the factor here to PPP disadvantage. Interesting time ahead. 

Investors are taking note of the rocky political climate. 

They were always taking notes, corruption and political instability, deters investors.One of the the reasons Guyana is at the bottom of the ladder.

Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

When someone is slapped with charges, the first thing is to get an attorney. So who's his attorney?

Stay tuned, maybe he will be represented by the Brightest in Guyana.

Anil! Anil! Anil!

He has been loosing lots of cases recently. 

The poor guy has been overextending himself. IMO, the Party stretching him to the limit.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can you imagine they lost local elections and they start to arrest people. 

Why wasn’t Irfaan arrested over the past three years?  Or at the time the alleged crime was committed?

Noting to do with loosing LGE Elections. If there are wrong doings let him face the music. Investigations in crimes of that nature takes time in third world countries.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

When someone is slapped with charges, the first thing is to get an attorney. So who's his attorney?

Stay tuned, maybe he will be represented by the Brightest in Guyana.

Like them appoint you as the judge. 

Where your response, fits with my post ???

Read your response you provide the answer yourself .. he he 


Violent Volda is leading the witch-hunt. This case is another one of those baseless ones which will thrown out. These AFC PNC idiots just want to harass and intimidate Indos. Blackman stealing left, right and centre according to the audito general’s report but their eyes jook on Indos. Violent Volda said that her government must remove democratically elected PPP people’s representative.  This is the new direction in Guyana under these AFC PNC idiots. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

When someone is slapped with charges, the first thing is to get an attorney. So who's his attorney?

Stay tuned, maybe he will be represented by the Brightest in Guyana.

Like them appoint you as the judge. 

Where your response, fits with my post ???

Read your response you provide the answer yourself .. he he 


Stay tuned, maybe he will be represented by the Brightest in Guyana.

Where is the Judge thing you talking about ??

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

..., When they lose general elections they will pull out them AK 47 and grenades that they didn’t get to use in 2015.

Me thinks so too, convulsive reaction.  But they should focus on their own weak, incompetent leadership.  Let’s hope the USA take a principled stance.  But the PPP has to be prepared for anything.


This is only coming after the LGE, and 3 yrs after the coalition won. Why are they going after a little fish, and not after Jagdeo, etc, who is giving the coalition the most headaches and who they seem to pin the "corruption" label on the most?.

I am starting to think its all bogus...and there is no strong case to be made against Irfat Ali [either that, or all dem PPP people very skilled at stealing, and are even better at "forensically" covering their tracks so they dont get caught].

However, if this banna rose through the ranks of the PYO, as it seems, what were his qualifications to hold that position...and how was he able to finance his "little" mansion   .....and what are his actual academic qualifications??

Bibi...know anything about this?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can you imagine they lost local elections and they start to arrest people. 

Why wasn’t Irfaan arrested over the past three years?  Or at the time the alleged crime was committed?

Noting to do with loosing LGE Elections. If there are wrong doings let him face the music. Investigations in crimes of that nature takes time in third world countries.

It has everything to do with the lost of LGE and up coming No Confidence vote. It hurts so much that Volda wants to hold bi election before the next LGE, she is assuming that the LGE was rigged.

alena06 posted:

PNC will have to PROVE what was the fair market value of the land at the time of purchase. Who appraised the land?  Case dismissed, next. πŸ‡¬πŸ‡Ύ

Perfect opportunity to deflect on the shitty ass budget just presented!! 

The marked value of those lands are easily established. The comments as to the considerable undervalued offering contemperory to the events were vociferous as it was blatent misuse. The  difficulty to prosecute here may be on account the plenipotentiary powers of the  president. He can set value to any state property as he or she sees fit. To deny these activities were illegal is difficult but that they were gross misuse of state property ion the face of it is another thing. The reality that Iffart and Plumpy promptly liquadated their  plots for tens of times more is evidenve it was under valued. 

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:

This is only coming after the LGE, and 3 yrs after the coalition won. Why are they going after a little fish, and not after Jagdeo, etc, who is giving the coalition the most headaches and who they seem to pin the "corruption" label on the most?.

I am starting to think its all bogus...and there is no strong case to be made against Irfat Ali [either that, or all dem PPP people very skilled at stealing, and are even better at "forensically" covering their tracks so they dont get caught].

However, if this banna rose through the ranks of the PYO, as it seems, what were his qualifications to hold that position...and how was he able to finance his "little" mansion   .....and what are his actual academic qualifications??

Bibi...know anything about this?

Fuh a Guyana newbie who nah know nuttin’ bout Guyana, not even wuh Punani is, yuh rass gah strong positions on big issues and peoples.   How you know what he had, what he got and how he come to get it?   Did it pop up in your Google search or you haul it out your xxxxse!

Regarding BJ, they tried early and bit off more than they can chew.  Lil shark can go after sardines, but you see, BJ is Orca!

FYI, Since back in the day, even when burnham was starving abie, coolies was building mansions.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can you imagine they lost local elections and they start to arrest people. 

Why wasn’t Irfaan arrested over the past three years?  Or at the time the alleged crime was committed?

Noting to do with loosing LGE Elections. If there are wrong doings let him face the music. Investigations in crimes of that nature takes time in third world countries.

It has everything to do with the lost of LGE and up coming No Confidence vote. It hurts so much that Volda wants to hold bi election before the next LGE, she is assuming that the LGE was rigged.

How the heck a minority in Parliament  bring on a no-confidence motion.Where will the votes comes from to bring down the Government ???

I am working on the voting pattern of the last LGE, from a glance nothing for the PPP to boast about.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Leonora posted:

When someone is slapped with charges, the first thing is to get an attorney. So who's his attorney?

Stay tuned, maybe he will be represented by the Brightest in Guyana.

Like them appoint you as the judge. 

Does anyone have to be formally made authoratitive in any area to have an opinion? He is a citizen of the state and his highest right in the land is to upbrade those who work for him when they treat state assets as if it is their grandfather's legacy. The PPP had a laissez faire kleptocracatic scheme on going that was brazen, shameless and completely an afront to reasonable minds, you notwithstanding.   

Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Leonora posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Gilly morphed into Nehru. 


Looking into the mirror? You're the CRABDAAG FRIKKIN NIMAKARAM after throwing the PPP under the bus and wanting to see the back of BJ.   

Da true da true. Me and dawling Bibi used to cuss he up when we were belly to belly and he was back stabbing coolies and BJ.  Now Bibi backstabbing me and kissing up old man Gilly.  

Me tell yuh, politics mek fuh strange bed fellows!πŸ˜‹

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Can you imagine they lost local elections and they start to arrest people. 

Why wasn’t Irfaan arrested over the past three years?  Or at the time the alleged crime was committed?

Noting to do with loosing LGE Elections. If there are wrong doings let him face the music. Investigations in crimes of that nature takes time in third world countries.

It has everything to do with the lost of LGE and up coming No Confidence vote. It hurts so much that Volda wants to hold bi election before the next LGE, she is assuming that the LGE was rigged.

How the heck a minority in Parliament  bring on a no-confidence motion.Where will the votes comes from to bring down the Government ???

I am working on the voting pattern of the last LGE, from a glance nothing for the PPP to boast about.

Have a vote and see, the PPP don't have to show their hands before the vote. As for the LGE, you understand a win is a win. Many of the PNC supporters were too ashamed to vote for those scum bags, they Promised, Promised and Promised , but never Deliver. The blacks don't necessarily have to vote for the PNC, you treat them as cattle but they are educated and have good memory, Why support a movement that doesn't MOVE.

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This is only coming after the LGE, and 3 yrs after the coalition won. Why are they going after a little fish, and not after Jagdeo, etc, who is giving the coalition the most headaches and who they seem to pin the "corruption" label on the most?.

I am starting to think its all bogus...and there is no strong case to be made against Irfat Ali [either that, or all dem PPP people very skilled at stealing, and are even better at "forensically" covering their tracks so they dont get caught].

However, if this banna rose through the ranks of the PYO, as it seems, what were his qualifications to hold that position...and how was he able to finance his "little" mansion   .....and what are his actual academic qualifications??

Bibi...know anything about this?

Fuh a Guyana newbie who nah know nuttin’ bout Guyana, not even wuh Punani is, yuh rass gah strong positions on big issues and peoples.   How you know what he had, what he got and how he come to get it?   Did it pop up in your Google search or you haul it out your xxxxse!

Regarding BJ, they tried early and bit off more than they can chew.  Lil shark can go after sardines, but you see, BJ is Orca!

FYI, Since back in the day, even when burnham was starving abie, coolies was building mansions.

Examine the horns. There's a traitor on board...A mole call VishMohobeer.


Pradoville 2 needs commission of inquiry -Ramjattan


Revelations coming out of the courts on Pradoville 2 necessitates a Commission of Inquiry to get answers to questions raised, says Alliance for Change Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan.

He said that such a commission need not be a big one but it should seek answers to concerns articulated. Concerns about Pradoville 2 resurfaced after court testimony last week in the libel case brought by President Bharrat Jagdeo against Kaieteur News and columnist Freddie Kissoon. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon made several disclosures and Ramjattan raised the issue of the acquisition of the land and method of allocation.

He said that the land was β€œsea defence land” and the inquiry should investigate who was the previous owner, how it was acquired by NICIL and transferred to the Central Planning and Housing Authority and how it was allocated. He also said that the price of the land was another issue and he noted that the area was prime land but was sold for $1M per lot which was a price that many were paying for land in not such a prime spot at places like Diamond and Parfait Harmonie.

Ramjattan said that 13 persons got land at Pradoville 2 and President Bharrat Jagdeo was awarded five house lots. He said that while the ordinary person would have had to go through a rigorous process to get a lot including proving that they have children, those accessing the same at Pradoville 2 did not go through this process. β€œIt is a disgraceful thing,” he said while stressing the need for an inquiry to get answers.

He also noted that from what was revealed, it was not the CHPA that was awarding the lots but Dr Luncheon was β€œcalling up” persons and the house lots were distributed in this way. β€œIt is one big scam,” he said, adding that the administration wants to cover it up.

In court last week, Luncheon said that to the best of his knowledge the decision to allocate land was made by the CH&PA. He named Chairman of Region 10, Mortimer Mingo, the PNCR’s top official in Region 10, as one who was offered house lots at Pradoville 2.

The housing scheme has attracted searing criticism from sections of the public including the PNCR over the lack of transparency and preferential services to it. The linking of Mingo to the scheme is seen as embarrassing to the main opposition party as Mingo had made no prior revelation about it. On Friday, after the Ministry of Housing dramatically produced a cheque he had tendered to it, Mingo acknowledged for the first time that he had sent a cheque for $1,500,500 to recognise the offer of a house lot in the controversial scheme but had it dishonoured after discovering that other chairmen had not been offered lots.

On Thursday, Mingo had said that some time on or about August 2010, he received a telephone call from Luncheon who informed him that the Government of Guyana was in the process of allocating house lots at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara where the radio antennas were located, and that these plots of lands were being allocated to senior government functionaries and Regional Chairmen. He said that Luncheon told him that he was identified as one of the recipients for a house lot and would be contacted later as to how the allocation would be made.

Mingo said that on the advice of his attorney, he acknowledged the offer and since then has not heard from Luncheon or anyone concerning the plot of land. β€œI have not signed any agreement or condition of sale, or paid any money for any land at Sparendaam, or received any lease, title or transport for that land from the Government of Guyana. In fact I have never seen the land,” he said.

Mingo, however, did not say that his acknowledgement was in the form of a cheque dated September 3, 2010 and that he had later moved to have it dishonoured. Observers say that such an acknowledgement on the face of it indicated a clear interest.

The manner of the offer by Luncheon suggested that there was no defined framework for apportioning house lots, especially since Mingo resided in Linden and lots such as these are usually assigned to eligible families who have no lots. The Pradoville 2 controversy surged into the public eye in October of last year.

Following Mingo’s statement Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali called a press conference to display the cheque which he said was payment for the land at Pradoville 2. The minister said that the cheque for $1.5 million was dishonoured by the bank and he produced the evidence to this effect. The cheque, made out to the Central Housing and Planning Authority, was signed by Mingo but did not state what the money was for.

Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette who is a top PNCR member had been seeking answers about the controversial scheme but up to now has not received a response from the CHPA since sending a letter on April 14. When contacted yesterday, Corlette said that he has not been following the testimony in the court. However, he said that his main concern β€œremains the way in which they usurp the land and have not presented the plans to the local authority.” He said that due process has not been followed and even now they are not trying to make amends. β€œIt shows that they don’t care about local statutory bodies,” he said.

In a letter to Chief Executive Officer of the CH&PA Mryna Pitt, dated April 14, Corlette said that buildings at β€˜Pradoville 2,’ where President Bharrat Jagdeo and senior government officials are building houses, may be in violation of several regulations. He said that permission was not sought from the local authorities, building plans were never submitted nor were they certified by the Environmental Health Officer. He had sought answers on the development and in his letter, which was seen by Stabroek News, he noted that at a Region Four Administrative Committee meeting on April 12, the Chairman of the Industry/ Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council Clinton Rollox was unable to account for the extensive work underway at the development.

The exclusive housing development at Sparendaam North, in proximity to the sea defence structure, has been under scrutiny with several members of society accusing the officials building homes there of elitism, in view of the β€˜specialβ€˜ treatment afforded to the development. Since construction began last year, questions have been raised about whether the land was advertised publicly and how it was allocated and valued, among other things.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Pradoville 2 needs commission of inquiry -Ramjattan


Revelations coming out of the courts on Pradoville 2 necessitates a Commission of Inquiry to get answers to questions raised, says Alliance for Change Presidential Candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan.

He said that such a commission need not be a big one but it should seek answers to concerns articulated. Concerns about Pradoville 2 resurfaced after court testimony last week in the libel case brought by President Bharrat Jagdeo against Kaieteur News and columnist Freddie Kissoon. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon made several disclosures and Ramjattan raised the issue of the acquisition of the land and method of allocation.

He said that the land was β€œsea defence land” and the inquiry should investigate who was the previous owner, how it was acquired by NICIL and transferred to the Central Planning and Housing Authority and how it was allocated. He also said that the price of the land was another issue and he noted that the area was prime land but was sold for $1M per lot which was a price that many were paying for land in not such a prime spot at places like Diamond and Parfait Harmonie.

Ramjattan said that 13 persons got land at Pradoville 2 and President Bharrat Jagdeo was awarded five house lots. He said that while the ordinary person would have had to go through a rigorous process to get a lot including proving that they have children, those accessing the same at Pradoville 2 did not go through this process. β€œIt is a disgraceful thing,” he said while stressing the need for an inquiry to get answers.

He also noted that from what was revealed, it was not the CHPA that was awarding the lots but Dr Luncheon was β€œcalling up” persons and the house lots were distributed in this way. β€œIt is one big scam,” he said, adding that the administration wants to cover it up.

In court last week, Luncheon said that to the best of his knowledge the decision to allocate land was made by the CH&PA. He named Chairman of Region 10, Mortimer Mingo, the PNCR’s top official in Region 10, as one who was offered house lots at Pradoville 2.

The housing scheme has attracted searing criticism from sections of the public including the PNCR over the lack of transparency and preferential services to it. The linking of Mingo to the scheme is seen as embarrassing to the main opposition party as Mingo had made no prior revelation about it. On Friday, after the Ministry of Housing dramatically produced a cheque he had tendered to it, Mingo acknowledged for the first time that he had sent a cheque for $1,500,500 to recognise the offer of a house lot in the controversial scheme but had it dishonoured after discovering that other chairmen had not been offered lots.

On Thursday, Mingo had said that some time on or about August 2010, he received a telephone call from Luncheon who informed him that the Government of Guyana was in the process of allocating house lots at Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara where the radio antennas were located, and that these plots of lands were being allocated to senior government functionaries and Regional Chairmen. He said that Luncheon told him that he was identified as one of the recipients for a house lot and would be contacted later as to how the allocation would be made.

Mingo said that on the advice of his attorney, he acknowledged the offer and since then has not heard from Luncheon or anyone concerning the plot of land. β€œI have not signed any agreement or condition of sale, or paid any money for any land at Sparendaam, or received any lease, title or transport for that land from the Government of Guyana. In fact I have never seen the land,” he said.

Mingo, however, did not say that his acknowledgement was in the form of a cheque dated September 3, 2010 and that he had later moved to have it dishonoured. Observers say that such an acknowledgement on the face of it indicated a clear interest.

The manner of the offer by Luncheon suggested that there was no defined framework for apportioning house lots, especially since Mingo resided in Linden and lots such as these are usually assigned to eligible families who have no lots. The Pradoville 2 controversy surged into the public eye in October of last year.

Following Mingo’s statement Minister of Housing Irfaan Ali called a press conference to display the cheque which he said was payment for the land at Pradoville 2. The minister said that the cheque for $1.5 million was dishonoured by the bank and he produced the evidence to this effect. The cheque, made out to the Central Housing and Planning Authority, was signed by Mingo but did not state what the money was for.

Region Four Chairman, Clement Corlette who is a top PNCR member had been seeking answers about the controversial scheme but up to now has not received a response from the CHPA since sending a letter on April 14. When contacted yesterday, Corlette said that he has not been following the testimony in the court. However, he said that his main concern β€œremains the way in which they usurp the land and have not presented the plans to the local authority.” He said that due process has not been followed and even now they are not trying to make amends. β€œIt shows that they don’t care about local statutory bodies,” he said.

In a letter to Chief Executive Officer of the CH&PA Mryna Pitt, dated April 14, Corlette said that buildings at β€˜Pradoville 2,’ where President Bharrat Jagdeo and senior government officials are building houses, may be in violation of several regulations. He said that permission was not sought from the local authorities, building plans were never submitted nor were they certified by the Environmental Health Officer. He had sought answers on the development and in his letter, which was seen by Stabroek News, he noted that at a Region Four Administrative Committee meeting on April 12, the Chairman of the Industry/ Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council Clinton Rollox was unable to account for the extensive work underway at the development.

The exclusive housing development at Sparendaam North, in proximity to the sea defence structure, has been under scrutiny with several members of society accusing the officials building homes there of elitism, in view of the β€˜specialβ€˜ treatment afforded to the development. Since construction began last year, questions have been raised about whether the land was advertised publicly and how it was allocated and valued, among other things.

OCTOBER 2011???


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