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Guyana's political history shows that there is a two-party dominance with all 3rd parties being of minor significance, with the exception being the formal coalition of the PNC and the UF back in 1964, and in practical terms the collaboration of the AFC with the APNU to make the governing PPP/C a minority government but with its hands on the Presidency.


Unlike the UF and WPA whose members had nothing to do with the two main parties, the AFC was formed from a defection of leading members of both parties.


We've seen the media reports of the unsavory events during the PPP/C rule following the death of its founder Cheddi Jagan.

We've also seen migratory pattern and the youthful age of voters whose understanding of the past is received from their parents and family. These are dynamics that provide a narrative of somewhat of a level playing field in the minds of the AFC, and some here in this forum. In the last election cycle it paid some dividends to the AFC, and so the next cycle remains an interesting one from this standpoint. Will it be enough to move the needle to make the AFC a viable peer to the other two party. Will a one-third block for each party be the order of the day?


There is nothing in the APNU support to base to suggest a widespread defection to the AFC, though you can expect some. It is the PPP that appears vulnerable to polling defections.


The pervading theme in Guyanese politics is that the PPP is the PPP of their fathers and grandfathers and that the APNU is the PNC of the mid-70s to the mid-80s. The latter is tougher to shake off than the former. That is why the PNC doesn't appear to be vulnerable to defections. What makes this notion viable is that the liberal wing of the party led by the former Brigidier of the Army and a historian with an intellectual bent defeated the more traditional wing of the PNC that has the baggage that scare potential defectors.


Is the PPP vulnerable to the extent that they can become a 34% party? Here is where I'm discerning that while not a party built along racial support, it must play the ethnic game. What this means is that the AFC will stay away from giving the PPP the opportunity to say "see, they're working like the PNC of old and are just like them....they cannot protect the Indians like we PPP can".


The AFC, unlike the previous two cycles now has a Parliamentary record. It has used its 7-seat count to get the 26-seat APNU to vote to block some proposed Bills, to chair commissions of inquiry, and now even a vote of no-confidence. They have taken positions by vote on social issues, pensions, domestic violence and so on. Its leadership seek to message itself as intellectuals who are not tainted with corruption, and who lead simple lives.


All that sounds good, but it remains to be seen if a major figure like Moses Nagamootoo, its next Presidential candidate can pull enough Indian votes, especially from Berbice to position itself as a 34% party. Nigel Hughes has positioned himself, being the counselor for native American land battles, to peel some votes away from interior constituencies. Ramjattan and civic organizations sound like a nice fit.


What we do know is the the PNC is evolving its image and the PPP is changing more rapidly. They both don't appear to be dominant as in past election cycles, in spite of the money and organization strengths. The underdog knocks at the door.


Please, let's get serious responses and not knee-jerk standard lines. Look hard and deep into the realities. Talk to folks back home and ask if Guyana is different than 40 years ago - and I don't mean press freedoms, and so on. I mean economically and that sense of civic maturity that we should come to expect.


I shall borrow from an IT blog, tongue-in-cheek - Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonymous

Replies sorted oldest to newest

We can all agree that Guyana needs to look beyond the issue of race to form a new political movement but the AFC is not capable of being a viable third party. Moses. Khemraj and Nigel have all been accused of being dishonest.


As much as I disagree with Trotman, he has demonstrated that he can be fair and perhaps he is the saviour of the AFC. Time will tell.


As time goes by, the PPP and PNC will be forced to adapt to a changing ethnic make up and demographics. The younger generation does not see race as an issue as the older generation does and they will eventually usher in a new political era.


They are not quite ready to implement the way the feel about race since they do not see that the current crop of politicians as catalysts for change in Guyana. All three parties need to take close look at the changes that are happening across the globe and Guyana is not exempt.


Interesting times ahead. Until then, the PPP will maintain a thin majority or continue to rule with hands tied behind their backs with a minority government.




I like this:


"I shall borrow from an IT blog, tongue-in-cheek - Please use the comments to demonstrate your own ignorance, unfamiliarity with empirical data and lack of respect for scientific knowledge. Be sure to create straw men and argue against things I have neither said nor implied. If you could repeat previously discredited memes or steer the conversation into irrelevant, off topic discussions, it would be appreciated. Lastly, kindly forgo all civility in your discourse . . . you are, after all, anonym"

Originally Posted by yuji22:

We can all agree that Guyana needs to look beyond the issue of race to form a new political movement but the AFC is not capable of being a viable third party. Moses. Khemraj and Nigel have all been accused of being dishonest.



Yuji22, you'll have to furnace evidence of the dishonesty of Moses, Khemraj and Nigel - accusation AND proof.


If you do not reason will lead me to conclude that your comments on their honesty are ill-founded and not worthy of consideration. Further, to counter such falsehood bordering on propaganda I would have to expose such dishonesty in loud terms.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

Bhai Nehru,

They might will still be around. However, you might see them suffer the same fate as the UF...a slow death.

skeldon_guy, you'll have to detail reasons why current evidence shows that the AFC will suffer a slow death. Saying so alone will not make it so, or convince people who read your comment that it is deigned to be so.




Keep it real!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

Nehru, use of KFC instead of AFC impresses no one and is a sign of sophomoric tomfoolery. So the choice is yours to continue to use it or be a grown up....your call.


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333


2006     6 seats     28,366


By contrast the PPP had this result


2011     32 seats     166,340


2006     36 seats     183,867


The PPP lost 4 seats and over 17,000 votes - and over 6,000 new voters VOTED.


The AFC GAINED 1 seat and just under 7,000 votes.


What does this evidence say abot the AFC's chances of surviving?


Be real now......and reason.....reason....reason


Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

We can all agree that Guyana needs to look beyond the issue of race to form a new political movement but the AFC is not capable of being a viable third party. Moses. Khemraj and Nigel have all been accused of being dishonest.



Yuji22, you'll have to furnace evidence of the dishonesty of Moses, Khemraj and Nigel - accusation AND proof.


If you do not reason will lead me to conclude that your comments on their honesty are ill-founded and not worthy of consideration. Further, to counter such falsehood bordering on propaganda I would have to expose such dishonesty in loud terms.

hope yugi comes thru with the proof

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

Nehru, use of KFC instead of AFC impresses no one and is a sign of sophomoric tomfoolery. So the choice is yours to continue to use it or be a grown up....your call.


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333


2006     6 seats     28,366


By contrast the PPP had this result


2011     32 seats     166,340


2006     36 seats     183,867


The PPP lost 4 seats and over 17,000 votes - and over 6,000 new voters VOTED.


The AFC GAINED 1 seat and just under 7,000 votes.


What does this evidence say abot the AFC's chances of surviving?


Be real now......and reason.....reason....reason


the man still groggy

Home > TOP STORY > PPP calls on AFC’s Nigel Hughes to resign
PPP calls on AFC’s Nigel Hughes to resign

PPP calls on AFC’s Nigel Hughes to resign


–cites alleged predilection for shady business
THE ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) yesterday called for Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Mr Nigel Hughes, to resign after noting what it describes as “damming allegations” of his involvement in another racketeering scheme.

Nigel Hughes

Nigel Hughes

The party said in a statement,“These allegations must not be taken lightly and are, to say the least, troubling and worrying to the public at large.

“â€Ķthe fact that these allegations continue to be made is cause for concern about the integrity of the attorney-at-law and his ethical standards, not only in the political realm, but when doing business.
“â€Ķthe PPP demands the resignation of this corrupt politician who constantly abuses his office and portfolio.”


QUOTE: “â€Ķthe PPP wishes to condemn the double standards being exhibited by the AFC and its cronies, which constantly accuse the government of corruption”

The statement comes in the wake of a court action moved by Mayfield French, owner of popular city private school, Mae’s Schools.
French, on January 17, 2014, sued Hughes, Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Registrar of the Supreme Court in respect of a property located at Lot 29 Subryanville, Kitty, Georgetown, upon which part of the school has been built.
In the court papers seen by this newspaper, French is contending that since February 24, 2006, she purchased said property from Hughes for the sum of $20M. She paid $8M as a deposit and took possession, on condition that the transport would be passed within eight months. Mortgage on said property was also supposed to be paid off before the passing of the transport.
In the interim, French developed the property, constructing buildings on it as part of the school’s complex.
According to French, she spent nearly $400M on the said property. The portion which was bought from Hughes houses classrooms of Mae’s Secondary School, the school’s canteen and auditorium offices, washroom and other administrative and learning spaces. However, Hughes never passed transport to her.
Before the sale to French, Hughes had mortgaged the very property to Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company. French claimed that it was only in last December that she first learnt that Hughes never paid off the loan for which the said property was mortgaged as collateral, and that Hand-in-Hand had obtained foreclosure proceedings against the property and Hughes since March 20, 2012.
Hughes’s indebtedness to Hand-in-Hand reportedly now stands at over $26M. The property was levied upon in December 2013 by the Marshal of the Supreme Court, and purportedly sold at an auction.
According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result; and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.
According to the PPP, aside from this matter, Hughes was involved in several other scandals.
One that was cited by the PPP was the allegations of conflict of interest, when it was revealed that Hughes and his wife, Cathy, were in the employ of Sithe Global, the company which developed the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project which the AFC rejected.
Another example cited was the fact that Hughes was also embroiled in the controversy surrounding his deliberate failure to disclose his relationship with the jury foreman in the Lusignan Massacre trial whilst representing one of the accused.


The PPP has charged that it is also advised of Hughes’s “criminal links and the underground” in Guyana.
The party said, “The PPP is aware of his links to prominent drug lords and criminals of this ilk and his barefaced representation of their interests in the courts when litigation is brought against them.
“The party recalls his involvement in the removal of footage from the gas station where a citizen was gunned down at Buxton.”
The ruling party has since called for citizens who have been wronged by the prominent politician to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force for full investigations.
The party said, “The PPP urges those citizens who may have fallen prey to Hughes’s alleged racketeering acts to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force which should investigate all allegations keenly.
“Our party will never allow any politician to trample on the fundamental rights of ordinary citizens.
“â€Ķit is shameful, but telling that the AFC which preaches about good governance and accountability is failing miserably to rein in Hughes despite the scandals in which he is finding himself.


The fact that the AFC has been silent on the matter remains a source of contention for the ruling party, particularly considering the AFC’s focus on transparency and accountability.
The PPP said, “The party can no longer attempt to lecture to any stakeholder in this society about rooting out corruption when it is unable to do the same within its rank and file.
“If the AFC has a shred of decency left it must distance itself from Hughes and rebuke his actions.
“If the Ramjattan and Nagamootoo driven alliance has any integrity remaining, it must stop dogdging the issue surrounding the constant controversies involving Hughes and lay their concerns bare before the public.”
The ruling party added that it is appalled by the “deafening silence” of the AFC executive on the matter at hand, as well as preceding incidents reflective of fraudulent activities, misconduct and improprieties.
The party said, “â€Ķafter facing severe public pressure it was forced to address allegations of conflict of interest when it was revealed that Hughes and his wife Cathy were in the employ of Sithe Global, the company which developed the Amaila Falls Hydro Project. The AFC venomously opposed the project and questioned the way in which government entered into an arrangement with Hughes’s employers.
“It is also yet to address the controversy surrounding Hughes’s failure to disclose his relationship with the jury foreman in the Lusignan massacre trial whilst representing one of the accused.”
It also acknowledged the speculation that the cancellation of the AFC’s weekly press conference was as a result of that “party’s attempt to avoid questions on the allegations” of fraud levelled against Hughes.
The PPP said, “Such practices by AFC are not new as the party repeatedly dodges the media on matters of wrongdoings implicating its executives.
“â€Ķthe PPP wishes to condemn the double standards being exhibited by the AFC and its cronies which constantly accuse the government of corruption.”
Written By Vanessa Narine


Residents who were relocated to facilitate the building of the Berbice River Bridge  hurdled accusations against Mr. Moses Nagamootoo Vice Chairman and Member of Parliament for the Alliance for Change (AFC).In interviews with this newspaper, many affected residents expressed disgust over the length of time taken and over the fact that seven years have passed and their have not been able to acquire transports for the new lands that were given to them. They said had Mr. Nagamootoo done what he had to do on their behalf this issue would have been closed a long time ago.
One male resident told this newspaper that while on a visit in the area Mr. Nagamootoo told his wife that she would have to deposit $300 000 in an account in his name to ensure she received her land transport. The irate man said that he paid Mr. Nagamootoo a visit himself to enquire about the alleged payment and was told that “Is a small piece to get the paper  fuh de land and den yuh can sell um back”. The man said he refused to make the payment telling Mr. Nagamootoo, “If yuh de help me, I would ah help you”. He said he confronted Mr. Nagamootoo while he was on a visit to the land site.
Some residents even alleged that when the payment for the land they give up was made to them, Mr. Nagamootoo informed them that they would have to pay him legal fees for his service in helping them acquire their payment cheques.
A source close to NICIL told this publication “NICIL had paid Mr. Nagamootoo almost $7 M for processing of land transports for the residents but he failed to deliver.  Nagamootoo had ‘done practically nothing’, save for negotiations with residents thus forcing NICIL to eventually take on the services of other lawyers and is now processing the transports for distribution to the residents”.
NICIL was incorporated in 1990 and served as a holding company for Government’s equity investment in other companies. In 2002, a Management Co-operation Agreement was signed appointing the Privatisation Unit (PU) as exclusive manager of NICIL, for the collecting and accounting of privatization proceeds, rents, dividends and other income of the combined entity will be done in the name of NICIL
The source also said “the relocation exercise was a multi-agency effort that was spearheaded by NICIL. The Central Housing and Planning Authority also played a role in identifying, developing and allocating house lots at Ketting to the residents that would be displaced at D’Edward by the construction and operation of the Berbice Bridge. NICIL was responsible for liaising between the residents and CHPA and was responsible for the dispensing of monetary compensation for the house and lands being acquired, assisted with the cost of relocation for each resident.”
The source indicated that NICIL hired a range of consultants and/or contractors to perform different tasks and that legal services were provided by Moses Nagamottoo. The Attorney –at-law was required to provide legal support to the residents of D’Edward when agreements were required to be executed and compensation dispensed with.  It entailed meeting the residents and assisting them in fixing any outstanding legal formalities that were required to regularize their legal status in order to receive compensation. Mr. Nagamootoo failed in his duties and as a result many residents are still waiting to be regularized after all this time.

Home > TOP STORY > Pensioner makes application to have Khemraj Ramjattan debarred for fraud commited against her

Pensioner makes application to have Khemraj Ramjattan debarred for fraud commited against her


THE aged couple, Michael Taharally and Veronica da Silva, who accused AFC Leader, Ramjattan of cheating them and selling them out, has lodged a formal complaint against him to the Registrar of the Supreme Court under the Legal Practioner’s Act Cap.4:01. They have vowed that they will not rest until they get justice. Ms. Veronica Da Silva, in her claim, stated that the AFC Leader, without her permission, gave consent that her valuable property located in a prime part of the city and highly saleable (240 & 241 Camp Street) be sold, and that she had paid the AFC leader the agreed sum of $1M as legal fees, but he took $3M from her money, apart from what she alleges as fraudulent sale of her property for millions of dollars less than the government evaluation. His excuse that he needed to extract his fees from the sale has no merit, because she had already paid him the agreed fees of $1M.
She is accusing Ramjattan of failing to heed her instructions not to sell the property and collaborating with interested parties to sell the property below government valuation, thereby causing her to suffer severe losses. She is asking that he refund her the $3M in fees he took, and that he compensates her for $2M in losses she suffered, and she also seeks that the AFC Leader ensure that the property, which was her home before what she terms the illegal sale, be restored to her.
Asked why she is still pursuing the matter, she and her husband said that a grave injustice was done to them by Khemraj Ramjattan, whom they trusted to represent their best interests as they had paid him a hefty fee which caused them to lose the property that was willed solely to her, for which probate had already been passed, and on which she paid rates and taxes for 17 years.
So, on two grounds, she has sole legal entitlement to the property – through being named sole beneficiary in a will by the owner, who was her aunt; and also as her prescriptive right through occupancy for in excess of 17 years, while the other claimants, who were her aunt’s stepchildren, had lived for all these years out of Guyana, and their claims were being made on their behalf by a third party. She claims that Ramjattan is solely responsible for her losing her home and property.
The property at the centre of matter was willed to her by her aunt and was evaluated at $89M by the government’s evaluating officer. She says that with Ramjattan’s consent, the property was sold for $55M. She alleges and claims she suspects that the difference between the $89M and $55M was split between Ramjattan and the purchaser, whom he had found, without her knowledge and/or consent.
According to Taharally, Ramjattan had made a consent order to dispense of a property that had a government valuation for $88M. He was paid a fee of $1M.
However, against the wishes of his clients, he allegedly struck a private deal with a buyer that he had found and sold the property for in excess of $30M less than the government-evaluated price, which has many serious legal implications, not least the robbing of the treasury of revenues through reduced property-sale taxes.
The elderly couple is convinced that the difference was split after the sale, or even the legal paperwork had been finished.
Taharally, in an interview, said “The actual sale price of $55M when there should not have been that, because you can’t rob Inland Revenue and go under a value when you have a government valuation. It’s not a private valuationâ€Ķ the government valuation is $88M and he went under that value for $55M to be sold to a very wealthy businessman.”
Taharally posited, “And then the lawyer, Mr. Ramjattan, he never told the Judge even that ‘you know, by law, she is entitled to the property in full, because she has paid 17 years rates and taxesâ€Ķ all the rates and taxes are here, how can you do something like that, all the rates and taxes are here, 17 years rates and tax she paid. He only gave her a third. It’s her property, her aunt died leaving a will for her and the matter went to trial for nine and a half years and the judge made no decision, but she was granted judgment by a second judge, and the man who is fighting her came back fighting her for stepchildren share; so he is representing stepchildren who have migrated for 60 years, at the time in 1994 they were 89 and 91, who knows if they were alive; but she didn’t have a free and fair trial because the judge hadn’t sent for none of the children or nothing like that.”
The embattled elderly man reiterated “The judge just listened to one side and then he ruled, so they started bidding and they stopped at $55M and that was it $55M.”


Yuji22, you may be a vocal supporter of the PPP - nothing is wrong with that - but you must demonstrate an understanding of how the party works. Moses's vote in that video you posted was a Party vote. He dissented before that vote was taken. As long as he was a member of the PPP it doesn't matter how much he wails and cusses AGAINST that vote his name had to be put on that paper as a vote.


The video's evidence of Moses's dishonesty is dishonest in itself. So strike that. You are yet to show dishonesty against Moses.


Come again....make it real.



* I have stated before on GNI that there will always be 10-12% of the Guyanese voters who will be willing to vote for a party other than the PPP or PNC.


* The UF pulled 12.3% in 1964.


* And in the last 2 elections in Guyana the AFC got 8.1% in 2006 and 10.3% in 2011.


* The way I see it, the AFC has peaked. That 10.3% they pulled in 2011 is the best they will ever do in a general election.




* No way ever Moses and the AFC will galvanize and inspire the Guyanese public to view the AFC as a party with the same gravitas as the PPP or PNC. They AFC will forever be a 3rd party tapping into the 10-12% of voters who are anti PPP and anti PNC.


* But folks like karimullah can keep dreaming that their hero stale bread Moses will one day be President of Guyana.



Originally Posted by Kari:

Yuji22, you may be a vocal supporter of the PPP - nothing is wrong with that - but you must demonstrate an understanding of how the party works. Moses's vote in that video you posted was a Party vote. He dissented before that vote was taken. As long as he was a member of the PPP it doesn't matter how much he wails and cusses AGAINST that vote his name had to be put on that paper as a vote.


The video's evidence of Moses's dishonesty is dishonest in itself. So strike that. You are yet to show dishonesty against Moses.


Come again....make it real.

I agree...

Originally Posted by Rev:


* I have stated before on GNI that there will always be 10-12% of the Guyanese voters who will be willing to vote for a party other than the PPP or PNC.


* The UF pulled 12.3% in 1964.


* And in the last 2 elections in Guyana the AFC got 8.1% in 2006 and 10.3% in 2011.


* The way I see it, the AFC has peaked. That 10.3% they pulled in 2011 is the best they will ever do in a general election.




* No way ever Moses and the AFC will galvanize and inspire the Guyanese public to view the AFC as a party with the same gravitas as the PPP or PNC. They AFC will forever be a 3rd party tapping into the 10-12% of voters who are anti PPP and anti PNC.


* But folks like karimullah can keep dreaming that their hero stale bread Moses will one day be President of Guyana.



1964 aint relevant to 2014...them old people like you leff Guyana arready

Originally Posted by Rev:


* I have stated before on GNI that there will always be 10-12% of the Guyanese voters who will be willing to vote for a party other than the PPP or PNC.


* The UF pulled 12.3% in 1964.


* And in the last 2 elections in Guyana the AFC got 8.1% in 2006 and 10.3% in 2011.


* The way I see it, the AFC has peaked. That 10.3% they pulled in 2011 is the best they will ever do in a general election.




* No way ever Moses and the AFC will galvanize and inspire the Guyanese public to view the AFC as a party with the same gravitas as the PPP or PNC. They AFC will forever be a 3rd party tapping into the 10-12% of voters who are anti PPP and anti PNC.


* But folks like karimullah can keep dreaming that their hero stale bread Moses will one day be President of Guyana.



Rev, please stay off this thread if you are going to pollute it with retreads of verbiage that have no basis in reason. Those are marketing owrds, propaganda and slogans to drum up some base. Please go where that base reside and bang them with it. This is a thread for thinking people.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Trotman is the only clean politician in the AFC.




* Remember how Trotman stabbed Moses in the back and grabbed the speakership ? That bloke has character issues.



Ooops, I forgot.


Tortman is the least of the corrupt lot of AFC's politician.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

Yuji22, you may be a vocal supporter of the PPP - nothing is wrong with that - but you must demonstrate an understanding of how the party works. Moses's vote in that video you posted was a Party vote. He dissented before that vote was taken. As long as he was a member of the PPP it doesn't matter how much he wails and cusses AGAINST that vote his name had to be put on that paper as a vote.


The video's evidence of Moses's dishonesty is dishonest in itself. So strike that. You are yet to show dishonesty against Moses.


Come again....make it real.


Moses lied.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ooops, I forgot.


Tortman is the least of the corrupt lot of AFC's politician.

* Your problem is you sometimes try to be too damn nice in POLITICAL.


* Be nice in social like the Rev. But here in political don't allow yourself to be conned by Moses groupies like karimullah.


* Listen! Moses Nagamootoo is the biggest self aggrandizer in Guyana. He has deluded himself into believing he was born to be president. That bloke is on a serious ego trip. Thankfully he'll be put out to pasture after the next election when the PPP wins by a majority.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ooops, I forgot.


Tortman is the least of the corrupt lot of AFC's politician.

* Your problem is you sometimes try to be too damn nice in POLITICAL.


* Be nice in social like the Rev. But here in political don't allow yourself to be conned by Moses groupies like karimullah.


* Listen! Moses Nagamootoo is the biggest self aggrandizer in Guyana. He has deluded himself into believing he was born to be president. That bloke is on a serious ego trip. Thankfully he'll be put out to pasture after the next election when the PPP wins by a majority.



I thought I told you to stay off this thread. It is a thinking man's thread.


Your writings here are not thinking man's reason, they are propagandist and bombastic. Lower your voice and let the strength of reason permeate your contributions. If not get off this thread.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

* They will survive. Self-aggrandizers like Moses and Khemraj have nowhere else to go, and like I said before, there will always be a small percentage of Guyanese voters who will support a party other than the PPP/PNC.


* What would surprise me is if the AFC matches the 10% they received in 2011.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:

AFC has to stay independent...for now

Raymond, this request is moot a the AFC is independent. Do not let Parliamentary collaboration make you believe that the AFC has formal political agreements with the PNC. Their party structures are as different as night and day. Only the PPP and PNC's organizations are similar - politburo style with formal Lennist structures of voting, Central Committee, and cliquism, etc.


The AFC is more like a liberal Western Democratic party structure. Moses did not need a clique in the AFC to become the Party's Presidential nominee for instance.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be very surprise if the KFC survives after the next Election.

* They will survive. Self aggrandizers like Moses and Khemraj have nowhere else to go, and like I said before, there will always be a small percentage of Guyanese voters who will support a party other than the PPP/PNC.


* What would surprise me is if the AFC matches the 10% they received in 2011.



Loud phrases like "Self aggrandizers" (and please hyphenate that phrase) do not make a reasoned argument.


When speaking of what would not surprise you, use NUMBERS to back it up. Aren't you supposed to be a master at numbers?

Originally Posted by Kari:

I thought I told you to stay off this thread. It is a thinking man's thread.



ha ha ha ha ha


* Thinking man thread you say ?


* Keep wallowing in your fantasy and delusions.




* They will forever tap into the 10-12% of anti PPP/PNC votes.




PS. Thanks for the reminder to hyphenate.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

In the court papers seen by this newspaper, French is contending that since February 24, 2006, she purchased said property from Hughes for the sum of $20M. She paid $8M as a deposit and took possession, on condition that the transport would be passed within eight months. Mortgage on said property was also supposed to be paid off before the passing of the transport.


Before the sale to French, Hughes had mortgaged the very property to Hand-in-Hand Mutual Life Insurance Company. French claimed that it was only in last December that she first learnt that Hughes never paid off the loan for which the said property was mortgaged as collateral, and that Hand-in-Hand had obtained foreclosure proceedings against the property and Hughes since March 20, 2012.



According to French, Hughes never disclosed that he did not pay off the loan; that he was sued as a result; and that a foreclosure order was obtained against the property. French claimed as a result she now faces ruin.


Yuji, this reportage on the Subryanville property came out in Jan of this year. It was put to rest one month later. As you chose not to post hat reporting I will provide excerpts.


The main issue is the presence of a mortgage which French claimed she knew nothing of. On the Contract of Sale there was a  heading titled "Special Conditions" with an express reference to the mortgage. This mortgage was recorded on the transport since its execution in Feb 1998. Further, the conveyance of the property was advertised in the Official Gazette on the Feb 3rd,2007, and guess what? No one opposed it, not even the mortgager Hand in Hand, or the PPP for that matter or Yuji22.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Yuji22, you may be a vocal supporter of the PPP - nothing is wrong with that - but you must demonstrate an understanding of how the party works. Moses's vote in that video you posted was a Party vote. He dissented before that vote was taken. As long as he was a member of the PPP it doesn't matter how much he wails and cusses AGAINST that vote his name had to be put on that paper as a vote.


The video's evidence of Moses's dishonesty is dishonest in itself. So strike that. You are yet to show dishonesty against Moses.


Come again....make it real.

Party discipline required that Moses should vote with the PPP regardless of his personal opinions.

As Kari points out, Moses did express his disapproval at Freedom House for the records.

Under Guyana's proportional representation system, neither the PPP nor the PNC tolerates votes of conscience in the National Assembly. Each party votes en bloc according to collective/majority decision reached beforehand at Freedom House or Congress Place.

Anil Nandalall knows that, and he himself has to subscribe to party discipline, or out goes he.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Kari:

I thought I told you to stay off this thread. It is a thinking man's thread.



ha ha ha ha ha


* Thinking man thread you say ?


* Keep wallowing in your fantasy and delusions.




* They will forever tap into the 10-12% of anti PPP/PNC votes.




PS. Thanks for the reminder to hyphenate.

* Keep wallowing in your fantasy and delusions.


Show me me where in my posts I wallow in fantasy and delusions.


Aren't you the one coming up with emotional terms like "fantasy" and delusions". Those have to have a basis in some facts or statistics (Numbers again). So follow-up your psychotic emotional rants with sober numbers.


Keep it real.....reason.....reason.....reason......stay on planet earth.....

Originally Posted by Kari:


To address whether the AFC will survive or not, I present their performance in the last two elections.


2011     7 seats     35,333 =10.3% of votes cast


2006     6 seats     28,366 =8.1% of votes cast


* I added the percentages to kari's numbers above.


* Lemme repeat! 3rd parties have always tapped into the 10-12% of Guyanese voters who are anti PPP/PNC.


* The most votes percentage wise a 3rd party has ever received in a free and fair election in Guyana was 12.3% the UF got in 1964 ?




* Can the AFC match the UF's 12.3% in the next election or have they peaked at the 10.3% they got in 2011 ?


* I rather suspect the AFC has peaked---MOSES HAS BECOME STALE BREAD---it was his novelty in the AFC that motivated Berbicians to support the AFC in 2011----but it's now 2014 and Moses freshness in the AFC has become smelly, musty and stagnant.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


The PPP has charged that it is also advised of Hughes’s “criminal links and the underground” in Guyana.

The party said, “The PPP is aware of his links to prominent drug lords and criminals of this ilk and his barefaced representation of their interests in the courts when litigation is brought against them.

“The party recalls his involvement in the removal of footage from the gas station where a citizen was gunned down at Buxton.”


The ruling party has since called for citizens who have been wronged by the prominent politician to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force for full investigations.


The party said,“The PPP urges those citizens who may have fallen prey to Hughes’s alleged racketeering acts to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force which should investigate all allegations keenly.
“Our party will never allow any politician to trample on the fundamental rights of ordinary citizens.

“â€Ķit is shameful, but telling that the AFC which preaches about good governance and accountability is failing miserably to rein in Hughes despite the scandals in which he is finding himself.



Yuji22, you have failed to show where Moses is dishonest, so you are a fraud and an outright liar, seeking to besmirch the reputation of a public figure.


You have failed to show where Nigel is dishonest in that property sale, and again seek to be a dishonest lying creature. Nigel apologized over a conflict of interest regarding the Sithe business. There was no intent to deceive, and I am yet to see a ruling politician apologize for anything - not even apprehending the killers of Sat Sawh.


Think about this Yuji22 - if the PPP were to say this "The PPP is aware of his links to prominent drug lords and criminals of this ilk and his barefaced representation of their interests in the courts when litigation is brought against them......why does it not gather evidence to prosecute Nigel? Why say this "The PPP urges those citizens who may have fallen prey to Hughes’s alleged racketeering acts to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force which should investigate all allegations keenly.
“Our party will never allow any politician to trample on the fundamental rights of ordinary citizens.


Does it not strike you as absurd? Be reral now and keep it in the realm of reason


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