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seignet posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:

I am puzzled waht really happened to him. Always been a logical person.

Nothing changed.

The gov't have a right to challenge, let legal faternity decide, what ever the decision, I am sure it will be accepted. Plain and simple.

Good for Democracy and interpreting the Constitution.

It is their right to challenge, however,they fanning the flames that an Indian cannot be trusted, he can be bribed. 

Smat ppl would go the courts and reveal the evidence, not have guessings. Dem ppl yuh backing are stupid. Just look at the arguments of Williams and surprising Hughes. These men are ripping apart the country, for what.

They are there at the pleasure of the electorate-which is racially charged.

When there was not distrust created by politicians, i can expound will hold off. That's  the problem, it's unethical to say they are stupid to explore the ambiguities of the  NVC, which caught everyone by surprise.

Surprisingly you haven't mentioned the argument was brought forward by Ralph Ramkarran prior to the Budget debate, you have singled out  Hughes.

Regarding the electorate who are racially charged ?

Last edited by Django
seignet posted:

It is their right to challenge, however, they fanning the flames that an Indian cannot be trusted, he can be bribed. 

Smat ppl would go the courts and reveal the evidence, not have guessings. Dem ppl yuh backing are stupid. Just look at the arguments of Williams and surprising Hughes. These men are ripping apart the country, for what. They are there at the pleasure of the electorate-which is racially charged.

so, who exactly is "they" fanning the flames that an "Indian" cannot be trusted . . .  Amna Ally, Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo?

and  of course you will totally forget that elephant in the room Ralph Ramkarran because it blows up your malign "race" narrative, rite?

bigotry mek the lil education you get turn to dogsh!t

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

I am lost....Not sure what you are asking, so I am not able to understand  the question about Volda (she is not mentioned in the article you posted). 

my apologies . . . the provocative letter to KN is actually this one:


Here is the letter


Dear Editor,

William Shakespeare once said that β€œsomething is rotten in the state of Denmark.”
And now it seems that a similar stench pervades the State of Guyana, and that rotten thing is the saga surrounding former AFC parliamentarian Charrandass Persaud’s β€˜No Confidence’ vote.
And how can we cleanse our nation of this stench?
One way, Editor, is for the media to do some investigative work in digging up Mr. Persaud’s true motive.
Our local journalists must grill this former MP. They must ask him:
a) Was he was coerced in any way, financially or otherwise, to vote the way he did?
b) Would he be willing to take a lie detector test?
c) Where was his β€˜conscience’ just a few days ago, when he jumped to the defence of Minister Volda Lawrence, while blaming PPP leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and the PPP for the state of the sugar industry and the plight of its workers?
I believe that the media will find some very interesting and revealing information if they sift through all of Mr. Persaud’s interviews and speeches. And if this gentleman that some are labeling a β€˜hero’ as nothing to hide, he would willingly make himself available to answer any questions that are put to him.

Yours Faithfully,
Truth-seeking Guyanese


I believe everyone is biased or have an agenda in some ways. This writer, "nameless", is no different.

a above - Its not clear whether Charandass received financial inducement...Norton and Ramjattan make this remains to be see....according to Ramjattan, they are "hot pursuit" on the evidence...I will await the evidence.

b. Lie detector tests are not can be an "aha" moment for either side at this point, depending on the results.

c. I believe he still blames Jagdeo and the PPP for the GUYSUCO/sugar disaster. I am not sure how he "defended" Volda in this references letter, but he obviously had a bigger problem with the video he accused her of racism (he said he told, not write Trotman about this)...and he had serious problems with the AFC.

....I dont see any disconnect here....just pieces of the puzzle still missing because none of us have all the information to make an informed judgments at this time.

VishMahabir posted:

 c) Where was his β€˜conscience’ just a few days ago, when he jumped to the defence of Minister Volda Lawrence, while blaming PPP leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and the PPP for the state of the sugar industry and the plight of its workers?


I am not sure how he "defended" Volda in this references letter

the writer claimed he did . . . and i asked the obvious question

the answer to which requires a knowledge of facts

i am not interested in any opinion (like yours) based on nothing

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

It is their right to challenge, however, they fanning the flames that an Indian cannot be trusted, he can be bribed. 

Smat ppl would go the courts and reveal the evidence, not have guessings. Dem ppl yuh backing are stupid. Just look at the arguments of Williams and surprising Hughes. These men are ripping apart the country, for what. They are there at the pleasure of the electorate-which is racially charged.

so, who exactly is "they" fanning the flames that an "Indian" cannot be trusted . . .  Amna Ally, Khemraj Ramjattan, Moses Nagamootoo?

and  of course you will totally forget that elephant in the room Ralph Ramkarran because it blows up your malign "race" narrative, rite?

bigotry mek the lil education you get turn to dogsh!t

lil education!

I am plenty smart.

It suits the Black PNC to put up the Indians up front with their accusations. After removing the dogshits, it is PNC clear as dayclean.

Bigotry cannot  be found in me. 

VishMahabir posted:

Dear Editor,

c) Where was his β€˜conscience’ just a few days ago, when he jumped to the defence of Minister Volda Lawrence, while blaming PPP leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and the PPP for the state of the sugar industry and the plight of its workers?


Suh now de correct linked is provided. Fuhget all de race baiting, who is "intelligent people", stereotypes about black people, who is PNC man, who is PPP man, if yuh believe "bias" is always there, who fanning flames, who fanning dey beetie, who is "typical PNC" and  suh on.

De question is - regarding the bolded piece of the letter above regarding Mr. Persaud. Did he in fact jump to Volda's defense and blame Jagdeo a mere days before his dissent? Dis is de piece:

Where was his β€˜conscience’ just a few days ago, when he jumped to the defence of Minister Volda Lawrence, while blaming PPP leader Bharrat Jagdeo, and the PPP for the state of the sugar industry and the plight of its workers?

ronan posted:
seignet posted:

RamKarran retracted.

so, was he "ripping the country apart" when he was advising the PPP between November 26 and December 21?

RamKarran is and always will be an opportunists. Men like his father and the Beharry's have built opportunties for their children on the backs of the working class and done nothing in return for them. RamKarran backed a corrupt regime until he had nothing more to get from them.

When asked to be the Presidential candidate, he said no bcz the financial rewards were too low. Now, he wants the job-no one he has to answer to.

He destroyed the country too, he was a yes man to the jagans.

ksazma posted:

So all along de banna was chastising posters who responded to a posted article telling them they weren’t responding to what was posted when it was him who was confused about what he posted.

none of the responding posters (until Iguana and Vishmahabir) challenged the letter linked in error because the morons in the herd just vomit reflexively

they don't bother to read

says a lot . . .

Last edited by Former Member

Charrandass Persaud’s naked misrepresentations

Dear Editor

In order not to add fuel to the fire that rose up after the Charrandass Persaud no confidence vote, I chose to remain silent on a few things that have been in the public domain, including commentary on my own actions.Considering, however, that certain misrepresentations are being repeated as record, staying silent is no longer an option.
I have publicly addressed and apologized for my reactive outburst in uttering an expletive in the National Assembly. This was clearly out of character with my usual conduct and an emotional response to the betrayal from a trusted colleague whom I’ve spent the past three and a half years with, including during the recent budget debate, defending the policies of this administration.

I’ve had time during the past week to try to understand Charrandass’s motivation for what he did and his justifications offered and none of it seems to make sense. On a personal level, two things he has said so far have struck me personally.
The first is the claim that I assaulted him and that his ribs still hurt from my elbowing him. The very video that he referred persons to shows me nudging him with the back of my hand to get his attention in the wake of the shock of his vote, not elbowing him.
Why would someone, in justifying a vote of conscience and speaking about his own integrity, engage in such an easily disproval untruth to support his case? The other issue that hit on a personal level was that in his telling of this fiction, Charrandass, my coalition political and parliamentary colleague of three and a half years, referred to me as simply β€œthat Rasta boy from Linden.”

For me, these things don’t square with the character of integrity that he has been painting himself as, and there are other examples.There was his claim that he wrote to the Alliance For Change leader, Raphael Trotman, to protest his displeasure at certain actions. When Mr. Trotman refuted those claims, he changed his story to say that he spoke to Trotman and was ignored.The Clerk of the National Assembly, Mr. Sherlock Isaacs, himself had to correct claims of bias alleged against him by Charrandass in a recent letter to the newspaper.Perhaps most importantly however is that his own words in Parliament defending the recent budget made the sort of sense that his subsequent claims don’t. He spoke forcefully; for example, about the capital expenditure in Berbice, the permanent improvement of roads that the PPP would plug billions into and which still would need fixing.He spoke about the severance payment to sugar workers in an industry that the PPP crippled and then left the burden on the APNU+AFC to fix.I find it difficult, therefore, to believe that the web of misinformation that my former colleague has afterward tried to spread is only incidental to the web of disinformation that is being spread by the opposition and their aligned media.For example, just as Clerk Isaacs had to correct Charrandass, he was also forced to correct a story carried in the Jagdeo-controlled Guyana Times.

This brings me to the overlooked aspect of Charrandass’s narrative about the circumstances surrounding his support of the PPP’s no confidence motion.
If one were to listen to his and complementary accounts of his conscience narrative and factor in the events of that fateful night a week ago, we see a picture of possible wilful collusion with the very PPP that he campaigned against.From the supposed conversation with Freddie Kissoon earlier this year, to his own indication that he was long contemplating voting against the administration, it appears that he was long privy to a PPP no confidence motion before it was even tabled or announced in November of this year.

This combined with his claim that he trusted no one, including his long-time friend, Minister of Pubic Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, with his security but yet was handled by a PPP member from the moment he left Parliament, to the moment he left the country shows that his trust was placed somewhere else.
What neither Charrandass and the PPP leadership, Mr. Jagdeo in particular, have been asked is whether there was coordination between the AFC member and the PPP opposition.Did Jagdeo go into Parliament knowing full well that his motion would find the support of Charrandass specifically and if there was this coordination, what was the basis of it, and how long ago was it planned? The answer to this question is obvious.This is a question that, for all his noble claims of good conscience, the man has – even in the midst of all his deliberate misrepresentation – refused to even address, much less deny.

It is quite evident Mr. Editor that Mr. Persaud is pathologically mendacious and probably some day his conscience will force him to give a full and proper account of this missing aspect of his story.

Jermaine Figueira
APNU+AFC Member of Parliament



read the letter from β€œthat Rasta boy from Linden.”

Last edited by Django
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:

RamKarran retracted.

so, was he "ripping the country apart" when he was advising the PPP between November 26 and December 21?

RamKarran is and always will be an opportunists. Men like his father and the Beharry's have built opportunties for their children on the backs of the working class and done nothing in return for them. RamKarran backed a corrupt regime until he had nothing more to get from them.

When asked to be the Presidential candidate, he said no bcz the financial rewards were too low. Now, he wants the job-no one he has to answer to.

He destroyed the country too, he was a yes man to the jagans.

so, how come you missed 'enlightening' us about all this when you were busily framing the 34 vote threshold issue solely as some blackman plot starring Nigel Hughes and late-to-the-party Basil Williams?

banna, you ain't even clever

ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:

RamKarran retracted.

so, was he "ripping the country apart" when he was advising the PPP between November 26 and December 21?

RamKarran is and always will be an opportunists. Men like his father and the Beharry's have built opportunties for their children on the backs of the working class and done nothing in return for them. RamKarran backed a corrupt regime until he had nothing more to get from them.

When asked to be the Presidential candidate, he said no bcz the financial rewards were too low. Now, he wants the job-no one he has to answer to.

He destroyed the country too, he was a yes man to the jagans.

so, how come you missed 'enlightening' us about all this when you were busily framing the 34 vote threshold issue solely as some blackman plot starring Nigel Hughes and late-to-the-party Basil Williams?

banna, you ain't even clever

Well, from a black bigot, I am certain of being CLEVER. The whole wide world reading you as an ASS. Imagine wah dey muss be seying about you, Williams and Hughes. Jagdeo my champion said of you all, RAVING LUNATICS. And sane minds knows he ain joking.

ksazma posted:

So all along de banna was chastising posters who responded to a posted article telling them they weren’t responding to what was posted when it was him who was confused about what he posted.

It also shows Ronan coulda posted something about the olympics with the same question at the end and you guys woulda have the same argument strong strong rass meanwhile the only person at the time to actually read it and realized it was the wrong article was Sheik.

So what is the argument about again?

cain posted:
ksazma posted:

So all along de banna was chastising posters who responded to a posted article telling them they weren’t responding to what was posted when it was him who was confused about what he posted.

It also shows Ronan coulda posted something about the olympics with the same question at the end and you guys woulda have the same argument strong strong rass meanwhile the only person at the time to actually read it and realized it was the wrong article was Sheik.

So what is the argument about again?

People were rightfully responding to the article posted not his question. Not too many people give a shit about what he says, writes, asks.

It was another red herring from him anyway as even Charrandas confirmed that the prize was the NCV and any dissention prior to that vote would have rendered him unavailable for the NCV. Charrandas' public support for the Coalition government isn't being contested as we all have some idea how politicians behave.

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

So all along de banna was chastising posters who responded to a posted article telling them they weren’t responding to what was posted when it was him who was confused about what he posted. 

It also shows Ronan coulda posted something about the olympics with the same question at the end and you guys woulda have the same argument strong strong rass meanwhile the only person at the time to actually read it and realized it was the wrong article was Sheik.

So what is the argument about again?

People were rightfully responding to the article posted not his question. Not too many people give a shit about what he says, writes, asks.

It was another red herring from him anyway . . .

huh? . . . how exactly do you "rightfully" respond to an article you have NOT read and NOT the question asked?

and pleeeese look up the meaning of "red herring" . . . your illiteracy is grating

cain posted:
ksazma posted:

So all along de banna was chastising posters who responded to a posted article telling them they weren’t responding to what was posted when it was him who was confused about what he posted.

It also shows Ronan coulda posted something about the olympics with the same question at the end and you guys woulda have the same argument strong strong rass meanwhile the only person at the time to actually read it and realized it was the wrong article was Sheik.

So what is the argument about again?

only person! i do not read his post unless i am up to mischief. he is predictable-the same line of thought. he will spin the same thing in all forms, leg break, off spin, never straight to the stumps. always a round about. Crap and corruption. 


Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

skeldon_man posted:

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

girly nonsense

i guess if yuh homan smack you on the shoulder because yuh look at a young girl in short skirt, yuh gon cry to the police

there is a term of art for this kind of crybabee shyte, but i don't use the word anymore

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

girly nonsense

i guess if yuh homan smack you on the shoulder because yuh look at a young girl in short skirt, yuh gon cry to the police

there is a term of art for this kind of crybabee shyte, but i don't use the word anymore

You respond like some whore changing her tampon in the middle of the sidewalk in the Bronx.

skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

girly nonsense

i guess if yuh homan smack you on the shoulder because yuh look at a young girl in short skirt, yuh gon cry to the police

there is a term of art for this kind of crybabee shyte, but i don't use the word anymore

You respond like some whore changing her tampon in the middle of the sidewalk in the Bronx.


skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

I am saying that Guyanese blacks are bullies. You are straying from the point. Even though it has to do with an incident involving Charandass, you missed the point. It is a general statement on assault. Even willful touching without permission can be construed as assault.
Blame Charandass for all the problems in Guyana now. When is your PNC going to grow a pair of balls and accept that they have been defeated and must curtail their term? They will try all bullying tactics to stay in power. When everything else fails, bring out the gasoline.  

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

I am saying that Guyanese blacks are bullies. You are straying from the point. Even though it has to do with an incident involving Charandass, you missed the point. It is a general statement on assault. Even willful touching without permission can be construed as assault.
Blame Charandass for all the problems in Guyana now. When is your PNC going to grow a pair of balls and accept that they have been defeated and must curtail their term? They will try all bullying tactics to stay in power. When everything else fails, bring out the gasoline.  

First sentence start with confusion and continues to the end of post.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

I am saying that Guyanese blacks are bullies. You are straying from the point. Even though it has to do with an incident involving Charandass, you missed the point. It is a general statement on assault. Even willful touching without permission can be construed as assault.
Blame Charandass for all the problems in Guyana now. When is your PNC going to grow a pair of balls and accept that they have been defeated and must curtail their term? They will try all bullying tactics to stay in power. When everything else fails, bring out the gasoline.  

First sentence start with confusion and continues to the end of post.

If you cannot comprehend, then you label it confusion. Confusion is a state of mind. You need to go and relax bai. Tek de day aff.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Vish M posted:

He admitted he assaulted Charandass

The Rasta must be sanctioned for assault and usage of expletives

( cussing )

Watch the video, how severe was the assault. Also it's not rib jabbing claimed by Charrandass.

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

I am saying that Guyanese blacks are bullies. You are straying from the point. Even though it has to do with an incident involving Charandass, you missed the point. It is a general statement on assault. Even willful touching without permission can be construed as assault.
Blame Charandass for all the problems in Guyana now. When is your PNC going to grow a pair of balls and accept that they have been defeated and must curtail their term? They will try all bullying tactics to stay in power. When everything else fails, bring out the gasoline.  

First sentence start with confusion and continues to the end of post.

If you cannot comprehend, then you label it confusion. Confusion is a state of mind. You need to go and relax bai. Tek de day aff.

Not sure what’s going on with Django. 

Django,  skelly is kind to say a day off.. I will  say the rest of the week banna... go chill out dude. 

Even if you are financially rewarded to be on all these multiple forums ... take a break for your well being, the mental stress  is showing.

Good luck.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Go make this case in a court of law.

An assault is an assault; regardless of how minimal the injury. The man knew he could do this as he is accustomed to doing to coolies. BULLIES!!!

The supporters of Charrandass are free to take the matter to Court.

It's ingrained in the mind of haters that Africans are BULLIES and East Indians are saints.

Charrandass actions have widened the divide between East Indians and Africans, in a country where the East Indians are 40 % of the population, does that bode well ?

I am saying that Guyanese blacks are bullies. You are straying from the point. Even though it has to do with an incident involving Charandass, you missed the point. It is a general statement on assault. Even willful touching without permission can be construed as assault.
Blame Charandass for all the problems in Guyana now. When is your PNC going to grow a pair of balls and accept that they have been defeated and must curtail their term? They will try all bullying tactics to stay in power. When everything else fails, bring out the gasoline.  

First sentence start with confusion and continues to the end of post.

If you cannot comprehend, then you label it confusion. Confusion is a state of mind. You need to go and relax bai. Tek de day aff.

Are you confirming Guyanese Blacks are BULLIES ?


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