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RiffRaff posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

By calling someone buggaman etc, your objective is to make that person feel like crap and belittle them

So what happens if this buggahman is a bully and he can rearrange your face with a slap of the back side of his hand? Would you feel superior in belittling him? I bet not.

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

Ha Ha !!!

A lot of people in Guyana had false name. If you fall down, they would find a false name for you.

they also used to beat kids in school (and some still do) in Guyana...does not make it right

RiffRaff posted:

of course, you have the POTUS who is a bully himself with all the infantile name calling

Likewise, Jagdeo would use labels to ridicule those who oppose him.

Very often when one turns to the need to labeling another poster or posters, it more often typically emerges from their own insecurity, despair about a  situation or a perceived threat. 

I am no angel. Please don't label me as such.


RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

Ha Ha !!!

A lot of people in Guyana had false name. If you fall down, they would find a false name for you.

they also used to beat kids in school (and some still do) in Guyana...does not make it right

Beating kids is another story and that is not acceptable. Please do not mix up the topics for discussion.

RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

Ha Ha !!!

A lot of people in Guyana had false name. If you fall down, they would find a false name for you.

they also used to beat kids in school (and some still do) in Guyana...does not make it right

Are the teachers bullies then? If they are, who should stop them? They do that because they have been given permission to so and have control over a child. I think this is different from calling a person a derogatory name. I know of many teachers who were given derogatory names, but you dare not whisper that name to them.

Mitwah posted:
RiffRaff posted:

of course, you have the POTUS who is a bully himself with all the infantile name calling

Likewise, Jagdeo would use labels to ridicule those who oppose him.

Very often when one turns to the need to labeling another poster or posters, it more often typically emerges from their own insecurity, despair about a  situation or a perceived threat. 

I am no angel. Please don't label me as such.


Every politician does that. The PNC/APNU is not immune from this. Our famous president, "The Donald",  had a false name for almost every one of his opponents.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

Ha Ha !!!

A lot of people in Guyana had false name. If you fall down, they would find a false name for you.

they also used to beat kids in school (and some still do) in Guyana...does not make it right

Are the teachers bullies then? If they are, who should stop them? They do that because they have been given permission to so and have control over a child. I think this is different from calling a person a derogatory name. I know of many teachers who were given derogatory names, but you dare not whisper that name to them.

Yes they are bullies. They take out their frustrations and other emotional strains in the personal lives at home on the little defenceless kids.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I think some people do it to make themselves feel superior

Not if you have a derogatory false buggahman, larwah, etc.

Ha Ha !!!

A lot of people in Guyana had false name. If you fall down, they would find a false name for you.

they also used to beat kids in school (and some still do) in Guyana...does not make it right

Are the teachers bullies then? If they are, who should stop them? They do that because they have been given permission to so and have control over a child. I think this is different from calling a person a derogatory name. I know of many teachers who were given derogatory names, but you dare not whisper that name to them.

Yes they are bullies. They take out their frustrations and other emotional strains in the personal lives at home on the little defenceless kids.

On a serious note, Guyana is becoming stressful on lots of people in every profession, people at home, children at school, and even the ones that drink their lives away. It's now in a survival state where people literally kill because of a simple misunderstanding. In our day we could sit and reason before picking up a cutlass on our neighbours.  

RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

False name calling should be banned. Lilmohan is the prime culprit here. He now act like an angel but in the past he was very wicked.  Appropriate adjectives on the other hand is a different story. 

who will judge what is appropriate or not?

The guideline is that these adjectives should not be mean spirited. For instance a certain pnc propagandist is now referred to as "dull boy" or "slow boy" which is an appropriate description considering that despite all the evidence of pnc incompetency, this person continues to spread propaganda on their behalf. 

Drugb posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Drugb posted:

False name calling should be banned. Lilmohan is the prime culprit here. He now act like an angel but in the past he was very wicked.  Appropriate adjectives on the other hand is a different story. 

who will judge what is appropriate or not?

The guideline is that these adjectives should not be mean spirited. For instance a certain pnc propagandist is now referred to as "dull boy" or "slow boy" which is an appropriate description considering that despite all the evidence of pnc incompetency, this person continues to spread propaganda on their behalf

Why trying to be shady ??,this is the person you are referring to,

Quote: "dull boy(adjective) django"

what propaganda ??? i confront the lies you are spreading.

The appropriate adjective for you is,Kerr you dumb S...nt.

I mentioned one time you can only say things behind a keyboard,the bullied are like that.

Last edited by Django
Prince posted:

On a serious note, Guyana is becoming stressful on lots of people in every profession, people at home, children at school, and even the ones that drink their lives away. It's now in a survival state where people literally kill because of a simple misunderstanding. In our day we could sit and reason before picking up a cutlass on our neighbours.  

It didn't started two and a half years ago,

The reason why people behaves in such manner,due to the laws are not effective.

Cobra posted:

Django, I didn't see Prince said anything about 2.5 years ago. If the stressful conditions started before 2.5 years, it's obvious that it is getting worse today. Would you agree?

That may depend on who you talk to,

I can understand sugar workers getting stressful,not knowing what their future will be.

The brutal killing is not done by them,can you imagine a 21 yr old knocked out and burnt alive by another teenager for stealing two goats,seems like current young generation is a wayward bunch,the big question is what caused this sort of behavior,the laws have to become effective to stop this uncalled for loss of life and property.

Last edited by Django

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