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Sine the secretary position is only a token position, why didn't Mr. Hughes resign from that position? Instead he wants to quit the AFC.

which is more important? AFC or hand in the till?



Originally Posted by TI:

Sine the secretary position is only a token position, why didn't Mr. Hughes resign from that position? Instead he wants to quit the AFC.

which is more important? AFC or hand in the till?



We will survive,

the AFC or Nigel Hughes ......

cant hurt the PPP or PNC.....

Who care about the people David????

AFC cannot Stop.....

PPP or PNC Thiefing

Let us agree....

to keep AFC out....

of our all our secret Deals


I got yuh Back Donald...

I gon even wear a Red PPP Shirt....

fuh show everyone.....

"De PPP & PNC ah one family"

We must fool the People...

and Keep telling them...

"De AFC is De Real Thief"


we still got a few Jackass...

wuking fuh us....

who will Believe us....

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by caribny:

My suggestion.  Send all the racists like druggie, cobra, and others to Berbice. It will secede from Guyana and be called Indesh.


Other Guyanese who understand that Guyanese have a right to determine who their leaders are can remain in Guyana.  This problem arose because the PPP has refused to have local govt elections.  And it is now high handedly determining who the leadership of Georgetown should be.  A city where they struggle to obtain 1/3 of the votes.

Why in the world do you think Berbice is Indian land? You will strand lots of black folks and Amerinds. The PPP has us like Cigar store indians  standing for advertisement on our own land in Orealla!

Shut your old buck ass, when LFSB troops were raping and buggering you in Lethem, where were you?

Why would what LFSB did prevent me from telling you of present injustices? That excuse will not hold. These crooks are an infestation to be excised no less than the previous ones were.  And if you are into raping and buggering, granted your leader showed your the way; spare me the perverse descriptions. As for old, your "young" behind don't stand a chance keeping up with me in anything.


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