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Chief posted:

He says something today and the next day he says something else.

On the campaign he said something is wrong with Wall Street now he has surrounded himself with Wall Street insiders. (Nothing is wrong with that) However it goes to show that since elected he keeps forgetting.

Nah, he just like keeping alyuh lil bazzidy!



America needs a president to deal with the hardline Islamists in the middle east who are the biggest threat it's security. Trump will crush and exterminate them.

Look at the amount of Indians who are in Trump's cabinet. Trump is choosing wisely.

America needs a transformational leader and Trump has proved to be that leader.

Who needs a lazy golfer like Obama in white house ? If anything at all, Obama is the biggest bullshyter in the world. All talk. Drawing lines in the sand and constantly moving that line. No wonder the golfer and his wife failed to persuade African Americans to turn out in large numbers to vote for Hillary. Even blacks are fed up with the bullshyter.

WE must give Mahatma Trump his chance to govern and transform America, the people will have to decide if he achieved that four years from now.

The only people shying their pants right now are Chief and Kari. Kari has been hiding in his toilet since Trump won.

Long Mahatma Trump !!

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump fooled half of America. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit!!!!

You are on target,he wanted one more pip on his shoulder,to be president of the USA ,he played the game well,to get him elected.

Obama might give Hillary a preemptive pardon before he leaves office...just as gerald Ford did with Richard Nixon.

Chief posted:

He says something today and the next day he says something else.

On the campaign he said something is wrong with Wall Street now he has surrounded himself with Wall Street insiders. (Nothing is wrong with that) However it goes to show that since elected he keeps forgetting.

He is a fact neutral narcissistic moron supported by an contingency of  right wing nut jobs who see him as a convenient tool.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump fooled half of America. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit!!!!

You are on target,he wanted one more pip on his shoulder,to be president of the USA ,he played the game well,to get him elected.

Obama might give Hillary a preemptive pardon before he leaves office...just as gerald Ford did with Richard Nixon.

Take a look at the movie "13 Hours The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi"

it's about the Benghazi incident.

Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

He says something today and the next day he says something else.

On the campaign he said something is wrong with Wall Street now he has surrounded himself with Wall Street insiders. (Nothing is wrong with that) However it goes to show that since elected he keeps forgetting.

Nah, he just like keeping alyuh lil bazzidy!

Sorry, unlike you who consistently fail ( for lack of ability) to interrogate the fundamentals of your basic propositions, we can. The fellow is a carney barker with cookie and cream promises to idiots like you. His promises are akin to the virgins ISIS promise t heir suicide bombers.

Like them you parrot his nonsense about trickle down economics, ignore the fact he is a sexual pervert and chronic con man who live in the mental real state that sees the poor as his predatory targets and who can only think in terms of who he is and what he wants.

Because he was able to, facilitated by the intellectual architects of America's right wing race based culture, con idiots like you, we have the white house and the presidency as extensions of his depredation territory.

Fortunately, that this nation stands for is antithetical to what he stands for and the two do not have mediating space. America greatness is in the now not in the racist oppressive institutional and social racism of the past. It is what it is because creativity is allowed to flourish and diversity and acceptance of diversity is the social and moral drivers.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump fooled half of America. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit!!!!

You are on target,he wanted one more pip on his shoulder,to be president of the USA ,he played the game well,to get him elected.

Obama might give Hillary a preemptive pardon before he leaves office...just as gerald Ford did with Richard Nixon.

The good lady needs no such preventative legal cover. Trump unfortunately, with his deep indebtedness to foreign nations, stands more a chance in needing such measures on his behalf in the future. He is a shady business man so he cannot help.

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Trump fooled half of America. If you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit!!!!

You are on target,he wanted one more pip on his shoulder,to be president of the USA ,he played the game well,to get him elected.

Obama might give Hillary a preemptive pardon before he leaves office...just as gerald Ford did with Richard Nixon.

The good lady needs no such preventative legal cover. Trump unfortunately, with his deep indebtedness to foreign nations, stands more a chance in needing such measures on his behalf in the future. He is a shady business man so he cannot help.

Opinions differ.

yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Stupid is what stupid does and you do it so well!

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Stupid is what stupid does and you do it so well!

Mis Danyella,

Run and duck for cover now because you cannot face the truth.

Where is the Black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

All you can do is make excuses. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.


Your hope is that Trump will ban Muslims to the USA and he will somehow persecute  Muslim Americans,  that the reason why  are you addressing him as Mahatma.

You put that in your bigoted head that yes Islam is flying in my heart.

As for black flag you are referring to ISIS, you are a jackass to think that I will ever support them, they are killing more Muslims than Modi and the Indian Govenrment.

You want ISIS to survive, so under that pretense more Muslims will suffer. 



yuji22 posted:

Mis Danyella,

Run and duck for cover now because you cannot face the truth.

Where is the Black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

All you can do is make excuses. 

Do you think this is Guyana where the PPP flocked the Government with only one type of people.

President Obama surrounded himself with brilliance.

You are getting an orgasm as to how many Indians Trump has in his cabinet just like you were cheering The PPP for not having diversity.


yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Chief posted:
Imran posted:
Chief posted:

Under a democracy Presidents come and go

One should respect the sitting elected  President of a country.

Chief , you just posted the above on another thread...

Where is your respect for Trump...

yuji22 posted:
Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Stupid is what stupid does and you do it so well!

Mis Danyella,

Run and duck for cover now because you cannot face the truth.

Where is the Black representation in Obama's cabinet ?

All you can do is make excuses. 

Obama was president...he had 4 black people as opposed to 6 by bush and 0 so far by trump  in his cabinet. More precisely he did not have a cabinet of billionaires or nut jobs. I have more problems with what Obama did not do for minorities than who he had in his cabinet.

yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Trump have all these Fullahs and technocratic naysayers going bananas.  So much was said about him for over a year since the Primaries.  Dem big-talkers like D2, Caribj and Kari [now VVP] wrote very elongated dissertations as to why Trump will never win.  Well, he won, confounding all the naysayers.

Their's are some good material for Psycho Analysts to study how the "bright went blind!"  Maybe these "bright-boys" wore too dark sunshades, or maybe they got blinded by their own "brightness"!

Baseman predicted Trump could win because he related to the average voter!  Islamism and the economic hallowing out created the environment for this reactionary sentiment.  This had more appeal than people realize.  Ben Carson's popularity spiked when he said a Muslim should never be president.  This sentiment was simmering for a while and Bernie Sanders also saw it, at least on the economic front!

Trump will take the path he set out.  He will achieve some, but not all, or not fully.  He transformed the political thought process and landscape in the US and will transform the nation like no recent president.  Trump will take his case to the people whenever he faces internal headwinds.  He will be a true to heart populist people's president (mark what I said).  The effects of "Trumpism" will be with us for a long time, maybe 25-40 years!

These GNI [wannabe] "brain-thrusts" are/were lost in the weeds munching and chewing on every blade of Liberal grass trying to figure out the good, the bad and the indifferent.  Trump came through like a cyclone and left them scurrying for cover and bewildered what hit them!

Hillary should have taken a leaf out of Bill's book.  He was "big and tall", yet made himself small and humble, reaching the people at all sections of society.  He was relateable, she was not, and she could not replicate Obama's "likability" factor.  This was just too much for her to integrate!

Get this, working people love rich people who can relate to them and despise technocrats who look down on them!  Her famous "basket of deplorables" comment cemented that perception of her!

Just like the Arab Spring, we are having a Western renaissance of sorts where the working class are reacting to changes out of their control.  We first saw the Grexit attempt, then Brexit, now Trumpism and check out what's happening in Italy, France and Austria (Germany will be next).  This is a modern-day revolution within democratic systems.  It is not a revolution of the poor vs the rich but one of the underdog vs elitism!

The entire concept of Liberalism and a "flat world" is being rejected for more conservative and "ring-fenced" economies focused on controlled nationalism vs free for all globalism!  The world will settle at the happy medium, but it will take a decade or so!

However, I must give credit to Obama for Iran and Cuba.  His unclinched fist policies did bear fruit here.  Trump [and Putin] will now have to slap lil sense in the Wahabs and bring them to the table for lil "halal poke"!

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
yuji22 posted:
Chief posted:


There are some others who are supporting him because of his hate rhetoric , folks like Yugi and Baseman.

You are full of shyte,

You are just a bitter and sore loser.

Your biggest fear is that Trump will burn that black flag which is flying in your heart.

Trump have all these Fullahs and technocratic naysayers going bananas.  So much was said about him for over a year since the Primaries.  Dem big-talkers like D2, Caribj and Kari [now VVP] wrote very elongated dissertations as to why Trump will never win.  Well, he won, confounding all the naysayers.

Their's are some good material for Psycho Analysts to study how the "bright went blind!"  Maybe these "bright-boys" wore too dark sunshades, or maybe they got blinded by their own "brightness"!

Baseman predicted Trump could win because he related to the average voter!  Islamism and the economic hallowing out created the environment for this reactionary sentiment.  This had more appeal than people realize.  Ben Carson's popularity spiked when he said a Muslim should never be president.  This sentiment was simmering for a while and Bernie Sanders also saw it, at least on the economic front!

Trump will take the path he set out.  He will achieve some, but not all, or not fully.  He transformed the political thought process and landscape in the US and will transform the nation like no recent president.  Trump will take his case to the people whenever he faces internal headwinds.  He will be a true to heart populist people's president (mark what I said).  The effects of "Trumpism" will be with us for a long time, maybe 25-40 years!

These GNI [wannabe] "brain-thrusts" are/were lost in the weeds munching and chewing on every blade of Liberal grass trying to figure out the good, the bad and the indifferent.  Trump came through like a cyclone and left them scurrying for cover and bewildered what hit them!

Hillary should have taken a leaf out of Bill's book.  He was "big and tall", yet made himself small and humble, reaching the people at all sections of society.  He was relateable, she was not, and she could not replicate Obama's "likability" factor.  This was just too much for her to integrate!

Working people love rich people who can relate to them and despise technocrats who look down on them!  Her famous "basket of deplorables" comment cemented that perception of her!

Just like the Arab Spring, we are having a Western renaissance of sorts where the working class are reacting to changes out of their control.  We first saw the Grexit attempt, then Brexit, now Trumpism and check out what's happening in Italy, France and Austria (Germany will be next).  This is a modern-day revolution within democratic systems.  It is not a revolution of the poor vs the rich but one of the underdog vs elitism!

The entire concept of Liberalism and a "flat world" is being rejected for more conservative and "ring-fenced" economies focused on controlled nationalism vs free for all globalism!  The world will settle at the happy medium, but it will take a decade or so!

However, I must give credit to Obama for Iran and Cuba.  His unclinched fist policies did bear fruit here.  Trump [and Putin] will now have to slap lil sense in the Wahabs and bring them to the table for lil "halal poke"!

yes trump won and by the merest of margins but that does not mean the viewpoints stated previously about him is to be forgotten. They were firmly held views and not in any way repudiated by his win.

I do not care for the religion of islam but if Carson's contempt for islam is what makes him popular t hat is unfortunate.  The reason I do not care for Islam is the reason I do not care for Christianity as well. They are both myths and each in their own way is quite contradictory.

The Arab spring went wrong in places but that does not mean it was not moral and right in what it wanted. The rise of right wing racists in Europe is not a thing to be celebratory about. We know what it did and the wars it imitated in the beginning of the last century so you being in a state of bliss at these events is quite ridiculous.

The idea that the world will be better with ethnic nationalism or nativism is as stupid a conclusion as you can get. Every aspect of our modern life is a consequence of the world being a large place where people freely interact and where there a degree of porosity of borders is necessary. One cannot hide behind physical and ideological walls.

This is a tiny world and conceptually a fragment of our solar system and infinitesimal to the galaxy much less the universe. It is  the only one we have so the people of earth is not to achieve their best if they are not to unite around their common humanity. Blakanization is the sure part to lose even this tiniest of habitable space.

Trump is a backward step but humanity has stumbled before.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Trump have all these Fullahs and technocratic naysayers going bananas.  So much was said about him for over a year since the Primaries.  Dem big-talkers like D2, Caribj and Kari [now VVP] wrote very elongated dissertations as to why Trump will never win.  Well, he won, confounding all the naysayers.

Their's are some good material for Psycho Analysts to study how the "bright went blind!"  Maybe these "bright-boys" wore too dark sunshades, or maybe they got blinded by their own "brightness"!

Baseman predicted Trump could win because he related to the average voter!  Islamism and the economic hallowing out created the environment for this reactionary sentiment.  This had more appeal than people realize.  Ben Carson's popularity spiked when he said a Muslim should never be president.  This sentiment was simmering for a while and Bernie Sanders also saw it, at least on the economic front!

Trump will take the path he set out.  He will achieve some, but not all, or not fully.  He transformed the political thought process and landscape in the US and will transform the nation like no recent president.  Trump will take his case to the people whenever he faces internal headwinds.  He will be a true to heart populist people's president (mark what I said).  The effects of "Trumpism" will be with us for a long time, maybe 25-40 years!

These GNI [wannabe] "brain-thrusts" are/were lost in the weeds munching and chewing on every blade of Liberal grass trying to figure out the good, the bad and the indifferent.  Trump came through like a cyclone and left them scurrying for cover and bewildered what hit them!

Hillary should have taken a leaf out of Bill's book.  He was "big and tall", yet made himself small and humble, reaching the people at all sections of society.  He was relateable, she was not, and she could not replicate Obama's "likability" factor.  This was just too much for her to integrate!

Working people love rich people who can relate to them and despise technocrats who look down on them!  Her famous "basket of deplorables" comment cemented that perception of her!

Just like the Arab Spring, we are having a Western renaissance of sorts where the working class are reacting to changes out of their control.  We first saw the Grexit attempt, then Brexit, now Trumpism and check out what's happening in Italy, France and Austria (Germany will be next).  This is a modern-day revolution within democratic systems.  It is not a revolution of the poor vs the rich but one of the underdog vs elitism!

The entire concept of Liberalism and a "flat world" is being rejected for more conservative and "ring-fenced" economies focused on controlled nationalism vs free for all globalism!  The world will settle at the happy medium, but it will take a decade or so!

However, I must give credit to Obama for Iran and Cuba.  His unclinched fist policies did bear fruit here.  Trump [and Putin] will now have to slap lil sense in the Wahabs and bring them to the table for lil "halal poke"!

yes trump won and by the merest of margins but that does not mean the viewpoints stated previously about him is to be forgotten. They were firmly held views and not in any way repudiated by his win.

I do not care for the religion of islam but if Carson's contempt for islam is what makes him popular t hat is unfortunate.  The reason I do not care for Islam is the reason I do not care for Christianity as well. They are both myths and each in their own way is quite contradictory.

The Arab spring went wrong in places but that does not mean it was not moral and right in what it wanted. The rise of right wing racists in Europe is not a thing to be celebratory about. We know what it did and the wars it imitated in the beginning of the last century so you being in a state of bliss at these events is quite ridiculous.

The idea that the world will be better with ethnic nationalism or nativism is as stupid a conclusion as you can get. Every aspect of our modern life is a consequence of the world being a large place where people freely interact and where there a degree of porosity of borders is necessary. One cannot hide behind physical and ideological walls.

This is a tiny world and conceptually a fragment of our solar system and infinitesimal to the galaxy much less the universe. It is  the only one we have so the people of earth is not to achieve their best if they are not to unite around their common humanity. Blakanization is the sure part to lose even this tiniest of habitable space.

Trump is a backward step but humanity has stumbled before.

Well, your candidate LOST!

ba$eman posted:

Well, your candidate LOST!

You are like those right wing nut jobs screaming on TV. Losing a battle is nothing on the struggle that must be. Trump and his racist clan did not create t he america we have and Make america Great again may be a clarion crow to revert to jim crow but we won that war and will win this one.

Austria give us hope


Austria kicks the right wing to the curb

Far-right candidate Norbert Hofer has lost Austria's presidential election. On Facebook, he described himself as "infinitely sad" and congratulated Alexander Van der Bellen, former head of the Greens, on his victory. Although the post is ceremonial in Austria, the poll had been seen as a sign of how well populist candidates might do elsewhere in Europe. Mr Van der Bellen called the result a vote for a "pro-European" Austria based on "freedom, equality and solidarity". Established parties and European Union leaders are likely to welcome the result. France, the Netherlands and Germany all face elections next year in which anti-mainstream and anti-immigration parties are gaining ground. A referendum under way in Italy is being closely followed for further signs of anti-establishment populism, with polls suggesting a setback for centre-left Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. But the Austrian results surprised many.
ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Well, your candidate LOST!

You are like those right wing nut jobs screaming on TV. Losing a battle is nothing on the struggle that must be. Trump and his racist clan did not create t he america

Well, you were wrong then, you are wrong now, you will be wrong tomorrow!!

The days are long gone when racist can rule the world. It is long gone when one can hide behind borders and be successful. America's place is leadership in the world and Trump will bend to that or be booted from office.

Actually, he has more obstacles. Trickle down never worked so he better look to modify with some Keynesian metrics or lose. His cabinet looks like a rich people convention and that alone is an ankle weight. The secretary of education, for example,  is a rabid charter schools supporter ( her brother is the backwater founder) so look to lots of kick back there for one.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Well, you were wrong then, you are wrong now, you will be wrong tomorrow!!

The days are long gone when racist can rule the world. It is long gone when one can hide behind borders and be successful. America's place is leadership in the world and Trump will bend to that or be booted from office.

Actually, he has more obstacles. Trickle down never worked so he better look to modify with some Keynesian metrics or lose. His cabinet looks like a rich people convention and that alone is an ankle weight. The secretary of education, for example,  is a rabid charter schools supporter ( her brother is the backwater founder) so look to lots of kick back there for one.

As I said, you are chewing on Liberal grass.  You did not get it, you don't get it, you will never get it!!

Welcome to Trumponomics and Trumpism!!

ba$eman posted:

As I said, you are chewing on Liberal grass.  You did not get it, you don't get it, you will never get it!!

Welcome to Trumponomics and Trumpism!!

What is there to get? I know losers when I see them....however much they celebrate small victories. America is better because of progressive thinking not because of racist supremacists.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

As I said, you are chewing on Liberal grass.  You did not get it, you don't get it, you will never get it!!

Welcome to Trumponomics and Trumpism!!

What is there to get? I know losers when I see them....however much they celebrate small victories. America is better because of progressive thinking not because of racist supremacists.

Good for you then!

Hail TRUMP!!  Hail the people!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

As I said, you are chewing on Liberal grass.  You did not get it, you don't get it, you will never get it!!

Welcome to Trumponomics and Trumpism!!

What is there to get? I know losers when I see them....however much they celebrate small victories. America is better because of progressive thinking not because of racist supremacists.

Good for you then!

Hail TRUMP!!  Hail the people!

As I noted earlier, you are not designed to get it. You are a somnambulist through life, gladly accepting to be led or nudged as the case may be by  your latent programming. You are as a flawed machine, to be recalled not because of the flaw but because by definition you are not what is the identity of the machine.

Trump is an anamoly no less. Unlike machines that we recall these are social monads playing out a perspective across an increment of time so their latent errors are exposed and sanitized and discounted against what it is that constitute the identity of america. It is history as agent of shaping a reality we call America.

Trump's way has no avenue for expression and adoption as a cultural prescription for America or the world. He is a liar, a demagogue, a narcissist, a sexist, a latent sexual predator, a racist and most of all a small minded dunce. Those are all recall criteria not adoptable traits.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

Good for you then!

Hail TRUMP!!  Hail the people!

As I noted earlier, you are not designed to get it. You are a somnambulist through life, gladly accepting to be led or nudged as the case may be by  your latent programming. You are as a flawed machine, to be recalled not because of the flaw but because by definition you are not what is the identity of the machine.

Trump is an anamoly no less. Unlike machines that we recall these are social monads playing out a perspective across an increment of time so their latent errors are exposed and sanitized and discounted against what it is that constitute the identity of america. It is history as agent of shaping a reality we call America.

Trump's way has no avenue for expression and adoption as a cultural prescription for America or the world. He is a liar, a demagogue, a narcissist, a sexist, a latent sexual predator, a racist and most of all a small minded dunce. Those are all recall criteria not adoptable traits.

As I said, Trump won, Hillary Lost, the rest is history!!  Trump will be very impactful in the US and Globally!!  It matters not what you Liberals think, the world is changing right under your feet!!

The collapse of the "Blue wall" is synonymous as the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  And now here comes the Mexican wall!

Chief posted:

Baseman you and your cohorts believe in erecting walls for if you guys had a Chace you would have created a wall between Indians and non Indians in Guyana.

Fortunately there are others who love to tear down walls and build bridges instead.

Some walls are good, some walls are bad!  Buxton should have been walled off!  The Israelis built a very effective wall!  The US needs the same with Mx!  No wall for Canada, not just yet!

ba$eman posted:

As I said, Trump won, Hillary Lost, the rest is history!!  Trump will be very impactful in the US and Globally!!  It matters not what you Liberals think, the world is changing right under your feet!!

The collapse of the "Blue wall" is synonymous as the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  And now here comes the Mexican wall!

Your stupid rant that Hillary lost does not mean the view of a different America is wrong. It means it waits it's time and that will be soon since this fellow will not satiate the thirst he caused in an eager group for vast increase in productive capacities. As I said, those are as promised virgins to he religious fanatics...fiction

Indeed he will be impactful locally and globally. All presidents do. The matter is  his anti muslim rant and his build a wall rant and his trade war promise that will and cannot come about. What ever you think collapsed, the spirit that is america did not. A bunch of people motivated by his racism, and anti immigrant verbiage were moved to vote for him based on delusions of a white supremacist regime. That is theirs and yours wishful thinking.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

As I said, Trump won, Hillary Lost, the rest is history!!  Trump will be very impactful in the US and Globally!!  It matters not what you Liberals think, the world is changing right under your feet!!

The collapse of the "Blue wall" is synonymous as the collapse of the Berlin Wall.  And now here comes the Mexican wall!

Your stupid rant that Hillary lost does not mean the view of a different America is wrong. It means it waits it's time and that will be soon since this fellow will not satiate the thirst he caused in an eager group for vast increase in productive capacities. As I said, those are as promised virgins to he religious fanatics...fiction

Indeed he will be impactful locally and globally. All presidents do. The matter is  his anti muslim rant and his build a wall rant and his trade war promise that will and cannot come about. What ever you think collapsed, the spirit that is america did not. A bunch of people motivated by his racism, and anti immigrant verbiage were moved to vote for him based on delusions of a white supremacist regime. That is theirs and yours wishful thinking.

D2, you are out in the cold!!

ba$eman posted:

D2, you are out in the cold!!

As, I said, you are the typical trumpeter who thinks the office of the presidency is the temple of eternal warmth. my life saw more years of contrary republicans than democrats so Trump is a bump in the road and while inconsequential to my life specifically is an uneasy social ambiance in general. No sir, I am well cocooned up in my personal space. I worry more for america in general as this free range idiot takes over.


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