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Former Member

ISTANBUL, Turkey — The Islamic State is currently holding thousands of people hostage inside ISIS territory, having taken members of the minority Yazidi sect captive this summer during a brutal campaign across northern Iraq.


While the United Nations has put the number of captives at about 2,500, other estimates are as high as 7,000. And prospects for any rescue are bleak.

Even as the U.S. and its allies bomb ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, the group has managed to hold on to key cities where it is reviving the practice of slavery.


Many Yazidi families at the refugee camp near the town of Khanki in Iraq have lost loved ones after ISIS fighters overran their villages this summer

Image: Emily Feldman


The latest edition of Dabiq, an ISIS magazine, includes an impassioned argument for the practice as well as an account of how the Yazidi women from the Sinjar region of Iraq were distributed among the fighters.

“The Yazidi women and children were divided according to the Shariah amongst the fighters of the Islamic State who participated in the Sinjar be divided as khums," a kind of tax.

"The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the Islamic State soldiers.”

"The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the Islamic State soldiers.”

The magazine also warns “weak-minded and weak-hearted” ISIS followers who might question or object to the practice of slavery.

“Enslaving the families of the [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah,” the article says. “If one were to deny or mock [it], he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Quran.”

Amsha Ali Alyas ISIS Escape 01

Amsha Ali Alyas managed to escape after she had been sold as a slave to an ISIS commander when the militants overran her village

Image: Emily Feldman

The article's description of how prisoners were dealt with closely mirrors accounts from the few who have escaped or managed to contact their loved-ones by phone.

Women were sold at slave markets, forced to marry and imprisoned in the homes of ISIS fighters

Women were sold at slave markets, forced to marry and imprisoned in the homes of ISIS fighters across both Iraq and Syria.

In August as the radical group advanced toward the Sinjar mountains, home to the minority sect who practice an ancient religion that ISIS leaders consider sinful, word quickly spread about the militants' brutality and how they were taking young women as slaves and forcing families to choose between death and conversion to Islam.


As the militants approached the Yazidi villages near the Iraqi town of Rabia, Farman Suleiman Hasan, a 41-year-old farmer and de-facto head of his community, began to worry about his his oldest daughters.


Farman Suleiman Hasan hid his oldest daughters in a pit he dug on his farmland in Northern Iraq to save them from ISIS kidnapping.

Image: Emily Feldman

Horrified by the prospect of their abduction, he hatched a plan to protect them—digging a deep hole in the ground and instructing his daughters to hide there.

As the black-clad fighters arrived under the ISIS banners, they rounded up other Yazidis and forced them to recite the shahada, a Muslim profession of faith. Appeased by their conversion, the fighters did not linger but warned that they would come back.


“It was terrifying,” Hasan said. “Everyone was crying because we thought we had abandoned our religion. It was a very painful thing.”


Farman Suleiman Hasan's entire family was forced to convert to Islam by ISIS fighters who captured their village. Hasan told his children they were playing

Image: Emily Feldman

True to their word, the fighters returned days later and continued to return, several times a week, to deliver Islamic instruction. Each time they approached, Hasan's oldest daughters scrambled into the pit and cowered to avoid detection.


For weeks, this dark routine continued.

Eventually, the girls' nerves had become so frayed, they began discussing suicide.

Eventually, the girls' nerves had become so frayed, they began discussing suicide. When Hasan discovered his daughters had become so distressed they were thinking of taking their own lives, he decided it was time to flee. The family managed to escape to Dohuk, 90 miles away, where they now live as refugees.

This week, Human Rights Watch released a report, warning that the abduction and abuse of Yazidi civilians may amount to crimes against humanity.


Yazidi refugees in the Khanki refugee camp in Iraq. Their villages were overrun by ISIS fighters.


Image: Emily Feldman

Yet the murky situation in both Syria and Iraq is expected to complicate both the investigation and prosecution of ISIS crimes, which are continuing to mount.


“Right now, Iraq has its hands full and does not have the capacity to investigate all the abuses,” said Letta Tayler, a researcher at Human Rights Watch. “The country is in a state of war, there is a new prime minister, now they have international intervention. I just don't think it's realistic that Iraq can prosecute these crimes on its own.”

In the meantime, thousands of women and children are still held captive inside ISIS territory, with little hope of being freed any time soon.


Two Yazidi girls in a refugee camp in Iraq. Their villages were overrun by ISIS militants.


Image: Emily Feldman

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Topics: iraq, Isis, slaves, Syria, US & World, World, yazidi

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyana should invite and accept any Yazidi that will come to live until such time as they chose to return to that native lands. It should extend that invitation to any of the minority religious communities that are now becoming extinct in the ME.


The past 40 years, Muslims of all ilk have systematically began to eradicate all of the old non Muslim cultures in the region. It has become the Muslim ethos that only Muslim are to live in "Muslim lands" not caring to accept that these are  cultures are oleaginous and predate Mohamed by hundreds and some thousands of years.

Whislt you are at it Guyana should invite all muslims who are being persecuted in places such as Burma, China, and in some controlled Russian provinces.


Do not forget to  invite all the Haitians who are still living in huts that  was displaced by the earthquake.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyana should invite and accept any Yazidi that will come to live until such time as they chose to return to that native lands. It should extend that invitation to any of the minority religious communities that are now becoming extinct in the ME.


The past 40 years, Muslims of all ilk have systematically began to eradicate all of the old non Muslim cultures in the region. It has become the Muslim ethos that only Muslim are to live in "Muslim lands" not caring to accept that these are  cultures are oleaginous and predate Mohamed by hundreds and some thousands of years.

Whislt you are at it Guyana should invite all muslims who are being persecuted in places such as Burma, China, and in some controlled Russian provinces.


Do not forget to  invite all the Haitians who are still living in huts that  was displaced by the earthquake.



Burma and China are their own struggles. I am talking about people who are made stateless by Muslims in the region.


I also not averse to Muslims who are stateless.


 Repost because the original text had autocorrect gremlin "oleaginous" instead of "indigenous" that distorted my meaning


Guyana should invite and accept any Yazidi that will come to live until such time as they chose to return to that native lands. It should extend that invitation to any of the minority religious communities that are now becoming extinct in the ME.


The past 40 years, Muslims of all ilk have systematically began to eradicate all of the old non Muslim cultures in the region. It has become the Muslim ethos that only Muslim are to live in "Muslim lands" not caring to accept that these are  cultures are indigenous to  and predate Mohamed by hundreds and some thousands of years.


I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


Why don't you say that some of ISIS financing came from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arab nations who support the Sunnis strengthening their power in the Middle East over their hated Shia rivals? What relevance does it have that they are allies of America? They are also allies of many other nations all over the EU and elsewhere. America does not support the ISIS madness and is on the frontline of the fight against them and providing money and resources for that fight too.


What makes me want to puke is when people who claim to be moderate Muslims provide tacit support for terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, The Taliban, etc., by trying to blame America. All these stupid theories about dancing Israelis, Bush bombed the Towers, America supports ISIS, is all rubbish. Put the freaking blame for this madness at the feet of the people who are doing it not on America.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



did you check what the acronym ISIS means?


The press aint linking ISIS to Islamic faith, ISIS linking ISIS to Islamic faith...

Satan also said he was a man from God.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


Why don't you say that some of ISIS financing came from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arab nations who support the Sunnis strengthening their power in the Middle East over their hated Shia rivals? What relevance does it have that they are allies of America? They are also allies of many other nations all over the EU and elsewhere. America does not support the ISIS madness and is on the frontline of the fight against them and providing money and resources for that fight too.


What makes me want to puke is when people who claim to be moderate Muslims provide tacit support for terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, The Taliban, etc., by trying to blame America. All these stupid theories about dancing Israelis, Bush bombed the Towers, America supports ISIS, is all rubbish. Put the freaking blame for this madness at the feet of the people who are doing it not on America.

You are correct that Saudi Arabia and other countries that have their  own interests to protect were all behind the ISIS until it backfired on them. 


America is still the super power of the world and until they can be a fair broker the world will be in turmoil. President Obama tried when he supported the overthrow of the dictator from Egypt but then look what happened, every thing reversed in two years and Egypt is back under martial rule. 


AMERICA HAS MADE IT CLEAR TO THE WORLD THAT THEY WILL STAND WITH iSRAEL regardless of all the sins and atrocities that are being carried out on the Palestinians, so I cannot see why you are saying that America is blameless.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some Muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recent acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


If your imams are speaking out they are not doing it forcefully. Like the fellow on the link above they have been instead pandering to the idea of Muslim victimization in complete denial of what is an odium in western societies that has accepted most of these mu slims as refugees.


My sister was in Luton in the spring of 2011 and she said she was just minding her own business and sight seeing. On more than one occasion she was called names for her clothing etc by crude men who shouted her down. I did not believe it could be happening in London at this time in our history. But here it was, the same thing happening to another


Do you think this is not in concert with the Imams? The same thing is happening in Belgium, Sweden, France. Holland...every place that were liberal societies opened its arms. I think bill Mahar is right. The accusation that one is complaining too much because of religious prejudices is bull crap. I say the same to any lefty liberal and I am a lefty.


My point is there are many kinds of Muslim and the insistence that one complains of some Muslims one is speaking against Islam is bunk.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


Why don't you say that some of ISIS financing came from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arab nations who support the Sunnis strengthening their power in the Middle East over their hated Shia rivals? What relevance does it have that they are allies of America? They are also allies of many other nations all over the EU and elsewhere. America does not support the ISIS madness and is on the frontline of the fight against them and providing money and resources for that fight too.


What makes me want to puke is when people who claim to be moderate Muslims provide tacit support for terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, The Taliban, etc., by trying to blame America. All these stupid theories about dancing Israelis, Bush bombed the Towers, America supports ISIS, is all rubbish. Put the freaking blame for this madness at the feet of the people who are doing it not on America.

You are correct that Saudi Arabia and other countries that have their  own interests to protect were all behind the ISIS until it backfired on them. 


America is still the super power of the world and until they can be a fair broker the world will be in turmoil. President Obama tried when he supported the overthrow of the dictator from Egypt but then look what happened, every thing reversed in two years and Egypt is back under martial rule. 


AMERICA HAS MADE IT CLEAR TO THE WORLD THAT THEY WILL STAND WITH iSRAEL regardless of all the sins and atrocities that are being carried out on the Palestinians, so I cannot see why you are saying that America is blameless.

Obama had no choice in stopping the overthrow of Mubarak. What was he going to do? Send it ground troops to stop the revolution? Not in the cards. Mubarak reached the end of the road as a dictator and the people revolted. End of story. The US cannot micro manage the inner workings of every country on Earth.


If America did not support Israel as a nation, they would have ceased to exist a long time ago. Here we have 8 million Israelis surrounded by 300 million Arabs wanting to wipe them off the map. The Palestinians and Israelis have a lot of blame to share in their conflict. No one party is innocent. It is a long and complicated one and to reach the conclusion that America is to blame would be just simplistic. 


What does this have to do with ISIS anyway? Is this another attempt on your part to blame America for the ISIS madness? Same thing I was just talking about. When all else fails, finds all kinds of shyte to blame America.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


" Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion."

The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS.


OI Chief, NO I do not attend mosques to hear any of this, neither do the rest of folk who believe a Muslim is a Muslim,end of story. How can I not side with them when I read; 



"The enslaved Yazidi families are now sold by the Islamic State soldiers.”

The magazine also warns “weak-minded and weak-hearted” ISIS followers who might question or object to the practice of slavery.

“Enslaving the families of the [infidels] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah,” the article says. “If one were to deny or mock [it], he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Quran.”



What's written up there, is it for real?  Chief, so far the only Muslim/Islamic person here that I have seen, who came out and spoke against these monsters without casting blame elsewhere, is Kaz.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I have been a strong defender of Islam.


But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam.


Many white Canadians do not have a positive impression of Islam lately and Canada is a very tolerant country. The defining silence on the part of Islamic leaders on condemning the recents acts of terrorism against westerners is brewing up a lot of resentment.


It is coming to a boiling point that will may day explode.


I must side with Storm on this one.



Every time I hear someone make this statement " But what I see is a reflection on the part of some muslims failure to become more vocal in their condemnation of terrorist elements who have defamed Islam" I fell like throwing up on that person. Is either  they are saying this form pure ignorance or being malicious. Do you and any of the others who make this stupid assertion attend the mosques to hear what is being preached? Since 9/11 almost every Friday prayers, Imaams go out of thier way to point out that violence is no part of our religion.


The religion of Islam in no way teaches violence and the type of behaviour that are being displayed by ISIS. This notorious group did not spring from thin air. They are organized and well financed and as Vice President Biden admitted, they were financed by some of America allies. The press and others who have a beef with Islam is having a field day linking ISIS actions as that of the Islamic faith.


Why don't you say that some of ISIS financing came from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Arab nations who support the Sunnis strengthening their power in the Middle East over their hated Shia rivals? What relevance does it have that they are allies of America? They are also allies of many other nations all over the EU and elsewhere. America does not support the ISIS madness and is on the frontline of the fight against them and providing money and resources for that fight too.


What makes me want to puke is when people who claim to be moderate Muslims provide tacit support for terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, The Taliban, etc., by trying to blame America. All these stupid theories about dancing Israelis, Bush bombed the Towers, America supports ISIS, is all rubbish. Put the freaking blame for this madness at the feet of the people who are doing it not on America.

You are correct that Saudi Arabia and other countries that have their  own interests to protect were all behind the ISIS until it backfired on them. 


America is still the super power of the world and until they can be a fair broker the world will be in turmoil. President Obama tried when he supported the overthrow of the dictator from Egypt but then look what happened, every thing reversed in two years and Egypt is back under martial rule. 


AMERICA HAS MADE IT CLEAR TO THE WORLD THAT THEY WILL STAND WITH iSRAEL regardless of all the sins and atrocities that are being carried out on the Palestinians, so I cannot see why you are saying that America is blameless.

Dude,  military rule in Equpt as disgusting as it is was brought about by muslim fanatics in the brotherhood who got the chance to do right went about to do wrong. Is it not the same thing in Iraq that saw the rise of ISIS?


There is the great myth of one Islam pedaled by people like you when the world sees the disunity, plural interpretations of the good book resulting is the demonic hordes like ISIS but yet you insist that one is against Islam. Muslims do Islam ( if it is that perfect religion) a disservice when they refuse to convene a council to get their faith right.


The Shis and Sunni dispute need not come into the discussion but equality for women, religious plurality ( despite the one god thesis since we must share the space) are among the things that can set the path right.


Do not blame America and Israel for what is going on in the Muslim world. Israel did not create the Taliban or Al Qaeda etc .Even Hezbollah is fighting ISIS!

Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

The Brits and the Belgian and the french created the Saudis.  They did not create wahabism. They had a hands off policy because Saudi had oil. Of course they could have gone in given the post mercantilism era in which we were speaking of, and take the damn place back. However, they let it forge its way. They are not responsible for it nor are the Americans. They as odious as they are, are preferable to ISIS or what is happening in Libya and Yemen where tribalism is now the dominant political organization. It seems modern Islam cannot self organize and that is where the Imam fails them.




ISIS did not come out of the sky, neither was the Taliban nor any of the other groups that are wreaking havoc on innocent people.


These groups were formed and financed by countries who think that they can do they their  dirty work and in every instance it back fired.


I am not defending my religion  and only pointing out that what  is  the root cause  for all this evil violence by such groups as ISIS. Don't be surprised that another group will be formed to fight ISIS and just like Al Quieda and the Taliban they will become rouge to their masters.


Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

Saying that America is to blame for all these conflicts is just simplistic. Whatever foreign policy America adapts, the "I hate America" crowd will find an excuse to blame them anyway. Even those who live in America and enjoy all that this great country provides for them. 


What do these conflicts have to do with ISIS anyway? For once can't you blame your fellow Muslims instead of trying to blame America?


IS there a hadith which states that a Muslim should not blame a fellow Muslim but should leave it up to Allah on Judgement Day? I remember reading this once but I can't quite put my hands on it. I'm wondering if this is the reason that you and many other Muslims would never blame groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda for their atrocities.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

The Brits and the Belgian and the french created the Saudis.  They did not create wahabism. They had a hands off policy because Saudi had oil. Of course they could have gone in given the post mercantilism era in which we were speaking of, and take the damn place back. However, they let it forge its way. They are not responsible for it nor are the Americans. They as odious as they are, are preferable to ISIS or what is happening in Libya and Yemen where tribalism is now the dominant political organization. It seems modern Islam cannot self organize and that is where the Imam fails them.

There is nothing like modern Islam!!

Just like the Bible and other religious books , the message was then, now and forever.

Originally Posted by Chief:



ISIS did not come out of the sky, neither was the Taliban nor any of the other groups that are wreaking havoc on innocent people.


These groups were formed and financed by countries who think that they can do they their  dirty work and in every instance it back fired.


I am not defending my religion  and only pointing out that what  is  the root cause  for all this evil violence by such groups as ISIS. Don't be surprised that another group will be formed to fight ISIS and just like Al Quieda and the Taliban they will become rouge to their masters.


You again do the usual dodge. The Taliban follow a specific creed from one of the founders of the brotherhood, Sayyid Qutb,  who by the way came to america and went back rejecting its way life. He is the father of the mythological revivalist Islam that aims at recapturing some golden era in Islam. There is none such, even Al Andalus was not such a place. He is also the father of the Taliban. If those fellows you claim were clients of America how come they did not abstract our ways of inclusiveness and tolerance but instead revert to some medieval religious fanaticism that us unheard of elsewhere in modern times.

Last edited by Former Member


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

The Brits and the Belgian and the french created the Saudis.  They did not create wahabism. They had a hands off policy because Saudi had oil. Of course they could have gone in given the post mercantilism era in which we were speaking of, and take the damn place back. However, they let it forge its way. They are not responsible for it nor are the Americans. They as odious as they are, are preferable to ISIS or what is happening in Libya and Yemen where tribalism is now the dominant political organization. It seems modern Islam cannot self organize and that is where the Imam fails them.

There is nothing like modern Islam!!

Just like the Bible and other religious books , the message was then, now and forever.

That is the point....the bible has all of those horrible prohibitions but Christians do not stone their women, throw them out after their period for a cleansing etc...


They understand we live in a world with many cultures including Muslims so one must respect them if not believe in their faith. In short, Muslims need to realize Mohamed  12 or so wives and male dominance as good rules in  his era is incompatible with modern reality. I dare say I would not mind more than one wives!


Islam has to adjust for the world it it want to be in the world otherwise it will have to force us to submit like ISIS  is doing!


And yes, the bible is interpreted in hundreds of ways and all compatible with christianity so it is a modern religion and a modern interpretation of the book Note we do not have an the inquisition anywhere and nowhere are Christians told to follow this rule to be a christian or else off with your head!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

The Brits and the Belgian and the french created the Saudis.  They did not create wahabism. They had a hands off policy because Saudi had oil. Of course they could have gone in given the post mercantilism era in which we were speaking of, and take the damn place back. However, they let it forge its way. They are not responsible for it nor are the Americans. They as odious as they are, are preferable to ISIS or what is happening in Libya and Yemen where tribalism is now the dominant political organization. It seems modern Islam cannot self organize and that is where the Imam fails them.

There is nothing like modern Islam!!

Just like the Bible and other religious books , the message was then, now and forever.

That is the point....the bible has all of those horrible prohibitions but Christians do not stone their women, throw them out after their period for a cleansing etc...


They understand we live in a world with many cultures including Muslims so one must respect them if not believe in their faith. In short, Muslims need to realize Mohamed and his 12 or so wives and male dominance of his era is incompatible with modern reality.


Islam has to adjust for the world it it want to be in the world otherwise it will have to force us to submit like ISIS  is doing!

As an atheist you are entitled to your convoluted opinion as to which religion has to change, poor you!!

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

Again, you are selling a tall tale. The Mujaheddin were supported to fight the Russians not to form the Taliban or Al Queda each of which had their resident imams guiding their creed.


Those fellows inquibated these horrible systems and the receptiveness to it among the masses as a just creed  speak to a failing of the supposed moderate branches of Islam to seal the faith from corruption.

Last edited by Former Member

Stop blaming US for Middle East backwardness...imagine you have all the oil in the world, and choose to bomb your own in marketplaces, mosques etc etc


ME need to get their houses in order...but order in not in their vocubularly...except for ah couple ah dem 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:



Saying that America is blameless in all these conflicts is like saying the rulers of Saudi Arabia are  not corrupt. 

The Brits and the Belgian and the french created the Saudis.  They did not create wahabism. They had a hands off policy because Saudi had oil. Of course they could have gone in given the post mercantilism era in which we were speaking of, and take the damn place back. However, they let it forge its way. They are not responsible for it nor are the Americans. They as odious as they are, are preferable to ISIS or what is happening in Libya and Yemen where tribalism is now the dominant political organization. It seems modern Islam cannot self organize and that is where the Imam fails them.

There is nothing like modern Islam!!

Just like the Bible and other religious books , the message was then, now and forever.

That is the point....the bible has all of those horrible prohibitions but Christians do not stone their women, throw them out after their period for a cleansing etc...


They understand we live in a world with many cultures including Muslims so one must respect them if not believe in their faith. In short, Muslims need to realize Mohamed and his 12 or so wives and male dominance of his era is incompatible with modern reality.


Islam has to adjust for the world it it want to be in the world otherwise it will have to force us to submit like ISIS  is doing!

As an atheist you are entitled to your convoluted opinion as to which religion has to change, poor you!!

Here you are trying to sell a basket of dubious facts as real. If Islam is to remain the same sterile faith it will produce the same misogynistic intolerant fools as in ISIS. If as you say I am wrong then I await for you to tell me where is the flowering of the faith per the good book? Surely not any place in the muslim world. Unfortunately for you, the best practices of Islam is found outside the so called muslim world


I note you insist my atheism is convoluted. To the contrary, its only creed is everything goes except the right to oppress another on any religious or non religious creed.


It is not modern or old it is original.It is of no book but the ground on which all books are fermented and brewed into religious dogma. It is where you end up back when you claim to see god, your humanity!


You were not born a Muslim. You were born an unbeliever who had to be conditioned into the faith. I am of the original faith secular humanism.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

The US may have tried to help these groups from the inception but these nasty as they are...turned away...bit the hand that fed them. This is why they have to wiped out and this is why you have to stop shifting blame.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

The US may have tried to help these groups from the inception but these nasty as they are...turned away...bit the hand that fed them. This is why they have to wiped out and this is why you have to stop shifting blame.

These groups did not exist. They were constituted when the Soviets left Afghanistan and the US did not care to go in per congressman Wilson, and fill the gap.


These fellows and their peculiar brand of Islam came. They created a tyrannical system antithetical to every western ideal. To top it off, the set themselves up as against the west and spent their time percolating schemes to destroy the west. 911 was one of those.


When this fellow say the west created the Taliban he is simply obfuscating and lying to himself because Muslims like him need someone to blame rather than face the reality that what is his perfect creed spawned these monsters.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

The US may have tried to help these groups from the inception but these nasty as they are...turned away...bit the hand that fed them. This is why they have to wiped out and this is why you have to stop shifting blame.

Bit the hand that fed them, that's the correct term. 

What about if the some people and countries stop feeding them period. What is the motive to feed them?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

Again, you are selling a tall tale. The Mujaheddin were supported to fight the Russians not to form the Taliban or Al Queda each of which had their resident imams guiding their creed.


Those fellows inquibated these horrible systems and the receptiveness to it among the masses as a just creed  speak to a failing of the supposed moderate branches of Islam to seal the faith from corruption.

Wasn't George Bush warned not to invade Iraq? The same folks taht America trained to fight the Russians turned around and up to this day still kicking America's ass. When will America learn? Or is it the we are oil junkies?

Now war has been declared and today ISIS and other splinter groups are a direct result of the invasion.Iraq is split in three,  you D2 was one who was against the invasion and you echoed the similar   views at the beginning of the invasion. Today is Iraq is actually split in three.


All of a sudden Islam is bad, what a load of crap. See who started it and let's see where it will end.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

Again, you are selling a tall tale. The Mujaheddin were supported to fight the Russians not to form the Taliban or Al Queda each of which had their resident imams guiding their creed.


Those fellows inquibated these horrible systems and the receptiveness to it among the masses as a just creed  speak to a failing of the supposed moderate branches of Islam to seal the faith from corruption.

Wasn't George Bush warned not to invade Iraq? The same folks taht America trained to fight the Russians turned around and up to this day still kicking America's ass. When will America learn? Or is it the we are oil junkies?

Now war has been declared and today ISIS and other splinter groups are a direct result of the invasion.Iraq is split in three,  you D2 was one who was against the invasion and you echoed the similar   views at the beginning of the invasion. Today is Iraq is actually split in three.


All of a sudden Islam is bad, what a load of crap. See who started it and let's see where it will end.



That does not mean you should sympathise and Condone TERRORISTS

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

Again, you are selling a tall tale. The Mujaheddin were supported to fight the Russians not to form the Taliban or Al Queda each of which had their resident imams guiding their creed.


Those fellows inquibated these horrible systems and the receptiveness to it among the masses as a just creed  speak to a failing of the supposed moderate branches of Islam to seal the faith from corruption.

Wasn't George Bush warned not to invade Iraq? The same folks taht America trained to fight the Russians turned around and up to this day still kicking America's ass. When will America learn? Or is it the we are oil junkies?

Now war has been declared and today ISIS and other splinter groups are a direct result of the invasion.Iraq is split in three,  you D2 was one who was against the invasion and you echoed the similar   views at the beginning of the invasion. Today is Iraq is actually split in three.


All of a sudden Islam is bad, what a load of crap. See who started it and let's see where it will end.



Yo bumba rass doan larn nuh, you got stik bruk in yo aze?  This is why dem guys say you backin dem guys pon the sly.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Chief:


You are wrong to say that I do not blame the idiots who are murdering in the name of Allah. I have made it very clear that their actions are not from the teachings of the Holy Quran.


You are mixing up my defense of  my religion as support for the murderers.


It's fine for you to defend your religion. What I still can't get is why does it have to include "America is to blame."  That to me is shifting the blame away from the murderers in ISIS especially since the US is trying to eradicate them.

Read my comments as to who incubated groups like Al Quieda and ISIS..

The US may have tried to help these groups from the inception but these nasty as they are...turned away...bit the hand that fed them. This is why they have to wiped out and this is why you have to stop shifting blame.

Bit the hand that fed them, that's the correct term. 

What about if the some people and countries stop feeding them period. What is the motive to feed them?

NAh we cyan stop, only thing, dis time we feedin dem rass bullets an bombs. I hope those scum are wiped out sooner rather than later.


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