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Former Member

Ok Folks.


Everyone here knows that yuji is a die hard PPP supporter. What you may not know is the yuji is a strong supporter of democracy and the will of the people. 


Overseas Guyanese made a valuable contribution to the restoration of democracy in Guyana. Many made great sacrifices and while asking for nothing in return, were never properly acknowledged by the PPP and felt betrayed. I am certain that deep down, they knew that they did the right thing for their country in breaking 28 years of PNC dictatorship rule.


Up to the last election, the PPP was elected by certified free and fair elections but for the first time had to govern with a minority. Many including myself saw this as a test of the will of politicians to govern Guyana for all Guyanese. This fell apart as old school politicians planted the seeds for partisan politics and Guyana has been further divided.


As Guyana made progress, the working class and blacks suffered since the tools for enhancing their economic progress was not available to them and Guyana seems to be a crossroad. It is like a bubble about to burst.


What I find troubling, is the refusal of the PPP to hold Local Elections despite pleas for NGO and Overseas Governments.  The PPP is using the "mood" of the people as and excuse no to hold election. And the latest bombshell is that the President will not sign the bill for Local Elections because the the Elections Commission is not ready to handle an election. This is also troubling since the bill was passed quite a while ago and it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that elections are held. It is not the "mood" of the people that decides, it is their elected representatives in Parliament who passed a motion for Local Elections.



I call on the PPP to respect the will of the people and hold Local Elections.





Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have been saying for a long time that the PPP is operating like a regime. They are spying on the people, breaking international laws, allowing drug dealers and the Chinese to take over the country, and stealing money and land left right and centre. These people are not Guyanese who have the well being of the country at heart. They are thieves and murderers who are using the party symbol "PPP" to fool the PPP supporters into keeping them in power. We need a revolution, or we won't have anything to go back to that resembles the Guyana that we know and love.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I have been saying for a long time that the PPP is operating like a regime. They are spying on the people, breaking international laws, allowing drug dealers and the Chinese to take over the country, and stealing money and land left right and centre. These people are not Guyanese who have the well being of the country at heart. They are thieves and murderers who are using the party symbol "PPP" to fool the PPP supporters into keeping them in power. We need a revolution, or we won't have anything to go back to that resembles the Guyana that we know and love.

you make your bed with thieves like RK and Ed AHmad, then you have attributes like them


Yugi, I think you as well as Nehru are beginning to see the light. I don't hate the PPP. It was always the party I supported. I hate lots of things that they are doing which I see as the "Burnhamism" we fought against. I was in High School when I learnt about the words "Cronyism, Nepotism" from Uncle Cheddi. Look at how the party has been highjacked by the elitists and the grass roots members are shut out from the decision making process.

Yugi I salute you for your post here.  


Some more eyes will open on GNI, like I did, I was the staunchest of supporters,

but when the President lied to me in his office about the land on the East Bank Corridor, I then realise that the PPP/C were corrupt.


Today needless to say I do own that piece of land on the East Bank Corridor. Someday I will share those pictures in the President's Office.




Mits, Gil and ASJ


I was defending a Dr. Jagan's PPP but realized that the PPP of today is nothing like what Dr. Jagan would have liked to see had he been alive. Dr. Jagan was not perfect but he was a lot better than what is left of the PPP today.


I am deeply disappointed with today's PPP and where they are taking Guyana. 

Last edited by Former Member

The PPP is still the most trusted party. They don't have a history of rigging elections nor depriving the poor. Their housing program benefitted all, especially the poor. Put their records besides those of the PNC and they shine like a star. The AFC has betrayed their promise to the nation that they will be an independent party. They are working in collusion with the PNC to undermine the gov't. This is very bad for a party that wants to be around for a long time. They are on the brink of political extinction. mark my word

Billy Ram Balgobin

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana.  Kick ass Jagdeo and Gaj tought Afros a ting about back-lash.  Today the Indian man is in a stronger position to bring about a just and better understanding in Guyana.  Baseman do believe however, that the great BJ should move aside and let it be.  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.


I hope Granger would find the wisdom to work with the new PPP and help "mold a common destiny" for all people of Guyana.  No more bullyism, no more oppression, the PNC and PPP will form a unity Govt that guarantees ethnic security.  Indians must never again be modern day slaves in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you are looking for another Cheddie Jagan I wish you luck. You are not going to find one like him in another hundred years. Criticizing the party and working with people who are worse than anything else around cannot be justified.

No one is rooting for another Cheddi. I understand that he could not have been - in fact no one could have been - a right-wing politician in post-colonial underdeveloped countries. You have to see if Cheddi measure up post-1992. The verdict is mixed.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you are looking for another Cheddie Jagan I wish you luck. You are not going to find one like him in another hundred years. Criticizing the party and working with people who are worse than anything else around cannot be justified.

Another Cheddie?  Lord help Guyana and abie kuhlies.  No Balgobin, your ass was kicked, assets robbed and you were deprived of your rights by the PNC all due to Cheddie.  No, we need a leader who will kick ass and hold a hand out at the same time.  Stop being a sorrowful ass chanting uncle Cheddie.


The "Critical Support" Cheddi really turned Baseman into a Cheddi-hater. No sweat but Cheddi's body of work has to be looked at in totality. It is clear though that those who left the shores of Guyana when Burnham had Cheddi's support do blame Cheddi for not standing up to his supporters. It is no wonder that this bunch of PPP is doing the same. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


But really Base, ass-kicking Jagdeo? What country has he bequeathed to this generation?

Originally Posted by Kari:

The "Critical Support" Cheddi really turned Baseman into a Cheddi-hater. No sweat but Cheddi's body of work has to be looked at in totality. It is clear though that those who left the shores of Guyana when Burnham had Cheddi's support do blame Cheddi for not standing up to his supporters. It is no wonder that this bunch of PPP is doing the same. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


But really Base, ass-kicking Jagdeo? What country has he bequeathed to this generation?

Baseman always had issues with Cheddie and his policies, nothing to do with "critical support" which was just a cop-out to ease up due to Burhham drift to the evil socialist philosophy.  Typical Jagan the clown.


When Burnham turned to the socialist world and gave full support to Soviet/Cuban intervention in Angola and Namibia it was an opportune time for the PPP play politics and oust the PNC from office with the support of the U.S. Burnham played that game in the early sixties and succeeded. Why Cheddie chose be an underdog can only be explained by his gritty commitment to ideology.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am not clamouring for another Cheddie to come again. He made terrible mistakes that caused him the leadership of the nation and ultimately the suffering of his people. I am giving credence to his integrity as a person. There is no political party or politician in Guyana today who you can confidently say will be honest like him. 

Billy B, you are hearing all sorts of biographical news about Cheddi being manipulated by his wife, and how much he's had to do with a cadre of supporters who played ball. Honesty should not be a characteristic that should be under discussion.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When Burnham turned to the socialist world and gave full support to Soviet/Cuban intervention in Angola and Namibia it was an opportune time for the PPP play politics and oust the PNC from office with the support of the U.S. Burnham played that game in the early sixties and succeeded. Why Cheddie chose be an underdog can only be explained by his gritty commitment to ideology.

He was stupid.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Kari:

The "Critical Support" Cheddi really turned Baseman into a Cheddi-hater. No sweat but Cheddi's body of work has to be looked at in totality. It is clear though that those who left the shores of Guyana when Burnham had Cheddi's support do blame Cheddi for not standing up to his supporters. It is no wonder that this bunch of PPP is doing the same. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


But really Base, ass-kicking Jagdeo? What country has he bequeathed to this generation?

Baseman always had issues with Cheddie and his policies, nothing to do with "critical support" which was just a cop-out to ease up due to Burhham drift to the evil socialist philosophy.  Typical Jagan the clown.

Baseman......Jagan or his family never get caught with Coke-in-de-*****....So tell us how he is a clown or Drug Runner. You do not like "Jagan and his party" but yuh want yuh Dunce Nephew to be Leader Today.........Why yuh think Yuji running away from aya thiefman, House of Israel Thugs, Buggery Gang and Drug Dealers now?????? NUFF Coke.....Coke-in-yuh-Batty & Coke-in-yuh-poke......THIS IS THE NEW PPP.
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana.  Kick ass Jagdeo and Gaj tought Afros a ting about back-lash.  Today the Indian man is in a stronger position to bring about a just and better understanding in Guyana.  Baseman do believe however, that the great BJ should move aside and let it be.  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.


I hope Granger would find the wisdom to work with the new PPP and help "mold a common destiny" for all people of Guyana.  No more bullyism, no more oppression, the PNC and PPP will form a unity Govt that guarantees ethnic security.  Indians must never again be modern day slaves in Guyana.


Dont put the burden on Mr Granger. Mr Jagdeo dont want to work with anyone.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana. ...  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.




Base, I have bad news for you. I'm no longer in the PPP but I still have friends there, and we keep in touch. I understand that a number of big PPP players are aware of your nephew Anil's presidential ambitions and they are planning to stop him in his tracks at the most opportune moment. Wait and see. I say no more.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana. ...  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.




Base, I have bad news for you. I'm no longer in the PPP but I still have friends there, and we keep in touch. I understand that a number of big PPP players are aware of your nephew Anil's presidential ambitions and they are planning to stop him in his tracks at the most opportune moment. Wait and see. I say no more.

I agree, it is the way of politics and how it is.  I was never in the PPP but know a number of these "big players".  Look how your friends in the AFC all blew themselves apart shooting at each other.  I say no more.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana.  Kick ass Jagdeo and Gaj tought Afros a ting about back-lash.  Today the Indian man is in a stronger position to bring about a just and better understanding in Guyana.  Baseman do believe however, that the great BJ should move aside and let it be.  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.


I hope Granger would find the wisdom to work with the new PPP and help "mold a common destiny" for all people of Guyana.  No more bullyism, no more oppression, the PNC and PPP will form a unity Govt that guarantees ethnic security.  Indians must never again be modern day slaves in Guyana.

Ha Ha.  Baseman accepts that his Nephew is Anil.  Confession is good for the soul Harry.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Baseman was never an admirer of Jagan, he is responsible for the demise of the Indian in Guyana.  Kick ass Jagdeo and Gaj tought Afros a ting about back-lash.  Today the Indian man is in a stronger position to bring about a just and better understanding in Guyana.  Baseman do believe however, that the great BJ should move aside and let it be.  Uncle Ramo is a good man and a good transition to the next leader, nephew Anil.


I hope Granger would find the wisdom to work with the new PPP and help "mold a common destiny" for all people of Guyana.  No more bullyism, no more oppression, the PNC and PPP will form a unity Govt that guarantees ethnic security.  Indians must never again be modern day slaves in Guyana.

Ha Ha.  Baseman accepts that his Nephew is Anil.  Confession is good for the soul Harry.

And how about you? Would you confess being KishanB? Might be good for your soul too.

Originally Posted by baseman:


I hope Granger would find the wisdom to work with the new PPP and help "mold a common destiny" for all people of Guyana. .


Your Indo clannishness on display as usual.  So its up to Granger to work with the PPP.   How come you didn't say that its up to Granger AND Ramotar to work  with each other given that NEITHER have the mandate to govern without consulting the other?


But you think that blacks are slaves so must always follow orders, and if they don't they are bad.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

. Kick ass Jagdeo and Gaj tought Afros a ting about back-lash. .

I don't know if you know but when Jagdeo first came in he was popular with an appreciable % of blacks, especially the females.


But when he start the "kick ass" behavior that is when he lost their support and deepened the distrust that blacks have towards the PPP specifically, but also Indians in general, because it is they who support the PPP.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok Folks.


Everyone here knows that yuji is a die hard PPP supporter. What you may not know is the yuji is a strong supporter of democracy and the will of the people. 


Overseas Guyanese made a valuable contribution to the restoration of democracy in Guyana. Many made great sacrifices and while asking for nothing in return, were never properly acknowledged by the PPP and felt betrayed. I am certain that deep down, they knew that they did the right thing for their country in breaking 28 years of PNC dictatorship rule.


Up to the last election, the PPP was elected by certified free and fair elections but for the first time had to govern with a minority. Many including myself saw this as a test of the will of politicians to govern Guyana for all Guyanese. This fell apart as old school politicians planted the seeds for partisan politics and Guyana has been further divided.


As Guyana made progress, the working class and blacks suffered since the tools for enhancing their economic progress was not available to them and Guyana seems to be a crossroad. It is like a bubble about to burst.


What I find troubling, is the refusal of the PPP to hold Local Elections despite pleas for NGO and Overseas Governments.  The PPP is using the "mood" of the people as and excuse no to hold election. And the latest bombshell is that the President will not sign the bill for Local Elections because the the Elections Commission is not ready to handle an election. This is also troubling since the bill was passed quite a while ago and it is the responsibility of the government to ensure that elections are held. It is not the "mood" of the people that decides, it is their elected representatives in Parliament who passed a motion for Local Elections.



I call on the PPP to respect the will of the people and hold Local Elections.





YUJI your new position give me hope.


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