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ksazma posted:
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
 Cathy Hughes in her current capacity is out of line to berate her superior Ramjattan


Here he is blaming the PNC for the friction between two AFC members.

I wonder if Ksaz can tell me with a straight face that Rohee was knowledgeable about foreign affairs/trade, security, and the other portfolios to which he was assigned.

I do believe that his knowledge was limited to selling papers and begging for food.

Bai Carib, lehwe have a little exchange. At your current job, do you have other co-workers with positions equivalent to yours?

I am an independent consultant.  Can't stand  "office politics."

As I predicted various factions within the AFC are fighting.  The fact that Cathy is putting Ramjattan in his place has NOTHING to do with Granger.

There are many reasons to be critical of the coalition gov't, but you are to locked in your "blackman bad" fantasy that you cannot see where you shouid be directing your commentary towards. 

Granger isn't a Burnham by any means.  He lacks the charisma, or the clout.  He is a mere compromise between the various factions within the PNC.


ksazma posted:
caribny posted:

So do you agree that the PPP showed distinct ethnic bias in its top level appointments at state owned corporations, committees, and commissions?  That Indo males occupied virtually all of these positions?

Forget the second part. Where did I use the phrase "so what"

Answer the second part.  That will determine whether your attitude was "so what".

Since I don't discuss the PPP and PNC in terms of race, why should I start now. You are race centric not me. Where do you see me addressing the PPP as a Coolie party and the PNC as a Black party?  You deal with your own demons.

So given that you claim that you don't have any ethnic bias, i.e. any ethnically based reason to be loyal to the PPP, then answering the second part should be easy for you.  

The PPP either showed ethnic bias in who it appointed to head state owned entities, or it didn't.

Why is that such a project?

Oh btw every one here knows that you are Indian, so continue to fool yourself that comments from you don't reveal some ethnic bias.

RiffRaff posted:

One day ayuh old rass gon dead out

The average Guyanese who voted probably is to young to have any direct experience with the Burnham era, and knows no more about the 60s than they do about the 30s (all ancient history).

Yet, despite the claims of some, the last election was as ethnically polarized as every election that was held in Guyana since 1961.


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