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Former Member

The election is over and the PPP is in the driver's seat already. Why are we wasting time on what the opposition is doing and not checking on what the PPP is doing? Who would be the first to recognize when they slip on their promise or doing something that's not good for the country?

Responsible supporters of the PPP are supporters who keep checking on the government of the day to make sure they carry out the mandate of the people and country. When you slip, they slide. Don't let it happened again. The PPP is not anyone's personal government. They are not working for individuals. They are work for the entire country and its people. Do your duty and keep a check on their performance.                                                                                                                      No one should be on top or at the bottom in Guyana. Everyone must be at the same level. 

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Stop kidding yourself and see reality.  PPP supporters are more cognizant about the issue of corruption and cares a great deal about how their leaders perform.  They have wasted no time in criticizing some of the ministerial appointments.  They are holding their leaders accountable and I wish such political maturity can transfer over to the APNU and the almost defunct AFC.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Some posters dwell too much on previous corruption and blame, instead of accountability and performance for those presently in government. If illegality took place, it will be dealt by the courts. 

PPP supporters feel the PNC did not do well in the last government and that is their right. But some poster have experiences of the performance of the last time the PPP govern Guyana and many things did not work well. Especial looking after the people who voted for them. However,  it is important that the PPP be held accountable for a performance, so this does not reoccur. Ordinary people lives in Guyana needs to be elevated and from oil, there is enough money to make it happen this time.     

@Tola posted:

Some posters dwell too much on previous corruption and blame, instead of accountability and performance for those presently in government. If illegality took place, it will be dealt by the courts. 


You are the one who keep ghotay dhall about the PPP of which PNC couldn't prove their outlandish claims in FIVE YEARS. 


Why is Tola dwelling on the PPP's 23 years and asking us to ignore APNU/AFC's last five?  Do I see a double-standard here?  

FYI, both PPP and PNC screwed up Guyana during their past governments.  But when will Guyanese stop dwelling on the past and start looking forward what they can do together for the future ? 

If the PNC was back in government, the same accountability will be demanded. But the PPP now has an opportunity to do better than the last time. 

@Former Member posted:

President Jagdeo and Ali is governing for all Guyanese. I am not in government. 

PNC wheels are falling off, big infighting. Did you read Bond's and others attack in Granger ? I heard that Moses is cleaning canal at Rose hall estate.  Granger kicked him to the curb. 

Enjoy Ali for now. His replacement has returned from Florida. Ali be gone in 2025.



You are going around biting your tail like a dog on this thing about corruption and accountability.  The PPP government from 1992 - 2015 was a far less corrupt government than the PNC government of the last five years.


I know that but corruption is corruption, big or small. There was a dull period for the PPP when Jagdeo was behaving selfishly and powerful. Remember, they are on a test run to do good within the next five years, and when I said to keep a check on them, I mean to help them realize they have to pass the test than given a free pass. The year 2025 will be here before you know it. We have to let them break the cycle of race politics and remind them to unite the country. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

And they will if you just let them do their jobs.  As a matter of fact, they don't care what you think.  They have done more than what the PNC did in 5 years, in just 20 days.  Rome was not built in a day.

Really? does this mean Indians on top again and they should oppress the other races? What kind of Guyana are you designing for the next generation? 


Instead of substantiating charges of corruption brought against PPP leaders the PNC and AFC went all out embezzling monies from the state like their won't be another term for them in office.  

Securing GECOM from being controlled by the PNC should be priority number one for this government. PNC/AFC corruption are being exposed everyday.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
@Former Member posted:

Like you cashed in another secret charity project ?

Not us, but the Indians that the PPP ignored in the last government. Harmon was here recently. Its cut rass at the next election, starting now. 

Poor planning on the PPP, constitutes an emergency for the Indians. Desperation will get help from anywhere and also vote for the APNU.     

@Former Member posted:

Folks, has the PPP become another Indo party again according to Ramakant? If so, what should we expect differently than the same racially divided Guyana? 

This is a racial attack on the PPP by the Rebirther, Cobra.  Blacks and Amerindians are well represented in the party and government.  I don't see how you can make a charge of racism against the PPP.  Your attempt to label the government racist is no different from the efforts of the Benschops, Burkes, and Jones.  Sometimes it's best not to respond to these attacks.

Billy Ram Balgobin

This is a racial attack on the PPP by the Rebirther, Cobra.  Blacks and Amerindians are well represented in the party and government.  I don't see how you can make a charge of racism against the PPP.  Your attempt to label the government racist is no different from the efforts of the Benschops, Burkes, and Jones.  Sometimes it's best not to respond to these attacks.

It is not a comment, both are questions ???????   It needs a reply,  not a comment like yours.

Gosh, are you guys unintelligent or what ? 


This is a racial attack on the PPP by the Rebirther, Cobra.  Blacks and Amerindians are well represented in the party and government.  I don't see how you can make a charge of racism against the PPP.  Your attempt to label the government racist is no different from the efforts of the Benschops, Burkes, and Jones.  Sometimes it's best not to respond to these attacks.

Quote by Ramakant_p

As a matter of fact, they don't care what you think...meaning that the PPP doesn't care about non-supporters and assumably Blacks in Guyana according to Ramakant that trigger my question to ask if the PPP has become an Indo party again. 

@Tola posted:

FYI, both PPP and PNC screwed up Guyana during their past governments.  But when will Guyanese stop dwelling on the past and start looking forward what they can do together for the future ? 

If the PNC was back in government, the same accountability will be demanded. But the PPP now has an opportunity to do better than the last time. 


All governments, no matter one's political affiliation or preference, should be subject to scrutiny. These are public officials, voted in by the people, for the people. They made many promises throughout the campaign. Let that be their litmus test.

As for dwelling on the past - Jagdeo's track record must be also brought to the forefront as his own litmus test. He is second (or first, really) in command, and many were scarred, maimed and murdered under his "legacy". Those wounds have re-opened. Many Guyanese are literally living in fear of the PPP and what's to come. This reality cannot be ignored.

@Rochelle posted:


All governments, no matter one's political affiliation or preference, should be subject to scrutiny. These are public officials, voted in by the people, for the people. They made many promises throughout the campaign. Let that be their litmus test.

As for dwelling on the past - Jagdeo's track record must be also brought to the forefront as his own litmus test. He is second (or first, really) in command, and many were scarred, maimed and murdered under his "legacy". Those wounds have re-opened. Many Guyanese are literally living in fear of the PPP and what's to come. This reality cannot be ignored.

I totally agree with your first statement.

Regarding your second one, no one should lose sleep when criminals are neutralized. The crime spree of about 15 years ago required some innovative approach and thankfully that crime spree came to an end. One should focus more on the loss of innocent lives at the hands of these criminals instead of the eventual elimination of the criminals.


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