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BREAKING NEWS: Well-known anti-government protester gunned down while urging people to vote

The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him [photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page) The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him (photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page)

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The man, who protested for several days outside Attorney General Anil Nandlall’s office, was Tuesday night gunned down at Third Street, Diamond while urging people on a loud hailer to go out and vote.

He was identified as Courtney Crum-Ewing, a former soldier, who had led a one-man crusade against Nandlall outside his office on Carmichael Street, Georgetown.

Crum-Ewing's family lawyer, Nigel Hughes, told Demerara Waves Online that he and his client would be demanding that the autopsy be conducted by an international pathologist and that the police investigation be shadowed by a team of international investigators.

Hughes said the activist was shot dead while on a loud hailer urging residents of his neighbourhood to go out and vote on May 11, 2015.  Crum-Ewing lives at Fourth Street, Diamond.

Crum-Ewing was killed moments after another man was shot dead at Second Street, Agricola.

Police do not believe the two shootings are related.


These things happen because the dumb leaders incite hatred as they did at Babu Jaan. They have ignorant supporters with guns and cocaine willing to act. This is similar to the father of the ROAR activist who was stabbed to death on the Essequibo coast. The low IQ'ed leaders don't have to actually place the order...all these morons need to do is incite hate like Babu Jaan. This could probably be the first political killing of the May 11 election.

Originally Posted by Chief:

These PPP thieves and goons will stop at nothing. They raid the treasury now they  are turning to violence violence to keep them in power.


Look at dis fullahman hypocrite hey. Do you have some special knowledge or some evidence linking this to the PPP? Please share since the rest of us don't.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is not a political killing yet. This is a killing of a person who happens to be a political activist. Let's not run to 2+2=22.


Let's at least wait till we at least get hold of some more facts. Most murders tend to occur for very personal reasons.

I have  a question mark on the topic heading.

All Iam saying is that Jagdeo at Babu John and Rohee a few weeks ago used words to incite violence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

These PPP thieves and goons will stop at nothing. They raid the treasury now they  are turning to violence violence to keep them in power.


Look at dis fullahman hypocrite hey. Do you have some special knowledge or some evidence linking this to the PPP? Please share since the rest of us don't.

Did you listen to what Jagdeo said at Babu john r/ He said asses must be kicked.

Did you listen to what Rohee said a few weeks back about who has to draw first blood.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

These PPP thieves and goons will stop at nothing. They raid the treasury now they  are turning to violence violence to keep them in power.


Look at dis fullahman hypocrite hey. Do you have some special knowledge or some evidence linking this to the PPP? Please share since the rest of us don't.

Did you listen to what Jagdeo said at Babu john r/ He said asses must be kicked.

Did you listen to what Rohee said a few weeks back about who has to draw first blood.


You somehow link Jagdeo playing to an election rally about "kicking asses" to some poor dude getting shot in the head?


Don't you think that's a huge stretch?


This dude could have been killed for any one of a number of reasons by almost anyone. We have no facts beyond that he was shot dead and where he was killed. We really know nothing.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

These PPP thieves and goons will stop at nothing. They raid the treasury now they  are turning to violence violence to keep them in power.


Look at dis fullahman hypocrite hey.

That is all you can say ? Can you ever say anything nice?



I'm not being rude dude.


It was my way of saying hello. No offense meant my fellow Berbician

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


You somehow link Jagdeo playing to an election rally about "kicking asses" to some poor dude getting shot in the head?


Don't you think that's a huge stretch?


This dude could have been killed for any one of a number of reasons by almost anyone. We have no facts beyond that he was shot dead and where he was killed. We really know nothing.



Okay so let's wait and see.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


You somehow link Jagdeo playing to an election rally about "kicking asses" to some poor dude getting shot in the head?


Don't you think that's a huge stretch?


This dude could have been killed for any one of a number of reasons by almost anyone. We have no facts beyond that he was shot dead and where he was killed. We really know nothing.


Okay so let's wait and see.


I'm not saying it's impossible but this dude was protesting Anil Nandalall who was threatening on tape to kill people as a chat-3 or whatever so this would be the stupidest choice in ordering this as a PPP hit.


Also, this is the kinda hit that can easily inflame an already restive civil population (poor Blacks) against the incumbent Government and spiral out of control.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


You somehow link Jagdeo playing to an election rally about "kicking asses" to some poor dude getting shot in the head?


Don't you think that's a huge stretch?


This dude could have been killed for any one of a number of reasons by almost anyone. We have no facts beyond that he was shot dead and where he was killed. We really know nothing.


Okay so let's wait and see.


I'm not saying it's impossible but this dude was protesting Anil Nandalall who was threatening on tape to kill people as a chat-3 or whatever so this would be the stupidest choice in ordering this as a PPP hit.


Also, this is the kinda hit that can easily inflame an already restive civil population (poor Blacks) against the incumbent Government and spiral out of control.

. . . advantage PPP of course


scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


i wouldn't be so low as to post what i am actually thinking about you and what you have been doing lately and are doing on GNI right now

Originally Posted by Chief:


My appeal to Guyanese is please do not bite the PPP bait, they are begging for violence.

If Granger and Nagamootoo are worthy of leading Guyana they will use this to indicate that the old ways of provocation and ethnic paranoia HURT rather than harm Guyanese.  Guyanese will then see for themselves who the real violent people are, and shouldn't be surprised given that the thugs of the Burnham era are now staunch PPP henchmen.


This should be indicative of exactly why the PPP should GO!!!!!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is not a political killing yet. .

You screamed about Indians massing to "kick ass".  Well some one listened to that call.  And we see the consequences.


Let me be a lesson to you that using inciteful language in a violent society brings consequences, which I don't think that you will want to be linked with.

Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

This is not a political killing yet. .

You screamed about Indians massing to "kick ass".  Well some one listened to that call.  And we see the consequences.


Let me be a lesson to you that using inciteful language in a violent society brings consequences, which I don't think that you will want to be linked with.


Don't be stupid now. No one foucking screamed about Indians massing to "kick ass." There's no need to lie and make shyte up now. You should be above such petty nonsense.


I see you're all gung ho to add this poor dude's whose body isn't yet cold to the mythical Body Count of the Indo KKK.


Disingenuous nonsense!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Tonight Nigel Hughes is appealing for restraint. "Stay calm as we must not allow an excuse to be made for postponing the election or be intimidated from expressing an opinion on political issues," Hughes said.


Yep "Stay Calm". Don't be beating/killin coolies and burning their businesses just yet. We still need their votes.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Don't be stupid now. No one foucking screamed about Indians massing to "kick ass."..


Disingenuous nonsense!

You did and I have been warning you about this for several days.  Now that a violent act has been committed and you fear that it can generate retaliation and a spiral into conflict you now run and hide.


I suggest that you cease your screaming as you now see what it can cause.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children..

And here you go.  PYO violence in the 60s and killings of 400 blacks by people connecting to the PPP.  And allegations that some of those people responsible also killed a PPP minister.  A man involved in the Lusignan killings walking free with nary a comment by the PPP.


Now we have yet another black quite likely killed by some one connected to the PPP.



Your screams of "bad black man.....Indian Sainthood" are inaccurate and old.   The PPP has as bloody a history as does the PNC.


More than two hours after opposition political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing was gunned down, the Home Affairs Ministry condemned the killing, called for a thorough probe and urged Guyanese to be wary of politically orchestrated violence.

"Though it is early yet to draw any specific conclusion or motive in connection with the perpetration of this dastardly act, the Ministry of Home Affairs wishes to alert the general public to be vigilant in respect of any act of violence provoked or unprovoked, that might be possibly initiated by those who may have a political agenda," said the ministry responsible for internal security.

Crum-Ewing was gunned down shortly after 8 PM on Third Street, Diamond, East Bank Demerara. His family's lawyer, Nigel Hughes, said that at the time his client was shot he was on a loud hailer urging people in his neighbourhood to turn out and vote in the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections. The loud hailer was next to Crum-Ewing's body.  

At 10:52 PM, the Guyana Police Force issued a statement saying that at about 8PM Tuesday, Kwame Crum-Ewing, 40 years, of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara was walking along the roadway at Third Street, Diamond when a car with four men drove up from which shots were discharged at him, after which the men escaped

The Home Affairs Ministry suggested that there might be a link between his execution and the confirmation of Seelall Persaud as Police Commissioner earlier Tuesday. "The Ministry notes the deep coincidence between the fatal shooting incident and the earlier swearing in of the new Commissioner of Police," said the ministry.

Condemning in the "strongest possible terms" the shooting death of Crum-Ewing by a person or persons unknown, the Ministry said it has ordered the police to launch a "thorough" probe.

"The Minister of Home Affairs has given orders to the Commissioner of Police to take immediate action with a view to getting to the bottom of this execution-type shooting incident, through the most thorough investigation," it said in a statement.

The ministry called on anyone who may have knowledge about the circumstances /motive surrounding the shooting death of Courtney Crum Ewing to give their full support to the police in their investigation.

Attorney-at-Law Hughes told Demerara Waves that he and his client would be demanding that an autopsy be done by an independent pathologist and the local police probe be shadowed by a team of international investigators.

The Ministry extended its sympathy to family and relatives of Courtney Crum Ewing and pledged to support the police in their investigations to bring the perpetrator or perpetrators to justice.

Since the surfacing of a recording between Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Kaieteur News reporter, Gildharie in which the goverment official was purported to have suggested that armed persons could attack that newspaper's office because of content that had been highly critical of the administration, Crum-Ewing had staged an almost daily one-man protest outside the Attorney General's Chambers on Carmichael Street, Georgetown.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

Originally Posted by redux:

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!

Yes its good to sit down 2500 miles away and scream hysteria, and then when we see what this leads to one can run and pretend as if hysterical screams of a Holocaust didn't create an environment where some over zealous PPP thug probably decided to act....yes to "kick ass" as Shaitaan and Jagdeo demand.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!

Yes its good to sit down 2500 miles away and scream hysteria, and then when we see what this leads to one can run and pretend as if hysterical screams of a Holocaust didn't create an environment where some over zealous PPP thug probably decided to act....yes to "kick ass" as Shaitaan and Jagdeo demand.


You're too old and too damn educated to be this stupid.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

actually, it's because you overestimate your "sophistication" (keeping company with mediocre people tends to cause that), that u indulge in what i call "[over]reaching for cleverness" and end up with obscene "analogies" like yours above


yep . . . "unsophisticated" is the word

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

actually, it's because you overestimate your "sophistication"  . . . i call it "[over]reaching for cleverness" that you up with obscene "analogies" like yours above


yep . . . "unsophisticated" is the word


Lemme splain moh clear fuh abbe dunce hey:


The point was about memory/remembrance of some bad ethnic-based violence/discrimination in a group's recent past.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

Shaitaan your rhetoric was about Indians voting for their own DEMISE if they supported the APNU AFC.  Implications were quite clear of an impending Indian Holocaust. 


You jump on and expressed pride in the silly kickass screams by Jagdeo.  Jagdeo uses tax payers funds to hire private armies to protect him.  Ordinary blacks and Indians don't.


Shaitaan Indians have a shared interest in what happens in Guyana alongside Guyanese of other ethnicities.  You refuse to address that fact,  Indeed I remember some weeks ago your screams about how Indians are this weak and vulnerable group in Guyana.  This when they are the largest and wealthiest group in the country.


Its OK to express shame in suddenly realizing how dangerous instigating racial panic.


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