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Originally Posted by baseman:

This guy had a wife and kid.  Seems they were radicalized somehow.

He was devoid of all human feelings. His actions took the life of an 8 years old child and yet he was the father of a 6 years old girl.


Crazy people.


It begs the question, "What manner of indoctrination takes place when a muslim chooses that path."


Is it possible that all muslims could be radicalized? 

Once they have decided to hand over themselves to do evil.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This guy had a wife and kid.  Seems they were radicalized somehow.

He was devoid of all human feelings. His actions took the life of an 8 years old child and yet he was the father of a 6 years old girl.


Crazy people.


It begs the question, "What manner of indoctrination takes place when a muslim chooses that path."


Is it possible that all muslims could be radicalized? 

Once they have decided to hand over themselves to do evil.

What a foolish question!! Can I ask what cause Rev Jim Jones to murder 900 people?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by baseman:

This guy had a wife and kid.  Seems they were radicalized somehow.

He was devoid of all human feelings. His actions took the life of an 8 years old child and yet he was the father of a 6 years old girl.


Crazy people.


It begs the question, "What manner of indoctrination takes place when a muslim chooses that path."


Is it possible that all muslims could be radicalized? 

Once they have decided to hand over themselves to do evil.

You need to see the Movie 26/11, you will get some answers.


It is relief that the two have been caught.  Another issue is if they had accomplices and what were their motives.  This is far from over.


For those who would indict all muslims for thnis senseless act ought to look at the history of terrorismin the US and let your consider guide you as to how you ought generalise.  Was the Unibomber a muslim?  How about the perpetrator of the recent Connecticut muders?  Or Denver?  Or Oklahoma City?


Official: Russia heard Boston suspects' mother 'discussing jihad'

By Susan Candiotti and Ben Brumfield, CNN
updated 9:43 PM EDT, Sat April 27, 2013
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New details in the Boston bombing

  • NEW: "Everything was done appropriately and we got good leads," attorney general says
  • U.S. official: Russia intercepted in which Zubeidat Tsarnaev may have been talking to her son
  • The discussion of "jihad" was vague, the official says
  • Source: Tsarnaev hasn't provided "substantive" info in days, but earlier info was helpful

(CNN) -- Russia intercepted a communication between the mother of the accused Boston Marathon bombers and someone who may have been one of her sons "discussing jihad" in 2011, according to a U.S. official with knowledge of the investigation.

This source described the conversation as vague.

The Russians turned over the intercept to the FBI in the last few days, the official said.

This source was not aware of a reason for the delay and did not offer an opinion about whether it would have given the FBI enough reason to justify a closer look at Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the oldest of the two brothers.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was asked abut the report while attending the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday.

"That's an ongoing matter," Holder said. "I can't really comment on that."

<cite class="expCaption">Bombing suspect moved to federal prison</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Boston bombing survivor chose amputation</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Lawmaker: Suspects' mom 'of interest'</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Source: Evidence links Tamerlan, drugs</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Family, friends key in bombing case</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Boston suspect linked to 2011 murder?</cite>
<cite class="expCaption">Signs of a radical Islamist</cite>

CNN has previously reported that the FBI has said that it conducted an investigation -- including an interview with Tamerlan Tsarnaev after Russia expressed concerns in 2011.

The FBI said at the time if found nothing to justify pursuing the matter further and that Russia did not respond to US requests for additional information.

The Russians also raised questions about Tsarnaev's mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaev, when they approached the U.S. about concerns regarding Tamerlan Tsarnaev, according to several sources.  The mother's name was subsequently added to the TIDE (Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment) database at at the same time as her son's, an intelligence official said Thursday.  TIDE is a collection of more than half million names of suspected terrorists that is maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center. 

The FBI did interview the mother in 2011 as part of the investigation into her son. The case was closed after several months.

Attorney General Holder also responded to criticism that the surviving suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was read his Miranda rights not to be questions without a lawyer.

"The decision to Mirandize him was one that the magistrate made and that was totally consistent with the laws that we have," Holder said. "We have a two-day period to question him under the public safety exception. So I think everything was done appropriately and we got good leads."

FBI: Search of dump tied to suspect ends

Twelve days after a pair of blasts turned celebratory cheers into screams of horror at the Boston Marathon's finish line, investigators continued working -- interviewing people and searching for evidence, even when it meant sifting through trash -- to find out why.

One of the latest focuses of the probe has been a landfill in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a city adjacent to the town where the surviving bombing suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, attended school at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.

Authorities have finished combing the dump for clues that may shed light on the bloody attack, said FBI spokeswoman Laura Eimiller, who wouldn't say whether they turned up anything.

That includes any luck in locating Tsarnaev's laptop computer, which a law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation had said investigators were looking for.

Tsarnaev led authorities to look there, the source said, and others who may have knowledge of the computer's whereabouts or may have played a role in disposing it also provided leads that prompted the search.

The boat -- located in the backyard of a Watertown, Massachusetts, home -- where Tsarnaev was captured has been taken to an undisclosed location, to be thoroughly examined, according to the FBI.

Eimiller, the FBI spokeswoman, said the investigation overall remains open, with interviews continuing as well as the search for evidence.

The 19-year-old suspect himself spent Saturday at the Federal Medical Center in Fort Devens, the federal inmate medical center to which he was transferred from Boston's Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center early Friday morning.

He had what appeared to be gunshot wounds to his head, neck, legs and hand when he was captured April 19 after a nearly 24-hour manhunt, according to the criminal complaint accusing him in the marathon blasts. His 26-year-old brother Tamerlan died after a gunfight hours earlier.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been less talkative since authorities read him his Miranda rights before charging him with using a weapon of mass destruction, which happened three days after his capture.

But the information the teenager gave investigators in two sessions of questioning spanning those three days has produced good leads, a U.S. law enforcement official said.

Photos: Galleries from the attack and aftermath

Family in Russia

The brothers' mother said Friday that she and her husband had left their home in Dagestan for another part of Russia.

Their father, Anzor Tsarnaev, had said he'd planned to travel to the United States. But that trip has been delayed indefinitely for health reasons.

The mother will not be flying to the United States, where she is wanted on felony charges of shoplifting and destruction of property.

The family lived in Massachusetts before Zubeidat Tsarnaev jumped bail after her arrest on the charges in 2012. The parents moved to Dagestan, a semiautonomous republic in southern Russia that year.

Russian authorities twice raised concerns in 2011 to U.S. authorities about the mother and her older son, sources said.

U.S. authorities added both their names to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE, database, which includes half a million names.

Suspects' mother describes her last conversation with her sons

Zubeidat Tsarnaev has denied the reality of the bombing. She believes it was fake. She said she has seen a video pushing the wild idea, and that there was no blood, that paint was used instead.

While insisting Russian and U.S. authorities often work together, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he wished U.S. authorities could have done more to prevent the Boston attack.

But he also lashed out against those in the West who have slammed Russia for human rights abuses in its actions toward Chechnya, the Tsarnaevs' original war-torn homeland.

Dead Boston bomb suspect posted video of jihadist, analysis shows

Botched hijacking thwarts plans to head to NYC

Three days after the Marathon attack, and hours after authorities released images of the two suspects, they spontaneously decided to go to New York's Times Square to blow up their six remaining explosives, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev told investigators.

But a botched carjacking spoiled the impromptu road trip, said Tsarnaev, whose account was outlined by New York's police commissioner.

Before forcing their way into a vehicle the night of April 18, the brothers shot dead a campus police officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, police said.

The vehicle they subsequently hijacked, a Mercedes SUV, ran low on fuel, and they stopped at a service station, where the vehicle's owner escaped. Shortly thereafter, police picked up the trail of the SUV and pursued it. Authorities say the men threw bombs out the vehicle's window at them. The gun battle and Tamerlan Tsarnaev's death followed.

Tragedy in Boston: How to help

Suspect's widow is assisting investigation, lawyer says

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:



I guess this is somewhat disappointing for you

It is disapointing for every muslim given the fact that the media and others are quick to pass judement on an entire religion. People are murdering   kids in school , people are killing innocents in a movie theather, people are going to places of worship and killing innocents and at no time are we hearing abouth the religion of the shooter. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



I guess this is somewhat disappointing for you

It is disapointing for every muslim given the fact that the media and others are quick to pass judement on an entire religion. People are murdering   kids in school , people are killing innocents in a movie theather, people are going to places of worship and killing innocents and at no time are we hearing abouth the religion of the shooter. 

None are doing it in the name of their religion.  Even the mother of the two Boston bombers chanted on CNN, "Allah o' Akbar".

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

Originally Posted by Vish M:



You need to modify the Tagline.


The Russians are now taking serious and deadly actions.


All in touch with this family is under the microscope....US and Russia.


No-one will ever try to harm the US or its citizenry



I am a bit confused of what you are trying to say.

Where have you been? No one will ever try to harm us? Right now Kim il Song from North Korea is threathening that he will send a rocket straight to America. Almost every week Americans are killed in countries that Bush sent forces top occupy. 


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

But dem and dem mumma a sing "allah o Akbar".

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Vish M:



You need to modify the Tagline.


The Russians are now taking serious and deadly actions.


All in touch with this family is under the microscope....US and Russia.


No-one will ever try to harm the US or its citizenry



I am a bit confused of what you are trying to say.

Where have you been? No one will ever try to harm us? Right now Kim il Song from North Korea is threathening that he will send a rocket straight to America. Almost every week Americans are killed in countries that Bush sent forces top occupy. 


Apart from Iraq, which was an error in judgement, what other country did the US invade?

Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief has made some things clear. No religion, and certainly not Islam condones violence. Idiots who (mis)use the name of Islam to do their evil and NOT Islamic. He will defend Islam, especially in these days of uninformed biases and bigotry.


What is so wrong about that?

Most terrorists are very religious.  That IS what motivates them.  They are doing their wickedness in the name of Islam and many "peace-loving" ordinary quietly sympathize or even support them.  Peter Kings approach has gained a lot of credibility.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Chief has made some things clear. No religion, and certainly not Islam condones violence. Idiots who (mis)use the name of Islam to do their evil and NOT Islamic. He will defend Islam, especially in these days of uninformed biases and bigotry.


What is so wrong about that?

Atheists do not condone violence either. Given no one does why are we in such a mess? Somewhere there has to be the worm or worms in the apple.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!


Chief you seh you gat wan "A" in English GCE? Should it not be DO NOT, seeing it's plural? What a lying idiot? Come here boy let me teach you some English. I only got an "E" in GCE English, but I am confident I can teach you "Mr. A in English". Go rub you face with black pat now. I am sure during your card carrying days of the PNC, you could bully people  with this kind of your garbage. You still have your PNC garbage lying motto: "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit". The cows have come home now. Leave your bullshit and the terrorism at home.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

But dem and dem mumma a sing "allah o Akbar".

People with cross around thier necks have commited terror on abortion clinics, does that mean that all christians are terrorists?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!


Chief you seh you gat wan "A" in English GCE? Should it not be DO NOT, seeing it's plural? What a lying idiot? Come here boy let me teach you some English. I only got an "E" in GCE English, but I am confident I can teach you "Mr. A in English". Go rub you face with black pat now. I am sure during your card carrying days of the PNC, you could bully people  with this kind of your garbage. You still have your PNC garbage lying motto: "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit". The cows have come home now. Leave your bullshit and the terrorism at home.

Bro you are obsessed with me. Seems like I have a stalker.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!


Chief you seh you gat wan "A" in English GCE? Should it not be DO NOT, seeing it's plural? What a lying idiot? Come here boy let me teach you some English. I only got an "E" in GCE English, but I am confident I can teach you "Mr. A in English". Go rub you face with black pat now. I am sure during your card carrying days of the PNC, you could bully people  with this kind of your garbage. You still have your PNC garbage lying motto: "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit". The cows have come home now. Leave your bullshit and the terrorism at home.

how is it you are so pedantic with little bull crap as this and yet you are so awfully bad about facts or the odium of being openly racist?


one subject verb disagreement and you are about to ejaculate! Had he typed "religions" as is necessary he would have caught the error. The extra " e" is also forgivable. This board does not care about formal grammar and syntax as you understand well with  your prolific use of creoles...consider his usage creoles.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

But dem and dem mumma a sing "allah o Akbar".

People with cross around thier necks have commited terror on abortion clinics, does that mean that all christians are terrorists?

Chief bai, you trying hard for an equalizer.  Abortion is a legal issue here in the USA with people of different sides.  This cannot be compared to blowing up men, women and children in the streets while chanting Allah O' Akbar.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Baseman what you have said above is what the average American believe to be true. I cannot blame you and cannot   blame them for your ignorance of Islam.

Stop defending the damn muslim terrorists!!!!!

Your father was a drunkard and you are still drunk.

i AM DEFENDING mUSLIMS and will continue to do that. Jackasses and losers( like the Boston Marthon bombers) who want to kill innocents are not following the tenents of Islam! 

Islam and all  other religion does not  teache to kill innocents!!

But dem and dem mumma a sing "allah o Akbar".

People with cross around thier necks have commited terror on abortion clinics, does that mean that all christians are terrorists?

Chief bai, you trying hard for an equalizer.  Abortion is a legal issue here in the USA with people of different sides.  This cannot be compared to blowing up men, women and children in the streets while chanting Allah O' Akbar.

what was Bush chanting when he dropped bombs and killed over a million innocent people in shock and awe?

over 200,000 died from the bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima...what were they chanting?

Allah O Akbar means God is great...plenty people ask for God's help in whatever they it good or bad, this does not mean that their faith condones their actions


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