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Mr Jagdeo is collecting only his presidential pension. By law he cannot also take pay as Opposition Leader.

Mr Jagdeo holds on to the Opposition Leader post because he has no confidence in Rohee and Teixeira and the other 29 PPP MPs to trust them with that important constitutional post. Plain and simple.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:

Will he be entitled to both the Presidential Pension + the Leader of the Opposition Pension? Why is he hogging the Leader of the Opposition position and not allowing another competent member of the PPP to hold this important portfolio and qualify for the Leader of the Opposition?

Is there no one that is qualified?

At this stage the PPP needs a strong figure to keep the party together. I do not see anyone else available to do so given the change after May. 

However, he needs to remove himself from the leadership position to make way for a young dynamic leader (not sure who is capable of taking this task), so I suspect he will remove himself after the party gets its reform in place....until then, he is the most capable person of dealing with the coalition.

Just my 2 cents on this. 


Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

Gilbakka posted:

Mr Jagdeo is collecting only his presidential pension. By law he cannot also take pay as Opposition Leader.

Mr Jagdeo holds on to the Opposition Leader post because he has no confidence in Rohee and Teixeira and the other 29 PPP MPs to trust them with that important constitutional post. Plain and simple.

Plain and simple!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

Will he be entitled to both the Presidential Pension + the Leader of the Opposition Pension? Why is he hogging the Leader of the Opposition position and not allowing another competent member of the PPP to hold this important portfolio and qualify for the Leader of the Opposition?

Is there no one that is qualified?

Why are you so obsessed with Jagdeo?  You should be worrying about the new government that you wanted who is wrecking the country!  Stop worrying about Jagdeo! And stop asking silly questions.  You should have known the answer to that question and not even be asking it.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Kari is correct.  And the era is the under the Burnham regime!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


All of this is incorrect.  Propaganda machine is churning!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

I am not excusing him for the other things he his treatment of his wife, corruption and so on.

The people I spoke to also argue that he is not a racist.

Last edited by VishMahabir
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Kari is correct.  And the era is the under theBurnham regime!!!


VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Kari is correct.  And the era is the under theBurnham regime!!!


You have got to be stifling your conscience!!!  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


All of this is incorrect.  Propaganda machine is churning!!!!!

Please do the intelligent thing and address the instances of propaganda. I know I used some colorful guyanese vernacular but you can ignore those and focus on what is patently false. Unfortunately you cannot because you are one of those willfully ignorant sycophants on your knees with well worn knee-pads at his crotch who prefer to be self deluded.  Instead of looking at both sides of the dilemma before us and make the honest decision to make a difference you still do slave girl duty to the ignominy of our culture and our beliefs

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


All of this is incorrect.  Propaganda machine is churning!!!!!

Please do the intelligent thing and address the instances of propaganda. I know I used some colorful guyanese vernacular but you can ignore those and focus on what is patently false. Unfortunately you cannot because you are on of those wilful ignoramus who prefer to be self deluded instead of looking at both sides of the dilemma before us and make the honest decision to make a difference.

You continue to scream your dirty lies from 3,000 Miles away.  I know this man my whole life.  I don't have anything to prove to you.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


All of this is incorrect.  Propaganda machine is churning!!!!!

Please do the intelligent thing and address the instances of propaganda. I know I used some colorful guyanese vernacular but you can ignore those and focus on what is patently false. Unfortunately you cannot because you are on of those wilful ignoramus who prefer to be self deluded instead of looking at both sides of the dilemma before us and make the honest decision to make a difference.

You continue to scream your dirty lies from 3,000 Miles away.  I know this man my whole life.  I don't have anything to prove to you.

A slave girl's duty!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Kari is correct.  And the era is the under theBurnham regime!!!


You have got to be stifling your conscience!!!  

My conscience is clear,i live thru the Burnham days.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

Kari is correct.  And the era is the under theBurnham regime!!!


You have got to be stifling your conscience!!!  

My conscience is clear,i live thru the Burnham days.

If your conscience is clear, then you are delusional.  Ask any Indian who lived under those times and they will tell you their story.  Including the thousands who escaped the country.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.


Lets hear about your evidence.

I also refer you to the video where two afro women walked into a crowd of striking, mostly, Indian men and tore up their plackards without thinking twice. You might argue that the men were reserved and could have fought back. 

But the point is that there is a strong image of Indos in the minds of Afros that convince them that they are weaklings.  

Carib is always poking fun at Indian men. But I do think that Indians are also afraid of Afro women.

It is the mindset. 

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.


Lets hear about your evidence.

I also refer you to the video where two afro women walked into a crowd of striking, mostly, Indian men and tore up their plackards without thinking twice. You might argue that the men were reserved and could have fought back. 

But the point is that there is a strong image of Indos in the minds of Afros that convince them that they are weaklings.  

Carib is always poking fun at Indian men. But I do think that Indians are also afraid of Afro women.

It is the mindset. 

I am curious as to what you mean when you say that Indians are not "weaklings". Indians are brave when they drink and can act tough against other Indians, not Afros.

And, please dont point me to centuries ago when they fought the Europeans...what have they done recently to dispel this image...

Like you live in Guyana.  

Zed posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks.

"Jagdeo is a lame ******" says PPP minister of some repute. What has he done for indians except thief more than burnham and allowed indian to buy into that culture of corruption as normal. They do not see his extravagances and easy pilfering of the nations till for his and his family and friends benefit. They do not see his  abuse of the woman  or lies ( to us and the women)  for seven years that he had a wife as affecting indian morality where the woman is the guardian of the culture. They do not even see beyond him  to other potential gulled into the reflected glow that he "stood" up for them are they! He did not. He is a miserable example of a man or woman or whatever he is.

Africans do not fear him. They hate him. They, in counter point to indian self deception, are willing to allow their leaders all sorts of latitude into the realm of indiscretion of all sorts  on account of the racist rule of Jagdeo. They will fight and act in every way Indians predict they can if that sissy bitch does a putin and run for office again. That is a prophesy not a prediction.

Jagdeo has no patina of honesty. He was, is and will always be a detestable crook.


All of this is incorrect.  Propaganda machine is churning!!!!!

Please do the intelligent thing and address the instances of propaganda. I know I used some colorful guyanese vernacular but you can ignore those and focus on what is patently false. Unfortunately you cannot because you are on of those wilful ignoramus who prefer to be self deluded instead of looking at both sides of the dilemma before us and make the honest decision to make a difference.

You continue to scream your dirty lies from 3,000 Miles away.  I know this man my whole life.  I don't have anything to prove to you.

A slave girl's duty!

You don't know me and you don't know Jagdeo.  As such you have no authority to speak on either of us.  

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

You are missing the point banna....I am talking about a mindset. The women knew Indos were weaklings....thats why they were in their comfort zone when they did what they did with ease. They were not drunk, they were not on drugs, but they saw a majority of Indos protesting and felt an ease to do what they did. If you live in GT, you should understand what I am talking about 

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

You are missing the point banna....I am talking about a mindset. The women knew Indos were weaklings....thats why they were in their comfort zone when they did what they did with ease. They were not drunk, they were not on drugs, but they saw a majority of Indos protesting and felt an ease to do what they did. If you live in GT, you should understand what I am talking about 

But I am still waiting to hear your argument that Indos are not weaklings.

My argument is not to denigrate Indians, but I am stating what I believe is a reality of life for Indians in Guyana. 


VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.


Lets hear about your evidence.

I also refer you to the video where two afro women walked into a crowd of striking, mostly, Indian men and tore up their plackards without thinking twice. You might argue that the men were reserved and could have fought back. 

But the point is that there is a strong image of Indos in the minds of Afros that convince them that they are weaklings.  

Carib is always poking fun at Indian men. But I do think that Indians are also afraid of Afro women.

It is the mindset. 

I am curious as to what you mean when you say that Indians are not "weaklings". Indians are brave when they drink and can act tough against other Indians, not Afros.

And, please dont point me to centuries ago when they fought the Europeans...what have they done recently to dispel this image...

Like you live in Guyana.  

Are fuh real,I am saying again the majority of Indians in Guyana are not weaklings,I am from the WCD and most of us are not scared of Afros.


One one duty build dam, one one slight and acts of intimidation and a ust build an image of East Indians being docile and can be the object of abuse and violence. 

Pit is easy for you to say that it is not serious intimidation. Who are you to determine what is serious. 

I can tell you many stories of groups of East Indians guys sitting on the bridge rail,or in the village and one person of African descent coming up and slapping, chucking one and nobody did anything, remember how many East Indians were abused during the election violence and during the recent Agricola unrest. I hate to get into this subject, but today, I guess can be an exception because I am not feeling charitable today.

Mitwah posted:

Will he be entitled to both the Presidential Pension + the Leader of the Opposition Pension? Why is he hogging the Leader of the Opposition position and not allowing another competent member of the PPP to hold this important portfolio and qualify for the Leader of the Opposition?

Is there no one that is qualified?

Un/Fortunately many people in Gy see Jagdeo as a strong and competent leader. The young crop of PPP are seen as bright and competent. Unfortunately they are also seen as crooked and arrogant.

The feeling in Gy is that the PNC are afraid to engage Jagdeo and the other young PPP in debate in parliament hence the constant avoidance of debates by the PNC.

There is also scorn developing in Gy of the current PNC leaders even by the young APNU supporters. They refer to the current leaders and ministers in government as the Geriatric ward.

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.


Lets hear about your evidence.

I also refer you to the video where two afro women walked into a crowd of striking, mostly, Indian men and tore up their plackards without thinking twice. You might argue that the men were reserved and could have fought back. 

But the point is that there is a strong image of Indos in the minds of Afros that convince them that they are weaklings.  

Carib is always poking fun at Indian men. But I do think that Indians are also afraid of Afro women.

It is the mindset. 

I am curious as to what you mean when you say that Indians are not "weaklings". Indians are brave when they drink and can act tough against other Indians, not Afros.

And, please dont point me to centuries ago when they fought the Europeans...what have they done recently to dispel this image...

Like you live in Guyana.  

Are fuh real,I am saying again the majority of Indians in Guyana are not weaklings,I am from the WCD and most of us are not scared of Afros.

Again, you missing the big picture. I refer to a mindset.

Maybe in West Coast you jahadis are brave souls because you re huddled together. How many of them will standup to a mini bus conductor and tell them to play some Indians music when the majority of passengers are Indians? 

Indians are easily threatened. They avoid conflicts and will think twice before getting into an argument, whether its with a white or afro person.

But like I said...they are willing to fight their matty Indians...thats as far as it goes.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

You are missing the point banna....I am talking about a mindset. The women knew Indos were weaklings....thats why they were in their comfort zone when they did what they did with ease. They were not drunk, they were not on drugs, but they saw a majority of Indos protesting and felt an ease to do what they did. If you live in GT, you should understand what I am talking about 

I lived in GT,Durban and Smith St in the early 70's worked and walked from Plaza Cinema to home in the night and was never touched,went back home and from 76 traveled to work in Robb St for 8 years,i know GT very well.

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
Kari posted:

Jagdeo, from a political standpoint, will always be revered by Indo-Guyanese for the simple reason in the race-tinted ways that Indians were seen to be the weaker race and easily pushed around, Jagdeo changed this dynamic. It matters not how he changed it but changed it he has. Even here in New York you hear from Afro-Guyanese Americans that today's Indians are not your daddy's - dem boys packing. It was seen also as if Jagdeo controlled Blacks in Guyana who did his bidding against other Blacks. That narrative is one that leads to this take-charge, strong man image. Youths in Guyana who grew up with Jagdeo had an affinity because of his age. That's some thing I find that the older leaders of the PPP in the 2000s couldn't fathom as Guyana was changing with the emigraton of most older folks. got to be kidding,what era that that happen?

This has been the history of Guyana. Indians are always being pushed around, not just in Guyana. Idi Amin pushed them out, the British pushed them around, in New Jersey, they were targetted as "dotbusters" and in Guyana most of the victims are Indians. They are seen as easy targets. Every elections in Guyana brings tensions for Indians. They seem to always get beat up if they are on the streets. We cant say the same for Afros. They were wiped out from McKenzie.

This is not to suggest that they did not fight back. I am referring to the fact that they do not carry themselves around as brave people willing to stand up and defend their rights. 

Some Afros here will consider these statements as being racists, but it is the reality.

Regarding JAGDEO: He is seen as a hero for Indos but hated by Afros. I was at a meeting in Queens when someone explained this to me. Afros hated Jagdeo because he stood up to the bullyism and protected Indians when a lot a criminal activities were directed against them. I dont know if he used Afros to target AFROS engaged in criminal activity. 

Bull...shit re read the history about Indians in Guyana,we are no weakling,i can speak from where i resided in Guyana.


Lets hear about your evidence.

I also refer you to the video where two afro women walked into a crowd of striking, mostly, Indian men and tore up their plackards without thinking twice. You might argue that the men were reserved and could have fought back. 

But the point is that there is a strong image of Indos in the minds of Afros that convince them that they are weaklings.  

Carib is always poking fun at Indian men. But I do think that Indians are also afraid of Afro women.

It is the mindset. 

I am curious as to what you mean when you say that Indians are not "weaklings". Indians are brave when they drink and can act tough against other Indians, not Afros.

And, please dont point me to centuries ago when they fought the Europeans...what have they done recently to dispel this image...

Like you live in Guyana.  

Are fuh real,I am saying again the majority of Indians in Guyana are not weaklings,I am from the WCD and most of us are not scared of Afros.

Again, you missing the big picture. I refer to a mindset.

Maybe in West Coast you jahadis are brave souls because you re huddled together. How many of them will standup to a mini bus conductor and tell them to play some Indians music when the majority of passengers are Indians? 

Indians are easily threatened. They avoid conflicts and will think twice before getting into an argument, whether its with a white or afro person.

But like I said...they are willing to fight their matty Indians...thats as far as it goes.

Jagdeo was an exception. Regardless of what we can say about his, he took on the criminals and he was outspoken....thats why he is liked by Indians. He is hated by Afros because he showed us that he can be a "tough coolie".  

Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

You are missing the point banna....I am talking about a mindset. The women knew Indos were weaklings....thats why they were in their comfort zone when they did what they did with ease. They were not drunk, they were not on drugs, but they saw a majority of Indos protesting and felt an ease to do what they did. If you live in GT, you should understand what I am talking about 

I lived in GT,Durban and Smith St in the early 70's worked and walked from Plaza Cinema to home in the night and was never touched,went back home and from 76 traveled to work in Robb St for 8 years,i know GT very well.

Then maybe we cannot use your experience to generalize for all Indians. Its about posture, its about how you carry yourself, its about how you look at people, its about the image in the way you are might be an exception because you you live in a city where you developed coping skills and instincts...we cant say to same for the majority of Indians.  

VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Django posted:

We can say that when we are safely not residing in Guyana. Did you see the video when two of APNU female supporters confronted and scared all of those PPP picketers who did nothing, said nothing even when one of the ladies took away the placard and tore it up and threatened them with violence. 

Indo accept that East Indians did struggle against the sugar planters and there was some against the burnham regime.

Zed..I migrated in 1996 and worked in a fearful street in Gt, called Robb St.

Regarding the video two loud mouthed afro women scaring a bunch male Indian PPP picketers is laughable, i will not consider that to be  severe intimidation ,In protests incidents like that always occur.

You are missing the point banna....I am talking about a mindset. The women knew Indos were weaklings....thats why they were in their comfort zone when they did what they did with ease. They were not drunk, they were not on drugs, but they saw a majority of Indos protesting and felt an ease to do what they did. If you live in GT, you should understand what I am talking about 

I lived in GT,Durban and Smith St in the early 70's worked and walked from Plaza Cinema to home in the night and was never touched,went back home and from 76 traveled to work in Robb St for 8 years,i know GT very well.

Then maybe we cannot use your experience to generalize for all Indians. Its about posture, its about how you carry yourself, its about how you look at people, its about the image in the way you are might be an exception because you you live in a city where you developed coping skills and instincts...we cant say to same for the majority of Indians.  

That is the reason you need good leadership in villages to motivate people from the fear factor,most Indians have to still reside in Guyana,not all can migrate.By the way i grew up in a mixed village and had no fear of other ethnicity.

VishMahabir posted:

Jagdeo was an exception. Regardless of what we can say about his, he took on the criminals and he was outspoken....thats why he is liked by Indians. He is hated by Afros because he showed us that he can be a "tough coolie".  

There was no need for an Indian vs black and a perpetuation of the racist bifurcation or our peoples on race. He most of all had a tenure sufficient to bridge the two groups by listening, and by inclusion. Instead he had misir writing counter arguments to African Marginalization and relying on a drug lord as security when he failed to trust our own security forces. He was a poor leader. He was vile, vindictive, given to the easy lie, not ever seeing black people as people but as social monads to be moved directed and marginalized to the advantage of his own kindred. Unfortunately, he did not help Indians however much they are dumb enough to miss his racism and consequent widening of the hatred between the groups. The majority of indians were made poorer in his administration. He had no economy to speak of. Meanwhile, amerindians were squeezed...the largest land owners but the poorest people because they were seen as charity case and treated as wards of the indian administration.

Last edited by Former Member

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