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President Jagdeo: A legacy that never was

August 10, 2012 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie

You hear it all the time when people discuss the non-existent legacy of Bharrat Jagdeo. The word corruption dominates the conversation. The conclusion is that Mr. Jagdeo’s tenure was poor because there was too much financial skullduggery that clouded his twelve years in office.
Actually in political theory the two are not connected. The birth of a legacy can still occur even though the reign of President or Prime Minister was characterized by massive corruption.
Amidst the sea of financial venalities, a nation’s leader can seek to offset the damage done by the talk of graft by excelling in many areas of national development. A good example in political theory is the dichotomy between authoritarian government and development. In Singapore, Malaysia, Cuba and a couple of Gulf countries, serious economic expansion occurred even though there was no democracy.
Most, if not all, political analysts would concede that the dictatorial figure of Lee Kuan Yew made Singapore into one of the richest Third World countries that today it does not fit the label of a Third World nation.
If you are going to evaluate Mr. Jagdeo’s time, then you have to look at the really abysmal failure in development. Just leave out corruption in the equation and study developmental projects, and the inevitable conclusion is that his reign was a sad failure in economic development. Hardly any project for Mr. Jagdeo succeeded.
Ironically, Mr. Jagdeo’s jewel was not so golden after all. He will be remembered for the Berbice Bridge. Built in the 21st century, it has the appearance of a very poor, cheap structure. It is indeed ironic, because I think the bridge is a large indication of this writer’s view that Jagdeo was a huge failure.
This is the 21st century.  If you are constructing a school, cultural centre, library, museum, police station, Government ministry, office blocks, modern architecture, your final product though looking expensive need not be so; the architectural style will make it appear so, but at the end of the day you will have a handsome building.
Every expatriate who returns to Guyana, without exception, makes the statement that Guyana has houses the type they see in upscale suburbs in Europe and the US. The owners simply adopt the prevailing architecture around the world.
I have commented ad infinitum on this page that the Berbice Bridge built three years ago is an ugly, bare thing. Any decent Guyanese would admit that Forbes Burnham’s 1978 construction over the Demerara River is more impressive. Mr. Jagdeo should really be ashamed at what he built over the Berbice River.
You can rattle off your tongue the dreams of Mr. Jagdeo that miserably died in the sands of time.
Mr. Jagdeo was made a Champion of the Earth by the UN, yet that did not impress the Norwegians. He got angry with the Norwegian Prime Minister over the LCDS payments, but the man was unmoved. Jagdeo failed to collect even one cent from his covenant with Norway.
His Amaila Falls hydropower baby is slowly sinking in the thick jungles in Guyana. The most depraved aspect of this project is that if it ever becomes reality, the cost to build it would have been so enormous that it will not reduce the price of kilowatts to the consumers even in the first five years.
Under Mr. Jagdeo, sugar is facing collapse. He imported sugar from Guatemala, built a US$181 million white elephant in Skeldon and sugar production in 2011 was the lowest in twenty years. Mr. Jagdeo dreamt of a Marriott Hotel but it could not get off the ground during his presidency.
What really got started under Mr. Jagdeo? Not even under cash-strapped Burnham did UG fall so short of money as we saw the past ten years. The Botanical Gardens and the National Park became eyesores under Jagdeo.
The NIS is facing a very tragic future. It is so bad that the talk is that in five years’ time it may collapse. Under Jagdeo’s watch, GPL limped along. GPL’s service to customers is hardly of a quality that puts it above what obtained under the PNC – which did not have money – in the eighties.
GWI still cannot get its billing system right. The shortage of public teachers is an enduring feature in Guyana. The Georgetown Public Hospital does not have a proper management system and does not have an impressive quota of competent doctors.
Jagdeo came and met the judicial system in a mess. When he left it was in a deeper mess with shortage of both judges and magistrates. Mr. Jagdeowas a failure, period!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Dude, you sound like a flip side Caribj. You may not like him but he is your other half.


Guyana is not to be governed to the comfort level of Indians or to satiate their personal security needs or Africans for that matter. It is to be governed to the advantage of all.


Unfortunately, that takes a vision not yet articulated by any one. Despite the AFC speaking to constitutional reforms, they have not expressed it in a coherent fashion to address the fundamental failing in the society that brings on sentiments as you expressed above.


Jagdeo is indeed a crook and the seed of our present discontent. I do not know why you think you are equipped to label anyone a loser in life or not. Freddie is a winner if he feels his life is well lived. You get no say in it.

Personally, I believe that Jagdeo was the best leader and statesman Guyana ever had. Burnham was a good statesman and leader also, but Jagdeo was leaps and bounds ahead of him. He was extremely effective and proactive, and had greater business smarts than most businessmen
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  .............Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Excellent points.
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

You guessed and of course you are wrong. Who is using Burnham's constitution as he intended to run the country?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

You guessed and of course you are wrong. Who is using Burnham's constitution as he intended to run the country?

is this a real question . . . or just illiterate rhetorical flourish?


Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Glad you admit that Jagdeo was an Indian leader, who led an Indian govt whose interests were largely limited to Indians.

Because clearly he didnt change the paradigm of politics in Guyana where when one group is in power they do their best to exclude the other.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You guessed and of course you are wrong. Who is using Burnham's constitution as he intended to run the country?

The PPP is.   Or are you so stupid that you dont know that there has never been a fundamental change to that constiution by the PPP and that Jagdeo now enjoys all the privileges of an ex President that Burnham designe dfor himself.


If you think that the constitution has changed in what way has this be done?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


And GNI JACKASS Braying as usual.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


And GNI JACKASS Braying as usual.



I can see hyena shit dripping through your ears. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


And GNI JACKASS Braying as usual.



I can see hyena shit dripping through your ears. 

How can a blind Bat and a Dumb JACKASS see anything.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


And GNI JACKASS Braying as usual.



I can see hyena shit dripping through your ears. 

How can a blind Bat and a Dumb JACKASS see anything.



One does not need to see. There is a surplus of hyena shit in your head. logic would dictate it must escape through your ears and mouth. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Former President Jagdeo's legacy will go into the history books, and add to the great accomplishments of the founding father and leader of the working class and poor, our fallen hero, the late Cheddi Jagan, as a written account of the PPP. Our leaders will not be judged on one man's view; we are a nation of many.'





Yet all those founding fathers bequeathed a jackass cyart (aka dankey cart) economy. The masses shall live just at subsistence and ignorance while the PPP created elites enjoy the hog share of the produce of the jackass cyart economy.


And GNI JACKASS Braying as usual.



I can see hyena shit dripping through your ears. 

How can a blind Bat and a Dumb JACKASS see anything.



One does not need to see. There is a surplus of hyena shit in your head. logic would dictate it must escape through your ears and mouth. 



Gurl don't be so hard on him. He lives a life of sycophancy and dishonesty for the sake of being able to socialize with PPPites in NY. He gives his all for some henny and poke cuttahs.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Glad you admit that Jagdeo was an Indian leader, who led an Indian govt whose interests were largely limited to Indians.

Because clearly he didnt change the paradigm of politics in Guyana where when one group is in power they do their best to exclude the other.

The pendulum needs to swing back to the center bringing a bit more balance.  This balance is best accomplished under the current admin.  The problem is when a leader attempts to moderate, it is interpreted as a weakness and the power hungry vultures swoop in to try to impose their ways.  Balance will need to be done in a methodical and careful manner.  The GoG cannot allow a rebuild of the terrorist gangs of the early-mid 2000's.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

It clearly is NOT the way forever, but a jolt was needed to remove the spector when one group thinks they had the inalienable right to subjugate, brutalize and plunder the other with impunity and the other see their only hope is to wish upon the mercy of the perpetuator.


Jagdeo will go down in history as the leader who changed this thinking to some degree.  No one is without an option to protect and defend oneself.

Originally Posted by TI:
Personally, I believe that Jagdeo was the best leader and statesman Guyana ever had. Burnham was a good statesman and leader also, but Jagdeo was leaps and bounds ahead of him. He was extremely effective and proactive, and had greater business smarts than most businessmen

Excellent point.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

It clearly is NOT the way forever, but a jolt was needed to remove the spector when one group thinks they had the inalienable right to subjugate, brutalize and plunder the other with impunity and the other see their only hope is to wish upon the mercy of the perpetuator.


Jagdeo will go down in history as the leader who changed this thinking to some degree.  No one is without an option to protect and defend oneself.

Excellent point.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Jagdeo will go down in history as one of Guyana's most decisive and tough leaders.  He shifted the paradigm for Indians from a the perennial victim to a hard-nosed character.  The man has his flaws, but his no-nonsense approach has re-set the base for a different Guyana.


Kissoon, a loser, a coward and pitiful shame of a person has no calibre or character to even talk about the man.  Future leaders must never allow a back-slide to the days when Indians cowered until the aggressor has had enough, got tired and chose, at their will, to stop brutalizing them.

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

It clearly is NOT the way forever, but a jolt was needed to remove the spector when one group thinks they had the inalienable right to subjugate, brutalize and plunder the other with impunity and the other see their only hope is to wish upon the mercy of the perpetuator.


Jagdeo will go down in history as the leader who changed this thinking to some degree.  No one is without an option to protect and defend oneself.

we now have a full appreciation of Jagdeo's indispensible contributions [jolts?] to the restoration of YOUR manhood.


I guess the murderous cabal just needs to gun down a few more Blackman to demonstrate their "hard-nosed[ness]" . . . as you say, it's not like they're gonna have to do this "forever"


abe pan tap

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

It clearly is NOT the way forever, but a jolt was needed to remove the spector when one group thinks they had the inalienable right to subjugate, brutalize and plunder the other with impunity and the other see their only hope is to wish upon the mercy of the perpetuator.


Jagdeo will go down in history as the leader who changed this thinking to some degree.  No one is without an option to protect and defend oneself.

we now have a full appreciation of Jagdeo's indispensible contributions [jolts?] to the restoration of YOUR manhood.


I guess the murderous cabal just needs to gun down a few more Blackman to demonstrate their "hard-nosed[ness]" . . . as you say, it's not like they're gonna have to do this "forever"


abe pan tap

Linden shootings seems uncalled for, police excess.  The scenario of a set-up should not be ignored.


The people of Enterprise, Annandale, Lusignan and other surrounding villages are no longer sitting-ducks for Buxton terrorists.

Originally Posted by baseman:

[a] Linden shootings seems uncalled for, police excess.  The scenario of a set-up should not be ignored.


[b] The people of Enterprise, Annandale, Lusignan and other surrounding villages are no longer sitting-ducks for Buxton terrorists.

remind me again how these two are related, Herr Goebbels?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:

Imagine . . . the racist lackeys of this criminal PPP cabal are justifying their crimes by telling Indo-Guyanese that the Party is merely demonstrating the way Indians can transform themselves from "perennial victims" to "hard-nosed character[s]."


That's a hell of a governing imperative/strategy for a multi-racial country where the incumbent party supported by a majority of "perennial victims" has wielded power under an autocratic constitution for more than 20 years.


I guess . . . the murder of protesters in Linden must be the 1st installment in the latest demonstration of the "paradigm shift" to the 'conquered people' of Region 10 . . .

It clearly is NOT the way forever, but a jolt was needed to remove the spector when one group thinks they had the inalienable right to subjugate, brutalize and plunder the other with impunity and the other see their only hope is to wish upon the mercy of the perpetuator.


Jagdeo will go down in history as the leader who changed this thinking to some degree.  No one is without an option to protect and defend oneself.

we now have a full appreciation of Jagdeo's indispensible contributions [jolts?] to the restoration of YOUR manhood.


I guess the murderous cabal just needs to gun down a few more Blackman to demonstrate their "hard-nosed[ness]" . . . as you say, it's not like they're gonna have to do this "forever"


abe pan tap

Linden shootings seems uncalled for, police excess.  The scenario of a set-up should not be ignored.


The people of Enterprise, Annandale, Lusignan and other surrounding villages are no longer sitting-ducks for Buxton terrorists.

Baseman , as you rightfully stated, there was a conspiracy, I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun. It was quite clear that the rubber pallets that was fired by the police hit other protestors but nothing happened to them. I am sure there is more than what we are hearing. The three who was gun down may have had personal beef with another set of criminals.

Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Ravi Dev had said that the afro-Guyanese were killing out the Indian, Tk shared that same ideology. Ppp who is the only inclusive party in Guyana dismissed Ravi dev and his one sided politics. Had Ravi dev ever ruleed Guyana he should have put all those stinkface cockroach in Linden in their places. Today I see Tk kissing up the the same people who he once scorned. Listen Tk I don't have time for your nonsense.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Ravi Dev had said that the afro-Guyanese were killing out the Indian, Tk shared that same ideology. Ppp who is the only inclusive party in Guyana dismissed Ravi dev and his one sided politics. Had Ravi dev ever ruleed Guyana he should have put all those stinkface cockroach in Linden in their places. Today I see Tk kissing up the the same people who he once scorned. Listen Tk I don't have time for your nonsense.

That's all very interesting stink mouth . . . but what the hell has THAT got to do with your scummy LIES . . . or your dalit insecurities?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Ravi Dev had said that the afro-Guyanese were killing out the Indian, Tk shared that same ideology. Ppp who is the only inclusive party in Guyana dismissed Ravi dev and his one sided politics. Had Ravi dev ever ruleed Guyana he should have put all those stinkface cockroach in Linden in their places. Today I see Tk kissing up the the same people who he once scorned. Listen Tk I don't have time for your nonsense.

That's all very interesting stink mouth . . . but what the hell has THAT got to do with your scummy LIES . . . or your dalit insecurities?

We are hard working people, unlike you and and rest in lidnen who wants everything for free.

those criminals in Linden need to stop committing crimes against people. they  are becoming social misfits to progressive economies. The US,Canada,England and other places have the same bull with african crime,poor neighbourhoods,lousy attitudes and other races do well except for them. Clean up your act and get on the bandwagon of success. This does not pertain to the decent black people but use your success to address the garbage cleanup in your neighbourhoods.  Linden need to stop
  hating on everyoneelse, they bring their own failures apon themselves. Ok stink mouth, dutty crab dog like the rest.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Indians rather beg and be poor than to kill and rob people, Indians don't kill others for what they have.

apropos of nothing!!


slinging antiman shit about TK on the other thread to impress yujii & friends is more your style . . . gwaan suh!

Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Ravi Dev had said that the afro-Guyanese were killing out the Indian, Tk shared that same ideology. Ppp who is the only inclusive party in Guyana dismissed Ravi dev and his one sided politics. Had Ravi dev ever ruleed Guyana he should have put all those stinkface cockroach in Linden in their places. Today I see Tk kissing up the the same people who he once scorned. Listen Tk I don't have time for your nonsense.

That's all very interesting stink mouth . . . but what the hell has THAT got to do with your scummy LIES . . . or your dalit insecurities?

We are hard working people, unlike you and and rest in lidnen who wants everything for free.

those criminals in Linden need to stop committing crimes against people. they  are becoming social misfits to progressive economies. The US,Canada,England and other places have the same bull with african crime,poor neighbourhoods,lousy attitudes and other races do well except for them. Clean up your act and get on the bandwagon of success. This does not pertain to the decent black people but use your success to address the garbage cleanup in your neighbourhoods.  Linden need to stop
  hating on everyoneelse, they bring their own failures apon themselves. Ok stink mouth, dutty crab dog like the rest.

Wow, you like "decent black people"! Well who are these?  What a little racist piggy!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Indians rather beg and be poor than to kill and rob people, Indians don't kill others for what they have.

apropos of nothing!!


slinging antiman shit about TK on the other thread to impress yujii & friends is more your style . . . gwaan suh!

Yes Tk love to visit Guyana to feel up little girls and have lil  things on the side , ceeta getting old and hard.  Same thing tk's leader used to do , until that innocent poor girl ended getting pregnant and he had to marry her. Btw what is Ravi dev up to these days?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by criminal#1: 

I was told by people in the Linden vicinity, that most or all of them owes a gun . . .

What a yellabelly cockroach . . . go crawl back into your stink hole

look at this stinkface, ignorant, stupid idiot.


the stink hole I crawl in, is sweet bad.


 you will be crawllin in Ramjattan stink hole.


I see he's been kissing a lot of stink batty lately, it's a reflection of the blackness on his face.

tell we more bout the "people in the Linden vicinity" who tell YOU bout how everybady "own a gun" nuh . . . U lying sack of shit.


BTW, how BLACK are you? . . . dalit cockroach

Ravi Dev had said that the afro-Guyanese were killing out the Indian, Tk shared that same ideology. Ppp who is the only inclusive party in Guyana dismissed Ravi dev and his one sided politics. Had Ravi dev ever ruleed Guyana he should have put all those stinkface cockroach in Linden in their places. Today I see Tk kissing up the the same people who he once scorned. Listen Tk I don't have time for your nonsense.

That's all very interesting stink mouth . . . but what the hell has THAT got to do with your scummy LIES . . . or your dalit insecurities?

We are hard working people, unlike you and and rest in lidnen who wants everything for free.

those criminals in Linden need to stop committing crimes against people. they  are becoming social misfits to progressive economies. The US,Canada,England and other places have the same bull with african crime,poor neighbourhoods,lousy attitudes and other races do well except for them. Clean up your act and get on the bandwagon of success. This does not pertain to the decent black people but use your success to address the garbage cleanup in your neighbourhoods.  Linden need to stop
  hating on everyoneelse, they bring their own failures apon themselves. Ok stink mouth, dutty crab dog like the rest.

Wow, you like "decent black people"! Well who are these?  What a little racist piggy!

Your fat buck face making your eyes getting selective or what? you didn't see when that stink mouth Redux called me a Dalit. You ddidn't see that fatface Buckface.

Originally Posted by criminal#1:

Your fat buck face making your eyes getting selective or what? you didn't see when that stink mouth Redux called me a Dalit. You ddidn't see that fatface Buckface.


You are a all of its pejorative sense. It takes that kind of vile stereotype personified to be so thoroughly a reek as you


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