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The good result of a Jagdeo presidency will be a majority in parliament. Remember how the opposition had convulsions when they thought that Jagdeo would run for a 3rd term, given his popularity in the nation. Ramoutar did not have the same popularity and cost the PPP dearly in the loss of seats. Jagdeo is still young enough to resume the presidency for a 3rd term just as FDR. 


President Jagdeo should never consider a third term in office even if the constitution stated it's OK. I hold the PPP to a higher standard to rid Guyana from a dictator style leadership. Guyana experienced both Burnhamism and Jagdeoism and the country is sick and tired with that example. Two five year term is more than enough for any president. I think they should amend the constitution and make it to four years rather than five year.


Bharrat Jagdeo is the most popular and respected Guyanese President in certain international organizations. Leaders in these organizations are encouraging him to run again. I hope he wins. His pathetic haters will go nuts. 


Through rigged elections; proven publicly by independent international organizations; Forbes Burnham was in power from 1964 to 1985 - 21 years.


Unless the constitution restricts a person as President for only two terms, there should be no concerns if a former President seeks election at a later date.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Bharrat Jagdeo is the most popular and respected Guyanese President in certain international organizations. Leaders in these organizations are encouraging him to run again. I hope he wins. His pathetic haters will go nuts. 

Bharat jagdeo is a crook. With Norway's disinterested support for environmentalism he is getting a piggy back on environmentalism. He has no provenance in environmentalism. The US surely thinks he is a crook and said as much. The Brits does not care for him so he skirts on the fringes with blind sycophants in the Indian community as his only believers of his greatness. 

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Bharrat Jagdeo is the most popular and respected Guyanese President in certain international organizations. Leaders in these organizations are encouraging him to run again. I hope he wins. His pathetic haters will go nuts. 

Bharat jagdeo is a crook. With Norway's disinterested support for environmentalism he is getting a piggy back on environmentalism. He has no provenance in environmentalism. The US surely thinks he is a crook and said as much. The Brits does not care for him so he skirts on the fringes with blind sycophants in the Indian community as his only believers of his greatness. 


D2 needs to end his hate for Indos. His posts are a reflection of his racism and hate towards anything Indo. Shame on D2.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look at Putin, he is on his 3rd term. If the people want Jagdeo then the haters should not step in the way. 


Putin is the most influential person on the planet, ahead of Obama. Great point. Jagdeo was brave enough to put his people back on the map of Guyana and took down the PNC thugs. He took Guyana from extreme poverty to wealth. He set the stage for further economic growth.


And yes, he destroyed the PNC terror gangs that preyed on his people. Hate him or like him, he put Guyana back on the map after Greenidge made Guyana a basket case.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look at Putin, he is on his 3rd term. If the people want Jagdeo then the haters should not step in the way. 


Putin is the most influential person on the planet, ahead of Obama. Great point. Jagdeo was brave enough to put his people back on the map of Guyana and took down the PNC thugs. He took Guyana from extreme poverty to wealth. He set the stage for further economic growth.


And yes, he destroyed the PNC terror gangs that preyed on his people. Hate him or like him, he put Guyana back on the map after Greenidge made Guyana a basket case.

Certainly on the drugs map.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Bharrat Jagdeo is the most popular and respected Guyanese President in certain international organizations. Leaders in these organizations are encouraging him to run again. I hope he wins. His pathetic haters will go nuts. 

Bharat jagdeo is a crook. With Norway's disinterested support for environmentalism he is getting a piggy back on environmentalism. He has no provenance in environmentalism. The US surely thinks he is a crook and said as much. The Brits does not care for him so he skirts on the fringes with blind sycophants in the Indian community as his only believers of his greatness. 


D2 needs to end his hate for Indos. His posts are a reflection of his racism and hate towards anything Indo. Shame on D2.

the mention of the  "fringes" where "blind sycophants in the indian community" supplicate the gods in their imagination speak to backwardness in the Indian community...knuckleheads like you. It is speaking to the intellectually dessicated and morally!

Originally Posted by kajol:

Based on how nothing good is moving forward in Guyana, BJ might be just what the country needs again.

Based on the fact that crook initiated the booty grab, why would any one want him back? Further, he generates such contempt that he is the worse of woes possible.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Look at Putin, he is on his 3rd term. If the people want Jagdeo then the haters should not step in the way. 


Putin is the most influential person on the planet, ahead of Obama. Great point. Jagdeo was brave enough to put his people back on the map of Guyana and took down the PNC thugs. He took Guyana from extreme poverty to wealth. He set the stage for further economic growth.


And yes, he destroyed the PNC terror gangs that preyed on his people. Hate him or like him, he put Guyana back on the map after Greenidge made Guyana a basket case.

No one doubt that however, his corrupt clan is having a damaging impact on the nation and the people's welfare. We should not use Putin as a reference, history shows these long-time rulers end up corrupting the system.  This is why even China has a process of limits and turn over though the Communist party is still the ruling party.



November 29, 2013 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom 


As part of the Constitutional reform process that took place after the 1997 elections, an Oversight Committee was established to draft revisions that would give effect to the recommendations of the Constitutional Reform Commission (CRC). One of the recommendations of that Commission was to establish term limits for the Presidency.  In drafting the revisions to the Constitution, the Oversight Committee did its job. It did not fail in its mandate to give effect to term limits. Nor were the amendments ambiguous. There is therefore no need for concern that the reforms enacted, limiting a President to two elected term, left a lacuna that would allow for the possibility of former President Bharrat Jagdeo returning to the throne of Executive power in Guyana. The amendments to the Constitution provide at Article 90(2): ”A person elected as President after the year 2000 is eligible for re-election only once.” It is being suggested that this provision opens the possibility for a third term for President Jagdeo, since one of the rules of legal interpretation of terms are the common and general usage of terms, and that the term “re-election” in its normal and common usage, refers to the election of someone who is incumbent. Based on the false assumption that re-election can only come immediately after one term, there is the possibility that a President can return to the Presidency after a lapse of one term. In other words, this argument is based on the assumption that re-election can only refer to election for consecutive terms. This assumption is however predicated on a false premise. The term re-election in its common usage simply means to elect again. It is conceivable for someone to be re-elected for a consecutive term. But it is equally possible for a former President to be re-elected, as has been the case in Argentina recently. Thus, if taken in its normal usage, a person can be re-elected for a consecutive term or that person can be re-elected after a lapse one or more terms. When the Constitution of Guyana, therefore, provides for someone to be only re-elected once, this effectively means that a single individual can only serve two terms, regardless of the intermission between these terms. Any Court interpreting Article 90 of the Constitution is likely to go beyond a literal interpretation of the provision. Since this very Article emerged out of a process of Constitutional Reform, the Court would most likely examine the intent of the framers. And in seeking the intent of the framers, the Court would have to consider the fact that the CRC had agreed that there should be term limits and that a President should be limited to no more than two elected terms. This is made clearer by Article 90 (3) which provides that someone who accedes to office after 2000, that is, someone who takes over without being elected, and who serves for no less than a period determined by the National Assembly, is only eligible for election once. Now if the Constitution limits someone who has acceded to the Presidency to only one elected term, it would be incongruous for the same Constitution to grant to another person who had served two terms, a third term, would it not? It is therefore obvious that there is no foundation to the argument that it may be possible for Bharrat Jagdeo, twice elected as President, to enjoy a third term after the present term of Donald Ramotar ends. This would be ultra vires of the Constitution. There is, however, another reason why Bharrat Jagdeo will not return to the throne of political power in Guyana. The President of any country has tremendous power and that power, as we have seen, can be used to determine how the party votes. It would take a very weak president to not be granted the presidential candidacy of his party. It would even be more audacious for a party seeking re-election to go into an election without its sitting President as its presidential candidate. Donald Ramotar has not been inspiring so far in his presidency. But that should not be wrongly interpreted to mean that he is simply warming the seat of the throne for the return of Bharrat Jagdeo. If you make such an interpretation, you will end up being very disappointed. The Donald will serve his two terms.


That Peeping Tom reads just like Rev. Remember I said Rev lives in Guyana and works at OP/MOF/NICIL? Rev is raping the money while it lasts. He is very close to the Ramotar clan. 


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