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Former Member

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo

These were the remarks of the Leader of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo. He was questioned about his thoughts on assuming his party’s Vice Presidential position.
Last Friday on the Kaieteur Radio programme, The Political Show, the party’s Presidential Candidate, Mr. Irfaan Ali, stated that he wants Jagdeo to serve as his Vice President.
The 39-year-old Ali and protégé of the former President asserted that with Jagdeo at his side, he would bring skills and experience to the table that are unquestionable.
During his weekly Thursday press briefing on November 14, last, the Opposition Leader explained that he and Ali have never discussed the Vice President position and he believes that Ali’s expression is just his desire.
However, he stated that he has made it clear that he wants to be allied with the new Government, if the party is to win the upcoming March 2020 elections.
The Opposition Leader added, “I have not decided in what capacity [I will serve] at this time. He [Ali] is somebody that I like, somebody I support. Why would I not want to work hard every day to make him successful, and share all the skills that I have required or advice?
“He [Ali] will be the President and he can choose to accept or ignore the advice. But I know that because of how long we have worked together that we share similar outlook on various issues on development and progress.”
Meanwhile, Director- General of the Ministry of the Presidency, Mr. Joseph Harmon, on Friday morning criticized Jagdeo for the contentious issue.
During the Post Cabinet press briefing, Harmon stated that such an appointment would go against the spirit of the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) ruling, which stipulated that Jagdeo could only serve two terms as the President.
It is important to note that if the Opposition Leader assumes the VP position, he could be open to the possibility of performing presidential duties.
The Director- General said, “I think that [the political opposition] is testing the waters. It is testing the patience of the Guyanese people and their tolerance for lawlessness, because clearly there is a decision by the Caribbean Court of Justice that says that this gentleman [Jagdeo] cannot be the President or Prime Minister. That is really getting through the backdoor.”


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also


CCJ’s ruling only applies to President running for two terms. It did not exclude or prevent former Presidents from running for VP.

Unite Kulie PPP ! Unite against PNC racism the constitutional rapist GrAnger !

Vote like a real man or women and vote PPP/C

Don't vote like an antiman and vote PNC. 

Sean posted:

CCJ’s ruling only applies to President running for two terms. It did not exclude or prevent former Presidents from running for VP.

Unite Kulie PPP ! Unite against PNC racism the constitutional rapist GrAnger !

Vote like a real man or women and vote PPP/C

Don't vote like an antiman and vote PNC. 

Where the hell do you come up with shit like this? You must pull it out of your ass. Very dumbass statement.

Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

Between Dr Irfaan, Dr Bharat and Dr Oil, Guyana headed to Mars!!

Ayuh watch, before Trump leaves office in 2024, he will remove Guyana from “Shithole” status!!

Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

He should apply for the Director General position.  I can see him directing the General.

Bibi Haniffa
Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

Well, twenty years ago an American named Jim Jones did the same, Jagdeo is Twenty years late.

 He learnt from the best, Americans.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

He should apply for the Director General position.  I can see him directing the General.

Miss Bibi,

Should Ralph and his Anus party become directors to Dr. Ali and the PPP ?

Some Kulie people are like crabs !

Unite Kulie people !

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

He should apply for the Director General position.  I can see him directing the General.

Miss Bibi,

Should Ralph and his Anus party become directors to Dr. Ali and the PPP ?

Some Kulie people are like crabs !

Unite Kulie people !

Please translate this.  The have no idea what you are talking about.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

Between Dr Irfaan, Dr Bharat and Dr Oil, Guyana headed to Mars!!

Ayuh watch, before Trump leaves office in 2024, he will remove Guyana from “Shithole” status!!

...heading to Mars and a few more Jagdeo Towers. 

Tola posted:
Baseman posted:
Amral posted:

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

Between Dr Irfaan, Dr Bharat and Dr Oil, Guyana headed to Mars!!

Ayuh watch, before Trump leaves office in 2024, he will remove Guyana from “Shithole” status!!

...heading to Mars and a few more Jagdeo Towers. 

Jagdeo should build some Trump towers!


Dr. Jagdeo’s Trump Tower.

He already built the Marriot now being enjoyed by all.

In the meanwhile, AFC PNC building toilets in Linden ! 

Kulies Unite ! Vote for one doctor and get two ! 

Sean posted:

Dr. Jagdeo’s Trump Tower.

He already built the Marriot now being enjoyed by all.

In the meanwhile, AFC PNC building toilets in Linden ! 

Kulies Unite ! Vote for one doctor and get two ! 

Which Dr. Dr. Dr.  will you get to operate on you ? 

Sean posted:

Which doctor gun operate on you after GrNher done with all you ? 

Maybe you should consult GrNher after de Rat  done wid you all. Because that is what de Rat is doing to his voters in Guyana. The rich gets richer and the poor still struggle to feed their family.   


If the PPP/C win the elections, Bharrat Jagdeo could indeed become a Vice President.

It would be prudent for other Vice Presidents to become Acting President and him serving ONLY as a Vice President.


Since everyone interpret the constitution for their own purpose, any political scenario is possible in Guyana. But due to partial fault of the PPP, the PNC will remain in control of the GDF/GPF. For Indians, this is not acceptable.   

Amral posted:
Dave posted:

“I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in a government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

What a bunch of crock, Jagdeo giving the Guyanese people kool aid to drink also

“I have not decided in what capacity [I will serve] at this time.  HE has not decided. PPP=Jagdeo and Jagdeo=PPP. Let me rephrase, Jagdeo > PPP.

Last edited by GTAngler

In my opinion, it a sensible move for Jagdeo be a vital part of ppp/civic government if it wins the election. Jagdeo is the General Secretary if the PPP, the party that selected Irfaan to be the presidential candidate. He is possibly the most popular politician in Guyana. Additionally, he is very knowledgeable about governing because he was president for two terms so he has lots he can do to help Irfaan. The PPP has been selling the team and he is a valuable member of that team.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

Doctor and doctor 😁 is duh bess fuh Guyana!

One of those doctors is getting ready to kick all of your PNC family to the curb.  Be careful what you wish for.

Who gives a shyte!  My family has been in Guyana thru PNC, PPP, PNC again and if so, PPP again.  And there ain’t one shyte any PPP or PNC politician can do to them!  If fact BJ and Anil attend some of their family functions and he knows how they feel! You got more fire-rage than BJ.

One of those doctors have a big personal vendetta against your clan!  If he wins, 200 years gone fuh Channa!

Zed posted:

In my opinion, it a sensible move for Jagdeo be a vital part of ppp/civic government if it wins the election. Jagdeo is the General Secretary if the PPP, the party that selected Irfaan to be the presidential candidate. He is possibly the most popular politician in Guyana. Additionally, he is very knowledgeable about governing because he was president for two terms so he has lots he can do to help Irfaan. The PPP has been selling the team and he is a valuable member of that team.  

Excellent observation. 

The PPP will do what the PPP has to do. PNC can try deh with PPP rejects like Moses and Rumjhaat and the constitutional rapist Granger. 

President Dr. Jagdeo is THE most popular politician in Guyana today and single handily toppled the AFC PNC. No other politician has ever done that !

In addition, he is THE most popular politician in Guyana 🇬🇾 today ! 

Most of his critics are AFC rejects who were taken for a ride by Moses and Rumjhaat with the constitutional rapist GrNher dishing it out on them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

In my opinion, it a sensible move for Jagdeo be a vital part of ppp/civic government if it wins the election. Jagdeo is the General Secretary if the PPP, the party that selected Irfaan to be the presidential candidate. He is possibly the most popular politician in Guyana. Additionally, he is very knowledgeable about governing because he was president for two terms so he has lots he can do to help Irfaan. The PPP has been selling the team and he is a valuable member of that team.  

Someone blood pressure going up after reading this. 😊

Well said. 

PPP all the way to victory.


Sean posted:

Kulies Unite ! A major PPP victory and revolution is under way. Vote for one doctor and get two ! 
Let their blood pressure rise ! 

Hey Sean by the Lake, you mean PPP = BOGO?

Cannot beat that!


I agree but polling numbers are currently similar to Local Election. Unless PNC can create enough enthusiasm to bring out their supporters, their cork duck. They lost the goodwill and momentum that they garnered during the last election. And the public has been turned off by the PNC faction running over the “coalition partners”. PNC has always been a 28 percent party. They are stuck. 
Jagdeo’s NCV gamble stunted the PNC and with Ali becoming a Doctor create a perfect pathway for the PPP. 

PPP all the way ! Dem PNC bais blood pressure will rise.



From the little I see and hear, the PPP support is solid and they see the major tasks are to ensure the election is free and fair, that people are not disenfranchised and to get their supporters out to vote. Thinking that the APNU support base is soft, expect to see a vigorous campaign to at least win over some of that support from APNU. The AFChasvery little support. I do not see any kind of support for any of the new parties. They might get some of the disenchanted APNU support and a few of the AFC support. Some old and some new political actors hoping to ride new asses.


Excellent observation. The PNC knows it’s just a matter of time before they are kicked to the curb hence the attempt to stall, rape the constitution and rig. A strong PPP turnout will neutralize that attempt. 
Jagdeo has been instrumental in removing them legally from office to fighting for free and fair elections. PNC could have ran over any other PPP person like a dump truck but not that Indian Jagdeo. He is like the Terminator ! 

I remember GNI member Django and Moses challenging Jagdeo to “bring it on”

The Terminator Jagdeo stunned them ! 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Excellent observation. The PNC knows it’s just a matter of time before they are kicked to the curb hence the attempt to stall, rape the constitution and rig. A strong PPP turnout will neutralize that attempt. 
Jagdeo has been instrumental in removing them legally from office to fighting for free and fair elections. PNC could have ran over any other PPP person like a dump truck but not that Indian Jagdeo. He is like the Terminator ! 

I remember GNI member Django and Moses challenging Jagdeo to “bring it on”

The Terminator Jagdeo stunned them ! 

You don’t have to rub it in, the “Bring it on” thingy!!

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

........ Jagdeo is the General Secretary if the PPP, the party that selected Irfaan to be the presidential candidate. 

When did this " the party that selected Irfart" occur?

Last edited by cain

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