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Jagdeo most formidable candidate – combined Opposition poll

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo would be the most formidable candidate that the Opposition parties, A Party for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC), could face in any upcoming general elections.

This was revealed in a poll conducted by the combined Opposition earlier this month, according to highly placed sources in the party.

Evidently worried that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) would call snap elections in the trail of their controversial stance on a host of issues, the combined Opposition rushed through their polling exercise even as their leaders fanned out on outreaches in PPP/C strongholds.

At the memorial service for PPP’s founder Dr Cheddi Jagan at Babu John, in Berbice around the same time, General Secretary of the PPP/C Clement Rohee had suggested that the elections route might be the only way yo break the present “political logjam”. President Donald Ramotar had also alluded to this possibility.

President Donald Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar

The Opposition parties have been taking identical positions on issues such as cutting the budget, even though the courts have ruled this is illegal, voting against the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) Amendment Bill, and closing down the sugar industries (on which they later tried to backtrack).

On the other hand, they have been pushing for Local Government Elections. Their poll confirms their suspicions that they would fare very badly at General Elections if they were held now, and they would perform marginally better at Local Government Elections.

Showing broadly similar results to the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) poll conducted several weeks before theirs, and which they attempted to discredit, the combined Opposition poll showed that in head-to-head contests, the PPP/C would obtain an absolute majority of 51 per cent if Jagdeo were to head the party’s ticket.

If Ramotar were the candidate, the PPP/C would still emerge victorious in securing the Presidency/Executive with 45 per cent of the votes. In first instance, APNU would secure 37 per cent of the vote and the AFC four per cent, while in the second, their support would rise marginally to 38 per cent and AFC, to five per cent.

PNCR Leader David Granger

PNCR Leader David Granger

In both instances, APNU’s presidential candidate identified on the poll was present Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), David Granger. The opposition source that provided Guyana Times with the polling data, said that the Granger faction of the PNCR absolutely refused to place Carl Greenidge as a possible candidate on the poll.

The two have been locked in a bitter battle for the control of the PNCR. In Local Government Elections, the combined Opposition poll shows that they would perform much more credibly.

One political analyst, who was contacted to scrutinize the data, said that the Jagdeo factor would appear to pull more of the PPP/C’s traditional voters out from their apathy, which was exhibited at the last elections, in any new elections. It is also possible that the Opposition’s quibbling at the arrangements to treat the former President’s recent illness backfired by stimulating some “sympathy” votes.

The analyst speculated that the Opposition might have floated the name of Jagdeo as a candidate, even though he has indicated he would not be seeking a third term, to discern whether the support for a Ramotar candidacy was “soft”. The results show that this was not significantly so.

PNCR Member Carl Greenidge

PNCR Member Carl Greenidge

In light of their findings, the analyst predicted that the Opposition will continue to push for Local Government Elections. Those findings by the combined Opposition poll, concluded the analyst, exposed the baseness of the the orchestrated campaign by the Opposition parties and their operatives in the media to vilify Jagdeo and to deny the sterling role he played in returning economic stability and security for citizens in Guyana.


source: Guyanatimes

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hehehehehe. hahahahahahahah. Aluh bring Jagdoe na bai. Meh cyant wait. De numba 1 tieff in de histry of Guyana.

Mek dah #2. PNC bin namba 1.

Skello if yu tek out de racist plank fram yu eye yu go know that PPP is de numba 1 tiefman party in the history. PNC is a far sekan bai.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hehehehehe. hahahahahahahah. Aluh bring Jagdoe na bai. Meh cyant wait. De numba 1 tieff in de histry of Guyana.

Mek dah #2. PNC bin namba 1.

Skello if yu tek out de racist plank fram yu eye yu go know that PPP is de numba 1 tiefman party in the history. PNC is a far sekan bai.

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hehehehehe. hahahahahahahah. Aluh bring Jagdoe na bai. Meh cyant wait. De numba 1 tieff in de histry of Guyana.

Mek dah #2. PNC bin namba 1.

Skello if yu tek out de racist plank fram yu eye yu go know that PPP is de numba 1 tiefman party in the history. PNC is a far sekan bai.

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

De rick people dem only eating. Muss check out de rural areas. Tek de racist plant out from yu eye.


Pokémon Eeveelution

De Black House of Israel Thugs..... and

Poke'man like Councie, Kwamie & Mannie...

now feeling Freedom House & Office of the President

not teking full advantage of De Buggery-Fellas...


And they are not getting De Recognition or attention

as they were getting under Jagabatism.


Councie & Kwamie cannot understand why

De B@tty Poke lifestyle is not

as popular as under de Rat.


This is where we  easily separate.......

the Funny Fellas from......

the Guyanese Majority.... 


Now....Bring on the De Election


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve (banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

weh blackman concerned, alyuh simply can't help yuhselves with de big lies . . . de CRUDER de better


nah suh bai?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hehehehehe. hahahahahahahah. Aluh bring Jagdoe na bai. Meh cyant wait. De numba 1 tieff in de histry of Guyana.

Mek dah #2. PNC bin namba 1.

Skello if yu tek out de racist plank fram yu eye yu go know that PPP is de numba 1 tiefman party in the history. PNC is a far sekan bai.

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

we living in the 21 century,where the world advance by leap and bounds and you calling the way 80% of the guyanese surviving in living.why you thing they is still large migration in guyana 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Guyanese people would be FOOLS to vote for Jagdeo. He had his time, unles he think he is Putin!!!!!

the ppp is being run by fools and thieves,you can see the writing on the walls the ppp is rotting  


Mr. Jagdeo would be a very formidable candidate.  Nevertheless, we should stick to term limits. 


The mental and physical stress of the job of President of a country like Guyana with its many problems  is so great that it can give a person a mental breakdown overnight.  Which hang around yes man or yes woman would tell a President that he or she is suffering from a  mental breakdown.


If it was up to me I would limit that position further to just one four year term.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Wally:

Mr. Jagdeo would be a very formidable candidate.  Nevertheless, we should stick to term limits. 


The mental and physical stress of the job of President of a country like Guyana with its many problems  is so great that it can give a person a mental breakdown overnight.  Which hang around yes man or yes woman would tell a President that he or she is suffering from a  mental breakdown.


If it was up to me I would limit that position further to just one four year term.

i think you love the policy of CUBA 


I like the Cuban revolution's social safety net system that the Cuban people have.  It provides free education, free health care and low cost food to the poor.  Also it gives some protection against homelessness and provides a wage for the unemployed. 


Guyana does not have such a system.  Instead Guyanese rely on family ties to protect against homelessness and such social problems.  In this globalized world where the individual's needs is given importance over the collective it makes family ties no longer important.


Guyana is not Cuba.    Therefore the rule of law, free/fair elections and term limits for the President/Prime Minister are very important parts of Guyana's existence.  

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Guyanese people would be FOOLS to vote for Jagdeo. He had his time, unles he think he is Putin!!!!!

the ppp is being run by fools and thieves,you can see the writing on the walls the ppp is rotting  

I have been hearing dat SHIT since 1992 and the PPP is still there like a big Elephant.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Guyanese people would be FOOLS to vote for Jagdeo. He had his time, unles he think he is Putin!!!!!

the ppp is being run by fools and thieves,you can see the writing on the walls the ppp is rotting  

I have been hearing dat SHIT since 1992 and the PPP is still there like a big Elephant.

from a overwhelming majority to a begging minority,how can you call them a present now guyana is the laughing stock of the Caribbean.Never in the history of the ppp have so much indians turn their back on this the long run it is shown honest people do not like a thief.human nature is taking its true course  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

THe Guyanese people would be FOOLS to vote for Jagdeo. He had his time, unles he think he is Putin!!!!!

the ppp is being run by fools and thieves,you can see the writing on the walls the ppp is rotting  

I have been hearing dat SHIT since 1992 and the PPP is still there like a big Elephant.

from a overwhelming majority to a begging minority,how can you call them a present now guyana is the laughing stock of the Caribbean.Never in the history of the ppp have so much indians turn their back on this the long run it is shown honest people do not like a thief.human nature is taking its true course  

So how come they gun win again????


PPP will win a majority again.


Jagdeo will take on the opposition. Case in point, years after his presidency, they still cannot recover from the claws of the Tiger. They can only write and post "dem boys seh".


The AFC has been rocked with corruption charges and infighting and has lost all goodwill shown towards them. They integrated with the rotten and dirty PNC.


PNC is not ready for an election.


The nation now sees the AFC/PNC party as a destructive force and counterproductive to the economic progress of Guyana. Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana is the opposition's Hero. Go figure.


PPP has gained strength in traditional strongholds. 


Five more years.

President Bharat ki Jia ! President Rammo ki Jai !


Old man and Judas Moses has to pay for his deeds and live up as the AFC's third fiddle behind Nigel and Ramjattan.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

PPP will win a majority again.


Jagdeo will take on the opposition. Case in point, years after his presidency, they still cannot recover from the claws of the Tiger. They can only write and post "dem boys seh".


The AFC has been rocked with corruption charges and infighting and has lost all goodwill shown towards them. They integrated with the rotten and dirty PNC.


PNC is not ready for an election.


The nation now sees the AFC/PNC party as a destructive force and counterproductive to the economic progress of Guyana. Carl Greenidge who bankrupt Guyana is the opposition's Hero. Go figure.


PPP has gained strength in traditional strongholds. 


Five more years.

President Bharat ki Jia ! President Rammo ki Jai !


Old man and Judas Moses has to pay for his deeds and live up as the AFC's third fiddle behind Nigel and Ramjattan.



before bar-rat run again you will have to personally plug up his ass


The ground soldiers in Berbice have revealed that the AFC has been reduced to ashes in Berbice. 


The AFC is finished.


Charges of corruption in the AFC has ruined the party. Top member fled and foreign funding dried up. The stench of corruption in the AFC is unbearable.


No more million dollar Curass and Baigan.


NCN corruption debates…Jagdeo acquired more wealth in office than any other Guyanese President – AFC Chairman

September 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 

“What is wrong with a former president or a president seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency? Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a president to rags,” – Labour Minister Nanda Gopaul.

Bharrat Jagdeo, while in office, acquired more wealth than any other president of independent Guyana. This is according to Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman attorney at law Nigel Hughes. Hughes made the observation while single-handedly taking on two cabinet ministers – Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall and Labour Minister Nanda Gopaul – a PPP sympathizer and the Chief Labour Officer, during the latest edition of the National Communication Network-organized public debates on corruption. The other main opposition A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has opted out of the debates. Amidst a string of rebuttals from his opponents, Hughes went on to point out that “no other head of state in this country through independence to now…while they were president, made a business of the presidency to acquire the assets that the State owned; not assets they went out on the open market and bought; assets that the State owned, and they then converted and bought below market prices.” Hughes was mainly referring to the house that the former Guyanese leader now owns at Sparendaam East Coast Demerara (Pradoville 2), which he described as a “Palace”. According to Hughes, Jagdeo managed to purchase prime ocean front land for $5M per acre, an amount way below the market value of such property. “This is State land acquired by the government of the day and distributed to the President and the President’s friends below market prices, next to Courida Park, some of the most expensive real estate. I’m still waiting to find out where I can get one acre of ocean front property, prime real estate for $5M per acre,” Hughes said. He challenged his opponents to identify whether Dr. Jagan or even President Burnham ever carried out such practices. His assertions were strongly refuted by Labour Minister Nanda Gopaul and Attorney General Anil Nandlall, who made it clear that Jagdeo received what every other Guyanese received under the government’s housing programme. Nandlall explained that like every other Guyanese, Jagdeo was allocated a house lot for $58,000, which in the particular case was located in Goedverwagting, or what is popularly called Pradoville, on the East Coast of Demerara. “It is most unfair to say that the president took the nation’s assets and enriched himself,” he said. It was emphasised that at the time of the acquisition, Jagdeo was Minister of Finance and not the President. “The difference between Mr. Jagdeo and every other President in this country is that he took power in his thirties. He didn’t own anything, he came back from studies, he worked and he acquired as he was working. He was the only President that is distinguished in that respect,” the Attorney General stated. According to Labour Minister Gopaul, the Ministry of Housing is an authority in Guyana to develop housing schemes and sell house lots, and all the prices are consistent with State value. Nandlall explained that with a tax free salary of close to $1M per month, along with other benefits as President, Jagdeo could afford to construct a house, which he could have eventually resold for US$600,000 (G$120M). The Attorney General defended the price that Jagdeo managed to get for the property since he, Nandlall, had personally negotiated the deal as the duly constituted attorney for the former President.

“That was not the agreed price. US$600,000 was not the price that the President wanted, he wanted higher than that. We finally arrived at a price and I conducted the entire transaction,” Nandlall said. But the AFC Chairman questioned the integrity of the whole sale, noting that it appeared as if there was some Presidential hand-wringing.

Jagdeo’s home at “Pradoville 2”.

“When you are in the office of presidency and you are the only person who can sell a two-storey concrete building on 5000 square feet of land, residential property, for US$600,000, there is some magic there. And so that you do not expose yourself to an allegation that you are not being improperly influenced, particularly where the purchaser is the campaign manager of the PPP,” Hughes stated. But the Attorney General countered by declaring that he has done conveyances as a practitioner of law, whereby he sold residential properties for US$1M and over. “I have done it in this country and I’m sure that Mr. Hughes has done so,” Nandlall argued. Nandlall disclosed that after the sale another piece of land was made available for distribution to a certain quality of Guyanese office holders, a category into which the former President fell. “The impression that is being given here, that the President embarked upon this conquest and acquired land by some improper way and improper procedure, is one that must be wholly rejected,” the Attorney General stated emphatically. According to Nandlall, many persons, including Ministers of the government, former Commissioners of Police and CARICOM Secretariat officials, were offered land for sale there, a move that he said was made public. But Hughes countered that he like many other Guyanese was unaware that the State land at Pradoville 2, which “Jagdeo and his close associates” now occupy, was advertised for sale publicly. “Can I ask…where was this land advertised? When did they advertise ocean front land?” It was around that time that Labour Minister Nanda Gopaul made one of the more controversial contributions of the debate. He argued that there was nothing wrong with a President fortifying himself financially while in office. “What is wrong with a former President or a President seeking to ensure that he lives a comfortable life after his presidency? Especially because we have term limits, knowing full well that you are going to demit office, you must ensure that you look for your future. We must not go from a President to rags,” Gopaul asserted. He further argued that the assets of the former President can be scrutinised so that anyone can see how he has acquired his wealth. At the conclusion of the debate, the AFC Chairman reiterated that there must be a cap on the former President’s benefits, since it would be unfair to the taxpayers for Jagdeo to build a palace and have them “foot the bill” for its upkeep.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The ground soldiers in Berbice have revealed that the AFC has been reduced to ashes in Berbice. 


The AFC is finished.


Charges of corruption in the AFC has ruined the party. Top member fled and foreign funding dried up. The stench of corruption in the AFC is unbearable.


No more million dollar Curass and Baigan.

you might be right but for now the AFC  HAVE THE PPP ON THEIR KNEES BEGGING TO SUCK THE AFC dick.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.



I wasn't aware that flour and split peas was "Indian food".

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.



I wasn't aware that flour and split peas was "Indian food".

bai that skeltonman is wan collie ass

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Jagdeo most formidable candidate – combined Opposition poll

The two have been locked in a bitter battle for the control of the PNCR. In Local Government Elections, the combined Opposition poll shows that they would perform much more credibly.

One political analyst, who was contacted to scrutinize the data, said that the Jagdeo factor would appear to pull more of the PPP/C’s traditional voters out from their apathy, which was exhibited at the last elections, in any new elections. It is also possible that the Opposition’s quibbling at the arrangements to treat the former President’s recent illness backfired by stimulating some “sympathy” votes.

The analyst speculated that the Opposition might have floated the name of Jagdeo as a candidate, even though he has indicated he would not be seeking a third term, to discern whether the support for a Ramotar candidacy was “soft”. The results show that this was not significantly so.

PNCR Member Carl Greenidge

PNCR Member Carl Greenidge

In light of their findings, the analyst predicted that the Opposition will continue to push for Local Government Elections. Those findings by the combined Opposition poll, concluded the analyst, exposed the baseness of the the orchestrated campaign by the Opposition parties and their operatives in the media to vilify Jagdeo and to deny the sterling role he played in returning economic stability and security for citizens in Guyana.


source: Guyanatimes



This has to be the JOKE of the year, influenced by Friends of the BIGGEST JOKER of GUYANA.


Poor Prez Ramu, them Jagdeoites throw him under the bus.



Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the results would be obvious....

in the event of snap election you and some of them ppp cronies better ask cuba for asylum 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the results would be obvious....

Very obvious, the PPP shall never win more than 50% of the electorate and cannot dominate Guyana ever again.

Originally Posted by KishanB: 

 Jagdeo 51%


I don't know if you know this but Indians are only 45% of the votes, and many will not vote for the PPP.  Their support is definitely softening in this core constituency.


The PPP will definitely not do better among black and mixed voters.  I will also not make assumptions about the Amerindian votes as both the AFC and APNU made inroads.  Few of the Amerindian UF supporters switched to the PPP, so it is stuck where it is, and might even be losing support as Amerindian leadership switches from the tochaus to a more educated and younger group.


Its a pity that you think that the only people in Guyana who matter are Indians, so you don't need to look further than that group.



But I know what this is all about.  Jagdeo wants to pull a "Putin". But then we knew that all along.  This defeats the spirit, even if not the letter of having term limits.  Jagdeo needs to go live in his mansion in Boca Raton, so that each time he gets a cold or upset stomach, he doesn't have to cost Guyanese taxpayers to take care of him.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the results would be obvious....



Yes PPP 46%.  Understand that few of those who vote AFC do so in the expectation that they will win.  Its done to register a protest, so despite their diminished status they will still get some votes.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As we draft further and further away from the 2011 polls, its clear, the PPP will secure a majority at the next elections.



As we get further away from 2011 the Indian vote declines.


So explain why the PPP will do better.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Hehehehehe. hahahahahahahah. Aluh bring Jagdoe na bai. Meh cyant wait. De numba 1 tieff in de histry of Guyana.

Mek dah #2. PNC bin namba 1.

Skello if yu tek out de racist plank fram yu eye yu go know that PPP is de numba 1 tiefman party in the history. PNC is a far sekan bai.

I look at at it this way. Burnham stole and caused the people to starve(banned all Indian food) . If the PPP is stealing and I don't doubt some of them do, the people are still eating and living better than the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

De rick people dem only eating. Muss check out de rural areas. Tek de racist plant out from yu eye.

Ignorance is no excuse for you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As we draft further and further away from the 2011 polls, its clear, the PPP will secure a majority at the next elections.



As we get further away from 2011 the Indian vote declines.


So explain why the PPP will do better.

Indeed, Indian electoral support for the PPP is declining through attrition [deaths and migration] and through desertion due to utter disgust at rampant corruption.

Those who howl that the AFC and APNU are taking a licking in Berbice must understand that Berbice alone is not Guyana.

Voters in all 10 regions, regardless of race, are not happy with the ostentatious lifestyle and unaccounted wealth of PPP top brass.

So, whether the next PPP presidential candidate is Jagdeo or Ramotar or Rohee, the masses will vote for change.

The PPP has to go; 22 years are enough.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As we draft further and further away from the 2011 polls, its clear, the PPP will secure a majority at the next elections.



As we get further away from 2011 the Indian vote declines.


So explain why the PPP will do better.

Indeed, Indian electoral support for the PPP is declining through attrition [deaths and migration] and through desertion due to utter disgust at rampant corruption.

Those who howl that the AFC and APNU are taking a licking in Berbice must understand that Berbice alone is not Guyana.

Voters in all 10 regions, regardless of race, are not happy with the ostentatious lifestyle and unaccounted wealth of PPP top brass.

So, whether the next PPP presidential candidate is Jagdeo or Ramotar or Rohee, the masses will vote for change.

The PPP has to go; 22 years are enough.

In your dreams, Judas.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As we draft further and further away from the 2011 polls, its clear, the PPP will secure a majority at the next elections.



As we get further away from 2011 the Indian vote declines.


So explain why the PPP will do better.

Indeed, Indian electoral support for the PPP is declining through attrition [deaths and migration] and through desertion due to utter disgust at rampant corruption.

Those who howl that the AFC and APNU are taking a licking in Berbice must understand that Berbice alone is not Guyana.

Voters in all 10 regions, regardless of race, are not happy with the ostentatious lifestyle and unaccounted wealth of PPP top brass.

So, whether the next PPP presidential candidate is Jagdeo or Ramotar or Rohee, the masses will vote for change.

The PPP has to go; 22 years are enough.

In your dreams, Judas.

You mindless fanatic. I left the PPP a long time ago. Judas doesn't apply to me.

I didn't betray the PPP while I was a financial member and activist. I left them 5 months before the 1992 elections. I never promised the PPP that I would stick with them till I die. I joined voluntarily and left voluntarily. Your name calling is meaningless.


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