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May 12, 2016  Source

There is no power struggle within the People’s Progressive Party. That party has one leader and one owner; both are one and the same person. The PPP is led by and owned by Bharrat Jagdeo. He is in full command of the PPP. He has been in command for many years now.

Stabroek News is imagining conspiracies where none exist. It is reporting on a power struggle within the PPP. That is a figment of someone’s imagination. There is no threat to Jagdeo’s powerbase. He is the supreme leader of the PPP. He is so powerful that at one stage he could have afforded the luxury of describing the matriarch of the PPP and one of its founder leaders, Mrs. Janet Jagan, as a private citizen.Many before him had, to their detriment, been sent into political exile for lesser indiscretions towards Mrs. Jagan. He said it because he knew that there was nothing standing in his way within the PPP and within the PPPC government at the time.

Jagdeo owns the PPP. He is the throne and the only power behind the throne.
Things in the other political camps are different. Over at Congress Place there is an elected leader who is now President of Guyana. But everyone knows that if Uncle Joe decides to challenge for leadership he will win it easily. Uncle Joe has the support to win the leadership of the PNCR whenever and if ever he pleases.
I will tell you another secret. If  Uncle Robert decides to return, there is nothing standing in the way of him retaking the leadership of the party.

The PNC and the PPP are two sides of the same pod. Do not worry about party democracy. That is for the American and British political systems. In Guyana, leaders are like matriarchs and patriarchs. They dominate their political parties for a very long time.The General Secretary of the PPP has long been considered its de facto leader. That was, of course, before Jagdeo took control of the party. Congress will have no effect on the changes in the leadership of the party. There will be no challenge to Jagdeo’s leadership. He is too powerful a leader. He is secure in the knowledge that there are not many persons willing to challenge him.

The AFC is in a mess. This is where the major squabble is. The party has a leader but is being challenged all around. There are others waiting in the wing to take over. They are rebelling against the party and its leader. They are challenging positions that the leaders has taken within the government and this is embarrassing and catching the leadership off guard.There are political daggers being pulled within the AFC. There are ambitious people within the AFC some of whom may have already crossed over to APNU.There is an expectation that come the next election, the AFC is likely to go with a different leader into the coalition government. There are persons lining up for that position.There are also persons within the AFC who are interested in becoming the next Prime Minister.

They might all be surprised. Burnham dumped his coalition partner in the run-up to the 1968 elections. The present government is one year in office.Everything that it has done, including the unnecessary fight with Venezuela, is a rerun of Burnham’s early years. Burnhamites are all over the government these days and Burnham’s policies are being revised and repackaged.Things are being renamed after insignificant ministers in the Burnham cabinet. The Ogle Airport was renamed after a man who has nothing to show for his times in government. What did he ever do as a Minister to warrant an airport being named after him? Did he build any airport or buy any plane? He was not even good enough to be retained after 1968 when Burnham rigged his way to power. Yet, an airport is named after him.

The coalition will hold for as long as it takes to ensure that the PNCR holds power. Once the PNC is convinced that it no longer needs the AFC, it will dump that party faster than it dumped the Venezuelan rice market.The real power struggle is taking place within the AFC is response to jockeying for positions to see who should be the one to dissolve the AFC into the PNCR.

And guess what? The WPA is seeing opportunities for itself and is attempting to exploit the disunity within the AFC camp. Talk about political opportunism!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

You Guys have are obsessed with Jagdeo while the AFC/PNC clowns are destroying the Guyanese economy.

Mind your own business, PNC fanboy.  The PPP can do what it wants to do.

Who cares about what the AFC sheep think ?

Talk about messes up.

Last edited by Former Member

Django and his friends are working overtime on the nasty smear campaign against the PPP.  Drowning men clutching at a straw.  Still telling their dirty lies and spreading propaganda.  Nobody will believe them this time.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:

You Guys have are obsessed with Jagdeo while the AFC/PNC clowns are destroying the Guyanese economy.

Mind your own business, PNC fanboy.  The PPP can do what it wants to do.

Who cares about what the AFC sheep think ?

Talk about messes up.

Looks like you are in infantile mode today.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django and his friends are working overtime on the nasty smear campaign against the PPP.  Drowning men clutching at a straw.  Still telling their dirty lies and spreading propaganda.  Nobody will believe them this time.

PPP supporters have every right to defend against PNC propaganda.

AFC/PNC trying to sell snake oil a second time around is an utter failure.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django and his friends are working overtime on the nasty smear campaign against the PPP.  Drowning men clutching at a straw.  Still telling their dirty lies and spreading propaganda.  Nobody will believe them this time.

They are so wrong and strong, thinking that the current gov't should rule Guyana to eternity.  Why do they fear the PPP so much?  Why are they on this crusade against the PPP?  Things to ponder. 

Lennox posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django and his friends are working overtime on the nasty smear campaign against the PPP.  Drowning men clutching at a straw.  Still telling their dirty lies and spreading propaganda.  Nobody will believe them this time.

They are so wrong and strong, thinking that the current gov't should rule Guyana to eternity.  Why do they fear the PPP so much?  Why are they on this crusade against the PPP?  Things to ponder. 

Burnhamism! The coolie people are too passive and need to start fight fire with fire. I have seen a few young men in their 20s who stood up to the negro bullies. I see a new generation of coolies growing who will be a good fighting force to stop this nonsense. 

yuji22 posted:

  The PPP can do what it wants to do.


That is exactly why in 2011, and in 2015 most people voted against it. Even though it had the ability to buy votes.

Now that it can no longer buy votes, its support among Amerindians is slipping.

Without the Amerindian vote, and evidence that its support in the urban Indian vote is also slipping, where will the PPP be?  They continue to fail to win African/mixed support, even as many within that group are very upset with the antics of APNU.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Django and his friends are working overtime on the nasty smear campaign against the PPP.  Drowning men clutching at a straw.  Still telling their dirty lies and spreading propaganda.  Nobody will believe them this time.

PPP supporters have every right to defend against PNC propaganda.

AFC/PNC trying to sell snake oil a second time around is an utter failure.

Reading that article I see no evidence that this is PNC propaganda.

Do you really think that Granger will sanction being painted as a weak leader?

skeldon_man posted:

Burnhamism! The coolie people are too passive and need to start fight fire with fire. I have seen a few young men in their 20s who stood up to the negro bullies. I see a new generation of coolies growing who will be a good fighting force to stop this nonsense. 

Cries of an ageing and emasculated Indian male, who is so terrified that an old black woman can scare him!


I hope East Indians are not stupid enough to follow the Afc and surrender their firearms. The weak East Indian of Guyana will always be bullied unless they are well armed, educated  in democratic principles and have their own independent democratic country.

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Burnhamism! The coolie people are too passive and need to start fight fire with fire. I have seen a few young men in their 20s who stood up to the negro bullies. I see a new generation of coolies growing who will be a good fighting force to stop this nonsense. 

Cries of an ageing and emasculated Indian male, who is so terrified that an old black woman can scare him!

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Prashad posted:

I hope East Indians are not stupid enough to follow the Afc and surrender their firearms. .

Talk about a man living thousands of miles away in a fantasy land.

Why don't you collect your firearms and fight for your Indian Bantustan, rather than cowardly demanding that others do so?

skeldon_man posted:

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Rest yourself.  That PNC Amazonian woman will give you one lash in your face and that gun that you boast about, will fall right out.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Rest yourself.  That PNC Amazonian woman will give you one lash in your face and that gun that you boast about, will fall right out.

"I ain't scare of no blackman" or blackwoman.. never did and never will.

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Rest yourself.  That PNC Amazonian woman will give you one lash in your face and that gun that you boast about, will fall right out.

"I ain't scare of no blackman" or blackwoman.. never did and never will.

What a hero you think you are, hiding in your bedroom, behind your computer.

Bet if a PNC Amazon bangs down your door, you will run under your bed, and defecate out of terror.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Rest yourself.  That PNC Amazonian woman will give you one lash in your face and that gun that you boast about, will fall right out.

I've seen this 'PNC Amazonian woman' stuff in many of your posts.  One of your fantasies?     

Lennox posted:
caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"I ain't scare of no blackman". When you carry a weapon, you get respect..conceal and carry. Be prepared at all times.

Rest yourself.  That PNC Amazonian woman will give you one lash in your face and that gun that you boast about, will fall right out.

I've seen this 'PNC Amazonian woman' stuff in many of your posts.  One of your fantasies?     

No.  Cobra almost died last year, when the PPP lost. He had endless visions about being attacked by "big black women, with super cyats, who can do what they want, and nobody can do them anything". 

This fear resurfaced when 2 old black PNC women cussed out a crowd of dozens of Indian sugar workers.

Now most people would think that the Indo men ignored this black women as inconsequential.  But the brown bai KKK arose in a chorus screaming that this is evidence of how blacks abuse Indians, and that Indians are very scared as a result.

2 ageing black women, one fat, and one skinny, neither looking intimidating.


Pardon me, as I acknowledge that these are ageing and emasculated Indo men, who are terrified of black women.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

No.  Cobra almost died last year, when the PPP lost. He had endless visions about being attacked by "big black women, with super cyats, who can do what they want, and nobody can do them anything". 

This fear resurfaced when 2 old black PNC women cussed out a crowd of dozens of Indian sugar workers.

Now most people would think that the Indo men ignored this black women as inconsequential.  But the brown bai KKK arose in a chorus screaming that this is evidence of how blacks abuse Indians, and that Indians are very scared as a result.

2 ageing black women, one fat, and one skinny, neither looking intimidating.


Pardon me, as I acknowledge that these are ageing and emasculated Indo men, who are terrified of black women.

Please also acknowledge the aging, emasculated, Russian-indoctrinated Indo Guyanese men attacking members of their own race.  Really shocking stuff.   

Prashad posted:

I hope East Indians are not stupid enough to follow the Afc and surrender their firearms. The weak East Indian of Guyana will always be bullied unless they are well armed, educated  in democratic principles and have their own independent democratic country.

This is another trap set by the AFC against the weak Indians.  And we all know who the spineless, neemaks are.  They throw them mattie under the bus and wait to see how many times the wheel will ride over them.

The downfall of the Indians will not be blacks, it will be other Indians.  The ones wishing death on their own kind.

I am not one to discuss race and religion, I am here to discuss political issues, but this is going too far.  This is an assault on humans because of who they are and I am not going to sit through this and be quiet.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Lennox posted:

Please also acknowledge the aging, emasculated, Russian-indoctrinated Indo Guyanese men attacking members of their own race.  Really shocking stuff.   

Yes. Jagdeo is clearly beginning to age now.  Given rumors of his sexual proclivities, he can also be said to be emasculated.  Apparently he has "husbands", not "male wives".

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not one to discuss race .

Almost every post of yours is about Indians, and you applaud every anti black racist statement made by your fellow brown KKK.  Have you established a female chapter yet?

caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Please also acknowledge the aging, emasculated, Russian-indoctrinated Indo Guyanese men attacking members of their own race.  Really shocking stuff.   

Yes. Jagdeo is clearly beginning to age now.  Given rumors of his sexual proclivities, he can also be said to be emasculated.  Apparently he has "husbands", not "male wives".

Stop your nonsense. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!! 

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am not one to discuss race .

Almost every post of yours is about Indians, and you applaud every anti black racist statement made by your fellow brown KKK.  Have you established a female chapter yet?

Cut the crap.  You know this is not true.  Have you run out of insane arguments so now you are throwing mud on the wall to see if it sticks????

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Please also acknowledge the aging, emasculated, Russian-indoctrinated Indo Guyanese men attacking members of their own race.  Really shocking stuff.   

Yes. Jagdeo is clearly beginning to age now.  Given rumors of his sexual proclivities, he can also be said to be emasculated.  Apparently he has "husbands", not "male wives".

No!  Jags is totally vibrant and virile.  I know because of his relationship with a female friend of mine.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Lennox posted:

Please also acknowledge the aging, emasculated, Russian-indoctrinated Indo Guyanese men attacking members of their own race.  Really shocking stuff.   

Yes. Jagdeo is clearly beginning to age now.  Given rumors of his sexual proclivities, he can also be said to be emasculated.  Apparently he has "husbands", not "male wives".

Stop your nonsense. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!! 

Why?  You invent rumors, so why I am not allowed to do so?

Lennox posted:

No!  Jags is totally vibrant and virile.  I know because of his relationship with a female friend of mine.

Yet many men have claimed to enjoyed the privileges of Jagdeo's orifice.

In fact he and Best, the former GDF head, had a big buse out, I guess because Best get bored of bedding him.

When he got diarrhea, in the last days of Ramotar's rule, who used taxpayer dollars to hire a private jet, taking Bobby with him.  Bobby isn't a doctor.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invention is one thing.  Being ridiculous is another. 

Yes, like your screams that blacks love nothing other than the blood of dead Indians.

I don't scream boy.  I am soft spoken, sweet whispering damsel with fluttering eyes that will make you sweat!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invention is one thing.  Being ridiculous is another. 

Yes, like your screams that blacks love nothing other than the blood of dead Indians.

I don't scream boy.  I am soft spoken, sweet whispering damsel with fluttering eyes that will make you sweat!!

Maybe Carib has a terrible crush on you.  

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib I hear y'all was trying to poison the man when he got sick.  Is that true???

I leave you to get engaged in that nonsensical rant.

Now resume your screams that blacks salivate at the sight of Indian blood.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I don't scream boy.  I am soft spoken, sweet whispering damsel with fluttering eyes that will make you sweat!!

Oh so that's what you do at the brown bai KKK events, while they scream "black woman a beat up ahbe?".

Lennox posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Invention is one thing.  Being ridiculous is another. 

Yes, like your screams that blacks love nothing other than the blood of dead Indians.

I don't scream boy.  I am soft spoken, sweet whispering damsel with fluttering eyes that will make you sweat!!

Maybe Carib has a terrible crush on you.  

No.  She is in love with Kari, so that's a lost cause.


BJ is very popular in the PPP.  In speaking to him, he realizes and acknowledges the mistakes made  He is one of the great assets to help mould a new leadership who will not make the same mistakes. He is better than Jagan on that front and will serve the peope well.   

ba$eman posted:

BJ is very popular in the PPP.  In speaking to him, he realizes and acknowledges the mistakes made  He is one of the great assets to help mould a new leadership who will not make the same mistakes. He is better than Jagan on that front and will serve the peope well.   

And with a dwindling East Indian support base, does he admit that his failure to attract African and mixed voters is a major error?

He blew an opportunity in the LGE.

Please don't make yourself a jackass and claim that the PPP has a major non Indian voting base.  They are now losing the Amerindian base.  That might be as much as 8% of their votes right there.

Lennox posted:
caribny posted:

No.  She is in love with Kari, so that's a lost cause.

Oh well.  I thought we had a love story going on here.      

There is a love story.  Bibi loves Kari, who doesn't notice her.  So she then acts like a woman scorned. 

Maybe she finally got the point, as she hasn't harassed Kari recently.


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