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Former Member

Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day – says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

By Gary Eleazar,March 9, 2015, Source


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo


THE Alliance For Change (AFC) has run out of leverage in its negotiations with A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), and come Nominations Day, the Party is in for a rude awakening.This is but one of the 2015 Election’s prophesies of former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, who for the first time since demitting office three years ago, took to a public podium yesterday and berated the Political Opposition ahead of the upcoming General Elections.


He suggested, too, that Head of State, Donald Ramotar, should have taken a firmer stance in his dealings with the hardline Political Opposition.


Jagdeo was at the time addressing the annual memorial gathering at the Babu John cremation site of the late Party Founders, Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet.

Taking the AFC to task over its decision to partner with APNU, which he insists is simply the Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) in disguise, Jagdeo pointed out that the two, APNU+AFC, will have to submit one list, with one leader of the list.

The former president predicts that Opposition Leader, Brigadier (rtd) David Granger will be the one selected as Leader of the List, which position determines who goes to Parliament.

According to Jagdeo, it had to be either naivete or desperation on the part of AFC to link up with APNU, after having misled those people “who believed Ramjattan and Nagamootoo really cared for them.”

The former president suggested instead that all the leading AFC members cared about was themselves. “They have secured the Vice-President and Prime Minister position for themselves,” he said.

Jagdeo, in rallying his troops, said: “Let me tell you something, they are so naÏve…When they choose a Leader of the list, and I suspect it’s going to be Granger… Remember, they contesting as one Party, so the Leader of the List decides who goes to Parliament.”

According to the Former President, “They (AFC) are going to be in for a rude awakening; a rude awakening.”

Jagdeo recalled that the United Force “had it in the past, and they (AFC) will get it, because they don’t have any leverage anymore.”

According to Jagdeo, there will be no more AFC after Nomination Day. “There is no AFC; there is a PNC; one ticket they have to go with,” Jagdeo said as he sought to edify his party’s supporters.

The former President urged party supporters to not be fooled by the names AFC+APNU. “It’s only to fool people; there is only one list of Candidates they can put up,” he said.

He reminded that there can only be one Leader of the List. “And Granger, I predict, will be the head of that list,” he said.

In this situation, Jagdeo posits, should any member of the AFC be kicked out of Parliament then there is nothing any of them can do about it.

“They have no leverage,” said Jagdeo. “There is no AFC, there is no AFC Parliamentarian; there is nothing… It’s naivety or blind ambition that caused them to even ignore sensibility,” the former president asserted.

He made it clear that all will witness this as “we warned in the past elections that this is going to happen, they are going to collaborate and people didn’t believe us and now you are seeing it happen.”

According to Jagdeo, “It’s going to get even worse for them.”


Berating the Opposition notion that it preaches change, the former President questioned how this could be.

“(Khemraj) Ramjattan been around for donkey years, (Moses) Nagamootoo been around, (Carl) Greenidge been around, (David) Granger been around, (Lance) Carberry been around, Oscar Clarke been around, the whole bunch…Sharma been around,” said Jagdeo.

Jagdeo stressed that the only thing that has changed is the opposition’s name and chronicled that in in the 1992 Elections, the opposition bloc contested as the PNC, in 1997 the name changed to PNCR, in 2001 it was PNCR/1 Guyana and in 2011 it was APNU.

“Now the APNU+AFC, they’ve been changing their names,” said Jagdeo who added that such a cosmetic change does not address the substance of the political Opposition.

“Change has to be a real thing,” according to Jagdeo, “not a rhetorical gaff.”

Jagdeo used his address to the gathering to also surmise that given the opposition stances, “the past three years must have been a nightmare for Ramotar.”

He noted that “every plan that the Government has put forward they have tried to stymie. It was at this stage the former president in turning to address his successor said “Donald you are a democratic man, sometimes we need to administer something else and kick some asses too.”


(By Gary Eleazar)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Amral:
You know if the PPP wins again lots of these people on GNI going cry real bad


Yea, dem idiots gon be askin "Why didn't dem coolies vote fuh de PNC"?

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Jagdeo predicts… Rude awakening awaits AFC come Nomination Day – says Ramotar should have kicked some ‘opposition ass’

By Gary Eleazar,March 9, 2015, Source


Former President Bharrat Jagdeo
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo



The PPP was forced to turn to Ravi Dev.....

today they are being Powered by the same principle

they rejected a few years ago.


I guess after Ravi boys forced President Jagdeo

to Crawl thru the toilet in Richmond Hill

they have weighed all options and decide

"Only Coolie Racism can help them now".


Wha Jagdeo know about Kicking Ass....


Jagdeo know how to creep on the Toilet Floor...

Ask TK


Jagdeo know how to team-up with Drug Lords....

Ask RK


Jagdeo know how fuh move Money

& and be involved in other Runnings 

with a Private Presidential Jet and EZ Jet.....

Ask Sonny & Lall


Jagdeo know how fuh Partner

with he Family & Friend and

become sole supplier for all de Drugs in Guyana,

Thief Sanata Textile Mill and 

tek Radio & TV Station operating Licence......

and making ee self right before leaving office.....

Ask Bobby & Robert Persaud.



Jagdeo know how fuh change de Law

to collect " Big Pension & Mansion".....

Ask Seeraj & Komal



Jagdeo know how fuh be

a Parasite on the 

"Indian Workers in the Sugar & Rice Industry".....





Jagdeo know how fuh kill a Comrade

and Why...and... who murder  

  " Minister Sash Swah ".....

Ask Sash Family


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Amral:
You know if the PPP wins again lots of these people on GNI going cry real bad

If the PPP wins the PPP will cry a lot because the days of their unfettered thievery would still be at an end.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:
You know if the PPP wins again lots of these people on GNI going cry real bad

If the PPP wins the PPP will cry a lot because the days of their unfettered thievery would still be at an end.


I hope you're right but I ain't holdin my breath.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Amral:
You know if the PPP wins again lots of these people on GNI going cry real bad

If the PPP wins the PPP will cry a lot because the days of their unfettered thievery would still be at an end.


I hope you're right but I ain't holdin my breath.

Hope you are not saying it is in the genes. That is what these fellows are insisting with the idea that you cannot let the PNC affiliated APNU in.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

PPP/C will gain more than 52% of the votes at the May 11, 2015 elections and indeed many GNI members will be weeping in an uncontrollable manner.


Ayuh PPP daags real friggin lucky dis year that you're facing the PNC alone.


Lucky chap. Thanks be to Bhagwan!

Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed


I was just there recently and dem people seemed pretty content to me, nothwithstanding the fact that certain areas have appalling Haiti-like poverty.

Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed

And conditions have continued to progress in an upward manner to benefit the people.


Hence, indications are that continued support will go towards the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed


Guyana is an impoverished country. People make as low as 2 dollars a day. Most Amerindian work barely above 4 dollars a day. Indians do not do any better either. It is pure delusion that the PPP has made Indians any better. 

If Jagdeo wasn't so crooked I might allow myself to like his style. The man knows how to rally a crowd. Like his piece on how the PNC keep changing their name for every election. But he still crooked. And Guyana is better than when I left.
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?


At least abbe Coolies tiefin ain't bankrupt the country yet


Dem ah tief yes but dem juss leff lil to pay dem public servants

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?


At least abbe Coolies tiefin ain't bankrupt the country yet


Dem ah tief yes but dem juss leff lil to pay dem public servants

Who are they stealing from and how did they get the monies?

Please do tell me, What procedure was used to steal? 

Don't be an ASS, I am waiting for you to make an idiot of yourself...

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Of course it's better than when we is time for the next level, and the PPP too crooked and incompetent to move it to the next level

Why would it not be given the times we live in? We live in great times of wonderful advancement light years ahead of what we had 50 years ago. That this is jagdeo doing is crap. If they had indeed not concentrated so much on thievery and corruipt nepotistic practices indeed we would have been light years beyond where we are. The PPP is not interested in taking us any place or they would not have left one half of our people behind.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?


At least abbe Coolies tiefin ain't bankrupt the country yet


Dem ah tief yes but dem juss leff lil to pay dem public servants

yet you mean!...We do not have any productive sector besides the extractive sector and we are piling on debt that will not be forgiven in the future. What is the point of negative returns in this poncy scheme?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?


At least abbe Coolies tiefin ain't bankrupt the country yet


Dem ah tief yes but dem juss leff lil to pay dem public servants

yet you mean!...We do not have any productive sector besides the extractive sector and we are piling on debt that will not be forgiven in the future. What is the point of negative returns in this poncy scheme?


Preachin to de choir bro. But we need some kinda settlement first of our ethnic conflict. It can't be just switchin out Cabinet ministers and VPs.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Abee Canadian babu nah think dem bias tiefin

No! They don't steal.   They might be bribed  but they do not steal. They may receive an expensive gift which is tantamount to being corrupt, but they do not steal.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?


At least abbe Coolies tiefin ain't bankrupt the country yet


Dem ah tief yes but dem juss leff lil to pay dem public servants

yet you mean!...We do not have any productive sector besides the extractive sector and we are piling on debt that will not be forgiven in the future. What is the point of negative returns in this poncy scheme?


Preachin to de choir bro. But we need some kinda settlement first of our ethnic conflict. It can't be just switchin out Cabinet ministers and VPs.

Then we do not need the PPP....

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Abee Canadian babu nah think dem bias tiefin

No! They don't steal.   They might be bribed  but they do not steal. They may receive an expensive gift which is tantamount to being corrupt, but they do not steal.

If you are bribable you are a thief. Corruption is thievery plain and simple. It is so by our commonsense understanding and defined to be so by those who measure institutional failures.  Corruption is a tax on the poor.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Whatever percentage is enjoying life under the PPP have no reason to vote otherwise
So those votes are guaranteed


Perhaps, 25% for the PNC cum AFC.

Originally Posted by Amral:
Would it be correct to assume that indian families will all stick together amd vote for the same party


I assume so this time around. In 2011, my Corentyne family split with 1 of 3 voting AFC. This time I expect 3 out of 3 for the PPP.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
The opposition hasn't shown that it is any less crooked. But they have their history of bankrupting the country before. Like Jagdeo said, same people just different names. Why trade anything for less?

My Brother...

a next Brother ask me these two things


(1) If I were to say

the Burnham PNC and Today APNU

are the same people with Different names.....

will I be sinning myself.

and If I was sinning would I be...

orHalf a Sinner [1940)


(2) If I were to say the Burnham PNC

was Bad because they include 

Black House of Israel Thugs, Rapist & Killers....

who brutalize all Indians....

Muslims, Hindus & Christians......


and Today PPP is Good 

because Br Jagdeo & Br Ramotar

Convert or Baptize these former

Bad Black House of Israel Thugs, Rapist & Killers....

Into Decent, God fearing .......

Muslims, Hindus & Christians..Brothers


 and I can now Trust them with anyone...

Wife, Sister, Mother & Daughter

will I be knowingly supporting Evil and Wrong doers.




Enjoin Right and Forbid Wrong by Nayzak


Can Allah be Angry with me for this


It is generally the pattern when families/people vote at elections.


Also, indeed there are a number of undecideds who will decide at the time of casting their votes, after assessing the political groups in the election.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Would it be correct to assume that indian families will all stick together amd vote for the same party


I assume so this time around. In 2011, my Corentyne family split with 1 of 3 voting AFC. This time I expect 3 out of 3 for the PPP.

If this Is True...PPP win...

there is no need to be spreading

all this Goat Shit

Like Roger Khan is a Hero

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Amral:
Would it be correct to assume that indian families will all stick together amd vote for the same party


I assume so this time around. In 2011, my Corentyne family split with 1 of 3 voting AFC. This time I expect 3 out of 3 for the PPP.

If this Is True...PPP win...

there is no need to be spreading

all this Goat Shit

Like Roger Khan is a Hero


Look chap,


You're a silly man who has no grasp of anything. That you choose to parade around here with your silly postings is beyond childish. From posting Kwame pics like 1 millions times now to posting goat shyte 1 million times.


Don't provoke me into a real response to you.


There is a reason no one usually responds to you. You write shyte.



Look chap,


You're a silly man who has no grasp of anything.

Roger Khan is a Hero


That you choose to parade around here

with your silly postings is beyond childish.

I forget what do I need from U

a License or a Permit


From posting Kwame pics

like 1 millions times

now to posting goat shyte 1 million times.

That's what offends U?


Don't provoke me into a real response to you.


There is a reason no one usually responds to you.

You write shyte.


U are Correct.

Smart Card Encoding

I forget U speak for US Govt


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