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ksazma posted:

Oh, by the way Anta. I didn’t mean you when I made the comment about the GDF. You don’t seem to be someone who would take advantage of unarmed and defenseless civilians.

Don't tek worries. I didn't see the comment.

antabanta posted:
Baseman posted:
antabanta posted:

So... seems like the reasons for restricting women in the military are as follows:
1. They're physically inferior.
Yes, but even among males there are variances in their physical prowess. Should males who are less than the strongest be excluded? If any male who can pass the base physical requirement is allowed to enter the military, the same should apply to women. Running six miles in 50 minutes doesn't accomplish much more than running it in 45 minutes, bearing in mind, that not all males will be running it in 45 minutes.
2. Menstruation.
Do women not deal with menstruation in civilian life while cooking, cleaning, taking care of a family, and working a 9 to 5? If women in the military are not complaining about having to deal with menstruation, why should men make an issue of it? On the other hand, light duties during menstruation isn't a bad idea, if requested, not imposed.
Also consider, how many of you run from women during their menstrual cycle. Capitalizing on some of that ferocity against the enemy might not be a bad idea.
3. Hand-to-hand combat.
It's more about technique and speed than strength. Same argument as in 1. If smaller men are accepted despite being physically weaker, why not women.
4. Brutality at the hands of the enemy.
Wouldn't they face the same brutality if their army loses? Apart from rape, don't men face brutality in battle? Were female soldiers or civilian women mass raped in Serbia/Bosnia?
5. Additional supplies for women because of their biology.
The administration provides whatever supplies are needed for its forces. Why hesitate to provide supply B and not supply A? If the army can provide X amount of supplies for its forces, then it can provide X+Y for forces+Y. Why impose a limit for women?
6. Romance and conflict.
It is unjust to impose a penalty on women and restrictions out of concern for the behavior of men. You cannot get any more male-biased than that. That's not much different than saying a woman invited rape because of her dress, therefore her rape is her fault. Wouldn't the female soldier have equal  access to weapons?

A perspective, but no major military has embraced your points.  All what you say is true, but a couple factors out weigh them and win out.

Many countries include women in their military among combat forces and have been doing so for a while.


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